Ordinance 94-43 ORDINANCE NO. 94- 43 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER ~~ ~ 91-102 THE COLLIER COUNTY I2%ND ~ DEVELOFMENT CODE WHICH INCLUDES THE ~ -- COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE ~ UNINCOP. PORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, ~ ~ FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ~ u~= ATLAS MAP NIIMBERS 16045 AND 160506; BY ~ -- CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE ~ ~ HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM "A" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS LAND'S END PRESERVE, LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF TOWER ROAD AND BAREFOOT WILLIAMS ROAD IN SECTIONS 4 & 5, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 262.9 ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE 'DATE. WHEREAS, George Bother, representing Emerald _ Venture, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Couunty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: The zoning classification of the herein described real property located in Sections 4 & 5, Township 51' South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "A" to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the Land's End Preserve PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The official Zoning Atlas Map Numbers 16045 and 160506, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of' State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this /~ day of ./,~. ,1994. BOARD 0 COUNTY COMMISSiON~RS .,/~ · .. ~. ..' ~..~.' ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY T~s (x~nonce filea ~ ~e 228 -2- LAND'S END PRF_~ERVE A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPM~ENT EMERALD LAKES JOINT VENTURE I I00 Fifth Avenue South Suite 401 Naples, Florida 33940 AGENT: GeorEe Bother, ASLA Harman, O'Donnell & Heunh~ger, Inc. 2706 South Horseshoe Drive' Naples, Florida 33942 CONSULTANTS: Butler Englneerh~g, Inc. 1645 Colon{a] Boulevard Ft. Myers, Florida 33907 Turrell & Associates, Inc. 3584 Exchange Avenue, Suite B Naples, Florida 33942 '.. DATB FILED ,~-~ DATB RgVI~ DATB ]E~V. BY CC]~ 8..Ig-94 DATE APP. BY BCC ORDINANCB NU]vIB~R 94-43 EXHIBIT "A" LAND'S END PRESERVE PUD TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLES i STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND DESCRIPTION I SECTION H PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTI~ 3 SECTION HI RESIDENIlAL AREAS SECTION IV RECREATION AND LAKE AREAS I0 SECTION V PRESERVE AREAS 12 SECTION VI DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 13 LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLES TABLE I SINGLE t:AMILY RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS TABLE H OTHER RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS EXHIBIT A PUD MASTER PLAN ;, i' i'. ~.',, · i.' STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The developmere of approximately 262.9 acres of property in Collier County, ss a Manned Urdt Development to be known as l.~nd's End Preserve PUD, will be in compliance with ~e plazming goaIs and objectives of Collier County as set forth ~n the Collier County Growth. Management Man and the Golden Gate Area Master Man. The residential facillties of the L~d's End Pre~rve PUD will be consistent with the growth policies, land development regulations and applic=bIe comprehensive planning objectives for the followlng reasons; The subject propeny is located within the Urban Coastal Fringe Designation as identlfied on the Future Land Use Map as required in Objective I and Policy 5.1 of the Future Land Use Element. 2. The subject pwperty's location in relatton to existing or proposed conunity faci|ities and services permits the proposed developmeals residential denslty as described Ln Objective 2 of the Future Land Use Element. 3. The project development is compatible and compIementary to existing and futur: surrounding land uses as required in Policy 5.4 of the Future Land Use Elfmet.:. 4. Improvements am planned to be in compliance with applicable sections cf the Collier County Land Development Code as set fo~h in Objective 3 of the FuNre Land Use Element. 5. The project development will result in an efficient and economieal alloca:ion of community facilitles and services as requlred in Policies 3. l.H and 3.1.L of the Future Land Use Element. 6. The project development is planned to protect the functions of natural drainage features and natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas as described in Objective 1.5 of the Drainage Sub-Element of the Public Facilities Element. 7. The projectcd density of t[u'ee dwe|llng units per acre, based on a maximum of on 25~.9 acres, is in compliance with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan lmsed on the followlag relationships to required crlteria: Base Dcnsity + 4 dwe111n~ units ] acre Within Trnffic Congestion Area -I dweIitn~ units ] acre Maximum Permitted Density + 3 dwelling units ] acre 8. All final |ocal development orders for this project are subject to the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, where applicable. SECTION ONE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND DESCRIFrIOI%r 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the location and ownership of the property, and to describe the existing conditions of the property prolx~sed to be develop,'.d und*.r the project name of I..snd's End Preserve. 1.2 LEOAL DESCRIPTION The subject property being 262.9 acres, is described as: The North I/= of the South l/2 of Section 4, Township 51 South, Range 25 ~.Easl, Collier County, Florida lying Westerly of the centerline of Bar~foo~ Willtams Road. Together with: The South 1/2 of the South ~/= of Section 4, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida lylnl~ Westerly of the Westerly Right of Way Line of Barefcx3t Willtams Road. Together with: The Southeast I/4 of the Southeast ~,~ of Section 5, Township 51 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. Together with: The South I/= of the Northeast ~/4 of the Southeast ~,,~ of, Section 5, Township 51 South, Range 26 East. Collier County, Florida. 1.3 PROPERTY OWNERSHIp The subject property is owned by: ..'~- Emerald Lakes loint Venture 1 I00 Fifth Avenue South Suite 401 Naples, Florida 33940 1.4 GENERAL DI~SCRIPTION OF PROPEI~TY AREA A. The subject propeny is located west ot' the Eagle Creek Sulxllvlslcn, ~.'. the northwest comer of the intersection between Tower Road and Barefoot ~;,tilliaras · Road, and Is about ¥, mile southwest of the tntemectlon between Tttrnlamt 'l"mil and Isle of Capri Road. B. The curremt zoning is Agricultural (A), 1,$ PHYSICAL DE, SCRIFTION A. The project is located within the Henderson Creek Watershed. Wa~ for the project is ]~lan.ncd to be a cerebration et' dry detention and t.~ee rcte,?.ion, B. Elevations on the subject site, prior to the start of construction ac'.".vities, from elevations 3.5 to 4.5 feet. All of the site is located within Floc~ Zo,ue AS (elevation $ feet) per F]oocl Insurance Rate Map Panel #615D. C. This site has previously been used for agricultural uses and is pri;,-.r.;~.y c~..~r~d of native habitat. Within the last several years the site has also b<:cn ~:~.-'~ commercial excavation site. As n result of thee and other ac',iviti~, ~h¢ pattern for this site has been altered from its origln.n! conditions. Ac,':.crdh~s to USDA Soils Maps, the following soils am on the site: A.,-zc;! Fi~,~ S~.:',d, Immokalce Fine Sand, and Cypress Swamp, 1.6 ?RO.IECT DESCRIPTION Thc proposed project is a multi-phased, residential project with a mLxtum cf stnglc-f~'.mily ~nd multi-family units with n maximum or 786 resldenHal units. Approl::'i-":,:' facilities may be provided for the use of the residents. Depending on market churches and/or nursing homes may b~ constructed in lieu or some of the dwelling Thc exact mix of dwelling unit types will be determined as the project Residential land uses, recreational uses and signage am designed to be vc,,-y wi~h one another in a natural setting by using common architecture, scr¢enins,/burrcring, existing native vegetation, wherever feasible and reasonable. 1.7 ~HORT TITLE This Ordinance shah be known and cited as Land's End Preserve Pl~nned U~it Development. ... . :. . ,..,.. . ..~. , · ...,,. . ·.-"'=":"'' ...... ""':.' ."" ?' "" - .......,.... . ..... :~'..~.., - ,:...-~. .. ,. ... ........., , PRO.IECT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS The purpose of this Section is to dellneate and generaBy de,scrib~ the ~mj',,c*, plan cf development, relationships to applicable County ordinan~s, the re~:~ectiv~ land uses of the tracts included in the project, as well as other project relationships. 2.2 G~ERAL' A. Regulations for development of L~nd's End Preserve shall be in accordance w'-'th the contents of this document, PUD-Plarmed Unit Development Di~rict and ether applicable sections and parts of the Collier County Land D-,velopment Code in effect at the time of building permit application. Where thes~ regulations fr, H to provide developmental sfandards then the provisions of the most slmikr di~rict in the Collier County Land Development Code shall apply. B. Unless otherwi,e noted, th~ definitions of all 'tern~ shall be the same as th~ definitions .set forth in the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of building p~rmit application. C. All conditions imposed and graphic material presented d~picting ,~e,,~;rictions fo: the development of Land'$ End Preserve shall become part of the r, gulatlons which govern the manner in which the PUD site may b~ develo.t~l, D. Unless specifically waived through any variance or waiver provisions f."~m any other applicable regulations, the provisions of thos~ r~guIations not otherwise provided for in this PUD r~main in full force and effect, E. Development permitted by the approval of this petition will be su~:j¢ct to a concurrency review under the provisions of the Adequate Public ~acil~tie. s Division 3.1.:5 of the Collier County Land Development code at tI:~ time or either Final SDP approval, Final Subdivision Plat approval, or building permi~ iz.v.~ar~c¢ applicable to this development, 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PLAN AND PROPOSED LAND USE~i A. The general configuration of the land use areas am shown on the PUD Master Plan (Exhibit "A"). B. Areas iljustrated as lakes by Exhibit "A" shall b¢ constru.cte. d as lakes or, upon approval, parts thereof may b¢ constn:ctcd asl shallow depre.~c~n= Ecr :,later detention purposes. Such areas, lakes and dry areas slmll be it. rite gen,.-raI configuration and shall contain the approximate general acreage as shown by Exhibit "A". Modification to all areas, lakes or other boundaries shall be permitted at the time of Preliminary Flat or Site Development Plan approval, subject to the provisions of Section of the Collier County Land Development Code, permitting allowances or South Rorida Water Mana~e."neP. t District and other environmental government review agencies or as otherv;is~ permitted by this PUD Document. C. In addition to the various areas and specific items shown in Exhibit "A', r,~ch easements as necessary (utility, private, semi-public, etc.) shall be ~|ablished within or along the various tracts as may be necessary. 2.4 DSCRIPTION OF PROJECT DENSITY OR INTeNSITy OF LAND USF-,5 A maximum of 786 residential dwelling unlts shall be constructed in th,., resid:ntlaI poriion of the project area. If churches and/or nursing homes are construc:~d, that area shall be subtracted from the gross project area for the purtxyses of computln~, density and 3 dwelling units per acre of the site shall be subtracted from the permitted number of dwelling units. The gross project area is 262.9 acres. The gross pro.~cct density, therefore, will be a maximum of 2.99 units per acre. 2.5 RELATED PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL REOUIREMENTS A. Prior to the recording of a Record Plat, and/or Condominium Plat far all or pan of the PUD if applicable, final plans of related required improvements shall receive approval of the appropriate Collier County governmental agency to insure compliance with the PUD Master Plan, Division 3.2 Subdivisions of the Land Development Code, and the platting laws of the State of Florida. B. Exhibit "A", PUD Master Plan, constitutes the required PUD Development Plan. C. The provisions of Division 3.3, Site Development Plans of the Land D~velepmen,, Code, unless s~ated otherwise, shall apply to the development of all platted tracts, or parcels or land as provided In said Division 3.3 prior to th~ issuanc*~ of a building permit or other development order. D. Appropriate instruments will be provided at the time of infr~structural improvements regarding any dedications and method for providing pcrpaual maintenance of common facilities. 2.6 MODEL UNITS AND SALES I~ACILITIF._~ A. In conjunction with the promotion of the development, residential unils may be designated as models. Such model units shall be governed by Section 2.5.33 of the Collier County Land Development Code. B. Temporary sales trailers/modular offices can be placed on the site after Preliminary Site Plan approval and prior to the recording of plats subject to the other requirements of Section of the Collier County Land Development Code. 4 C. · Clubhouses/recreation buildings, or portions ~hereof, can be used as temporary salea offices, subject to the requirements of Sectl.on 2.6.33. of the Collier County Land Development Code. D. Models may be permitted as either 'dry models" or 'wet models' wi,.:'~ t:mpo,'ary utility systems (i.e. well and septic .tank/drain~eld) prior to the availability of central utility systems. E. Prior to recorded plats, metes and bounds legal desoril~ions shall be acceptable for the application and issuance of temporary model units/sales facilities. F. Temporary access and utility easements may be provided in lieu of the dedicated right-of-ways for ingress, egress, and utility service to temporary model homes and sales facilities. 0. Sales, marketing, and admlnis~rative functions for on-site properties are allowcd as permitted uses wllhin the temporary model homes and sales facilities. PROVISION FOR OFF-SITE REMO.VAL OF EARTHEN MATERIAL The excavation of earthen material and its stock piling in preparation of water management facilities or to otherwise develop water bodies is hereby permitted. Off-site disposal is also hereby permitted subject to the following conditions: A. Excavation activities shall comply with the definition of a "Development Excavation" pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code, whereby off-site removal shall be limited to I0~ of the total volume excavated but not to exceed 20,000 cubic yards.. B. All other provisions of Division 3.5 Excavation of the Land DeveloFTnent Code are applicable. C_.. Upon review and approval of a Commercial Excavation Permit as descr:.'bed in Division 3.5 of the Collier County Land Development Code, commercial excavation activities are allowed. This off-site removal shall meet any conditions placed upon approval of the Commercial Excavation Permit. SECTION THREE RESrDENTIAL AREAS :3.1 PURPOSE The puqx~e of this section is to identify specific development standards for the development in the Residential Areas shown on Exhibit "A". 3.2 MAXIMUM DgwrgI, t[,,ING UNITS The maximum number of residential dweiling units within the PUD shall be 786 untt~. 3.3 USES PERMITTED No building or structure or part thereof, shall be erected, altere~l or used, or 3and used, in whole or parT, for other than the following: A. Principal U~s: I. Single-family dwellings (includes zero lot line, attached nnd ~:na~.aci'~ed units, but not manufactured hol~slng); 2. Two-family dwellings (includes patio homes and vilias but not 3. Townhouse dwellings; 4. Garden aparTments; 5. Low-rise multi-family dwellings, 6. Churches, subject to the provisions of Section 3.4.(~; 7. Nursing homes, Tract 9, Tract 10, or Tract I provided fro:~tage is on Barefoot Willtams Road and subject further to Section 2.6.26 of the/.and DeveIopmcnt Code.; 8. Interim agricultural and related uses up to the time development of residential dwelling units commences; but no event later than 32/3 9. Any other uses deemed compatible by the Director of Current B. Accessory Uses: l. Customary accessory uses and structures including carports, garag,.~s and utility buildings; 2. Recreational uses and facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, children's playground areas, fishing piers, boat docks, walking paths, picnic areas, recreation buildings and basketball/shuffle board courTs. Such u.ees shall be visually and functionally compatible with the adjacent which have the use of such facilities; 3. Child care facilities subject to Section 2.6.26 of the Land D~'/e',o~'.~.nt Code; 4. Manager's residences and offices; temporary sales faciliti-~s; and mode; homes except as otherwise provided; :5. Essential services; interim and permanent utility and main:en~'.nce facilities; -6. Water management facilities and lakes; 7. Gatehouse; 8. Any other uses deemed compatible by the Director of Current Planning. 3.4 D~'VELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Table I sets forth the development standards for land uses with~ ',h'.. La.~d': End Preserve. Front yard setbacks in Table I shall he measured as follows: 1. If the parcel ts served by a public or private fight-of-way, setbac:< is measured from the adjacent right-of-way line. 2. If the parcel is served by a non-platted private drive, setl~ck ;s measured from the back of curb or edge of pavement. 3. If the parcel is served by a platted private drive, setback is meas-.~red rmm the road easement or property line. 4. When principal buildings front upon a common parking area, which in ,'urn fronts upon a public or private right-of-way or non-platted drive, a minimum distance of i0 feet shall separate the principal build~rz.g and any related parking facility. This shall not prohibit the attac.'m'nen; of enclos~d parking structures to the principal structure. 5. Church i. Minimum Lot Size - Three (3) acres ii. Required Frontage - Barefoot Willlares ROad, Tract R-9, cr Tract R-10. iii. Setbacks - Front Yards - Thirty-five (35) feet Side Yards - Twenty f20) feet Rear Yards - Thirty-five (35) feet iv. Landscape Buffers per Section 2.4.7 of the Land Development Code. ':' '. TABLE I SINGLE FAIVHLy RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS STANDARDS SL~OLE FAMILy ~IGLE FAMILy DETACHED ATTACHED M[s[mum Lot Area ('m squire f'e~i per un{0 ~,2.~0' M~imum Lo~ W{dlh** Fron~ Ylrd .Se~bsck 2(:Y Si~ Yud ScibacP** 0' or 7.~' Projcc~ Boundary Scgbecks ~ lY l. akc Setback ~~- Rear Yard Sctback Princi~l ~ 20' - - Accusory 20' I0' 10' Maximum Bui|ding Height (Hc|g~ Abov~ P=fidng) ~ - Accr. ss:~ 3Y 2.0' Distance i3c[wccn Two Principal Su'uct~-es N'/A I~/A Minimum Floor Area in Squ~m Feet 1,200 1,100 * 6,0C0 S.F. tf Zcro Lo~ LEne °" May be reduced on cul.-d~-L~cm W~re dine zcro opdon is ~ dine ruma|nlng sSdc y=rd shall c~sisl of ~,~ run of ~ rw9 TABLE H OTHER RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS Minimum Unit Area (in square fce~ per uniO 5,000 4,000 Minimum Lot Width** I00' 150' r',~ Y~d Setback 2Y Side Yard SetbaCk I0' Projccf B~ax!~ Q, Setbacks lO' 20' Leke Setback 20' 20' Re~ Yu~ Se~ck - ?rL~ip~| 2~ 2~' - Accc~ I0' 10' MixJmtmm Bu{Idini Heigbl (Hellhl Abote hrkini) - Principal 35' o Accessory 20' 30' Distance B~ween Two Pr~ctpal Slructures N/A 20' cr tA the s--Jn whicJ~v~ is 'lvfinimum Floor Aru in Squ.mr~ Fc~ 1,0O0 ~ l-~d~ 800 2-bedraom i,CX:)O 3 & 4 * Also ro~ any rowsing' home= an~i chtm:hes, Secttoe 3.4.5 for churches shell apply these s~r~rds tre mere strict ** Mar be reduced on cut-de-ncs SECTION FOUR RECREATION AND LAKE AREAS 4.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to identify specific development standards for the development in the areas designated as Recreation and Lake Areas on Exhibit "A". 4.2 DEVELOPMENT EMPHASfS The Recreation and Lake Areas are intended to be set aside for aesthetically pl~sing green and water are,'~s for active and passive recreation, recreational facilities, v/ater storage, arid natural habitat areas. Native vegetation and trees will be retaine4 whe,.:ver practical in the Recreation Areas. 4.3 USES PERMITTED A. Principal Uses: 1. Open Spaces / Nature Preserves; 2. Pedestrian and bicycle paths or other similar facilities cor. stmcted for purposes of access to, or passage through, the common areas;, 3. Docks, piers or other such facilities constructed for purposes of lake recreation for residents of the projects; 4. Shuffleboard courts, racquetball courts, tennis courts, s',virnming p~1.¢, boardwalks and other types of facilities intended for outdoor 5. Recreation and meetlag clubhouses, gazebos or other similar facilities; 5. Temporary Sales Offices; 7. Water management, essential service facilities and lakes; 8. Interim agriculturnl and related uses but only prior to construction of any residential dwelling units on project; but no event later than 12/31/95. 9. Any other uses deemed compatible by the Director of Current Planning. B. Accessory Uses: I. Utility buildings, enclosures or other structures cons~nwted for Purposes of maintenance, storage, or recreation with appropriate screening nnd landscaping; 2. Shuffleboard courts, tennis courts, swimming pools and other types of similar recreational facilities; 3. Any other uses deemed cornpal ible by the Director of Current Planning. 4.4 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS A. Landsca vina. Overall site design shall be harmonious in terms of enclosure of structures, location of access streets and parking area.c, m:d the location and Ireatrnent of buffer areas. 10 B. Setbacks. Buildings shall be set back a minimum of ~fteen,(lS') feet from abutting residential districts and a five (5) foot landscaped buffer shall be p~'/ided and maintained. a. Lighting facll[tles shall be arranged in a manner which will protect roadways and neighboring residential propeni~ from direct glare or other' interference. D. Site Development Plan fSDP~. A site development plan raee'.L~g all of th~ Development Regulations shall be submitted for all significant s*a'uctures/r*.c.-~.ation facilities in accordance with the Collier County Land Development Regula:tor, s in effect at the time of application. The Development Services Director shall have the au(hority to allow insignificant structures/recreation faciliti-..s to be reviewed under building permit application processes. E. Maximum H~i~ht: 1. Principal Structure - Fifty (:50) feet. 2. Accessory Structure - Twenty-five C2Y) feet. F. Minimum Site Area: None. '.. I1 SECTION FIVE , PRESERVE AREAS 3.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to identify specific development s~tuderds for the development in the areas designated as Preserve Areas on Exhibit "A.". 5.2 DEVELOPMENT EMPHASIS The Preserve Areas are intended to be set aside as an area to presert~ and pro~.ct vegetation and naturally functioning habitat in its natural state. Addlrion~,,~Iy, Areas are intended to provide pleaslng green areas for residents, areas for uses, and areas that will act as buffers between neighbarbS land uses. 5.:3 USES PERMITTED. A. Principal Uses: I. Open Spaces / Nature Preserves. 2. Water management facilities / areas and essential services. 3. Any other uses deemed compatible l:ry the Director of Current Plan.,fing. B. Accessory Uses: 1. Boardwalks, pedestrian/bicycle paths, picnic areas, fishing piers, a:'.d recreational uses not having a significant and negative impact on env]rortment, and approved by applicable County, State and Federal regulatory agencies; 2. Wildlife sanctuaries and research facilities; 3. Any other uses deemed compatible by the Director of Current '*::*'' * ' :'* ' ** · "'. ~**~' : ' · F .' '.' .*.. ;' ,.'.: ',*:' , . ' '..'.: ' '*./," '; :.. · · -~... .. , ~ ,:.,. . :'.. ,;'..;, ..~., ,..:. :.. ,.:.::~..:~.'.~,:.-~?:?.,, :!:,.. · '' ':' - ':"' :.*'." ' ~ ..*.*~- ',.' *-l::*.,:.,*, .*' .";.,"".' :;*'*.: .';',,L .'.': ....' S~CTION SIX, DE~ELOPMZNT COZ~vI"fi'/~E'NTS ; 6. I PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to s~t forth the development commitments for the development of this project. '. 6.2 aENERAL .. All facilities shall be constructed in s~rlct accordance wiLh Final Site Development P1ans, Final Subdivision Plats and all applicable State and lo,:al laws, codes, and regulations ' applicable to this PUD. Except where specifically noted or stated otherwise, the standards and specifications of the Collier County Land Development Code shall ,--pply to project even if :he ]and within the PUD is not to be platted. The develo,v,~r, ]'ds successor and assigns shall be responsible for the commitments outlined in this document. The developer, his successor or assignee shall agree to follow the Master PIL'~ and the regulations of this PUD as adopted and any other conditions or modifications as may ~ agreed to in the rezoning of the property. In addition, the developer will agr--c :5 ccnvey to any successor or assignee in title any cornrole'heats within thls agreement. · 6.3 PUD MATER PLAN · A. Exhibit "A", PUD Master Plan iljustrates the protx~ed developm-.,n: anti is conceptual in nature. Proposed area, t~ct, lot or land use boundr. rles shal~, not construed to be final and may be varied at any subeequ.ent approval phase as may be executed during Final Sulxlivision Plat or Site Development Plan approval. Amendments may be made to the PUD as provided in Section 2°7.3.5 o.~ ,..he LanJ Development Code. B. All necessary easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be ;ranted to insure the continued operation and maintenance of all service ;:tY, iti-.s and common areas in the projecl. 6.4 DWELLTNG UNIT DISTRIBUTION · A. The developer may combine adjoining tracts In order to develop them as a single development site. B. The distribution and mixture of dwelling units may be modified as ien~ as the total number of dwelling units constructed does not exceed ?86 6.5 SCHEDULE OF DEVI~.LOPMENT/MONITORTNO REPORT .,.c,' f.l 7 245 The project is proposed to be completed in numerous phases and in accordance with time limits for approved PUD Master Plans, per Section 2.7.3.~$ of the Collier. County Development Code.. A. The landowners shall proceed according to the following time lh'r.i;s follc:vL'~g approval of the PUD: 1. Obtain a development order for infrastructure imprevert. cars to i;:clude utilities, roads and similar improvements required by tl',e approved PUD Masler Plan for at least 15 percent of the gross land area of ',he PUD s!te within 5 years of the date of approval by the B¢:.rd cf C.','.:nty Commissioners; and 2. Receive final local development orders for at least 15 percent cf th-. tot.?.l number of approved dwelling units within the PUD site w'lth!n 6 years of the date of approval by the Bodrd of County Commissioners. In the event this schedule is not achieved the Board may, after wri;t.,:n no:ice ard hearing: a. 'Void the PUD approval and initiate proceedings to r-,zone property to any zoning classification as deemed apt:roF;!ate ~;.' Board; or b. Amend any portion of the PUD Master Plan cr izs ~-ss~ei-r, tcd development conditions. 3. The fee simple owner(s) or their assigns of the land upon which the PUD site exists may petition the Board of County Commissioners to extend expiration dates as identified in this Section. B. Monitorimz Revorl: An annual monitoring report shall be submitled parsnan: to Section of the Collier County Land Development Code. 6.6 SIGNS All signs will be in accordance with Division 2.5 of the Collier County Land Development Code except in tile following instances: A. Two ground signs fronling Barefoot W'illiams Road, one north and on~ south cf the main project entrance, shall be allowed in addition to other s! .3.qage allo:ved by Division 2.5, of the Land Development Code..F. ach of these permltled signs shal{ be limhcd lo 120 square feel in area; supplemented wi:h ~igni~cant landscaping; contain only the main project name and insignia or mo',to of ~he entire deve{opment; and be architecturally compatible with the landscap-..d buffer along Barefool Willtams Road and the common architectural theme of the entire project,' B. Two ground or wall entrance signs are allowed to be placed withln the ~rojcct boundaries at the main entrance and shall be limited in size to 120 square feet each and not exceed a height of 6 feet. These signs shall only contain the rr.P. in project name and insignia or motto of the entire development, be slr.~ilar it, nature to the ground signs allowed along Barefoot Willtams Road and shall po:lray common architectural theme of the entire project. ..r ..... ;.... C. Two ground or wall entrance signs are allowed at the entrance to each residential tract shown in Exhibit "A" and shall b¢ limited in siz~ to 60 square feet each and shall not exeee. A a height of S feet. These signs shall not conta~ more t~an project name of the individual tract, the main project name, and the i:',s!.'gnia or motto. .' 6,'/ lANDSCAPING : A. Around the perimeter of the PUD, buffering and greeninS shalI b-, governed by Section :2.4.'/of the Land Development Code except where the PUD abuts the Rookery Bay Reserve or other conservation/natural habitat areas, wham buffering or u:reening shall not b¢ required. Perimeter buffering shall be installed concurt'early with the development of abutting tracts. B. Around the perimeter of single-family or two-J'amily projects except at the perimeter of Ihe PUD, buffering and rcreening are only required where these projects abut more intensive land uses, including but not limited to: rigF, t-of-ways; active recreation facilities; townhouses, garden apartments, mul:i-family dwelling units, churches, and nursing homes. Where buffering and screenLag are required: a I0 foot wide buffer, with trees spaced no more than 30 foot en .',er. ter and least a :2.5 foot tail hedge shall bt planted and maintained. C. Around the perimeter of projects with town houses, garden apar, men:s, multi- family dwelling units, churches, and nursing homes except at the ;x~rirne:er of the PUD, a I0 foot wide buffer, with trees spaced no mort than 30 f'oet on cer, ter and at least a :l.5 foot tall hedge shall b~ planted and maintained. This buffer and screening shall not be required if a buffer and screening has aIready been provided on the adjoining residential property or where the project abuts natural habitat areas or areas used for passive recreation. , D. Around the perimeter of the Recreation Area except at the perim-'.:er eft::,- PUD, no buffer is required except where the land usa in the Reereatlon Area is of intensity that the Development Services Director determln~ :~at a Buffer required to protect nearby Residential Areas. If a buffer is recl'.:ired it shall 1:¢ a 10 foot wide buffer, with trees spaced no mort than 30 foot on center and at ler..¢t a :2..~ foot tall hedge shall be: planted and maintained. E. All other landgaping requirements shall lz as set fcxlh in Section :2.4.7 of the Land Development 6.8 OFF-,STREET PARKING AND LOADINCl As required by the Coillet County Land Development Code in ~ffee, t at tha time building permit applicatlon, 6.9 POLLING PLA¢F4 If requested, room shall be provided within common arm for the purtxy',,e of permitting residents within the PUD to vote during all elections, per Section 2.6.30 of the Collie County Land Development Code. The number and location of needed ro~,-r.s shall be determined by the Collier County Supervisor of Elections. 6.10 ~NGINEERrNG A. Design and construction of all improvements shall be subject to compliance with appropriate pwvlsions of the Collier County Land Development Code, 3.2. B. This project shall be required to meet all County Ordinance4 in effect zt the t:ane final conslructlon documents are submitted for development approval. 6.11 A. Water distribution, sewage collection and transrrdssion and interL.'n water and/or sewage treatment facilities to serve the .pwject are to be designed, co."~'?:~ed, conveyed, owned and maintained in accordance w~th Collier Covnty Ordinance No. 88-76, as amended, and other applicable County rules and regulations. B. A hydraulically-sized water main shall be extended down Barefoot Wi111ams Road and looped to S.R. 951 via Tower Road. C. The sewage force main from this project shall be tied into S.R. 951 v.:a Tower Road. 6,12 WATER MANAGEMENT A. If alewatering is deemed necessary by the blasting contractor, then cells ~.~ g-eater than one acre in area may be alewatered to the top of the caprock (about ~' BLS) and blasted one cell at a time. Dewntering for the lake excavation shall no~. occur, removal of the material shall be performed under wet conditions. All necessary permits for alewatering shall be obtained fwm the, South Florida Water Management DisZrict (SFWMD) prior to commencement of excavation. Ground water pumped during alewatering shall be retained on-site for recharge purposes. Under no drcumstance shall any off-site pumping occur. B. A groundwater monitoring plan that addresses water quality concerns oi' the ;Vah:r Table and Lower Tamiami Aquifer shall be submitted with s'~c!fic paramete,"s, monitoring schedules, proposed allowable variations, and contingency plan variables excecd their allowable limits. This plan shall be reviewed and approved by Colllcr County hydrogeologists prior to excavation permit issuanc,',. 1, A minimum ten inch (I0") water main (with eli ,Code re, cl'.~ired appurtenances including a line size tee and gate valve at GrifFin Road) shall be extended down the west side of Barefoot Williams Road to the north property line of the subject property, 'l'~is llne shall receive Preliminary Acceptance by the Board of County Commi.~$'~oners (BCC) and placed in service prior to blasting and/or alewatering. 2. A cash deposit, C. ertifieate of Deposit assigned to the I~CC, er an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit approved by the County Attcrr. e7 the amount of eighty thousand dollars ($80,000.00) shall be prov".c~ed for security against the possibility of salt water intrusion ~d the corresponding adverse impacts to the adjacent proper~y owners. ~s estimate is based on approximately two thousand seven hundred and fifty lineal feet (2,7500 of eight inch (8') water main with appu~-.,.,'.anees and includes a contingency and an interim water supply during constvaetlon (via tmek). 3. Two (2) observation wells on-site shall be sampled monthly for dissolved chlorides and monitored for standard field parameters for a twelve (12) month period with a copy of the results provided to Project Plan Review. This provision shall be incorporated ;_nto fl',e gro~ndv,'at~ monitoring plan required by the exeavatlon permit. 4. As a basis for determining when and if the water maL'x ex.'.ensicn at.~ng Griffin Road will be required, the above referenced monitoring repo.-: will be used to establish background chloride levels in the Water 'Fable Aquifer with consideration to seasonal fluctuations. (During excavation, monitoring wells shall be sampled on a weekly basls.) 5. ff dissolved chlorides exceed the peak background level (0f t,~.e respeetiv-~ month) by 20% or more for a period of two (2) consecutive months, the water main extension down Griffin Road will be retluixed to ~,e ins:al:ed by the developer with a supply of interim potable and in'iga:ion water made available to all residences along Griffin Road. 6. After lake excavation activities are completed, monltofing of the observation wells shall eontlnue for a .period of twelve (12) months following the completion of the excavation activities and acceptance by Compliance Services. The security shall also remain in place until such time. D. Prior to Preliminary Subdivision Plat approval, written eonf'm'nation from the Collier County Water Management Department shall be provided to Project Plan Review verifying that the water management system is in compliance with the District 6 plans. E. Due to the void status of the previous excavation permit for this pro~rty, a new excavation permit will be required in accordance with Division 3.5 of the Collier County Land Development Code. t, 1a. .A copy of the South Florida Water Management District (SF'h'MD) permlr, s.~.a!l be provided prior to excavation permit issuance. 6.13 ENVIRQNMENTA~ A. All jurisdictional weftands and/or-mitigation areas shah be ~i~ated as conservation/preservation tracts or easements on all construer'on be recorded on the plat with protective covenants per or similar to S".c:ion of the Florida Statutes. In the ~vcnt the project does not require platting, all jurisdictional wet]zr. ds and/or mitigation areas shall be recorded as conservation/preservation tracts or easere. eats dedicated to an approved entity or to Collier County with no re~onsi5ility for maintenance and subje:t to the uses and limitations similar :o or per ~orida Statues Section 704.06. The tracts or easements shall be indicated on site plans noting Official Record Book and Page of the publio records. Preservation areas may be donated to the Rookery Bay Aquatic Pres:rve if agreed upon by the developer and Rookery Bay Management. B. All proposed mitigation for wet]and impacts to C. oilier County j~:risd~ctionai wet]ands shall comply with Appendix 7 of the South Florida Water Managemez',t District rules and be subject to review and approval by Community 13evelopmen: Environmental Review Staff. C. An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and maintdnance (exotic-free) plan for the site, with emphasis on the conservatlon/prescrvation areas, shall be submitted to the Community Development Environmenta! Review Staff for revi:w and approval prior to Final Site Development Plan/construction p]an D. Prior to any site alteration, including vcgetatlon removal, or finn3 developre:at order approval, the exact location or the Bald Eagle nest shall be field verified by the developer and the developer shall comply with the rccommendaticns and guidelines of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission (FGF~,VFC) and United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding the mar. a~em,z.n: and protection of the Bald Eagles associated with Henderson Creek Nest No. C0-03. 6.14 TRANSPORTATIQN A. The developer shall construct a sidewalk along the western side of Barefoot Williams Road that fronts the subject propeny at such th-ne that this road segment is upgraded. B. The developer shall submit evidence that best efforts are being made to divert traffic from the private portion of Barefoot Williams Road. ' IS D. The project's entrance at the intersection of Barefoot Williams Road and Tow-.r Road shall be aligned in a geometric manner ,that allows southbound large-sized vehicles on Barefoot Willlama Road to safely and adequately mal:e a Hght-mm into the project. E. There will be no off-site hauling of earth mining materials. 1:;. This project shall provide a "fair-share" toward the signalization cosls or the intersections between U.S. 41 and Barefoot Willtams Road, and To,,~"..r ?.cad and S.R. 951, when any of these intersections ar~ deemed warranted for a :raffle signal. Signal warrants shall be determined by Collier County. Such traffic signals shall be owned, operated and maintained by Collier County. O. Building permits will not be issued for residential dwelling units ha~'inll equi-,,alenl Average Daily Traffic movements (ADT) in excess of 900 ADT ('based upon the latest edition of the Institute of Traffice Engineers Trio Clene.,~ricn~, unlezs improvements have been made to Tower Road, B;irefoot Williarr~s Ro~d and Price Street to the extent that their traffiG capacities, based upon an analysis of capacity constraints, have been improved. For said additional dwellin~ units over :nose having an equivalency of 900 ADT, the traf~G study shall indicate the level of additional traffic movements that can be made on each road se.-rmen: ':asccl upon the level of improvement made to that segment and based upon an z. ccer. tablc distribution of traffic movements to the said segments as determined ~,y Coillet County Transportation Administration Staff. f]67 ,, 251 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: Ordinance No. 94-43 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the lSth day of September, 1994, during Regular Sesslon. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 19th day of Sep'tember, 1994. · . .. \.3 . ,~: .. . DWIGHT E. BROcT( "- clerk of courts and' cfi~'k -'~ Ex-officto to BOard County Commtsstoner~ w~..~/-'~"';."/.';'~ . .:-.:..., ,.