Ordinance 94-32 ORDINANCE 94-~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102 T~E COLLIER COUNTY Ia~ND ~ _. --' DEVELOPMENT CODE WHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE ~ -.a [" UNINCOR~ORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AHENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS HAP NUMBERED 0604N BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM "PUD" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS SABAL LAKES, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF RADIO ROAD EAST OF SANTA BA/~BARA BOULEVARD, IN SECTION 4) TOWNSHIP 50 SOU~H, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 42.9~ ACRES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 82-41, AS AMENDED, THE FORMER SABAL LAKES PUD; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, DWight Nadeau of McAnly, Asher & Associates, P.A., representing Granite Development, L.C., petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning cla~-sification of the herein described real property; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COH)T/SSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; The Zoning Classification of the herein described real property located in Section 4, Township 50 South, Range 26 Fast, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "PUD" to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the PUD Document, attachod hereto as Exhibit "As which is incorporated herein and by referencQ made part hereof. The'Official Zoning Atlas Map N~red 0604N, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. Ordinance Number 82-41, as amended, known as the Sabal Lakes PUD, adopted on Nay 25, 1982, by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County is hereby repealed in its entirety. 066 .276 ----- ross I This Ordinance shall bec~t e£fec~ivt upon receipt n~ict Zr~ ~t St~t~ oZ S~e ~hat ~his ~dinanct has .. hen ZiZ~ vl~ ~ Se~e~ o~ S~a~e. P~S~ ~ D~ ~~ ~ ~he Board ~ssiontrs oZ Collier C~y, Florida~ ~his/~day ~ _, 1994. , , '~,* . · . ~. , . .~ ~ }82-6 (2) 0~a/11594 -2- SABAL LAKE ! A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOI['MENT 42.9 Acres located in Section 4, Township 50 South, Rnnge 26 East, Collier County, Florida PREPARED BY: McA~FLY~ ASHER AND AS~OCIATES~ P.A. 5101 EAST TA~ ~ S~ 202 NAPL~, ~RWA 33942 Dnte Lssued: Date approved by CAPC: Date approved by BCC: Ordinance Numbif: Words undcrlincd arc added; words struck-through arc dclctcd, b TABLE OF CONTENTS : PAGE SECTION I STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE I SECTION H STATEMENT OF INTENT 2 8ECI'ION III PROPERTY OWNERSHIP &LEGAL DESCRIPTION i' SECtiON IV GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ~,CTION V i GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS Words underlined arc added; words slmek~hrough are deleted. SECTION I STA~ OF COMPLIA~.CE The urpose of this section is to ex ress the inten~ of Radie-Road-lnvesi-meni-Vensess (3~nl~te DeveloVment. L.C. to dev~er~p 42.9 acres of !and located in part of Section 4, TOwnship 50 South, Ran · 26 East, Collier County, Florida. The name of this roposed development shall hence ~oerth be known as SABAL LAKE. The d~velo ment or SABAL LAKE as a Planned Unit Development will be in compliance with the pr~nning foals and objectives of Collier County as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. The residential development with associated recreational facilities will be consistent with the [:rowth lieits and land development regulations of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use ~;rnent and other applicable documents for other applicable documents for the following reasons: ef-adeq~rate-eommu~it)~-faeil~iff-aad.serviees, ~.: --AtFim~ovemems-shatt-b~t~-eemptianc. e-wilh-al!-applieable-regelado~st epe,-spaee-aR~-fle~dbitit,/-ie-desig~-aed-shall imprc/..c-I~elivi~nt,,-ertvirosme, t o/c-the-dev'~tr The~levelo ee(-shelt-lHemote-4-he-me~eler~anee-otr-the-~*esiden:i:,t eeil~hbor~-well-arrbe-aesihefieally-p~e;LsinZ-and-ftmciienatty-c[~,-,ieet~ ~. Tt~-~dmbef-of-e ss-an~ing-~ess-peln~-shatt-be-timited-so-u-{o-mi~im';=: the-impe~t-upen~trsf~e--flo,,~-eJel'-Radie-,~,~,d, $, ~theThe.~ej.~R~e;~wi~Lbe~seewed.by°a~mp~e~e~e.~F~i~ities~.FePpr~ved~by !. The s'u'btect vrooertv is within the Urban Resld~tial Land Use Desiznation d as i ent[~ed~n the 'Future Land Use MaD as r~uired in Oblective I .'Policy 5.1 and Policy. ..~,3 of the Future Land Use Element. 2. The subleer orOoertv's location in relation to exisline or nrooosed community f~ciliiiel 'and services oermits the develoomef~t's r~sidential density as ~'~_uired in Ob_iective 2 ofihe Future Land Us~ Element. -I- Words underlined are added; words slruclt4hrough arc deleted. 3. The pro_Dosed residenli~l dc'nsity of 3.9 dwelIin_E unils _o~:r _~ross aerx: is Icss than Ihat defined by the Density Ralin_~, System in the Future Land Use, ~iement. Poli~v 5.1 of the Future L~nd Use Boment requiros that residential zonin~ be ~t ~ density equal ~o. or less than Ih~t d~fined by th~ D~nsit~ ~atin~ System. 4. ~e pr~ d~el~ment is com~tible ~nd comDlementa~ to existin~ ~nd future surroundin~ land uses as required in Poli~y 5.4 of lhe Future ., 5. ~e O~'s d~el~m~t will adhere to t~c O~isions of Co[li~ Coun~'~ ~d ~el~ment C~e as MI forth in O~tive 3 or the Future ~nd 6. ~e p~ d~e!~m~t will result in an er~ei~t and ~onomi~ or community faeiiities nnd sewices as required in Policies 3.1 .X and L the Future ~nd U~ Element, 7. The Dro~e~t develoDment will incorOorale na~urnl systems for w~ler manaEem~t in accordance ~th their natural run,ions an~ ~bilities as forth ]n Ordinance ~10 and Colli~ Countv's ~nd D~el~m~t ~ reouired by Objective ! .5 of !he Drainage Sub-Element or the Publi~ Words ~ am addccl; words stF~ck-t-hrott~h arc dclctccl. STATEME2Tr OF INTENT It is the property owner's intention to develop a zero, lot line ~esidential project with recreational and other support facilities required of a development surrounding cjuster residential dwelling units. The units shall be centered around a man made lake, recreational facilities, common open space, and areas of natural vegetation. The recreational facilities f ma consist o private swimming pools, a nelghborhcxxl park, tennis courts, a jogging trail ~any other additional facilities as may be deemed desirable. The residential development of the residential lots as shown in the PUD Master Plan shall demonstrate for its-residents an eminently desirable, esthetically pleasing, and em, ironmentally sound way of life. Words underlined arc added; words slruck-lhrt.~gh are deleted. SECTION III PROPElCrY O~VNERSIIIP AND LEGAL DESCRIFrION ; 3.1. PROPERTY OWNERSflIP ,,~ The subject property is currently owne~ by Roentd-Miles-~d-~-sdeew-gFni+hrsnd-is eenlrec4ed :~ ~:-pu+e~esed-by-gedio--Reed-4a-vestmenF-Pe~tne~-s 3.2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ subject property is described as follows: The East I/'2 of the East 1/2 ot'll~e Northwest' !/4 of Section 4, Township 50 South, P-snipe 26 East, Collier County, Florida less all right-of-ways and easements of pubhc record. :. -4- Words gT~derlinc'd are added; words s|Fuch4hrough are deleted. SECTION iV GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 4.1. Iq. IPOSE The of this Section is to delineate and generally ___ars~_'be the project plan of ~t, the resix~ve land umes included in ~e project, am well am the Ixoject 4.2. GEIMIRAL . Rcgulatlons for development shall be in accordance with the contents of this ~ PUD - Piamzxl Unit IX'velopment Distrk't and other applicable leelions and rts of the m~ollie~,osoty-Z-~_i~t~ Collier Cotrely Lmnd ~The general plan of development is for a single f~nily/zero kX line reskicntial community. 4.3. FERM1TFED US'ES AND STRUCTURES No building or ~"uctur~, or ~ thereof, sl~ll be erected, altered, or used, or land or w-az~r u~:l, in whole or in l~art, for other than ~e following: a) Permitted Principal Uses and Structure~: 1) Single family zero lot line, patio homes, and cjuster single family dwellings. 2) ' Water management facilities and lakes. 3) ' On-sift wastewater treatment facilities. 4) Manager's Residence. b) Permitted A__et:es____gt:,ry Ur, es and Structures;. I) Customary accesm:wy uses and structures. 2) 'Signs. 3) Recreational Facilities. 4) Model units mhall be permitted in conjunction with the promotion of by the C, ounly. ,,..,- 284 V/ordm undcr{incd are added; wordm slruck-thro~kh are ddcted. 4.4.PtlMrFfED MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS One hundad seventy-one (171) residential dwelling uniu. 4.5. MINIMUM LOT REQUIREMElqTS AND SEX'BACKS a) Minimum lot width at front yard setback. rectangular lots: 50'. cul-de-sae lots: 40'. b) Minimum lot ar~a: 5.000 square feet. c) Minimum front yard setback:. ~-5~ 20' from dedicated right-~f-w'a).. a') Minimum side yard setback: 0' or a minimum of 5' on one side and a minimum of I0' of the other side for zero lot line. e) Minimum rear yard setback - interior lots: 15'. 0 Minimum rear yard setback - perimeter lots: 20'. h) Minimum seabacks for accessory s~ruc~ur~s - 0' or a minimum of 5', excelx no accessory strociures penntried in front Tard s~track area. Accessory structures: Minimum side yard setback same as principal structure; minimum rear yard setback 10 feet. No accessory structures pertained in fn:n~ yard selfrack area. No portion of ihe dwelling or architectural features shall project over any property line. 4.6. DISTANCE B~I'WEt2~ STRUCTURES The distance between any two (2) principal structures shall be a minimum of sen (10) feet. 4.7. M1NIMIJYd FLOOR AREA OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS 900 mtuare feet for each dwelling unil, not including gnrage~, and porches. 4.8. MAXIMIJM IIEIGHT.OF STRUCTURES Two C2) habilable siories. ,, free 285 Word~ ~dedined ~e ~dded; wotd,~ si-!~c~m~h ~te dell. 4.9. MINIMUM STANDARDS M'mlmum standards for parking, landscaping; lighting, and signage, ar,/J an other standards not specified herein, shall be in conformance with applicable ~ounty standards in effect at the time permits are sought. 4.10, MINIMUM REQUIREMENT; CjustER RESIDENTIAL AND PATIO liOP.'IE5 Minimum requirements for cjuster rt~idential and ~tio homes shall be set forth '.'n Site Development Plans to be subm~te~¢ to Collier County for administrative r~cw and approval subject to I;eetiee ~..~5~r :he-Zo~)tdie~eee Division 3.3 of Collier Coun_ry's Land Develo~_mentCode, and other applicable rtgulafions. '7- Words underlined are addcd; words stluck4hrough are dclctcd. SECtiON V GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMEN/~ The purpose of this Section is to set forth the standards for development of the 5.2. TRAFFIC XMFR~~ a) Left and right turn storage lanes shall be rovided on Radio Road by the deve oper prior to the issuance of any Certi~te of Occupancy. ! b) of a traffic signal wL~c~ecmed warranted by the gounl~/-Bntieeef Collier The developer shall 'de a fair share co, tribution toward the capital cost County Tran_sportmicm Division Administrator. The signal shall be owned, operated and maintained by Collier County. c) Items a and b above may be coordinated with the project located on Radio i Road minedlately north of this development. a') The en~ road to the development shall he aligned with the entrance road for the project located on Radio Road immediately to the north, providing that the entrance road of the first project to develop ~hzli be aligned with the proposed entra~:z mad of the other project. e) A siclewalk~ike path shall be located along one (1) side of the main internal road system, and on both sides of the street between Radio Road and the first intersection. 0 The roads within Sabal Lake will be public roads, desiped to two-lane local street standards. Pedestrian access to the recreation nre~ *C' shall be provided for the street. h) In the event that zoning is approved for a compatible project to the east, road access shall be provided to that project if physically possible, at the time of platting. i) Petitioner shall provide a sidewalk/'oikepath ~ong Radio Road. -g- Words underlined are added; words slruck4hrough ~e deleted. The followin are exceptions to the Subdivision Regulations as contained Division 3.2 o~ the Collier County [.~nd Devclop_m~t Code: [) ~icl~~ S~li~ ! - g~u~ di~ from intu~',on o[ ~ght~f-~y ii~ for ~ 32, ~3, 1 ! 1, ~d 112 from 30 [~ to 20 f~. 2) A~kleX~i~-I~H S~i~ ~. - ! ,~ f~ ~imum !~ .~ of A~cl~i~J S~i~!6.9. - 1~ f~ minimum ~t intuits nbj~ to C~y~~ Site D~lopm~t Plan Di~o~s a~. 4) ~cJ~,~~ ~i~ I0:. Monum~. Ankt~!~-t~ S~ion Stre~ Pavement ~dths - ~ve ~ui~D f~ !~ ~ds to ~ve two (2) twelve f~ !~, subj~ to the approval o~ the G~nirEn~ Site Development Plan ~~mt~4~i Section ~fb Intersection Radii - ~' ~ui~ from fo~y (4~ f~ ~dius ~' thi~y (~ l~[ m !~ ~ indies ~!y, ~ ~icb~,~t ~i~ Utilily ~ings. S.3. SOLID WASTIER DISPOSAL Arrangements and agreements shall be with the approved solid waste dis osal service to provide for solid waste collection service to all areas of ~ project. 5.4. FUD MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN a) The PUD Master Plan (~dsoerMigei=,-Baflon-,-So~ge-Pee-b~L'.o-~Drawing File No P.~S-7T-Shee4.-d-4~)-RZ--l~2-Skee+4-d'4- Exhibit "A* attached. is an iljustrative pr-etimiemT development p!an. b) The design criteria and layout iljustrated on the Master Plan shall be understood as flexible so that, the final design may satisfy the project and comply with all applicable requirements. c) All neces__sa_ry easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be granted to insure the conlinued operation and maintenance of all service utilities. d) Minor design changes shall be permitted subject to County staff administrative approval. '9- Words underlined are added; words struck-4hro~gh arc deleted. e) The area iljustrated as the 'lake' shall be a constructed lake, or upon app~_. parts thereof may be reen areas in which as much natural fohage areas, shall be of general area and configuration as shown on the Master Plan. :. ~:~ a) The recommendations of the Utilities DiviSion Memorandum ~. December 20, 1985 are herein incorporate. d by reference. Please role; to ~-.- Attachmerit 'A'. ~/' b) Tcle hone power and T.V. Cable service shall be made available to all resi~;tial units. All such utility lines shall be installed underground. WATER MANAGEMENT a) Detailed site draina;e plans shall be 'submitted to the Gount).-Enlineer Collier County Proleer Review Services for review. No construction permits shall'be ifiucd unless and until approval of the ro osed construction in accordance with the submitt. plans .is gr-anted'by ,~c ~o~ En~im~er Site Development Director. b) An Excavation Permit will be required for the proposed lakes in accordance with Gellief-4~ou~ty-Of-dir~z~-No:-gO-2~r.~-nme~ded--by-4Df-di~, S~-3 Division 3.5 of the Land Development Code. and as may be mended in the future. ENVIRONMENTAL a) A site clearing tan shah be submitted to Ihe-NaComi--Resour~:es4vf~mee~ Depadmeiqt-~the-C-emmunhy-Dev,elopmem-Division Pro_leer Plan Review Services environmental staff for their review and approval prior to any substantial work on the site. This tan may be submitted In phases to coincide with the development schedule. The site clearing plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retained native veinration to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, the lake, parking lots, and other facilities have been oriented to accommodate this goal. b) Native species shall be utilized, where available, to the maximum extent possible In the site landscaping design. A landscaping plan will be submitted to |he-Na-t-ura-l--R-esoufeet-b(-aeageme~t--De ftmea. Fead-the-Gommun4ty Development-Division Pro_leer Plan Review ~er~nices environmental staff for their review and approval. This plan will depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if any. The goal of site landscaping shall be the re-creation of native vegetation and habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. -I0- Words underlined are added; words slluck4hrough are deleted. i. c) All cxotic plants, as dcrlncd in the County I.and Dcvcloomcnt Code, shall be removed during each phase of construction from devc'iopment areas, opcn space areas, and preserve areas. Following site dcvclopmcnt a maintenance program shall be implemented to prevent rcinvasion of the site by such cxotsc species. This plan, which will describe control techniques and inspection intervals, shall bc filed with and approved by the-Ne~uFal Resourees--ManegemeRt--Department--amt--the--C-e-rnmueity.-Develepment Division Proices Plan gevicw Services environmental staff. d) if during the course of site clearing, excavation, 'or other constructtonal activities, an archaeological or historical 'site, arttract, or other indicator is discovered, all development at that location shall be immediately stopped and t. heNaterel.-l~eso~ees-Menagemef~--Department Pro_iect Plan Roysew Services environmental staff notified. Development will be suspended for a sufficient Icni~th of time to enable the-NatuFa!-gesourees--Mane~emeet Delpertm. ent Protect Plan Review Services environmental staff or a dessgnated consultant to assess the find and determine the proper course of action in regard Io its salvageability. ar-heN-aturel--R-esourees-Manapmeet Depel'tmef~l Proices Plan ReView Services er~yi.ronmental slaff will respond to any such notit'scation in a timely and efficient manner so as to provide only a minimal inlerruption to any constructtonal activities. e) For the buffer zone, utility site, lake perimeter, natural retention area, and recreation areas, the developer shall leave intact as much existing native vegetation as possible; ground cover, young trees, as well as the dominant canopy species should be left intact. f) In an effort to reduce the effects of vegetation clearing on the ecosystem of Collier County, the petitioner shall replant seedlings to replace at least 40~ of the removed trees. Plansings could be distributed over the parcel although the petitioner may wish to concentrate plansings in arm noted in stipulation "c' above. Upon request, NRMD Proie~ Plan Revie~ ~ervices environmental staff will recommend species and distributions as well as plant sources. -li- Words undcrlincd are added; words stfuc-k-lhrou..e;h arc dclcted. " E'_'.".':, e'::"' ""' ,.~':"~~'uF~ ' F' .... ::"'. 'I | / ['~CAL ZERO LOT LlrlE ~[~DENCE : TV~L~ LAKES s ~~ ~.U.D./D.R.I. ~'~ ",~ () L~ATI~ MAP  LAND U~E ~LDWOOD ' ~[~ [~[~ ~OI I,IUREI, OAK P.U.D. MASTER z sum: NAPleS. F'I~IflDA ;1~963 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, D~IIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts i~ and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy ~f: Ordinance No. 94-32 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the i4th day of June, 1994, during Regular Session. WITNESS sty hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 15th day of June, I994. D~IGHT E. BROCK ~ Clerk of Courts and Cler~ .; Ex-officto to Board of County Commissioners " By:/s/Ellis Hoffman Deputy'Clerk 066 ,,G, 292