Ordinance 94-18 ORDINANCE NO. 94-18 ~RDINANCE ANZNDIN(3 COLTdlER COUNTY ORDINANCE 91-71, A~ AKDID:gD, RELATIN3 TO THE COLLIER FZE ORDI'NANCE~ AHENDZNG SECTION 3.04, PROVIDING '~ ~ .~'~ FOR MODIFICATION OF PROVISIONS RELATING TO AFFORDABLE HOUSZNGt PROVIDING FOR CONIn. ZCT AND SEVERABILZTYX 3ND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVg DATE. m WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County on August 7, 1991, enacted collier County Ordinance No. 91-71, establishing an Emergency Medical Services System Impact Fee Ordtnancet and WHZRFJ~, Ths Board of County Commissioners of Collier County on Kay 6, 1992 enacted Ordinance No. 92-30 which amended Collier County Ordinance Me. 91-71I and WBZJLZAJ, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County on December 16, 1992 enacted Ordinance No. 92-98 which further amended Collier County Ordtnancs No. 91-71I and WHERFJ~, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County on August 10# 1993 enacted Ordinance Me. 93-53 which further amended Collier County Ordinance He. 91-71~ and ~, the Board of County Commissioners of Celllet County on February 28, 1994 snactsd Ordinance Me. 94-7 furthsr emsndtng Collier County Ordinance No. 91-71. NON ~ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CON3aBSZONEKS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, thats NF~TXON OMIt Amendment to eection 3,04 of Collier County Oralissues Nee 91-71e as amended Section 3.04 is hereby amended to read as followsx Section 3.04. Affordable Housing A. Pursuant to the guidelines established In this Section, the County shall (1) waive or {2) defer, as applicable, the payment of the Impact Fee for any nev owner-occupied or rental Emergency Nedteal Services System Impact Construction which qualifies as J~fordabls Housing under Appendix A of thl. Ordinance. Words Bl~2/XXDBi ars added; words :~r~;~ ~::=~ .are deleted. Any parson seeking an Affordabla Housing waiver or defertel for proposed Zsargency Medical Services System Zzpac~ Construction shall file with the County }~nsger an Application /./ for waiver or defertel, prior to recaiving a Building Permit for the proposed ~ser~ency Medical Services Systma Zm~ac~ Construction, The Application for waiver or dsfsrral shall contain the follovtngz (a) The me and address of the (b) The l~gal description of the Residential propert~ upon ~hlch the Emergency Medical Services System l~pact Construction shall be constructed; (c) The income level of the Owner or if the Owner is a builder, the income level o~ the household to which the Dwelling ~nit will be sold or rsntedX (d) The mr of bedrooms in aach Dwelling Unit o£ the gsergencyNedlcal Services System ZspactConstructio~. (2) If the proposed Emergency Medical Services frystem Impact Construction meets the requirements for an Affordable Houstn~Malvsr or defertel as sat forth in this Section, than the County ~anagsr shall issue an Impact Fee waiver or defertale as applicable, to the Owner or Applicant. The Xmpact Fat waiver or defertel shall be presented in lieu of payment of the Impact Foe ;mtsuant to Section 2.02. S. To qualify for an Xmpact Fee waiver or defertel, an owner-occupied Dwelling Unit must meet all of the following criteria x {1). The Owner{s) or anticipated Owner(s) of the Dwmlling Unit must have a very low, low, or sodsrats income level, at the time of issuance of the Xmpact Fee waiver or defertaX, as those tam are defined An Appendix A and the monthly payment to purchase the unit must be within the Affordable Housing ~uldellnes established in Appendix A. A Dwellin~ Unit shall qualify as owner-occupied if a lease-purchase a~rsemant As An ef£sct at the date of issuance of the Zmpact Fat .. 065 277 Words ~ are added~ words :'-=;c~ '.hr;u;~ are deleted. -2- ~alvsr 'el defertel or within thirty (30) day, thereof, and within twenty-four (24) Ionthe from the date of J**uance of the certificate of occupancy or the execution of the lea,e-purcha,e a~rsmnt, whichever Is later, the option to purchase is sxrrclsed and the purchaser takes ownership of the Dwelllnq ~nlt, Zf the purchaser falls to purchase the Dvslllng ~ntt within the twsnty-fou~ (24) month period, then the waived or deferred Znpact Fee Rust be tgmodlatsly repaid unless the Dwelling ~nit is sold to another qualifying Owner, (2) the Owner, or If there is more than one Owner, on, of the Owners, Rust be a first-time home buyer, To qualify as a first-ties hone buyer, the Owner Rust n~c have had an ownership interest in his/her primary rssidsncs in the past three (3) yearn · (3) ths Dvslltn~ ~nit Rust be the homestead of the Owner(s), (4) ~he DvellincJ gnit Rust remain Affordable Rousing for fifteen (15) years from the date a certificate of occupancy is isRuod fo~ the Dwelling ~nit, unless the Z~pact Fee is repaid to the County, C, To qualify for an I~pact Fee dsfsrral, a Dwelling Omit offered for rent ~ust meet all of the followtn~ orlterlas (1) The household rentlnq the Dwelling Unit Rust have a vezlf low or low income level, at the commencement of the leasehold and durln~ the duration thereof, as those tens are defined in Appendix A and the amount of rent Rust be within the Affordable Housing ~aldellnes established in Appendix A. (2) The Dvelllnf Unit Rust be the hcusehold's parsanent residence. Do All Impact Fees deferred for owner-occupied Dwelling Unlts-at the time the Bulldlng Permit was Issued shall become due and payable and shall be Immediately repaid to the County upon the sale of the Dwelling Unit to a non-~ualifled purchaserJ provided, however, if the Impact Fee deferral was paid with State Herds ~ are added/words ;~.:-;;~ ~.~;;;~ are deleted, RousinV' Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] l~roVras funds, repaysant ',' viII ~ ude ~o ~e Collier C~n~y aZZordable h~einV ~s~ *; F~ ~ses of ~ls Be~ion 3.04, a n~a:~ed ~rchaser is a Pers~ ~o d~s not satlaZy ~e AZEordable H~sin9 ~iteria set f~ in ~e~ton B a~e or a Person who does not a~ee to',~e t~ of ~e waiver ~ de~e~al oZ i~a~ Zees a~enent. g. ~e I~a~ Fees defa~ed for renal ~ellin9 Unite at ~e t~e ~e ~tldi~ Peni~ was is~ shall ~c~e due and shall ~ ~ediately repaid to ~e C~ty ~n the discontinuance oZ use o~ ~e ~ellin9 ~it as XZfordable H~sin9 or ~lZteen ye~s Zrn ~e date or issuance oZ ~e Ca~iZlcate oZ , ~ich~er ~s first. F. ~ ~a~ Fees waiv~ f~ an ~er~ted ~lt at ~e tim a ~ildl~ Penit was isned shall ~c~e ~e ~ pyable a~ s~ll ~ l~lately repaid to ~e C~ty if ~e ~elli~ ~it is sold ~ ~auEe~ed to a non~ltfied ~ser d~l~ ~e fifteen (15) year pri~ afar ~e ce~iZt~te of wiver ws paid vi~ S~te H~sin9 Initiatives P~ship [~] ~~ f~s, repa~nt viII ~ Mde to ~e Collier C~ty aZf~dable h~sin9 ~st f~. IZ ~e ~ellinV ~it is used as ,:; MZ~le H~slnV in c~liance wi~ 2e~ion 3.04 oZ ~dlnance fz Zlfteen (15) years a~ter ~e date ~e ce~tZlca~e ' of ~pan~ is lsned for ~e ~elll~ ~lt, ~e l~a~ Fees are no longer due and ~e lien on ~e ~elling Unit shall releas~. :' waiv~ or deZe~ed ~ant to ~is Se~ion for an ~er-~pi~ or rental AfZordable Housing ~ellin9 ~lt shall ~ ~:,~ ~rcen~ge set fo~ in A~endix A. ~e I~a~ Fees waived .,,. defe~ shall ~ a l~en on ~e prope~y ~til all re~iraents :~- under ~is Seaion have ~en satisfied. H. (1) ~nually, the ~er of a rental ~elling Uni~ shall pr~ide to the County Manager an affidavit of c~pliance ': 065 ..t Words ~ are added; words :tr;:~ ~hr;=~b are delete. -4- with t~e criteria set forth in this Section. An affidavit suet be filed within thirty (30) days of the anniversary date of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. If the income of any unit tenter which originally qualified as very low or low income level as defined in Appendix A exceeds the Affordable HouSing benefit standards set forth in Appendix A by more than forty percent ( 40% ), then the deferred Impact Fee shall become immediately due and payable by the Owner or, in the alternative, the Owner shall have ninety (90) days to comply with the Affordable Housing standards set forth in Appendix A. (2) If the household income of the qualified owner-occupied Dvellin~ Unit rises above the benefit standards for waivers and defertale set forth in Appendix A, the Owner shall saintaim the waiver and/or deferral. Rotwithstanding the foregoing, all outstanding lapact Fees waived or deferred shall be repaid in full upon sale or transfer of the Dwelling Uni~ to a non-qualified purchaser, except for waived Impact Fees where the Owner has amplied with the Affordable Housing ortteria set forth in this Section 3.04 for fifteen (15) years after the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. I. The Owner receiving an Impact Fee waiver or deferral shall enter into an impact fee agreement with the County which agreement shall provide for, at a minimum, the following and shall further include such provisions deemed necessary by the Board to effectuate the provisions of this Sections (1) The legal description of the Dwelling Unit. (2). Where an Impact Fee waiver or deferral is given to an Owner who will be selling or renting the Dwelling Unit to a subsequent purchaser or tenter, the Emergency ~edical Services Byetom lapact Construction suet be sold or rented to households meeting the crtterla set forth in this Section in order to maintain the waiver or deferral. Impact Fee waivers or deferrals paid for with State Housing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] Program funds viII only be ~ranted directly to buyers meeting ,oo,c Words Mll~l~lZ1Allt~l are added; words :',x-;:~ '-~:;u~J,% are deleted. -5- Appendi~ A qualifications and approval prior to Building Permit issuance. A Dvellin~ Unit shall qualify as owner-occupied if a lease-purchase agreement is in effec~ at the dart of issuance of the Xspac~c Fee waiver or daferral or within thirty (30) days thereof, and within twenty-four (24) months from the date, of issuance of the certificate of occupancy or the execution of the lease-purchase a~reement, whichever Is later, the option to purchase is exercised and the purchaser takes ownership of the DwellIrK1 Unit. If the purchaser tails to purchase the Dwelling Unit within the twenty-four (24) month period, then the waived or deferred lapact Fee most be repaid i--medlately unless the Dwsllinq Unit is sold to another qualifying Owner. (3) For owner-occupied Dwelling Unite, the amount of Z~pact Fees deferred shall be repaid to the County upon the sale or transfer to a non-qualified purchaser. If lipact Fees were paid with State Hcusin~ Initiatives Partnership [SHIP]' ProgTal funds, repayment will be made to the Collier County affordable housir~j trust fund. For rental units, the lipact Fees deferred shall be repaid upon the discontinuance of use of the Dwelling Unit as Affordable Housing or fifteen (15) years from the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, whichever occurs first. (4) For owner-occupied Dwelling Units where Zipact Fees have been waived, the Dwelling Unit just be utilized by the original qualifyin9 Owner, or subsequent qualifying purchaser, as Affordable Housing in compliance with Section 3,04 of this Ordinance for a fifteen (15) year period after the certificate o£ occupancy is. issued and if the Dwelling Unit is sold to a non-qualifying purchaser, the lipact Fees shall be repaid to the County, If Zipact Fees vats paid with State Housing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] Progrma funds, repayment will be made to the Collier County affordable housing trust fund. (5) The deferred and/or waived Impact Fees shall be a lien on the property which lien may be foreclosed upon in the event of non-compliance with the requirements of the a~reement. Words ~ are added7 words s~k--t~k~e~k are deleted. -6- ~hs a~rsmmnt des~ribed harBin shall operate as · lien against the Dvslling Unit, ~s lien shall te~lnats u~n the rscordin~ o~ a release ~ sa~is~a~ion oZ lien in ~s ~bli~ records ~llisr ~y- In ~ case of a vaivsr, such release satisZa~i~ s~ll h filed fifteen years after ~hs issuanc~ ~s ~iZl~ts of ~an~ pr~idsd ~sr a~sd In c~liancs vi~ ~s a~s~snt ~ u~ rs~Sn~ in full, In ~s case of s dsfs~al, ~ch release shall ~ recorded ~n rspa~sn~ in full, (6) ~ually~ ~s ~sr o~ a rental ~slling Uni~ shall pr~ids ~ ~s C~y ~nagsr an aZZidavl~ of c~liancs vi~ ~l~ia set f~ in Ss~ion 3,04(R), ~ aZZi~vi~ u~ fil~ vi~in ~i~y (30) days of ~s a~ivsrs~ date of isisnee of s cs~iZi~ts of oc~pan~, If ~s lnc~s of ~i~ rsn~r ~ich ~i~inally ~aliZisd as vs~ 1~ ~ 1~ inc~s l~sl ss dsZin~ In A~lx X exceeds ~s ~Zfffdsbls R~sin~ ~nsfit sU~ards ss~ ~o~ in ~ppsndix A ~ more than ~r~nt (40t), ~sn ~s dsZs~ed Z~a~ Fee shall ~ia~ly due ~d ~yable ~ ~ ~sr or, in ~ alts~a~lvs, ~s ~sr shll ~vs ninety ( 90 ) days to c~ly vi~ ~ZZordabls H~sing s~nd~ds se~ Zo~ in ~sndix ~, (7) ~n sa~isZa~o~ c~ls~lon of ~s a~s~sn~ r~irmnts, ~ C~y shall rscord a~ nscsss~ dmsn~ion svidsnein~ sge~ including, ~ no~ limited ~o~ a taleass [8~ l~ ~hs ~sn~ the ~sr is in default under ~his a~snsn~. and ~hs ds~auZ~ is no~ ~red vi~hin ~hi~v f301 days a~sr ~l~en no~ies is ~rovided ~o the ~sr. the Board nay ~ina a civil a~ion ~o snrores ~hs a~snsn~. ~s Board shall h entitled ~o racier all ~ass and costs. ineludina a~o~sv~s fees and costs. in~sd ~ ~hs Board in enrorcina this I~ssman~. ~lus in~eres~ a~ the s~a~uto~ rate ~or ~ud~ents Cal~lated on a calendar day basis until paid. fg} '"' ~e a~eemen~ shall be binding upon ~er~s successors and assl~s, Hords ~ are added; vords :~::~ ~;:~ are deleted, -7- '~" Z3~L ' ' L The agreement she ll be recorded in the O££1cial Neeerda of Collier County, ~. The areaunt oZ Znpac~ Fee waivers and dsZerrals granted pursuant to this Se~ion shall be limitsd~ in total, to the amount appropriated by the Board at its final public hearing regarding the adoption o£ the annual County budget and the amount allocated to Zmpac~ Fee waivers' or de£srrals in the Collier County Housing Assistance Plan, as established by County Ordinance No. 93-19. Zspac~ Fee waivers and ,deferrals pursuant to this Section shall begin in the 1993-94 fiscal year or earlier upon receip~ of S~ate Rousing Initiatives Partnership [SHIP] Progras funds. All Impact Fees waived or deferred shall be paid by the Board into the Emergency Medical Services System Impact Fee Trust Account within six (6) years fr~s the date of the award of a waiver end/or dsfsrral as provided hersin, but in no later than that ties when that amount is needed for a pro~ect funded by those Impact Fees waived or deferred. The Board shell pay in~o the Emergency Medical Services System Impact Fee Trust Account such msounts squal to any Impact Fees previously waived or deferred by the Board, or previously exempted or reimbursed by the Board within six (6) years from the date of such waiver, defsrral, sxssp~ion or reJ~d:ursessnt, but in no event, later than the rise such emoun~s are needed for a pro~ect funded by those -' Impeeoc Fees waived, deferred, exempted or reimbursed. Waivers and dsferrals shall be issued in the order that c~splstsd qualifying applications are received by the County Manager. At least for~y percent (40t) of the amount budgeted for Impac~c Fss waivers and/or dsfsrrals must be utilized to fund Impeeoc Fee waivers and/or dsferrals for single family owner-occupied Dwelling Units serving the very low and low income levels. K. Any changes or amendments to Appendix A or the slain funding requirements adopted in this Section must occur as an ordinance amsndment at a public hearing of the Board of County Commissioners occurring after 5~00 Words ~ are added; words ............. ~ are deleted. -8- __,_ mess ¥" :; ~. Re Affordable Housing waivsr or dsferral shall be ~rsntsd for an !mer~ency Nedical Services System Impact Construction project which consists of a Irebile Home. I~- Rotvithstandina any nrovisions elsewhere in this Ordinance to the contrarvo any Owner that develops an A~fordable Housina rental a~artment complex consistins in whole or Dar~ Dwellins Units setvine very low and/or low income levels and meetins all reauirsments. and subject to all conditions. Section 3.04 shall be entitled to de~er one hundred netcent flO0tl of the Tm~act Fees a~Dlicable only to such rental Dwellins Units setvine very low and/or low income l~Sls i~x ~il all such deferred rm~act Fees are Daid on or before the end ~f six _veers ~rom the da~e such Ym~act Fees ere deferred! and (ii~ the rental a~artment development shall remain AfCord~ble !tousina auali~ied (under Section 3.04 of this Ordinance~ ~or a sinimm IICf'ZOII TIOz ConZliot and leverability , The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectively carry out its purposes in the interest o£ public health, safety, welfare and convenience. IZ any section, phrase, sentence or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the rmining portions thereof. IICTI01 t~lZls elfmotive Date This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt oZ notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary o£ State. · b ,-,, 065 284 Words ~ are addsd~ words :'.r;:~ '~ ...... are deleted. ,,~ v,-.Jss -~- P~SSED ~D DULY MX~PTED by ~he Board o~ County Commissioners oZ Collier C~y~ Flortda~ ~his ~ day oZ ~~ 1994, : ~ ~ Z. ~p Clerk Z~ ~ ~ / -. 065,', -285 .~.. ? Words ~ are added~ vords ~ are deleted. STATE OF FLORIDA ] |~ I, DWIGHT B. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth ~udicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a ~r~xe copy of~ Ordinance No, 94-18 ,~. fi!;* which wss adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on ~ the 30th day of Hatch, 1994, durln~ Special Session, ; WITNESS my hand and the o~lcial seal of the Board ~i,, :,~ '! County Commissioners of Colller County, Florida, this 6th "'l! day of April, 1994, ~..,:;... ~,,~..; ..~ ~ , DWIGHT g, BROCK ' b Clerk of Courts and CleT~'tr~ ~, Ex-officlo to Board of .~ . ,~, Cc~~, ~': · *, . '*' "' ~1 ~.. .. /., :.,.,. · . ~i By:/s/Ellis Hoffman Deputy Clerk