Ordinance 95-77 israel / Illsms ORDINANCE 95- 77 ~;, .~. AN ORDINANCE AHENDING ORDINANCE NTJM3ER 91-102, ~E COLLI~ CO~ ~ND . ~" D~~T CODE, ~I~ IN~ES ~E "~ .. COH~SIVE ZONING R~TIONS FOR ~E ~INCOR~T~ ~ OF COLLI~ CO~, ~RIDA, BY ~DING ~E OFFICIAL ZONING A~S ~P }~~ 0606N BY ~GING ~E ~: '- ZONING ~SSIFICATION OF ~E H~EIN D~IB~ R~L ~OP~ ~OM "P~" TO L~D ~ES, FOR PROP~ ~CAT~ ON ~E SO~ SIDE OF ~DIO ROAD (~ 856), IN SE~ION 6, TO~SHIP 50 SO~, ~GE 26 ~, COLLI~ CO~, ~RIDA, CONSISTING OF 34.07 A~ES; PROVIDING FOR ~E R~L OF ORDIN~CE ~ 94-11, AS ~D~, ~E FO~ L~W~D ~ES ~; ~D BY ~IDING ~ EFFE~IVE DATE. WHERFJ,8, Dr. ~ack Freedman of T..,eavood Z.,akes Development Corporation, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; The Zoning Classification of the herein described real property located in Section 6, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from sPUD" to sPUDe Planned Unit Development in accordance with the PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", which is incorporated herein and by reference made part hereof. The Official Zoning Atlas Map(s) Numbered 0606N, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Lend Development Code, are hereby amended accordingly. Ordinance Number 94-11, as amended, known as the Leawood Lakes PUD, adopted on March S, 1994 by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION THREE= This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. -1- PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this ~ day of ~Jaj__, 1995, ATTEST: '-.. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS F'UD-93-10(l) ORDZNANCgI14eOS -2- LEAWOOD LAKES A PLANXKD UNIT DKVKI, OPMI3WT RXGt3LATIONS AND 8UPPORTIN0 MASTI3e PLAN GOVIRNZNG LKAM(X)D LAKES A PLANXKD UNIT DKVgLOPNXNT ~ TO PROVISIONS OF COLLIER co(;)rry LAND DKVE1.,OPNEXT CODa. LEAJKX)D LAKES I)KVL*LOPNXXT CORPORATION 959 28th AVKXtrg, NORTH XXPLKS, FLORIDA 33942 PRKP~ BY: 6UL~ DISXGX A.88(X:IATY.8, XNC. 2170 SANTA BARBARA BLVD. NAPLES, FLORIDA 33942 NAPLI8, FL08XD,~ 33942 DAY2/LPPROVED BY BCC 12/12/95 ORDINANCE NL~ER 95-7~ Exhibit 'As Words~ok~k~4~J~ are deleted; words underlined are added. TABLE OF CONTENTS .PAGE LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLE III STATEMENT OF COI4PLIANCK IV SECTION I - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND DESCRIPTION 1-1 SECTION IX - PROjeCT DIVILOFHENT 2-1 SECTION Ill - !~EBIDENTIAL AREA PLAN 3-1 SECTION IV - C014NONS ARF~/GREEN AREA 4-1 SECTION V - CONSElqVATION/PRESERVZ AREA 5-I SECTION VI - DEVELOFI4ENT COI~NITHENTS 6-1 Words et, xB<~-~seB~j~ are deleted; words underlined are added. II smmmss rams rossrams LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLES EXHIBIT *A* P'dD HASTER PLAN EXHIBIT *B* AIPIPORDABLg HOUSING AGREENENT TABLE I LAND USE SCHEDULE Words+i~s~ok-tk~e~-are deleted= words underlined are added, III STATEI~ENT OF The developsent o~ ap~roxisatel~ 34o07 acres o~ property, in Collier Coun~ as a Planned Unit Developsent to be known as Leawood Lakes will be in cospliance with the planning goals and objectives of Collier County as sat forth in the 6rovth Hanagesent Pla~.T~e residential and recreational facilities of Laawood Lakes will be consistent with the ~ro~th policies, land developsent regulations, and applicable coeprshenslvs planning-objectives of each of the elssents of the Growth Hans~sssnt PIss for the follo~in~ reasons: Rt.~;DEXTZAL IPRO~tCT; I. The subject property is within the Urban Residential Land Use Designation as identified on the Future Land Use Hap as required in Objective 1, Policy 5.1 and Policy 5.3 of the Future Land Use liesent. 2. The subject property's location in relation to e~isting or proposed cosmunity facilities and services persits the developeen~:'s residential density as required in Objective 2 of the Future Land Use Elesent. 3. The subject developsent is ccepatible and coeplesentar~ ~o existing and future surrounding land uses ss required in Poltc7 5.4 of the Future Land Use tiesent. 4. The project developsent ~111 result in an efficient and econoeical extension of comeunity facilities and services as required in l~oltctes 3.1.11 and ~ of the Future Land Use tiesent. 5. The base density for this ares is four (4) dwelling ~ntts per acre. The Future Land Use tiesent provides for bo~us up to eight (81 additional d~elling units per acre. The esount of bo~us units for the provision of 20 percent affordable housing allo~s for 2.1 addttio~al units per acre for s total of 6.1 dwelling units per acre. Therefore, the project geusity of siz (6) units per acre is in conpliance with the Future Land Use tiesent of the Growth Hana~esent Plan. 6. All final local developsent orders for this project ere subject to the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, as it sey be seendeal froe tie to tiN. Words 4bre~k-tkfse~b are deleted; ~rds underlined are added. IV LEAKXX] LAKES P.U.D. ~ SECTIC~ I PROPERTY (ldl~ERSHIP IND DESCRIPTIC~ 1.1 T~e purpose of the Secttom is to set forth the location and o~nsrship of the property, and to describe the existing conditions of the property to be developed under the project nasa of Leawood Lakes. 1.2 LEGAL DgaCRIPTIOW_ Part of the I~ortheast 1/4 of section 6, Tamship 50 South, Range 26 Collier County Florida. Commencing at the North 1/4 corner of sectto~ 6, Township 50 South, Range 26 gast; Thence run S O0 44 25" g 50.02 Zest to the South Right of Way/ins of Radio Road: Thence alon~ said South Right of Way N 86 50 50" g 110.01 feet; Thence S 00 44 25' g 25.02 to tl~e point of beginning; Thence continua along said South Right of Way N 86 50 E 550.92 feet; Thence S 00 42 55 W 2679.35 feet to the !forth line of the p/at of Hoc~ Lake Unit on as recorded in Plat Book 14, pages 103 thru 106 Collier County Florida records; Thence along said North line 8 88 45 25 (S 88 41 55; WoPlat) 549.28 feet to the East ltnu of a I00' Florida Power and Light easesent as recorded in OR Book 513, page 583; Thence along the East tins of said easement N 00 44 25" I~ 2660.97 feet to the point of beginning. 1o3 PROPERTY The property is currentl], owned by Leawood Lakes Development, Into 1.4 GENERAL DESCRIPTIO9~ A. The project site Is long and narrow, approximately 550' by 2,690'. It is located on the South side of Radto Road, Just East of the Florida Pover end Light transmission line which forms the East boundary of Fox Fire Subdivision. B. Zoning classification of the propert3~ is currentlit Leawood Lakes 4~ P.U.D. The property ltss in area C of the Collier County Watsr/Sew~r District, and within County Water lianafoment District 1.5 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Elevations of the property range from 8.5 to 9.4 fsut above mean sea hvsl, the sits has never bean cleared, with the uxcsptton of a small area in the northern part of the site. The site contain approximately 22.6 acres .~r Pine flatwood, 5.4 acres of forest. Past drainage improvements in the area have altered the historic hydropertod of the sits. Ths trend evident today is toward a drier system with increased invasion by exotics. The extent of Helaluca and Brastlltan Pepper are Increasing on site, and in soma arsas, the sits is dominated by these exotic species. 1-1 Words +beu~k-tkceq~ara deleted; words underlined are added. Natural drainage fros the property is Southwesterly,. Water sanagesent for the planned project will be of the lake and retention type, with no off site discharge. Soil types on the site are l~rze11 fine sand, Sunnyland fine sand, Oldsear fine sand, and Pineda fine sand. 1.6 FROJEC'T D~"RIIvrlOII~ The project is a single fssily residential developsent conststtn~l of 207 units on 34.07 acres. In addition, twenty (201) percent of the units will be for affordable housing. 1.7 SNORT This Ordinance shall be knots and cited as the 'Leawood Lakes Planned tlnt~ Developsent Ordinance. 1-2 Words ~q~e~-tkt~K~ are deleted: words underlined are added· SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPHENT 2.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to delineate and generally describe the proJect plan of development, general relationships to applicable County Ordinances, and the respective Land uses of the tracts included in the project. 2.2 GENERAL A. Development of this project shall be governed by the contents of this document and applicable sections of the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC). B. Unless otherwise noted, the definitions of all terms shall be the same as the definitions set forth in the Collier County Land Development CoOs. C. ^11 conditions imposed and all graphics1 material presented depicting restrictions for the development of Leawood Lakes PUD shall become part of the regulatious that govern the manner in which the PUD site may be developed. D. Unless specifically waived or excepted bit this PUD the provisions of the Collier County Land Development CoOs where applicable shall remain in full force and effect with respect to the development of the land which comprises this PUD. E. Development permitted by the approval of this petition will be subject to a concurrency review under the provisions of Division 3.15 of the Collier County Land Development CoOs (the Adequate Public Facilities RegqJlatione) at final SDP approval, final plat approval, or building permit issuance applicable to this development. 2.3 PROJECT PLAN A. The project development plan is graphically indicated by Exhibit 'Am the PUD Heater Plan. The plan indicates building lots, right-of-way, open space, and water management. Words e~e4~Peu~are deleted; words underlined are added. 2-1 TABLE I TYPE UNI T~ ACREAGE Residential 207 -i~P1-11.55 Tract Right-of-way N/A 6.37 Co~son/Recreation area N/A ~ ..~ Tracts Consedation area* N/A ~ ~0.75 Drstnage Easesent N/A ~ 3.5~ Littoral Shelf N/A 1.27 Total 34.07 B. In additim ~ t~ pl~ el~ts s~ ~ ~hlbit 'A", .ch eas~ts rtght-of-W s~ll h est~lis~ wi~in or adJac~t to the project site as M~ h necessa~ or desir~le for the seaice, f~i~, or ~v.i~ce of the project. C. Hi~r ~ges ~d variati~s in desi~ ud a~eage s~ll h ~itted at Prllimina~ 8~ivisim Plat (PSP) a~roval in accord~ce with Sactim of the ~ to aceate t~rap~, vegitati~, ~d other site c~dl t i ~1. 2.4 ~I~ P~E~ D~SI~ No ~re t~ a ~i~ of 207 single f~iI[ ~elltng ~tts shll be c~st~ed in the 34.07 acre total ~oJect srsa. Gross project density shall not exceed 6.1 ~ttl per acre. 2.5 RE~ P~ PW AP~L A. Prior to the recording of I Reco~ Plat, ~/or ~ini~ Plat for all or part of the ~ final pl~s of Ill r~tr~ i~r.~ts s~ll receive m~r. al of the a~r~riats Collier C~t[ ~e~tal Ageq to in. re c~li~cs wi~ t~ ~ ~ster Plu, the C~ty 8~lvisi~ C~I ~d t~ platting l~ of the State of Florida. B. Exhibit 'A', ~ ~ster PI~, cmstitutes the retired Devel~nt Pl~. 8~se~t to or c~rr~t with P~ a~rfal, a prelimtna~ Su~ivisi~ Plat, if a~lic~le, s~ll be s~itted for the entire area ~er~ ~ the P~ ~ster PI~. ~y dlvisim of pr~ert~ ~d the d.el~t of t~ lud s~ll ~ in c~liuce with S~ivisi~ R~lati~s, ud the platting l~ of the State of Florida. Words ~~are delete; ~rds ~derlin~ arm ~d~. 2-2 C. The provisions of Division 3.3 of the Collier County Land Development Code when aplicabls shall apply to the developsent of all platrod tracts, or parcels of land as provided in said Division prior to the issuance of buildin9 permit or other developsent order. D. The development of any tract or parcel sppr~vod for residential developsent contesplating fee simple ownership of land for each dwellin~ unit shall be required to suheit and receive approval of a Prslisinary Subdivision Plat in conforsanca with the requiresants of Division 1.2 of the Collier County Land Developsent Code prior to the submittal of construction plans and plat for any of the tract or parcel. E. Appropriate instrusents will be provided at the time of infrastructure improverite regarding any dedications and sethods for provtdtn9 perpetual maintenance of common facilities. F. The project is subject to the provisions of Section 2.7.3,4 of the Collier County Land Development Code to set ttse limits for approval PUD to commence development. 2.6 AX~S ~O THE mrD ROc~ oa ~ EAS~ER PLAN A. Amendmats may he made to the PUD as provided in the Collier County Land Development Code, Section 2,7 ASSOCIATIOW OF PROPErtY O!d~ERS FOR COe4140W AREA EAINTENANCE Whenever the developer elects to create land area and/or recreation tonities whOSe ownership and maintenance responsibility is a cosmen interest to all of tim subsequent purchasers of property within said development in which the careen interest is located, that daleper entity shall provide appropriate lqal instants for the establishment of a Property Owners Association whose function shall include provisions for the perpetual care and maintenance of all cosmen facilities and open space subject further to the provisions of the Collier County Land Developsent Code, Section 2.2,20.3,8. 2,8 NODEL RCi4ES AND SALES FACILITIES Plodel homes/model homm centers, including sales centers, shall be permitted in conjunction with the promotion or the development subject to Section 2,6.33,4,1 of the Collier County Land Development Code. Words e%e~e~-4H~ee%e~ are deleted; ~rds underlined are added. 2-3 SECTION III RESIDENTIAL ~RKXS PLaN 3.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the dsvslopment standards applicable to the project indicated on Exhibit "A~, the PUD ~astsr Plan. 3,2 USES PE~MI71~D No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land use, in whole or part, for other than the following: A. Principal Uses: 1. Detached single family dwelling units. 2. Attached duplexr or townhouse dwelling units. B. Accessory Uses: 1. Accessory uses and structures customary in residential projects, including recreational facilities. 2. Project sales and admtnistrativs offices subject to the requirements of Section of the Collier County Land Development Code. 3. Signage as permitted in Division 2.5 of Collier County Land Dsvslopmsnt Code in affect at the time of building permit application. 4. Polling Places: Pursuant to Section 2.6.30 of the Collier County Land Development Code as amended, made for the uture use provision shall be ~u of building space within cos~on areas for the purpose of accoemodating the function of an electoral polling placs. 3.3 MAXIMUM DI4ELLING UNITS. A maximum of 207 dwelling units may be constructed in this 34 acre project. 3.4 REGULATIONS 3.4 GENERAL: All yards, setbacks, etc. shall be in relation to the individual lot boundaries. 3-1 Words ~f~ek-44~ arm deleted; words underlined are added. 3.4.2 MINIMUM SE~ACKS A. Front Yard: ~e.e~eet. e 15 feet. B. Side Yard: 0 or 7.5 feet. C. Rear Yard: 15 feet for principal structures and 10 rest for accessory structures. · For zero lot dwlllings, the side yard setback is 0 feet and 15 feet on the remaining side yard. The distance between principal structures is 15 feet. 3.4.3 m~zmmxmJl!. Fr.,~Ft AREA 1,000 square rest. 3.4.4 MINIMUM LOT AREA 3,600 square feet. 3.4.5 LCFF DIMENSIONS A. Width 45 feet. B. Length 80 feet. 3.4.6 OFFSTREET PARKING RE{]UIREI~S As required by Division 2.3 of the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of building permit application. 3.4.7 MAXIMUM HEIGHT Principal Structure: 2 stories. s. 4. s .LAxo$C^? ZN~ Minimum landscaping requirements shall be as permitted or required by Division 2.4 or the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time a permit is required. 3.4.9 ZERO LOT LIN~ SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RE~]UIREMENTS 1. The zero lot line portion of the dwelling unit shall be void of doors where such wall is conti~uous to adjoining line. Windows may be permitted on the zero lot line wall. 3-2 Words 4t~4ks~W~are deleted; ~rds underlined are added. 3.4.10 COed!~DN ARCHITECTURAL THEHE REQUIREMENTS 1. The architectural style of the dwelling units/structures shall be compatible in design and complementary in the use of materials and color. 2. The residential project shall have a signature entranceway. The entranceway design and improvement elements shall include some or all of the following: the use of landscape materials, gated structure, water features, sculpture, and ornamental pavement surfaces. 3. Street materials, signage, lighting shell be complementary throughout the proJ act ' s accessways. 4. Where the nature of the constructled of a residence has provided for zero (0) side yard, footings and roof overhang encroachments may be permitted on to the adjoining lot. A roof drainage system shall be put in place to prevent roof drainage from falling onto the abutting property adjacent the walls of the residence with the zero ( 0 ) side yard tolerance. Furthermore, provision shall be made for a three foot ( 3 ' ) easement on the abutting property, shall be recorded running with the land with the residence enjoying the zero (0) lot side yard for maintenance purposes. 5. Roof overhangs shall be prohibited over adjacent property lines unless a recorded restrictive covenant creating the requisite easement interest for encroachment, maintenance and repair of the building overhang is an element of the project. 6. The developer shall construct a fence in accordance with Section 2.6.11 of the Collier County hand Development Code to be located along the South and East property lines adjacent to neighboring residential land use. Words 4%~s~4kn~are deleted= ~rds u~erlined are added. 3-3 ~z~rloN iv c~x~oMs ARZA/I~C~XATICq(At ~ 4.1 ~e ~se of ~ts sectt~ is to set ~or~ ~ d~el~t plu ud d~el~t st~ards for ~ areas desi~ated as tract G ~ the ~star PlY, hhibit "~'. ~e pri~ f~cti~ ~d ~se of ~se tracts will ~ to pr~ids assthsti~lly pleasin~ ~e~, ~ areas rscrsati~al facilities, ~c~t In areas for nter i~t. 4.2 USES P~I~ A. Princi~l Uses 2. ~n space/nature prsstm 3. P~sstrlu a~ bike paths ~st~ded for access or passaqe thr~gh cm areas. ~ 4. Shu~fle~ard c~rts, taxis c~rts, aiming ~ls, ~d other ' facilities inte~ for ~t~r recreatt~. B. Accesso~ Uses: 1. Acces~ uses ~ statures ~st~rily are as~iat~ wi~ principal uses. 4.3 D~~ RE~TI~S A. ~erall site desi~ s~ll be h~i~s In tam o~ l~s~ping, enclosure or st~ctures, lccati~ of access streets ~d parking areas ~d l~att~ ~d trea~nt o~ ~ffer areas. S. Buildings shall ~ setback a sinin of 25 feet ~t~tng resideSial districts ~d Mintainsd l~ca~d ~ffsrs s~ll ~ pr~idsd. C. Lightin9 facilities shll ~ arr~ In a ~er to prots~ roadways ~ nsig~rtn~ pr~rtlss fr~ direct glare. D. ~si~ ~d ~st~lm of all i~r~mts shll ~ ~Js~ to ~lt~cs wi~ t~ a~r~rlats provtsims of ~s ~lllsr C~ty ~d ~sl~t ~0, Divisi~ 3.2, ~d this ~. E. ~l~ ~I~ 1. PrinCi~l stricture t~nty five (2S} 2. Sccssso~ structure fifteen {15) feat. F. ~INI~ O~ STR~ P~KING ~ retired ~ Divisi~ 2.3 of tht L~d ~sl~t C~e of ~a time o~ building ~it a~lication. 4-1 h'ords 4~~ars dslsted; wrds underlined are added. SECTION V CONSgRVATION/PRESERVE/F. AKE AREA 5.1 PURPOSE Conservation/Preserve/Lake Area - The purpose is to preserve and protect vegetation and naturally functioning habitat such as wetlands in their natural state. These occur in Tracts A,B, C, D, Z, ~i-F, H, X, .and Jr $. 2 U~E~ PFRMXTTSD ~o building or structure or pert thereof, shaZZ be erected or altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following, subject to regional, state, and federal permits when required. A. Principal Uses: 1. Open spaces/nature preserves. 2. Small docks, piers or other such facilities constructed for purposes of lake recreation for residents of the project, subject to appropriate approvals by permitting agencies. 3. Boardwalks subject to appropriate approvals by permitting agencies. 4. Hulched paths and bridges to provide access from the uplands. B. Accessory Uses: 1. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the principal uses. 2. Section V related Conservation Preserve Area signage as permitted in the Collier County [,and Development Code. C. Environmental Review: Any and all building, site alteration, or other activity within the preserve area is subject to review by the Development Review Services D/vision of Collier County. 5-1 Words 4t~ke~ars deleted; ~rds underlined are added. BECTION VI DE'/EbOPNENT CONNITNENTB 6.1 FURPOSE The purpose of this Bection is to set forth the develoI~nent commitments for the development of the project. 6.2 G~rRAt- All facilities shall be constructed in accordance with Final Bits Development Plans or Final Construction Plans, as applicable, and all Btate and local laws, codes. Except where specifically noted or stated otherwise, the standards and specifications of the LIX: Divisions 2 and 3 shall apply to this project even if the land within the PLrD is not to be platted. The developer, his successor and assigns shall be responsible for the comsitments outlined in this document. 6. s P~o HAs?lea p.LAN.. ^. exhibit "As, PtfO Hastst Development Plan iljustrates the proposed developsent end is conceptual in nature. Proposed tract, lot or land use boundaries or special land use boundaries shall not bs construed to be final and may be varied, if deemed insubstantial, at any subsequent approval phase at the time of 8its Development Plan or final subdivision plat application. B. All necessary easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be granted to insure the continued operation and maintenance of all service utilities and all common area in the project. 6.4 BIGNB All signs shall be in accordance with Division 2.9 Collier County Lend Development Coda in effect at the time of building permit application. 6.5 TRAFFIC The development of this PUD Halter Plan shall be subject to and governed by the following transportation conditions: A. The Road Impact Fee shall be as set forth in Ordinance 92-22, as amended, and shall be paid when building permits are issued unless otherwise approved by the Board of County Cosmissioners. 6-1 Words et-x~sek--4~h~e~g!~ are deleted; words underlined are added. B. Access improvements, as specified in Ordinance 93-64, shall not be subject to impact fee credits and shall be in place before any Certificate of Occupancy are made. 6.6 WATER NANAGEM~T A. A dstai led water sanagesent plan end supporting calculations signed and sealed b~ s Professional Engineer shall be provided prior to final Site Developseat Plan approval or final subdivision plat approval. B. an excavatio~ permit will be required for the proposed lake (s) in accordance with Division 3.5 of the Collier Count}, Land Development Code, and South Florida Water ~anagement District [SFWMD] rules. C. In accordance with South Florida Water ~lanagesent District rules, ths water management s~stem shall bleed down the first one half inch of project runoff in 24 hours. D. A co~ of SFWMD Permit or Earl}, Work Permit with staff report is required prior to construction plan approval. 6.7 tFTILITIES The development of this FUD ~aster Plan shall he subject to and governed b~ the following A. Connection to the existing water facilities within Radio Road right- of-we}, are required and must be cospletel}, iljustrated o~ the final site plans and supporti,g engineering construction drawings as to location, configuration, and size. B. The existlug off-sits water facilities of the District suet be evaluated for h~rsulic cspacit}, to serve this pro~ect reinforced as required, if necessaxT, to insure that the Distrtct's water s~stee can h~dr~ulicall}, provide · sufficient quantit}, of water to seer the anticipated demands of the pro~ect and the District~s existing co~mitted capacit},. Prior to final SDP sl~roval documentation shall be provided sho~ing that adequate potable water demand plus fire flow exist and that it is based on actual flow data provided b~ the local Fire District. C. The utility construction documents for the pro~ect's sewerage s~stes shall be prepared to contain the design and construction of the on site force main which will connect the project to the central sewerage facilities of the District. 6-2 Words 44s~ek-ilsesg~ are deleted; words underlined are added. D. Design and construction of these facilities suet be in compliance vith Ordinance 88-76, as asendsd. v_. ~o Certificates of Occupanc~ viII be issued nntil the regional sewer services of the Collier County Water-Sever District are in place and operational. F. 111 costczars connecting to the water distribution and sewer collection facilities to be constructed will be oustczars of the County and viII be billed b~ the County in accordance with the Co~mty's established rates. C. Connection to the existing water facilities within 14oon Lake Drive right-of-way are required and suet be completely iljustrated on the final sits plans and supporting engineering construction drawings as to location, configuration, and size. K. The existing off-site sewage transsission facilities of the District suit be evaluated for h~drsultc capacity to serve this project and laproved as required outside the projects bou~dar~ to provide adequate capacity to transport the additional wastewater generated without adverse tapact to the existtug transalsston facilities. F~Dlgfrll FOR UNDERCROIIND UTILITIgS Easements for underground utilities such as powr, telephone, TV, cable, wastewater collection and transport, water distrtbu~ion lines and other similar utilities necessary for the service of the pro~ect shall be located as required and granted for those purposes. EI~I~^L The development of this FUD Kaster Plan shall be subject to and goverued !~/the foll~ing conditions: The applicant shall be subject to all anvironsantal ordinances in effect at the ties of ell final development order slUrovals. a. Rexone approval does not absolve the applicant from xupplying necessary information as required for subsequent site plan approval (i.e. wildlife survelrs, Jurlsdicticoal warland tnforsatton, and appropriate mitigation). C. itll mitigation for impacted wetlands shall comply with the ratios and requireseats of Ikpptndlx 7 of the Bonth Florida Water Hanagesent District rules and may consist of wetland creation or upland ccepensation for wildltfl. !litigation arias shall ha surveyed prior to Final Sits Plan/Construction Plan approval and designated as a conservation masssent and/or tract with protective covenants pursuant to Florida Statues, Chapter 704.06. ~rdse~t~~are dsleted~ ~rd uderlined are added. D. Preservation and sittgatton areas shall be designated as preservation tracts sad/or conservation eases~ntson all subsequent sits pls~s sad shall be racordsd onthsplatsubJsc~ tot he uses sad lisitstions Chapter 704.0t of ths Plorida Statues. Preservation aress shall be field vsrifisd and sppr~ved by Collisr County Project Plm Rsvisw gnvironssntsl Stsff. Thsss areas shall ratsin ths sxisttng nstural cs~opyf Imdsrstory sad gr~ndcovsr vs~ststion sad shsll be ssintsined Zras of sxotics in perpetuity. 6.10 A. Dstsilsd psvinqf grading, sits drsinags, sad utility plans shall subsisted to Project Rsvisw Ssrvtcss for revtsw. No construction permits shall be issued unless snd until spproval of ths proposed ccmstruction in sccordancs with ths subsisted plans is granted by Project Rsvisss Services. B. all requiresants of Division 3.2 of tim Collier County Land Devslopssnt Code sust bs st since no substitutions were requested. C. Ths project shall be plstted in sccordsncs with Collier County Land Develoisent Code. D. Yhts project shall b~ required to met all County Ordinances in sffsct st the tim finsl construction docusents are subsisted for dsvslc~ssnt spproval. S.ll ~hs Laswood Lakes project shall be opsrsted in accordsace with the terms of sa sxaonted affordable Housing 14tessant between ths project ~nsr sad the Collier County Board oZ Ccsssisstonsrs. 6-4 Words ~s~k4kssg& lrs deletsd~ words un4srline.d ars added. STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) l, DWIGHT g. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true cop~ ors ORDIN~'~'ENO. 9~-77 Which was adopted by the Board of County Con=nissioners on the 12th day of December, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS n~ hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 14th day of December, 1995. DWIGHT v.. BROCK . Clerk of Courts and C'~k:" '.. Ex-officto to Board of.,' . County Connissioner~*. *