Ordinance 95-68 ORDINANCE NO. 95-.__f~8__ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-1 THE COLLIER CO~TY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WHICH IHCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 060102; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM NA" AND "A"-ST TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS AIRPORT PLAZA PUD FOR A MAXIMUM OF 30 MIXED DWELLING UNITS AND~ 25,000 S.F. OF COMMERICAL, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD AM~' HAZEL ROAD, IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUT}{Z RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 11.4 ACRES; AND BY PROVIDIN~ AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ WHEREAS, Michael R. Fernandez, of Agnoli, Barber Brundage, Inc., representing Michael J. Volpe, Trustee, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: The zoning classification of the herein described real property located in Section 1, Township 50 South, Range East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from A/A-ST to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the Airport Road PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Number 060102, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. -1- PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board o[ County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, th~s -~' day of _//~~ 9 , 1995. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO S COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR ' ATTEST': '.. "'. : - '..' BY: : ~; '.: , :,. .~ · , MARJC~IE H. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY PUD-95-50RDINANCE/146S5 This ordlncr~.~ f/led wtth the Secretc~ry of 5tete's Office the of~'~ , -' ,- ~ c~ -2- mmm ms m AIRPORT PLAZA A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND SUPPORTING MASTER PLAN GOVERNING AIRPORT PLAZA, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE PREPARED FOR: MICHAEL J. VOLPE, TRUSTEE c/o TREISER, KOBZA, VOLPE 4001 TAMIAM1 TRAIL NORTH NAPLES, FLORIDA 33940 PREPARED BY: MICHAEL R. FERNANDEZ, AIC'P PLANNING DIRECTOR OF AGNOLI, BARBER i BRUNDAGE, INC. 7400 TAMIA MI TRAIL NORTH, SUITE 200 NAPLES, FLORIDA 33963 (113) $97-3111 DATE REVIEWED BY CCPC | I/2/95 DATE APPROVED BY BCC I lr28/95 ORDINANCE NUMBER 9 5 - 6 8 AMENDMENTS AND REPEAL ~ DATE ! 1/30/95 ABB PN 7077 Amend with EXHIBIT "Am mmm m TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE THRU PAGE LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLES STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE iv vi SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP &DESCRIPTION I-I !-3 II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 2-I 2-8 I!1 LOW TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AREAS PLAN 3-1 3-6 IV COMMERCIAL 4-1 4-2 V CONSERVATION/PRESERVATION AREAS 5-1 5-2 VI GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENT$ 6-1 6-5 LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLE8 EXH! BIT A PUD Master Plan EXHIBIT B Localion Map EXHIBIT C APO Development Standards TABLE I Land Use Table TABLE li Estimated Market Absorption Schedule TABLE Ill Summary of E)cvclol:.ncnt Standards for Residential Developments . iii STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The development or approximately I 1,4 acres of property in Collier County, as a Planned Unit Development Io be known as Airport Plaza will be in compliance with Ihe goals, objectives and policies or Collier County as set forth in Ihe Growth Management Plan. The residcnlial and commercial facilities or Airport Plaza will be consistent with applicable comprehensive planning objectives oreach orthe elements oFthe Grouah Management Plan rot the rollowing reasons: 1. The subject property is within the Urban Residential Land Use Designation as identified on the Future Land Use Map as required in Objcclive I, Policy 5.1 and Policy 5.3 or the Future Land Use Element(FLUE) and therefore is eligible rot Ihe base density as provided by the FLUE Dcnsity Rating System. The Density Rating System contained in the FLUE yields Ibe prol:x:rly eligible rot a dcnsity orup to rout (4) dwelling units per acre, and the rollowing tabulation is applicable: Base Density in Urban Area 4 du/a Total Eligible Density 4 du/a The sito's residential component is 7.4+/- acres, see Table I. Therefore, the maximum number orunits this development is eligible for is 30 units and the proposed development is I'or n maximum or 26 units. The project site (not inclusive oF the rout (4+/-) acres of commercial) will have a density ofnpproxlmatcly 3.5 units per acre. This density is deemed consistent with the density provided For by the County", Growth Management Plan. 2. The subject propert~s location in relation to existing or proposed community facilities and services permits the development's residential density as required in Objective 2 ot' Ibe Future Land Use Element. 3. The project development is compatible and complementary Io existing and future surrounding land uses as required in Policy 5.4 ofthe Future Land Use Element. 4. The project development will result in an efficient and economical extension of community facilities and services as required in Policies 3.1.tl and L or the Future Land Use Elcmcnt. 5. The project will be served by a complete range of services and utilities as approvcd by the County. iv 6, The project is compatible with adjacent land uses through the internal arrangement of structures, Ihe placement of land use buffers, and the proposed development standards contained herein. 7, All final local development orders for this project are subjcc~ Io the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, 8, The commercial portion of Ihe project is consistent with the FLUE through the provisions of Section 4. CommerciaJ_L~ of the DENSITY RATING SYSTEM which provides rot certain in-fill development that may ha permitted in areas already substantially zoned or dcvcloped for such uses. Given that the subject parcel is bound on the south by developed C-4 zoning acreage and on Ihe north by a developed high intensity commercial PUD and is across the street from the lands of the Naples Municipal Airport(lands limited to commercial development); this parcel therefore meets the criteria for designation as in-fill commercial. The FLUE DENSITY RATING SYSTEM Section 4. Commercial Under CHteria SUbsectlons a.. b.. and e. set standards which must be met under Ihe in-fill commercial designation; these standards and the petitionces responses are as follows: Standard One: The subject parcel must be bounded on both sides by improved commercial property or commercial property granted an exemption or compatibility exemption as provldcd for in the Zoning Re- evaluation Program. Response: As described above, the parcel is bounded on two sides by commercial property and is not restricted to C I -T Dislrict uses and is eligible for the full range ofcomrneroial uses, Standard Two: The subject parr, el should not exceed 200 feet in width, although the width may be greater at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. Response: The subject parcel does exceed 200 feet in width, however the parcels ndjaccncy to other commercial properties, frontage on a major arterial, proximity to the airport and physical separation from residential properties suggests incompatibility with residential zoning and compatibility with commercial zoning. Standard Three: The depth orthe subject parcel may not bc grcalcr than Ihat oradjoining commercial zoned pmpcrlics. Rcsponsc: The depth of the subject parcel is roughly defined by the proposed conservation at'ca and this depth is less than the depth orthe adjacent commercial properties. Standard Four:. The proposed use must not generate in excess of five percent of the level of C design capacity on abutting streets that provide access to the project; Response: The proposed use will generate less than five percent. Standard Five: The proposed use musl not exceed a floor area of 25,000 square feet. Response: The proposed use does not exceed a floor area of 25,000 square feet and additionally has a low inlensity of development of 6250 square feet per acre. vi SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND DF, SCRIPTION I.I PURPOSE The purposc of this Scclion is to sct forlh thc location and ownership of the property, and to dc~cribc Ihc cxislinlt conditions or the property proposcd to bc dcvclopcd under Ihc project namc orAirpon Plaza. 1.2 I.E(IAL DESCRIPTION Thc subjccl property Ixing I 1.4+/- acrcs, is dcscribcd as. accordin8 to O.R. Book 306 pg. 446 or,he Public Rccords orCollicr Courtly, Florida. COMMENCING AT THE WEST i/4 CORNER OF SECTION I, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE ALONG THE EAST AND WEST i/4 LINE OF SAID SECTION I NOR'Ill 89°25'50" EAST 67.00 FEET TO THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD 858 AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF COCONUT CREEK UNIT NO. I ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK I, PAGE 108, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND Tile POINT OF BEGINNING OF TIlE PARCEL tIEREIN DESCRIBED: TI [ENCE ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID COCONUT CREEK UNIT NO. !, NORTH 00'29'00" WEST 608.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89'24'10" EAST 499.40 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 290.78 FEET ALONG TIIE ARC OF A CIRCULAR CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTtiWEST, RADIUS 265.78 FEET, SUBTENDED BY A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTH 59°15'15" EAST 276.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 27°54'40" EAST 462.46 FEET; THENCE SOLFRtEASTERLY 108.71 FEET ALONG TIlE ARC OF A CIRCULAR CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, RADIUS 99.4[ FEET SUBTENDED BY A CHORD WHICH BEARS SOUTH 59'14'25" EAST 103.38 FEET TO THE EAST AND WEST I/4 LINE OF SAID SECTION I: TtIENCE ALONG Tt[E EAST AND WEST 1/4 LINE OF SAID SECTION 1, SOUTI! 99"25'50" WEST 1037.30 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGD4NING: BEING A PART OF A LOT 15 OF SAID COCONUT CREEK, UNIT NO. I AND BEING ALL OF TIIAT FORMER PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATED BY RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COL. LIER COUNTY AS RECORDED IN OFFICIAL RECORD 173, PAGE 669 OF THE COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; SUBJECT 'TO I-I EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, CONTAINING I 1.4 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 1.3 PROPERTY OWNERSttlP The subject property is currently under the ownership or Michael J. Volpe, as Trustee (heroinafter called "applicant or developer"). 1.4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AREA A. The project site is located within Ihc West I/'2 of Section I, Township 50 South, Range 25 East. The parcel ofapproximatcly i 1.4+/- acres is located off and cast of Airport-Pulling Road (County Road 31) and off and south of llazel Road and east of Naples Municipal Airport. The site is currently undcvcloped. The subject properly is generally bordered on the north by Hazel Road which abuts !he i 5 acre Regency Autohaus PUD - a commercial property in its last phase of development. The site is bordered on the west by the six lane Airport-Pulling Road which abuts the one square mile Naples Municipal Airport and its associated commercial uses; and, on !he east by Itaz~l Road which abuts residential Estate District lots. The site is bordered on the south by an on-site drainage ditch which abuts developed C4 commercial and developed RMF-6(provides for and intensity of 6 units per acre) residential lots. B. The zoning classification of the subject proper~y prior to lhc dale of this approvcd PUD Document was A/Agriculture and A-ST/Agriculture-Special Treatment. 1.5 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The site's principle natural feature is Rock Creek which runs roughly through the center of the property. Banks of thc Crock arc rclalivcly steep and wctland areas associated with the Crock arc well defined. The firca defined by the Creek and ralatcd wctlaads and vegetation covers approximately 4.4+/- acres. The upland arcs wcsl of the Creek has elevations between 3.3 and 5 feet NGVD; the upland area east of the Creek has elevation between 3 and 4 feet NGVD. Slightly higher elevations exist along Airport-Pulling Road and the banks of the Creek and drainage ditch. There is evidence that upland areas have received some fill. Upland vegetation is comprised mostly of trees including .saw palmetto and oaks. The soil association for the site, per GMP Map LU-94, is Urban-Udorthents Basinger, Urban 72% / Udorthents 17%, Basinger 5%; soils of a man made area. The site has the following designation rclalive to flood -FEMA FIRM Flood Zohe AE (Six.'cial flood b,,~rd areas inundated by 100 year flood, base elevation of 7 NGVD-! 9~9). !-2 Communily-Pancl Numbcr 120067 0394 D. Pancl 394 or ! 125 for Collier County; Map's clTcc|ivc datc: June 3, 1986. 1.6 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Airport Plaza is a planned development which includes both residential and commercial acreage scparaled by a natural and vegetated conservntion area. The water management anlicipatcd for Ihe proposed pro. joel is the dry detention type. This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Airport Plaza Planned Unit Development Ordinance.' 1-3 SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS 2.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to dclincate end generally dcscribc the projcct's plan of dcvclopmcnt, rclationships to applicablc County ordinances, thc rcspectivc land uscs or Ihc tracts includcd in the projcct, as wc[I as other projcct relationships. ~ENERAL A. Rcgulations for dcvclopmcnt of Airport Plaza shall be in accordance with the contcnts or this documcnt, PUD-Planncd Unit Dcvclopmcnt District and other applicable scctions and parts of the Collier County Land Development Codc and Growth Management Plan in effect at the lime of issuance of any development order Io which said regulations relate which authorizes the construction of improvements, such as but not limited to LDC Section 2.2.23 Ai.nor~ Overlay District. as may be amended, Final Subdivision Plat, Final Site Development Plan, Excavation Permit and Preliminary Work Aulhorizalion. When the regulations of this PUD Document fail to provide developmental standards then the provisions of Ihe most similar district in Ihe County Land Development Code shall apply. B. Unless otherwise noted, the definitions of all terms shall be the same as the definitions set forth in Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of building permit application. C. All conditions imposed and all graphic material presented depicting res~rictlons for the development of Airport Plaza shall become part of the regulations which govern the manner in which the PUD site may be developed. D. Unless modified, waived or excepted by this PUD document or associated exhibits, the provisions of other land development codes where applicable remain in full force and effect with respect to the development of the land which comprises this PUD. E. Development permitted by the approval of this petition will be subject to a concurrency review under the provisions of Division 3.15 Adequate Public Facilities of the Land Development Code at the earliest or next to occur of either final SDP approval, final plat approval, or building permit issuance applicable to this development. 2-3. 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PLAN AND PROPOSED LAND USES A. The project Master Plan, including and use of land for the acreage noted, is iljustrated graphically by Exhibi| "A', PUD Master Plan. There shell bc one general residential land use Iract/acreage and one general commercial land use tract/acreage, each which contains a perlion of ihe site's conservation acreage, the general configurations of which is iljustrated by Exhibit AIRPORT PLAZA ESTIMATED LAND USE SUMMARY RESIDENTIAL Single Family TRACT Cjustered Single Family and Single Family Attached; Multi-family, and Cjustered Multi-family 26 3.9+/-* Conservation Acreage 3'5+/- Subtotal 26 7.4+/-* COMMERCIAL TRACT 25,000 SF 3.0+/- Conservation Acreage 1.0+/- Subtotal 4.0+/- GRAND TOTAL 11.4+/- * Includes open space or recreational areas that may be located within residential acreage: ** Total acreage utilized in the determination of residential density. 2-2 Table I is a schedule of the intemdcd land uses, with approximate acreage ofthe total project indicated. The arrangement of these land areas arc shown on the Master Plan (Exhibit "A"). The Master Development Plan is an iljustrative preliminary development plan. Design criteria and layout that is iljustrated on the Master Development Plan and other exhibits supporting this project shall be understood to he flexible so that final design may satisfy development objectives and be consistent with the Project Development, as set forth in this document. AIRPORT PLAZA ESTIMATED ABSORPTION SCHEDULE YEAR RESIDENTIAL UNITS COMMERCIAL ACREAGE 1996 26 4 Table II indicates the estimated absorption of units for the development Ix-Hod. The estimate may, of course, change depending upon future economic, market and regulatory factors. B. Modification to all boundaries may be permitted at the time of Preliminary Subdivision Plat or Site Development Plan approval, subject to the provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code or as otherwise permitted by this PUD document. C. In addition to the various areas and ~pcci~c itrms shown in Exhibit "A", such casements as necessary (utility, private, semi-public, etc.) shall he established within or along the various tracts or acreage as may be necessary. 2.4 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT DENSITY OR INTENSITY OF LAND USE The proposed residcntlal component of the project is not inconsistent with any and all provisions (items a through g} of LDC Section which lists the justifications for which intensity ofdcvclopmcnt (units per acre) may he reduced and therefore is cligiblc to the maximum density and intensity permissible by the Collicr County Growth Management Plan FLUE Dcnslty Rating System.. A maximum of 26 residential dwelling units, single family and multi-family, shall he constructed in the designated residential area; and, a maximum of 25,000 square feet or commercial within the designated commcrcial area. 2-3 The gross project area is 1 !.4 acres. Four (4+/-) acnn are designated as commercial and includes approximately one (i) acre of the conservation arcs. The residential portion or the project is 7.4 acres and inciudcs approxlmatcly 3.4 acres of the conservation area. The gross rcsidcntlal project density, therefore, will bca maximum or 33+/- units per acre, not to cxcetd 26 units. This mixed-use development shall have at least thirty percent (30%} or the gross area devoted to usable open space, per Collier County Land Development Code, Subsection, The 4.4+/- acres of conservation area (39% of the project area) is deemed to satisfy the entire olx'n space requirement u required by LDC Subsection and the catire vcgclation retention requirement (25% of the viable existing natural vegetation wilhin the boundaries or lhe PUD) rot bolh Ihc commercial and residential portions or Ihc proposed development. 2.5 RELATED PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL REOUIREMENTS A. Prior to the recording ors Record Plat, and/or Condominium Plat For all or part or the PUD, final plans of all required improvements shall receive approval of the appropriate CoIlicr County governmental agency to insure compliance with the PUD Master Plan, and as applicable, the Collier County Subdivision Code and Ihe platting laws of Ihc State of Florida. B. Exhibit "A", PUD Master Plan, constitutes the required PUD Development Plan. Subsequent to or concurrent with PUD approval, a Preliminary Subdivision Plat, iF applicable, shall he submitted rot the entire ares covered by the PUD Master Plan. Any division of property and the development of thc land shall be in compliance with Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code, and the platting laws orthc State of FIorlda. C. The provisions of Division 3.3 of the Collier County Land Development Code, when applicable, shall apply to the development of all platted tracts, or parcels of land as provided in said Division prior Io the issuance of a building permit or other development order. D. The development of any tract or parcel approved for residential development contemplating let simple ownership of land for each dwelling unit shall be required to submit and receive approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plat in conformsnee with requirements of Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code prior to the submittal of construction plans and a final plat for any portion of a tract or parcel. E. Appropriate i~ts will be provided at the time of in~ improvements regarding any dedications and method for providing perpetual maintenance of common facilities. 2-4 III Ill F. Design and conslrucllon orall improw'menls shall be subjecl Io compliance wilh Ihe approprialc provisions of the Collier Coumy Land Development CcxJe Division 3.2. 2.6 DEVEI,OPMENT SEOUENCE AND SCttEDUI,E The applicanl has set a preliminary developmenl schedule for Ihe subject property. This projection of Ihc projcct's development can be no more than an estimate based on curtoni markcl knowledge, scc Table il,. 2.7 MODEL HOMES AND SALE FACILITIES Model homes, model home centers including a sales center(s) shall bc permitted in conjunction with the promotion of the development as permlttcd by the Collier County Land Dcvclopmcnt COde. 2.8 AMENDMENTS TO PUD DOCUMENT OR PUD MASTER PLAN Amendments may bc made to the PUD as provided in the Collier County Land Development Code, Section 2.9 ASSOCIATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS FOR COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE Whenever Ihe developer elects to create land area and/or recreation amentries whose ownership and maintenance rcsponsibility is a common interest to all of the subsequent purchasers of property within said development in which the common interest is located, Ihat developer entity shall Fovidc appropriate legal instruments for the establishment of a Property Owners Association or anolhcr appropriate entity whose function shall include provisions for the perpetual care and maintenance of all common facilities and open space subject further to the provisions of Ihc Collier County Land Development Code, Section 2.10 LANDSCAPE BUFFERS. BERMS. FENCES AND WALLS Landscape buffers, berrns, fences and walls arc generally permitted as a principal use throughout Airport Plaza PUD. The following standards shall apply: A. Landscape berms shall have the following maximum 4de slopes: I. Grasacd berms 3: I 2. Ground covered betms 2:1 3. Rip-Rap berms 2: I 4. Structural walled berms - wrli~l 2-5 The above slopes are maximums and m:luim Staff review and approval of individual applications where such maximum slopes exceed LDC Standards. B. Fence or wall maximum height: eight (8) feet, as measured from the finished grade of the ground at Ihe base of the fence or wall. For the purpose of this provision, finished grade shall he considered Io he not greater than eighteen (18) inches above Ihe highest crown elevation of lhe nearest existing road unless the fence or wall is constructed on a landscape harm. In these cases the wall shall not exceed six (6) feet in height from the top of berm elevation for berrn elevation with an average side slope of 4:l or less, and shall not exceed four feet (4") in height from the top of berm elevation for bcrms with an average side slope for greater than 4:1 (i.e. 3:1). C. Fences and walls which are an integral part of access conlrol structures such as gate houses and control gates shall not he subject to the he~ghl limitations set forth under 2. I I B, and shall be governed by the height limitations for principal structures of the district in which they are located. In the case of acces8 control structures within right-of-ways adjoining two or more differ~nl districts, the more restrictive heigM standard shall apply. 2.11 ~ Fill storage is generally permitted as a principal us~ throughout Airport Plaza. All stock piled earth material shall have been generated from earth mining activities on Ihe Airport Plaza site and may be stockpiled within areas which have been disturbed or farmed. Prior to stockpiling in these locations a Letter of Notification along with plans showing the locations and cross-sections shall be submitted to Collier County Project Review Services for review and approval. The following standards shall apply: A. Stockpile maximum side slope 3:1 B. Stockpile maximum height: thirty five (35) feet; C. Fill storage areas shall be screened with a security fence at least six (6) feet in height above ground level. D. Fill storage areas shall be no closer than 300 feet from any developed residential properties. E. Soil erosion control shall he provided in accordance with CCLDC Division 3.7. F. Fill storage shall not be permitted in areas occupied by threatened or endangered species unless an approved management plan permits such use. 2-6 G. All slockpiled earth material shall be removed and stockpiling shall discontinue when all water management areas have bccn completed. 2.12 GENERAL PERMITTED USES Certain uses $hall be considered general permitted uses throughout the Airport Plaza PUD. General permitted uses are Ihose uses which generally serve the Developer and residents of Airport Plaza PUD and arc typically pan of Ihc common infrastructure or are considered community facilities. A. General Permitled Uses: I. Essential services as set forth under Collier County Land Development Code, Section 2. Water management facilities and related structures. 3. Lakes including lakes with bulkheads or other architectural or structural bank treatments. 4. Guardhouses, gatehouses, and access control structures. Community and recreational facilitics, community centers. 6. Temporary construction, sales, and administrativc offices for the Developer and Dcvclopcr's authorized contractors and consultants, including necessary access ways, parking areas and related uses. 7. Landscape futures including but not limited to landscape buffers, betas, fences, wa{{s subject to the standards set forth in PUD Section 2.1 I. 8. Fill storage subject to Ihe standards set forth in PUD Section 2.12. 9. Any other use which is comparable in nature with the Foregoing uses and which the Development Services Director determines to be compatible. B. Development Standards: Unless otherwise set forth in this document the following development standards shall apply to structures: I. Setback from back of curb or ~dge ofpavemcnt of any road - eighteen feet ( I 8') except for guard houses, gatehouses, and acxcss control structures which shall have no required setback. 2. Sidewalks and bikepaths may occur within required buffers, however the width of the required buffer shall b¢ increased proportionately Io Ihc width of Ihe paved surface o f Ihe sidewalk or bikepalh. 2-8 SECTION II1 LOW TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AREAS PLAN PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to idcntifi/specific development standards for the area dcsigna|cd on Exhibit "A", Residential Tract/Acreage. 3.2 MAXIMUM DWELLING U'NIT:~ 'l'hcrc shall bca maximum or 26 rcsidcntial units developed wilhin the Rcsidcnlial Tract/Acreage. 3.3 U~ Residential areas designated on the Master Plan are 1o accommodate a full range of residenlial dwelling units, recreational facilities, essential services, customary accessory uses, and compatible land uses. Multi-family shall not be mixed with single family. Principal uses shall not be developed between dissimilar permitted use types, specifically, no multi- family type shall be located between single family detached family structures. At the continuous lot line between single family detached and multiple family housing units or a dissimilar housing type, a landscape buffer (separately or on the tract of the higher density unit) ofat least twenty (20) feet shall be provided. This buffer shall minimally meet lhe requirements of Ihe LDC's Type "A" landscape buffer. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Principal Uses: (1) Single family detached dwelling units (2) Single family attached, cjuster homcs, zero lot line and patio homes. (3) Duplex, Triplex, Fourplex (4) Townhouses, Garden Apartments/Condomin iums (5) Common Recreational Facilities 3-3. (6) Any Form or attachment consistent with the general restrictions set forth hcrein. (7') The cjustering or grouping or housing structure types idcntificd in this document may be permitted on parcels or land under unified ownership, or as may be otherwise provided in Section 2.6.27 of the Collier County Land Development Code and subject Io the provisions or Division 33 or the Collier Cnunty Land Development Code. (8) Open space or preserve area. (9) Walcr management facilities and lakes. (I0) Any other use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which Ihc Development Services Director determines to be compatible. B. Accessory Uses: (I) Customary accessory uses and structures, including private garages. {'2) Recreational uses and facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, childrcn's playground areas, de. Such uses shall be visually and functionally compatible with the adjacent residences which have use of such facilities. (3) GatchousdGuardhousc. (4) Any other use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Development Services Director determines to be compatible. 3.4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (See Table Ill, rot greater specifictry) A. O~ERAL: All yards, Rt-backs, ctc. shall be in rclalion to the individual parcel boundarlcs, except a.s othcrwise provided. Ocnenlly whenever the word setback is ur_.d rclatlve to a measurement between the buildings and a lot line and/or perimeter boundary ora parccl orland upon which buildings arc to be constructed and it shall have the following application: FRONT YARD: Front yard setbacks shall be measured u f'ollows: I ) Irthe parcel is served by a public or private right-or-way, setback is m.eas~d from the adjacent Hght-or-way line. 3-2 2) If Ihe parcel is served by a non-platted private drive, setback is measured from Ihc back of curb or edge of pavement. 3/ If the parcel is served by a platled private drive, setback is measured from the mad casement or properly line. 4) Principal buildings shall be setback a distance suMcleat to provide for two back to back parking spaces, one orwhich may be in an enclosed space. 5) When principal buildings front upon a common parking area, which in turn fronts upon a public or private right-of-way or non-platted ddvc a minimum distance of ten (10) fcct shall separate the principal building and any related parking facility, and a green belt or ten (10) fcct shall separate said right-of- way, or other non-plaucd private drive from the common parking aaca. This shall not prohibit the attachment of enclosed parking structures to the principal residential structure, however in such uses a parking apron of at Icut fifteen (15) feet shall sepante the enclosed pro'king space from tbe edge of curb on a private fight.of-way w~thout sidewalks or twenty (20) fcct when a setback includes a sldcwalk. B. OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADIN(] REOUIREMENTB Single family a;tached, townhouse and rowhouse dwelling unit types which provide diacct stacc~ access to each individual unit shall be subject to the same provisions as single-family and two-family rr. sidential dwellings including the ability to back onto a siroct. C. LANDSCAPED BUFFERS Landscaped buffcn shall per the rcqulrcrnenLs of the Collier County Land Development Code except that the Type "D" burrcr for this residential tract shall include Ihc following standards: I) the acquiacd laces shall be space o more than 25 fcct on ccntcr, and 2) Ihc acqulacd hedge shall have a minimum hcight of 24 inches at the time of planting and shall reach a height of and bc maintained at a minimum height or4s inches. D. UNITS PER STRUCTURE There shall be a maximum of four (4) units per stnactut~. TABLE III: ~D~Y OF D~FEL~t~ -qTANDA~*q I~D~ AT~T, ~TD~T~ S I~E PATIO SI~K ~SE/ P~l'x-x-~ USES F~ILY (Z~O) 2 F~ILY/ F~ILY VILe/ MIN. ~ ARK~ P~ 2~Z OR PER ~LLING ~ZT g,000 4,800 2,400 2,400 2,400 Sl~ WI~ 50 40 24 20 20 MIN. CORD L~ 26 2g 20 18 18 SI~ HIN. A~RAGE 10O 100 100 100 100 ~ y~ S~A~ SUU~g 18 18 18 lS 18 (ii) ACaSSORY FOR ~TI-F~I~Y C~ P~XlNG .... 109 10* 10eY~[~ BIDE Y~RD SETBACK S 5**0R 0'* 7.5** 7,5*st 15e*sFEET RF.~R YARD BETBACK (i} PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE 15 FU~X. BUILDING HEIGHT**e* (i) EVE 100 YEAR 3S 35 3S 35 35 FEET (ii) ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 35 35 3S 35 35 FErr FtOOR MINIHUM/D.U. 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ............................................................................. Notes J {1) For Principal s~r~acturel, tan ~10| feet of vetlandl and/or wetland ~affer may be included within required rear yard imtbackJ for Accelaory 2tzucturea. five (5} fmetx for the side yard of a T~hc~sa, Villa or Rc~ H~ia, ten (10| (2) NilIN and BINLiar itx~ctures shall have · lethack of fi~s {St feet alcx~g t~e develc~w~enc'l boundaries and perimeter tract boufidary where no~ abexttin~l internal develc~x~ent tracts and · maximum height cZ 12 £aet above adjacent grade. · e TWI~f'foFIVI Fzrr IF l~ ~N A' '~'~ ~,1~ ~ 3-5 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING LrNIT DEFINITION Patio (Zero Lot Line!: Means one well of the residential structure is concurrent with a side property line and lhe sum of lhe two required side yards is shifted to the non-zero lot interior side lot line. Single Family Attached/Tow~hou~'JP, ow House: 1s a multiple family structure which includes a scrlcs of three or more single Family vertically attached housing units having no separale dwelling unit above another. May be more Ihan one slory, but not more lhan three habitable floors. Villa: Is a multiple family strudure which includes a structure containing ihree or more dwelling units both vertically and horizontally attached typically with dwelling units over dwelling units having irregular shaped exterior walls and generally not exceeding a height of two habitable Multiple Farnilv: Means a housing structure containing Ihree or more dwelling units other than Ihat which fulfills Ihe definition of single family attached, townhouse, row house, and villa. Generally includes a structure of two or more stories with dwelling units above dwelling units each of which may be accessed directly from the outside of from at common interior location. Duplex: Means a housing structure containing two dwelling units either vertically or horizontally attached. C~: Means the placement of two or more housing structures of the type described on a parcel of landAot/tract under common ownership without prejudice to condominium ownership of individual dwelling units. SECTION IV COMMERCIAL 4.1 ~ The purpose of this Section is to set forth the regulations for the area designated on Exhibit "A", PUD Master Plan, as "Commercial Tract/Acreage", A maximum of 25,{N30 square feet of commercial shall be developed within this acreage. 4.2 No building or structure, or pan thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in pan, for other than the following: A. permitted Principal Uses and Structures: I. The commercial uses are as follows: a. C-I, Professional Commercial Uses b. C-2, Convenience Conunercial Uses c. C-3, Intermediate District Uses except Sections and d. Dry Cleaning Shops (pick up only) e. Sales centers associated with residential components or the residential or commercial developers of this PUD. f. Any other use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Development Services Director determines to be compatible. B. Permitted Accesson, Uses and Strum !. A~ry uses and stmcttrtcs cuslomafily associated with the uses permitted in the above districts. 2. Essential services and facilities. 3. Any other use which is comparable in natur~ with the for~golng uses and which the Development Services Director determines to he compatible. 4.3 DEVELOPMENT .gTANDARDS: A. ~j. tr,.A~: I0,000 square feet B. ~ite Width: 10O feet 4-1 1. From PUD boundaries: Twenty-five (25) fcct plus one (I) root for each two (2) rcct of building hcight over Ihidy (30) reel. 2. From Conservation Acreage I 0 feet, except for uses as providcd for within Section V of this document. D. ~ Pffnci~l S/~ctures: None, or a minimum of'l. (10) rcct with unobstruct~ passage from front to rear yard. E. ]5~aximum Hei_~ht orgtructurcs: Thirty-rive (35) reel. F. ]~inimum Floor Arc~ orPrlncipa] Slrudurcs: One thousand (I ,000) square red ~ building on the gTound floor. 4-2 SECTION V CONSERVATION AREA8 5.1 PURPOSE Conservation Areas total approximately 4.4 acres. The purpose is to preserve and protect vegetation and naturally functioning ~bitat such as the wetlands in their natural state and to reasonably afford pedestrian access for the exposure and appreciation of the natural environment. 5.2 USES PERMITTED No building or structure or part then:of, shall be erected altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following, subject to regional, state and federal permits when rcqulred; A. Principal Uses: I. Open Spaces/Natural Prt:scrvcs. 2. Small docks, piers or other such facilities constructed for purposes of lake recreation for rcsidcnta of the project, subject to appropriate approvals by permitting agencies. 3. Board walics, observation structures, seating and dining areas, including minor roofed assembly structures subject to appropriate approvals by permitting agencies. 4. Paths and bridges to provide access from the uplands. 5. Informational nature trails. 6. A pedcstrlan pathway, graphically d,:picted on the PUD Master Plan, generally over impacted lands and existing and vacated water managemcnt improvements, for the purpose of providing an interconnect between the commercial and ruidential portions of the project. 7. Any other use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Development Services Director determines to be compatible. mmms . B. Accessory' Uses and Slructurcs: I. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the principal uses. 2. Any other use which is comparable in nature with Ihe foreitoinlt uses and which lhc Dcvclopmcnt Services Director determines to be compatible. 5-2 SECTION VI DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS The ptn-posc or lhis Section is to set forth the development commitments for the dcvclopment orthc project. G~ERAL All facilities shall be constructed in accordance with Final Site Development Plans, Final Subdivision Plans and at[ applicable State and local laws, codes and regulations applicable to this PUD. Except where specifically noted or staled otherwise, Ihc standards and specifications of the Land Development Code of Division 3.2 shall apply to this project even if the land within the PUD is not Io be platted. The developer, his successor and assigns shall be responsible for the commitments oudincd in this document. The developer, his successor or assignee shall agree to follow the Master Plan and the regulations of the PUD as adopted, and any other conditions or modifications as may be agrecci to in the rc2,~oning of the property. !n addition the dcvcloper will agree to convey to any successor or assignee in title any commitments within lhis agreement. 6.3 PUD MASTER PLAN A. Exhibit "A", PUD Master Plan, iljustrates Ihe proposed development and is conceptual in nature. Proposed tract or special land u.~ boundaries shall not be construed to be final and may be varied at any subs, cqucnt approval pha.~ such as at final platting or site development plan applicaXion, subject to the provisions of lhc Land Development Code and amendments u may bc made from time to time. B. All necessary casements, dedications, or other instrt, mcnts shall be granted to insure the continued operation and maintenance o/all service utilities and all common areas in Ihe project. 6.4 IVION1TORFNG REPORT AND SUNSET PROVISIONS A. The Airport Plaza PUD shall he subject to the Sunset Provisions of Section 2.:7.3.4 of the Land Development Code. 6-1 B. Monitoring Report: An annual monitoring report shall be submitted pursuant to Section or the Collier County Land Dcvclopmcnt Code. C. The developer does not commit Io develop any specific recreational amenity or to dcdicalc acrcaltc for any I'uturc rccrealional racilltics. 6.5 SUBSTITUTIONS TO SUBDIVISION DESIGN STANDARDS The requirements ot'Scction 3.2 shall be modified as follows: A. Subsection Street pavement painting, striping and reflective edging or roadway markings shall be waived For the local roads wilhin Ihe subdivision, except that Ibis waiver does not exclude lhe requirement for stop bars. B. Subsectlon A system or plan of sidewalks pursuant to the intent of Section 3.2 shall be made available lhmughout the project development in such a manner that project residenls will be able to walk or bicycle to selected activity centers within the project's boundary. Sid,:walks shall be provided on one side of all streets and on cul-dc-sacs longer than 300 feet. Sidewalks may vary outside the right-oir-way provided a sidewalk casement is created over the sidewalk. C. Subsccdon The mlnlmum lanc width shall be 10.0f'cctf'orallstrectsand access drivcs within the development to encourage appropriate travel speed except as required I'or entryway geometry. Landscaped linear and circular medians (roundabouts) may also be utilized within Ihe right-o~'-way or acccas drives to encourage an appropriate dcaign speed as well as to cnhancc the development theme. D. Subsection and Roundabouts may be utilized at intersections. Roundabouts and other "traffic calming" street designs shall not be required to mcct the minimum tangent requirements. E. Tangents between reverse curyea shall not be required under Subsection provided dcaign calculations for posted speed limits arc submitted prior to final improvement plan approval. F. Strait gradca may cxcccd rout petv. cnt (4%) undcr Subsection provided that appllcablc Florida Dclxulmcnt orTramspo~ation, Manual orUnirorm Minimum Standards (FDOT MUMS) and AASHTO cHicHa are met. O. Roadside slopu within private surer fight. of-ways may be allowed to a maximum ot'3:1 in accordance with FDOT MUMS, page !II-35. 6-2 6.6 TRANSPORTATION The development of this PUD Master Plan shall be s~bject to and governed by the following conditions: A. Thc dcvclopcr shall be rcsponsiblc for thcir fair share cost of intcrsccdon modifications rcquircd/scrving for this projecl. B. The developer shall provide a fair share contribution, when requested by the County, toward the capital cost of a traffic signal(s) at any and all project entrances when, and if, warranted. All warrants shall be subject to analysis by the Collier County Transportation Services Division and in accordance with the County Traffic Signal System Policy. Traffic signal(s) will be owned, operated and maintained by Collier County. C. All traffic control devices used shall comply with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Devices (Section 3 ! 6.0747, Florida Statutes). D. The developer submit a Traffic Impact Statement at Ihe time of Site Developer Plan review for commercial development that indicates Ihat lha project complies with the Collier County Growth Management Plan's Subsection" Commcmial Under Criteria" of the Density Rating System provision that the 5 percent trip generation limitation for both CR-3 i and ttazel Road are not exceeded. E. The applicant shall comply with the provisions ofthe LDC with respect to sidev.,~Iks /pathways, access controls, access lighting and local mad improvements on He.Tel Road if Ihe provisions of the LDC require them 1o be brought up to local road standards for development of the subject parcel. 6.7 WATER MANAGEMENT The development of this PUD Master Plan shall be subject to and governed by the following conditions: A copy of South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Permit of Early Work Pcrmit with staff rcport is required prior to dcvc$opmcnt plan approval. 6.8 Eig~lttiEB. Ili~ The development of this PUD Master Plan shall be subject to and governed by the followi.'ng conditions: 6-3 Design and construction of all improvements shall b¢ subject to compliance with the appropriate provisions oFthe Collier County Land Development Cndc, Division 3.2. 6.9 ENVIRONMENTAL The dcvclopment ofthis PUD Mastcr Plan shall be subject to and ltovcrncd by the following conditions: A. An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and maintenance (exotic-Free) plan For the site, with emphasis on Ihe conservalion/preservation area, shall Ix: submitled Io Community l~-velopment Environmenial R~'icw StatT ror review and approval prior Io final site plan/construction plan approval. B. The wetland preserve shall I~ placed under a con.sm'vation easement pursuant to Colli~ County Land D~velopment Code Seelion 6.10 ACCESSORY ST~UC'R~ES Accessory structur~ shall be constructed simultaneously with or Following Ihe conslruction oF Ih~: principal str~cturc except rot a construelion site office, mod~l units, galehouse. project signage and walcr management I'caturcs or lakes. 6.11 SIGNS Monumental signs'community identification signage for the residential component oF this PUD may be dev¢lop<:d at all project ~trancr4 and within the commercial acreage in addition to the provisions of Division 2.5 of the Land Dewlopment Code. 6.12 LANDSCAPING FOR OFT-STREET PARKING In order 1o facilita~ the retention of existing vegelation/l~es, rows ofpa~king may contain more than ten (10) pacing spaces uninterrupted by a lands~.ape. d island provided that an average of leo (I0) or less is mainlathed within lhe overall development. 6.14 Pursuant to Section 2.6.30 of the Land Dev¢!opmenl Code provision shall b~ made for the future use of buildinl~ space within common a~eas (iF provided) for the purposes of accommodating the Function of an electoral polling place. An agreement recorded in the official ~cords of lhe Clerk of the Circuit Courl of C6Jliet County, which shall Ix: binding upon an, ~nd all successors in inlercsl that acquire ownenhip of such common areas including, but not limited to, condominium Lssociations, homeowners associations, or Ictlants associations. This agrcement shall provide for said community rccrcation/pub|ic I:~ilding/public room or similar common facility to be used for a polling place if determined to be necessary by the Supervisor of E!eclions, 6.15 PROVISION FOR OFF-SITE REMOVAL OF EARTHEN MATERIAL The excavation of earthen rn~d,~ taxi its stockpiling subject :o the provisions ofsubsection 2.12 of this document), in prcpaatlon of water management facilities of to otherwise develop vater bodies Is hereby permitted. If after consideration of fill activities on thos~ buildabla porzions of the project site are such that there is a surplus ofearthen material then its off-site dispoaal is also hereby permitted subject to the following conditions: !. Excavation activitics shall comply with the definition of a *development excavation" pursuant to Division 3.5 of the Land Development Code whereby off-site rcmoval shall be limited to 10% of the tot~l up to a maximum of 20,000 cubic yards. 2. All other provisions of said Division 3.5, unless elsewhere addressed by this document, arc applicable. 6.16OTHER The developer shall participate in a drainage benefit district assessment, to be developed by the County, to replace and enhance the existing drainage structures which discharge into the conservation area from beneath tlazcl Road. PROJECT SITE LOCATED W~THIN TOWNSHIP 50S RANGE 25 EAST SECTION I SITE A CREA GE: 1 T. 4 tlAP~[S I~OA0 NO~rH ~OAD N~ ~OAO PR~CT L~x( .[S LE1.? fry (XX, L,j(]DI N.ke~S SCALE: 1'4000' ~:~s PUD REZONE SITE LOCATION MAP SEC. 2,2.23 AU~PORT OVERLAY DISTRICT (APO~: SI~CIAL REG'X.FLATIONS FOR SFECTFTED ARE'AS YN A~ APO~ ~ A~RTS ~ COLL~ CO~. ~2.~.1 ~ and Inter. ~h a~ ~ ~lli~ ~, ~, ~i~ ~i~ ~!ati~ ~ , ~t ~n~ ~cb ~gct ~ Iivu ~ ~ of ~ of ~ ~m ~ of of I~d ~ ~t ~ty ~ ~. if of ~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~ s~ of ~ ~ ~hble ' for the ~g off. ~1 ~ ~l of ~, ~ ~mI m ~ ~ i~r ~ misty ~ ~ju~ to the ~nty; 2.2,~. 1.2 ~st it is ~, ~ ~ ~ of ~bllc ~hh, ~llc af~y, ~ I~l ~lr~, ~t ~co~sl~bl: l~ ~ ~ ~ld ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ N~ ~U (65 ~N), Md/or ~c ~i~t ~tid ~ ~; 2.2,~. 1.4 ~ ~ ~t~ of M ~j~, ~ ~ ~ble ~ ~ ~ld k ~ Ceum7 Z-:72 I:)nek~ jO. to · particular airport. Such zz~es ar~ ~ on the N,ples, Marco Island. EverZlades. and !run, kale: Aiq~ort Zoning Maps and do:!amd ~ he ma~ a part of ~ Z4zing Code. 7.taxi.rig Map A: N~ples Airport ZoOrig Map B: Marco l~l~l Airport Zo~i.ng Map C: Eve~gi~ Airport Za:)niag Map D: lmmokalee Airport ~ Sc~t Ain~cld~ AJ aru Iocitul ia mote thJa o~e (l) of ~ desert'bed height za:ecs is coasldercd to be cxdy ia the zot~ with the most rubricfive blight limitation. The vtrious goats us hercby cgabli~ed and deF-,acd is follows: 2.2.Z3.2.1 primary Zone. Aa aru I~gimdiaally ccat~rr.d oa a rmtwly, vgtmding two !madrid fgr. t (200') bcyond rJch cad of da mvuey with the width so s;cci~cd for each runway for the most precise approach cxisting or pla.a=oJ fog cithcf cad of the ruaY, ly. The width of sach primary zo~c is u follows; PRIMARY ZONE WIDTH ffcc~'~ AIRPORTS RUH%VAY TYPE WIDTH Naplr. s ! 3-31 OTHER THAN UTILITY~NON-PR.EC1SION INSTRUMENT 4-22 OTHER THAN UTILITY/~RfCISlON INSTRUMENT ]000 · Ms~o Isl=~l 17-35 UTILITY/NON-PReCISION INSTRUMENT S00 Evergl=,J~% 15 -33 UTILITY/VISUAL, 2~0 lmm~kal~= 9-27 OTXEP, THAN UTILITY/NON-PReCISION INS'r~UMENT ! ~-36 O'rXER TXAN UTrLtTY/NON-PRECBION 4-22 UTILITY/V|SUAL 250 !. Priman, Zone Height. No structure or o~struction will bs pannitt. sd within the primary zo, e that is not part or the !a~llnl gd ake~ff ·rca and is of gteat~ height t!~n the ne. atgst Ix~t on the nm-~y of which is c.o~structed by s'wi~i~ng an:~ of IqNk"tfied mclil from the team, of e. gh sad of primary z~ne of gac. h tlrports' runways sad ~ss¢c. tin! the ~jor.~a sr, s by lisu anlsat 1o thou arcs. The r'~dtus of ~sch us Is ss follows: HORIZONTAL ZONE RADTU5 AIRPORTS RT.Y/,P,VAY T'rPI~ P,.ADrUS NspIcs 13-31 OTHER TXAN UTILrrY/NON-PP, ECI$1ON fN:~i"RUIvlENT 10,000 4-22 OTXER THAN UTF._ZTY~CBION Calll et Craw/ 2.73 Ombrr J. O. 1)91 ~ Dmlol)mo~ C4~# ,4ekrad4d Ocla4r 14, JP92 1. ~. No ~racmre o~ ob~ructlon will be ~ h ~ boH~l ~e lhaz ~ a height I~tef ~ ~ budr~ ~X (150) fm a~$ ~e ~ hcighl. ~2.~.2~ ~. ~e 8~ n~dlaI ~ from the ~ of t~ ~ul ~e for a dis~e of f~f lb~ (4,~1 fro. I. ~ Hellhi Ii~ml~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ul ~ s~ ~ b~ fifty (1~01 fm ~s 1i~ ~{Iht ~rming I (I) f~ ve~i~lly ~ur~ ~ ft~ the ~ ~ ~ up ~ t~ of s~h available ~ p~ f~ ~ ~y rid. pn~ ~e: ~ ~t~ ~d~ of ~ ~h ~ i$ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~i~ a~r~h txi~ing ~ pl~ for ~ width: A~OA~ ZONE ~D~ AIRPORTS RUNWAY ~E ~D~ Naples 13-31 ~ER ~ ~~ON-N~SION IN~UME~ 3,5~ 4 ~ER ~ ~~ON-N~SION ~ ~Eg ~ ~~ON M~ ~ 17-31 ~~ON-~~ ~IN 9-21 ~ER ~ ~~ON-~SlON ~E~ 3~ I S ~ER ~ ~~ON-P~SION IN~UM~ 3,~ 36 ~ER ~ ~~SU~ i~ ~ ~. 2.74 ~ ~. /~1 4-22 UTILrrYMSUAL ! ,250 2, Am~-rrach Zone Lc~t~s. 'The q~'oach zone ula~ds for I1~ q~p!icibl: I~rizonul di~uc~ u foll~: A~RTS R~AY Ngples 13-31 ~ER ~ ~~ON-P~SION ~UM~ I0,~ 4 ~ER ~!~ ~ON-~SION ~UM~ 10,~ 22 ~ER ]N~UM ~ ~,~ Ever~l~s : 15-33 lskalw 9-2~ ~ER ~ ~~ON-P~S1OH IN~~ 10.~ i I O~ER ~ ~~ON-~SION IN~UME~ 10.~ 36 ~ER ~ ~~SU~ S.~ 4-22 ~L~ISU~ dis~ ~ from the ~ ~ge u fol~: APPROA~ ZO~ ~G~ AIRPORTS RU~AY ~PE ~D~ Naples 13-31 ~ER ~ ~ON-~SION IN~~ 34: I 4 ~ER ~ ~~ON-~S1ON ~UM~ 34: ~UM ~ ~ II~ Ma~ Isl~d 17-35 ~~ON-~ON ~~ 2~ l~lw 9-27 ~ER ~ ~~ON-~ON ~UM~ 1S ~ER ~ ~~ON-~ON ~UM~ ~: 36 ~ER ~ C4,'"~r comq. 2. H or~k,r ~o. lssl Zae,Z D~wble,~ Ceb ,k,mtad Omkr 14, DfHrlew 2, 2 Z,y~t Dtm'fr~, prnrdrtre* U#rr, ~l Usa, ~l I. P~si~ In~f Ru~sl. ~e (11 f~ ~iu~y f~ a~ fi~y (501 ~o~ully for ~c ~ ~ ~ (lO,~) f~ ~g m ~ (I) f~ ~i~ly for ~ f~y (~) f~ ~d~u!ly f~ m ~iti~l fo~ ~o~d (40,~) f~. 2. N~-Pr~isi~ l~t R~sl. ~ (!) f~ ~i~II f~ ~ ~-f~r (34) fm h~ully. 3. yiul R~n. m (I) f~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ fm ~1~. ~u ~l ~m m ~ ~a~ ~ ~ f~ a b~a~ ~t of five ~ fm fr~ I~ aide of ~e p~ of Ibe ~tst~ ~b a ~ ~1~ ~ ~e ~1 I. T~slti~al ~e Hei~t. ~d~t lieu ~ ~ I~lll~l ~ ~ ~e ~iihl ~tcb~ Ihe ~jlht of ~ ~ ~e ~ ~o~ a ho~ dia~e of 20.~ fm from e ~y ~!1 ~ ~t~ ~ ~ Naplu ~ Amb~ for r~i~ at Nild~g ~t ~le. ~e ~ dis~e of ~.~ f~a is ~ic~ ia A~dix I. Map A of ;~s 2.2.~.3 Ai~ ~nd O~ ~f. ~ t~ (3) ~1~ of my ruble ~y of a pbtic ~. 3. No ~,ti~ of uy I~ ~i ~ d~c ~ ~ or ~io co~ti~ ~ ~ si~ ~na, ~ ~het ~t ~ffic ~tml fKility. 4. Lud witl~n me..cidtn: l~lial k_.,---d ~ for ~ ~i~. ~i~d ~ ~!~ ~m~bl, ~al, ~mblale of ~t ~ of ~lw ~ ~y ~ct ~ ~ ~ld pl~ ~a ~ ~/~ ~ ~2.~.3.2 O~l~lon Ma~I~ and Llthll~. ~ ~t ~ire ~e ~ m turk ~ light ~ i~ ~ ~ ~th F~ Advi~ ct~lar 7~ ~.4 N~f~t~ ~: ~lal~ ~ R~ ~ otk~, ~fc~ ~ ~ ~t~ of otd~c~, ud w~ch ~ ~ i~ a ~i~I ~t ~ ~ ~lilmlly ~. ~2.~.6 ~ No ~g ~l ~1 ~ ~ (~R~ for Buildira ~ SI~. and ~R I minx mini 2, 1. ~. ~ art bertby cruled and established t!~ (3) noise zones~ Zone A, 7,~ B -,d Z~ C. Such zoom uu sl~ on the Nsplu ~rpcrl Noise Z~zu · ,hlcb e. incorpo.~ end sunde a put hertln and ar, described in Scc. !xlcw. TIx raise zoom um,.;~d ~ m bued on . projection of furor, noise caviron.n~u ~slng from ajrcnh fljlht opemjou tl the Naplu L Zone A. That tru commencing U the ~ bumadary of the :tqx~ and rxttndinI out'wa~ thudtom to · [xmndary ind~,_~ on lira Noise Z4:m~ Map u 'B'. TIm outu coutouf of Noise Zone A ~,,y,~xlmalal · no4se I~vtl of Ldn. b. Zone B. ~ uu cconamch2 IS tim Ixmnda~ indicaled on Ib Noise Zone Map u d~ ouf-r bondu7 of Noim Zone A tad cxtcodinI cx~'wazd Io I~c boundary iDd;cal~ on dm Noise Zoo Map u 'C'. The outer conlout of Noise Zone B IFproximslu · nolss Kwvr.[ of 70 Ldn. '~ c. Zone C. ~nt arm cuing al It~ Ixmx~hry ind;~,_~ on tla Noise Zone Map u t~ outer buushry of Hoise Zons B and ut~nding out~v~'d t~crcfmm Io Ih.. I~rtJ~ermosl boundary indlcat~i on lira Noise Zon~ Map. T'ne outer contour of Noise Zone C: spl,'oximams · noiM ICY·! of 65 Ldn md is I~-~af~er csublisbcd u dos Htplu Airlx~rl Hoise Zoxm. 3. ^xT~lication. Wkrs buzdarlu of a dxsc~bed noiM =as ~ shawn Io ~:__,~,d_ ovu · portion. but no4 all of t plaued Iol oc msul~ivld~l Fro~rty, th· owner ot av~ers of thc catit,' property will ~ nodficd of pomstlsl noise impsot ia sccotdu~s with Wl~cre I~dartu of mort dua ont described noise zoue m ~ on · p/attt. d Io~ or unsulxlividcd proixrty, provisions of Ih· mos; ruHic~l ~one shah apply. I. r~.~Ined and Rem'4t~ed Affivttles. All land umm ~ h pmniuad in dm noise pur~t to tla sppltcable zm~al d~mtct and u provided in ds .4~-lividu axe!lot Land Use Guidance Chars nude a p~tt hereof. 'rnm sctlvitlu ~ land um not Iisu:d;-shlJadUseOu~urJChnuelm'einedorr~xHuedinbex~sezx~ub~cd on bit dmilsrity Io ssoLm Iols'ancs u s%hlbitsl by ds s:dvidss susd land uses which us listed in xbs Guidssce 2. Honcx~forminf Usu. TIm r~l~_!_'-.L~-- pnm:zl'bed by IMs sscdon shall nc~ bu construed Io rsquirs da sound condldming ot odin' ;_k_'~ps O¢ dtnation of my pto~istinI suucturs not c~formlnl so ~ Fart u of the dToctive dm of dds sinion ot txbgrwise intufsrs with dm continuance of m,/such Inujs~I sk'~___--,_fotmial Nothing kt~in conuinod sial| mluirs any __.~_k_ "k-.p ia tta co,utrucdon of shot·lion of · struckare wtllch ~ss corm:nsnc~ conslns~on Frlot to ~c efTccdve date of this s~ctic>n and w~jch is dililcatly C..a~tr C. ae~ 2-71 (X~e~r JO. Land Dmk~m, ml Ceda ~ Onekr l4,1~2 art m~ u indicamt by plsas and ~~ f~ ~ ~g ~ ~. S~ p!~ ~ ~i 6~i~ ~all ~lt ~ a ~ ~ R~i~ fw ~ ~iiabla u~or ~lis 2.~.4.1 A~lnlst~t[nn and Enfant. 1. ~1 Re~m~ilf~ ~li~ ~ ~ ~.4.4 - ~2.~.5 Nofi~tinn of Pof~tlal Noise I. ~!ic ~ d i u~ d ~ ~l a i~ m bll h ;bli~ ~i~ i t~ ~ ~193 (49 USC 21~. (95~, 95275, 9534N, 95341, 95~N, 9~35~, 9536N, 9536S, ~IN, ~01~, 01~N. ~m ~ kid ~HFim of mH ~ a~ U; ~i~. Ba~ of gulm~ ud m STATE OF FLO~PA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDINANCE NO. 95-68 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 28th day of November, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 4th day of December., ./. 1995. ." clerk of courts and"'ale~k "' .. '~' EX-Officio to Boara of ' '- County Comission' rs · · i ?. ~.. · I'