Ordinance 95-65 RECEIVED ClerY, ORDINANCE NO. 95- 65 ''~' ~~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-10'2 THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WHI~C}{ INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS.. FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY~ FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 0622; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM "A" RURAL AGRICULTURAL TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS COLLEGEWOOD PUD FOR A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 106 MULTIPLE FAMILY/AFFORDABLE HOUSING DWELLING UNITS FOR PROPERTY FRONTING THE SOUTH SIDE OF RATTLESNAKE HAMMOCK ROAD (C.R. 864) APPROXIMATELY ONE (1) MILE WEST OF ISLE OF CAPRI ROAD (C,R. 951), IN SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 8.77+ ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Robert L. Duane of Hole, Montes& Associates, Inc., representing Garrett F.X. Beyrent, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: The zoning classification of the herein described real property located in Section 22, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "A" Rural Agricultural to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the Collegewood PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Number 0622, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. -1- PASSED AND DU~ ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this /~/. day of BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS · COZIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~.. DWIGHT E. ~R'.OEK, CLERK MARJO;~I E M ~ STU~)ENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY PUD-95-9 ORDINANCE/15441 -2- il COLLEG EWOOD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Prepared for: Garrctt F. X. Beyrent Prepared by: Hole, Montes& Associates, Inc. 715 Tenth Street South Naples, FL 33940 HMA File No. 94.98 October, I995 Date Filed: Date Review by CCPC: Date Approved by BCC: 11/14/95 Ordinance No: 95-65 Exhibit "A" TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION I o Statement of Compliance ......................................... 1 - 1 SECTION II - Properly Ownership, Legal Dcscriptlon and Short Title ................. 2 - i SECTION Ill - Statement of latent and Project Dcsc~ption .......................... 3 - 1 SECTION IV -Gcncral Dcvclopmcnt Regulations ................................. 4 - 1 SECTION V - Pcrmittcd Uses &Dimcnsiona] Standards for Rcsidcntja] DcvcJopmcnl ....................................... 3 - 1 SECTION VI - Transportation Rcqujrcmcnt~ ..................................... 6 - I SECTION VII - Utility and EnginccHng Requircmcnts ............................. 7 - 1 SECTION VIII - Water Managcmcnt Requirements ................................ 8 - 1 SECTION IX - Environmental Rcquircmcnt$ ..................................... 9 - 1 EXH. IBITS A. PUD Master Plan SECTION l · STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The dcvclopmcnt of 8.77+acrcs of property in Section 22, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, as a Pl~mcd Unit Dcvclopmcnt to be known as the COLLEGEWOOD PUD will be in compliance with the planning goals and objcctives of the Collicr County Growth Managcmcnt Plan for the following rc,a~oBs: I. 1 Thc project is not located in the Traffic Congestion Area, therefore, it is permitted a maximum base dcnsity of up to four (4) dwelling units per acre, a.s idcntified on the Future Land Use Map and rcrcrcnccd in Objective 1 of the Futurc Land Use Elcmcnt (FLUE) oftl~c Collicr County Growth Managcmcnt Plan. Thc sltc qualifies for up to six (6) additional units per acre for rcsldcntial infill, and duc to its close proximity to an Activity Ccntcr, and up to 8 units pcr acrc as a dcnsity bonus for the provision or affordablc housing. The projcct dcnsity oronc hundred and six (106) affordable housing units or a gross dcnsity of twelve . (12) units per acre is in complianco wltb. the Future Land Use Etcmcnt or thc Growth Managcmcnt Plan. 1.2 Improvcmcnts arc plarmcd to bc in compliance with applicable land dcvclopmcnt regulations as sct forth in Objcctivc 3 of the Future Land Use Element. 1.3 The project wiII bo scrvcd by a full range of scrvlces, including scwcr and water by the County rcsulting in an cf~cicnt and cconom[cal cxpansion of facilities as required in PoIicies 3. IH and 3. I L of the Future Land Use Element. 1.4 The projcct is compatible with and complementary to adjacent cxisting and future land uscs, as rcquircd by Policy 5.4 ofthc Futurc Land Use Element. 1.5 All final local Dcvclopracnt Ordcrs for lhls project arc subject to the Collier County Concurrency Managcmcnt Systcm as implcmcnted by the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. I-I SECTION II . PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SHORT TITLE 2.1 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The subject property is currently owned by Garrctt F. X. Beyrent. 2.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION The East half of the East half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 22, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Colller County, Florida, less the North 50.00 feet for road right-of-way. 2.:t SHORT TITLE This ordinance shall be known and cited n.$ the "COLLEGEWOOD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT". 2oi SECTION III STATEMENT OF INTENT AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1;I INTRODUCTION The dcvclopcr'$ intent is to establish a ]'laxreed Unit Development mcctlng the applicable standards of the Collie County Land Developmeal Code. It is the purpose of this document to set forth guidelines for future development of the project that meet accepted planning principles and practices, and to implement the Collier County Growth Management Plan. 3.2 PROJECT DESCR. IFTION The project is comprised of g.77~: acres and is located on the south side of Rattlesnake Hammock Road, approximately 3,600 feet west of S.R. 951 in Section 22, Township 50 South, Range 26 East. The project will consist of a maximum of one hundred and six (106) multi-family housing units, u provided for within the Density Rating System of the Future Land Use Element of the Orowlh Management Plan and the Affordable Housing Density Bonus Development Agreement, with private roads and onslte recreational facilities. 3.3 LAND USE PLAN The PUD Master Plan contains a total of approximately 1.38 acres of residential development, 1.00 acre of lakes, 1.79 acres of pavement road rights-of-way, and 4.60 acres of buffers and open space areas. The location of recreational facilities shall be identified on the Preliminary Subdivision or Site Development Plan. 3.4 PROJECT PHASING The anticipated time for build-out of the entire project is three (3) years or by 1998. 3-1 SECTION IV GENERAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 4. I I'UI~,J'OSE The purpose of this Section is to delineate and generally describe the project plan of development, relationships to applicable County ordinances, and the rcspcctlvc land uses. 4.2 GENERAL A. Regulations for devclopmcnt of the Collcgcwood PUD shall be in accordancc with the contents of this document, PUD-PIanncd Unit Development District and other applicable scctions and parts of the Collier County Land Dcvclopment Code and the Growth Managcmcnt PIan in cffect at the time of issuance of any devclopmcnt order to which said regulations relate which authorizes the construction of improvements, such as but not limited to Final Site Dcvclopmcnt Plan, Excavation Pcrmit and Prcliminary Work Authorization. Where these regulations fail to provide dcvclopmcnlal standards, then the provisions of the most similar district in U~c Courtly Land Development Code shall apply. B. Unlcss otherwise noted, the definitions or all lcrms shall bc the same as the dcfinitlons set forth in Collier County Land Dcvclopmcnt Code in cfrcct at the tlmc orbuilding permit application. C. All conditions imposed and all graphic material prcscntcd depicting rcstrictions for the dcvclopmcnt of the Collegewood PUD shall bccomc part of the rcgulatlons which govern the manner in which the PUD site may bc developed. D. Unless modified, waived or cxccptcd by this PUD, the provisions of other land development codes, where applicable, remain in full force and effect with respect to the dcvclopment of the land which compHscs this PUD. E. Dcvclopmcnt permitted by the approval of this pctltlon will bc subject to a concurrcncy rcvlcw undcr the provisions of Div. 3.15 of the Collier County Land Development Code at the earliest or next to occur oreither final SDP approval, or building permit issuance applicable to this dcvclopment. 4-1 4.3 SITE CLEAP, fNG AND DRAINAGE CJcaring, grading, earthwork, and she drainagc work shall bc performed in accordance with thc Col[icr County Land Development Code. 4.4 EASEMENTS FOR UTILITIES ;; Easements, where rcquired, shall be provided for water management areas, utilities and other purposes as may be required by Collier County and other permitting agencies. All neccssary casements, dedications or other instruments shall be granted to ensure continued operation and maintenance of all services and utilities. 4.5 ,,',uMENDMENTS TO THE MASTER PLAN The Master Plan is de',igned to b¢ flexible with regard to the placement of buildings, water management facilities, and the boundarle,~ of tracts as long as the final design complies with all the applicable portions of the PUD ordlnancc. The Development Services Dircctor shall be authorizcd to approve minor changes and refinements to the Collegewood Master Plan upon written request of the Developer based on th~ following, in addition to the slandatds provided in Article 2, Division 2.7, Section orthc Collier County Land Development Code. I. The minor changes arc limited to rcconflguratlon of preserve areas, judsdlctional wetland limits, and mitigation features as a result orrcgulatory agency review. 2. To rcconfigurc lakes, ponds, or other water management facilities where such changes arc consistcat with the criteria of the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County and them is no further cncroachmcnt into preserve areas. 3. lntcrnal rcalignmcnt of Hghts-of-way other than rclocation or access points to external strects. 4. Rcconfiguratlon orrcsidcntial parcels where there is no encroachment into preserve or bulTcr areas. 4.6 PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS Exhibit No. I or PUD Master Plan, constitutes the rcquircd PUD Development Plan. Subscqucnt to PUD approval, a Preliminary Site Development Plan shall bc submitted for thc catire arca covered by the PUD Master Plan. The Site Development Plan slmll be submitted and rcvicwcd in accordance with all provisions of Div. 3.3, Site Development Plans of 4-2 Ill the Collier County L~nd Dcvelopmcnt Code, unless othcrwlsc provided for within this PUD, ~,nd prior to the issuance of a building permit or other dcvclopmcnt order, 4.7 PROVISION FOR OFF-SITE REMOVAL OF EAKTHEN MATERJ'AL The excavation of caruhen material and i~ stockpiling in preparation of water management facilities or to otherwise develop water bodies is hereby permitted. If, after consideration of fill activities on those buildable portions of the project site are such that there is a surplus of earthen material, then its off-site disposal is also hereby permitted subject to the following conditions: A. Excavation activities shall comply with the definition of a "Development Excavation" pursuant to Sec., Land Development Code, whereby off-site removal shall not exceed ten (I0) percent of the total volume excavated up to a maximum of 20,000 cubic yards. B. A timetable to facilitate said removal shall be submitted to the Development Services Manager for approval. Said timetable shall include the length of time it will take to complete said removal, hours of operation and haul routes. In any event, no timetable shall be approvcd for off-site removal in excess of ninety days from date of approval. C. All provisions of See. 3.5, Land Development Code are applicable. 4.8 SUNSET AND MONITORING PROVISIONS The Collegewood PUD shall be subject to See., Land Development Code, time limits for approvcd PUD Masler Plans and See. Monitoring Requirements. 4.9 POLLING PLACES Any community recreation/public building/public room or similar common facility located within the Collegewood PUD may be used for a polling place, if determined necessary by the Supervisor of Elections, in accordance with Sec. 2.6.30 of the Collier County Land Development Code· 4. l 0 DENSITY A maximum of up to one hundred and six 006) multi-family housing units are permitted in the platreed development, subject to the provisions of the Affordable Housing Denslty Bonus Development Agreement and the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The Density Rating System of the Collier County Growth Management Plan establishes this site as Urban Residential providing a base densi~ of four (4) residential dwelling units per gross acre. Six (6) residential dwelling units per gross aer~ may be added due to the sito's close proximity to an Activity Center and for residential infill. An additional eight 4-3 dwelling units per acre may bo added as a denshy bonus agreement, however, the FLUE authorizes a max[mum allowable density of sixteen (16) dwelling units per gross acre, irrespective of any aggregation resulting from the provisions of the density rating system and bonus provisions ofaffordaMc housing which may result in more than a total of sixteen (16) dwelling units per acre. The Collegewood PUD provides for a maximum overall density of twelve (12) units per gross acre, or one hundred and six (I06) dwelling units. ;; 4.11 MODEL HOMES/SALES CENTER - OTItER STRUCTURES FOR PROMOTION Model homes, sales centers and other uses and structures related to the promotion and sale of real estate, such as, but not limited to, pavilions, viewing platforms, gazebos, parking areas, tents, and signs, shall be pen'nlttcd principal uses throughout the Collegewood PUD subject to the requlremcnts of Article 2, Division 2.6, Section and Article 3. Division 3.2, Section of the Colllcr County Land Development Code. 4.12 LANDSCAI'ING IUSQUIREMENTS All landscaping requirements, buffers, wails, betins, etc. shall bo developed in conformancc with requlremcnts of Divlsion 2.4 orthc Collier County Land Development Code pertaining Io landseaping and buffering, except that the required landscape buffering along Rattlesnake Ifammock Road shall attain two times the minimum rcquircmcnt (12 It. in height) 12 months From the date of installation.. 4.13 SIGNS All signage of the Collegewood PUD shall be the same as permitted l;y Section 2.5 of the Collier County ~d Development Code 4.14 NATIVE VEGETATION RETENTION REQUIREMENTS Pursuant to Policy 6.4.7 of the Conservation and Coastal Management EIement of the Collier County Growth Management Plan, an appropriate portion of the viably functioning native habitat shall be retained in buffer areas, around the perimeter of lakes and within open space area as depicted on the PUD master plan. 4.15 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE Common Area Maintenance, including the ma[ntem~ce of common facilities, open spaces, conservation areas, and the water management facilities shall be the responsibility of the developer. 4°4 4.16 USE OF R/GHT-OF-WAY The developer, at the lime of Final Site Plan submittaI, has the option of either dcslgna~ing the road righ~s-or-way for chhcr private or public uso. 4.17 P~,.OVISION OF RECI'?,EAT'IONAL AMENITIES I; T'nc developer shah provide a sw~mmlng pool ,Mth mlrffmum dimensions of 20' x 40', prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the first building within the dcveIopmcnt. 4.18 GENERAL PER~MITTED USES The following uscs shall be considered general permitted uses in the CoHegcwood PUD. A. General Pcrrnittcd Uses: !. 'Essential services as set forth under Collier County Land Dcvclopmcnt Code, Section 2. Water m~agement Facilities and related structurcs. 3. Recreational facilities, jncludlng a clubhouse, to meet the needs ofon-slte rcsidcnts. 4. Temporat7 co~truction, sales, and administrative offices for the Developer and Dcvcloper's authorlzcd contractors and consultants, including nccessary access ways, parking areas and related uses, subject to 2.6.33 of the Land Development Code. 5. Landscape features including but not limited to landscape buffers, betins, fences, and mils. 6. Any other use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Development Services Director determines to bc compatible. B. Development Standards - General Permitted Uses: Unless otherwise set forth in this documet;!, the following development standards shall apply to uses enumerated above: I. Setback from back orcurb or edge of pavement orany road - fiReca feet 2. Setback from property lines - one half(%) the height of the structure. 3. Minimum distance bc|wccn accessory structures - five (5) feet. 4-5 4. Minimum allstance between principal structures - ten (1 O] Feet. 5. Maximum height ofstructurcs - twenty/ivc (25) feet. 6. Minimum floor area o None required. ;I 7. Minimum lot or parcel area - None required. 8. Standards for Farklng, landscaping, signs and ofl~er land uses wherg such standards are not specified herein, am to be in accordance with Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of Preliminary Site Development Plan Approval. 4-6 SECTION V PERMITTE'D USF_,S AND DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL LAND USF, 5.I PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to identify perrallied uses and development standards for areas within the Collegewood PUB designated on Exhibit "A", PUB Master Plan for residential use. 5.2 MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITS A maximum of one hundred and six (106) multi-family units may be constructed within the project, subject to the provisions or the Affordable Housing Density Bonus Development Agreement and the Collier County Growth Management Plan, 5.3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 'H;c approximate acreage orthc residential tract is ticpeeled on the PUD Master Plan. This acreage is based on conceptual designs and is approximate, Actual acreages of all development tracts will be provldcd at the time of Site Development Plan approval, in accordance with Anlclc 3, Division 3.3 of the Collier County Land Development Code. Residential tracts are designed to aecorrunodale internal roadways, amen/ty areas, and other similar uses found in residential areas. 5.4 PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or pan, for other than the foilowlng: I. Principal Uses: (a) Multi-Family Dwellings 2. Accessory Uses and Structures; (a) Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with principal uses pcrrnittcd in this district, including recreational facilities, such u clubhouse and swimming pools, 5-I mm DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS I. Table I sets fcu-th the Development Standards for residential uses. COLLEGEWOOD PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Table I AND STANDARDS ..... "" :' FAMILY Minimum Lot Area I AC. Minimum Lot Width 150 Front Yard Side Yard 0 or ..~BH Rear Yard Principal BH Rear Yard Accessory l 0 Max[mum Building Hcight .... 3 hab[lablc stories Distance Between PHncipal Structures .5 SBH Minimum Distance from Pcrlmctcr Boundary 25 Floor Area Min. (SF) g40:2/1 bedroom/bath 1083:3/2 bedroom/bath l. Except that the minimum setback from Rattlesnake Hammock Road shah be 33 ft. for 3 story buildings. 2. Parking shall be provided in accordance with the rcciuircmcnts of Div. 2.3, Off-Street Ealkij3g.galLLgil~,g, of the Col{let County Land Dcvc]opmcnt Code. 5-2 SECTION VI TRANSPORTATION REQUIREMENTS The puspose of this Section is to set forth the transportation commitments of the Project Developer. ;I 6.1 The developer shall provide a sidewalk internal to the project for the exclusive use of project residents which shall be constructed at the same time as other site related improvements. 6.2 The developer shall provide up to a twenty-five (25) foot right-of-way easement along Rattlesnake Hammock Road for future roadway widening. Donation of said right-of-way casement and the calculation of road impact fee credits shall be made in accordance with the provisions and requirements of Section ' ~ ' ' " of the Collier County Land Development Code. Internal access improvements and external access improvements (turn lanes, street lighting, etc.) shall not be eligible for any such credits and shall be in place before any Certificates of Occupancy arc issued. 6.:3 The developer shall provide atlcrial level street lighting at the project entrance pojnl. Said improvement shall be in place prior to the issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy'. 6.4 Ingress from Rattlesnake J-lammock Road, under the present two-lane condition, may include full turning movements. To facilitate beth ingress and egress for the project, the developer shall be responsible for providing both an eastbound r~ght-tum and a westbound left-turn at the project entrance. This construction shall be considered site-related and shall not be eligible for road impact fee credits, and shall be in place before Certificates of Occupancy are issued. 6.5 Under the future rout- or six-lane condition ingress and egress to ~e Collegewood PUD shall be subject to median controls consistent with ~e Access Management Policy then in place. Such policy may or may not provide for a full or direcfional median opening at the project entrance. In addition, such policy may or may not provide for the warranting era traffic signal system at the location. Depending upon the final geometry of the four-lane or six-lane design of that segment of Rattlesnake Hammock Road, any median or turn-lane improvement or modification costs shall be the responsibility of the benefitring property owners. Such improvements or modifications, if any, shall be considered site-related and shall not be eligible for road impact fee credits. 6oi SECTION VII UTILITY. AND ENGINEER/NO REQUIREMENTS The purpose ofthls Section is to set forth the utflidcs and engineering commitment of the Project Developer. II 7. I UTILITIES A. Sewer and wa[cr sentlc~ is prov~de..~ by Collier County, Therefore, all l:~"dncnt requirements J~fah~ng fo the cxtc~ion and construe'jan of utilities, shall b~ reel ?.2 ENGINEEKING A. Detailed payjag, grading, site drainage lind udl]ty plans shall bc submitted to the Development Sentices Director forteview. No consmjction pcrmit~ shall bc ]ssued unless and until approval of the proposed construction in accordance wldt the submitted plans is granted by the Development Scrvlccs D~rcctor. D. Design and construction of all improvements shall be subject to compllancc with the appropriate provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code, if applicable, C, The project shall be platled in accordance ~th Scc. 3.2, Land Dcvcloprncnt Code, to define the rlghts~of-way and tracts u shown on the PUD Master Plan, D, The developer and all subsequent petitioners arc h~eby placed on no/ice that they shah be rcquitcd to satisfy the requirements o fall County ordinances or codes in cfrcct prior to or concurrent v~th any subsequent dcvclol~rnent order rcladng to th~ s~te, inclu~ling but not limlte..d to Ptcllmlnary Sul:~ivlslon Plat, Site Development Pjans and any other app]Ecadon that will result ~n the issuanco of a final or final local development ordcr. 7-! SECTION VIII WATER MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS The purpose of this Scctior~ is to set forth the water management commitments of the Project Developer. 8. I Detailed paving, grading and site drainage plans shall bc submitted to the Dcvclopmcnt Services Director for review. No construction permits shall bc issued unIess and until approval of the proposed constractlon Ln accordance with the submitted plans is granted by Development Servlccs Director. 8.2 Design and construction of all improvements shall be subject to compliance with the appropriate provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code. 8,3 Landscaping shall not be placed within the water management areas unless specifically approvcd by Development Scrviccs Director. 8.4 A copy or ihe South Florida Water Management District Pcrmlt or F, arZy Work Permit (with Staff Report) shall be provided prior to the ;s~mcc orllnal developments orders. 8.5 An excavation permit shall be required for the proposed lake (in accordance v,'ith Div.3.5 of the Land Development Code and South F'loHda Water Management District rules). 8-I SECTION IX ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENT$ The putl~se of this section is to gt forth the environmental requirements of the projed deveIoper. 9.1 The petitioner shall be required to restore the subject property to the exlcnt required by the Consent Agrecment, Order No. 92-143, entered into between the owner of the subject property and the South Horida Water Management District, or as it may be amended to provide for offsite mhigafion. 9.2 Implementation of the settlement agreement is a prerequisite for development of the subject property and it is presumed that whatevermltlgation will satisfy the South Florida Water Management District will meet the requirement of Section of the Coillet County Land Development Code that a/lows the conversion to non-agricultural uses in less than ten (I 0) years, based on appropriate restorafionlmifigatlon. 9,3 The petitioner shall be subject to the landgaplng and buffering requirements of Section :2.4 of the Land Development Code. 9-1 STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true co~y of: ORDINANCE NO. 95-65 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 14th day of November, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 20th day of November, 1995. DWIGHT E. BROCK .............. Clerk of Courts and Cl'~k' "' Ex-officio to Board 'of County Commissioners . ,, Deputy Clerk