Ordinance 95-57 O~IN~ NO. 90-43, IEPOSIN~ A ~RE~ CO~I~ ~ ~OVIDING FOR ~N~I~ ~D ~ S~BI~I~; ~DING FOR ~E IN~$~ON I~ ~ ~ DA~. ~, ~he ~ard o~ C~n~y C~issioners on Au~s~ added Collier C~n~y ~dinance No. 92-60 Lmposing a ~vo percen~ T~ris~ ~el~en~ Tax ~h~gh Collie~ C~n~y; and ~, ~llier C~n~y ~dinance No. 90-43 i~osed a ~rem ~rcen~ T~rls~ Develo~en~ Tax ~htch ~came ~he sub~e~ l~iga~ion; and ~S, all cases i~olving Collier C~n~y Ordinance No. 90-43 have hen ad~udl~; and ~, the ~ard oE C~n~y Csissioners rinds ~s~ ln~eres~ oZ Collier ~n~y ~o re~al Collier County No. 90-43. ~SSIO~ OF ~~ ~, ~DA, ~a~: S~ ~. R~saI o~ Collier ~r ~dl~nee ~o. Collier C~n~y ~dinancs No. 90-43 ~s here~ repeal~ in sn~ire~y. sZ~X~ ~0. conZliat and S.srmbili~y. ~e provisions of ~his ~dinance shall h li~rally consorted ~o .erZec~ively car~ ou~ i~s ~oses in ~he in~eres~ o~ ~blic health, safe~y, velrars, and convenience. ~ any section, phrase, sentence or potion oZ ~his ~dinance is rot any reason held /nva21d or unconstitutional ~ any c~ o~ c~sn~ ~urisdi~lon, such ~Rion shall ~ dssd a separa~, and lnde~nden~ pr~lsion, a~ such holding shall no~ aZ~e~ the validity oZ ~he re~inLng ~ions ~hereof. SEnIOr SZZ. lnelusion in the Co4e oZ ~vs an4 ~diuncss. The p~ovisions o~ ~his Ordinance shall ~come and be ~dm a pa~ or the C~e o~ ~vs and Ordinances o~ Collier County, -1- Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be tonumbered or relettered to acco~plish such, and the word "ordinancee may be chan~ed to "sectione, earticle-, or any other appropriate word. 2E~ ~, E~ect~ve Date. ~is ~dinance shall ~e eZZe~lve upon [ilin~ this ~dinance with ~e Department o~ State. PMS~ ~D D~Y ~~ ~ the ~ard oZ County Co~issioners o~ ~11t.= C~nty, florida, ~ts ...~ day of ~ , 1995. = .,'*'~s '***, ~ OF ~ ~lSSlO~ . ' "' ":," · .-...-~: David C. ~st~sl ~ C~nty Atto~ -2- STA'I'~ OF COUNTY OF X, D~XGHT Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereb~ certily chac the loregoing is a true cop~ ORD~NO. 95-57 · Whtch~as adopted by Lhe Board of Coun~yCommissioners on the 24Lhday October, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners ol Collier County, Florida, =his 25ch day of October, / Clerk of Courts ana Clerk '," " Ex-officiO to Boa~a of County Commissione.fs : ~ ~ty Cl .. .. : . '.