Ordinance 95-54 ORDINANCE NO.. ~5- 54 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE WHICH ESTABLISHED THE COKPRERZNSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAl, ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 6836N BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED AT LAKE TRAFFORD ROAD AND LITlIE I,EAGUE ROAD, IN SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE EAST, COLLIE~ COUNTY, FLORIDA, FROM A-HHO AND CF TO RSF-5; PROVIDING FOR STAFF AND PIANNIN~ COIO~SSION STIPULATIONS; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 14~gR~.8, Dennis M. Pot'cilia of Portella-Rove Associates, Inc. ,, representing Zmmokalee Habitat for Humanity, Inc. ,, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the her. in described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINEl) BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: The Zoning Classification of the real property as more particularly described by Exhibit aA", attached her.to and i.corporated by reference her. in, and located in Section 36, 'Tornship 46 South, Range 28 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from A-ffi{O and CF to RSF-5 and the Official Zoning Atlas Map Number 6S36N, as described in Ordinance 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Cede is hereby amended accordingly; the her.in described real property is the same for which the fezone is hereby approved subject to the following conditions~ 1. Permits or letters of no objection fro~ the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission (FGFWFC} and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) regarding protected wildlife species on the subject property shall be submitted to Planning & Technical Services environmental staff prior to final plat/ construction plan approval. -1- -m 2, ~11 consez~atJon easements shall be designated as conset'vat~on/presez~ration tracts or easements on all construction plans and shall ~ recorded on the pZaC v~th p:ote~ve c~enanCs as =e~=ed ~ the FG~C a~ USES. 3. A habi~ ~nague~t plan as a~r~ed ~ the FG~C and USeS shall ~ ~it~ed to Planning & Technical Se~ices enviro~ental staff for revie~ a~ a~r~al ~ior to final pla~/cons~io. plan a~r~al. ~e ~nag~ent plan shall be a condition of ~e ~nse~ation eas~en~ and shall ~ a~ached as an e~bit ~ the conse~aCion easement. 4. ~e developer shall ~ retired to ins=all sideelks along the t~al ~oJe~ frontage for ~ Little ~a~e Road aM ~ke ~afford Road in confounts with ~e ~ ~/or to acce~ance of r~ir~ infrast~mre. 5. ~e existing ~ittle ~a~e Road paved roadwa s~ears to N a~t 24t in width. Any deficiencies in ~e existing roa~a~ f~ the proJe~'s frontage sh~ld ~ bright up to ~esent C~nty standards prior to a~nce of r~ir~ infrast~ure. 6. ~erial l~el ~reet lighting sh~ld h ins~11~ at ~ ~e ~e ~afford Road/Little ~a~e Road and ~e Little ~a~e ~ad/Little ~a~e C~ inters~ions ~lor ~ a~q~nce of r;lr~ infrasm~e. 7. ~e d~el~er, or ~ccessor, sh~ld h res~nsible for a fair share con~i~tion t~ard tm lanes, inteNe~i~ ~een~ and a traffic si~al ~sta at ~e lnterse~ion of Little ~a~e ~ad a~ ~e ~affo~ Road at ~ch time as dete~ined ~ ~e Cmty ~t ~ch ~m lanes and si~al ~sm is ~nt~. ~ such rum lanes and/or si~al shall N ~ed, ~rat~ and ein~ined ~ Collier C~n~. ~ditionally, c;ensating right~f~ay f~ l~r~ents shall ~ provided an~ convey~ at ~e time of final platting. S. ~at no lot front on Little ~a~e ~ad fr~ ~ke ~affo~ bd to the planned ln~erse~ion of Little ~a~e C~. 9. ~e ex~ density is here~ limited to f~r (4) ~elling units ~r a~e. This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. -2- --...-- m PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board o~ County commissioners 1995 · -3- Cofrmwncing st !he I,Iodheast corner of SealIon 36, Township 46 Sotjab, rsnge esst, Tallhas·e· Meridian, Coller County, florida; Thence sk}ng the esst h of said Section 36, Soulh 00,43'-00, East 1067.00 feet to s point;Thence South 89'-17'-00, West t00.00 fed to · polnl o~ Ihe West rl~l.-of-way In· of LIttle Leap Ro~d, said point being the POINT OF BEGIt~IIt~G of the property her·In described;, Tlwf~e along sRIrl West rlghl..of-wsy h, 8ofJth 00,-43' - 00, East 1550.011 feet to the N~thefly fighi-of-way In· of Lake Trsfrord Road (SR 5-850). said point being oes e m concared to the SotJib;, Thence along said Nodhefty r~l~-ef-wey In· end Mlo~l Ihe arc of ssid ctsrve, hav~g I redas of 11,499.20 feet, s ce~ral angle of 01'-04'-48', sn arc lef~h of 216.78 fed, (chord beers 6{aXh 89'-28'-17' West, chad dlstsnce - 216.18 feel) to · point; thence corONas along said North·fly rf~l-of-wsy In·, 8oulh 88'-55'-43" West ,t 83.~J feat; Thence North 00,,-43'-00,West 660.60 feel to · ~ on the South In· of that property descrlbf~l In Ofllct~l Records Beck IS0, Page 773, Pubic Recordl, Coler Cou~y, Fk, kln; llNw~ce elof~ Ihe 8eAh In· of said properly, Nodh 89'- 17'-00, East 250.{XI feet; 1hence Nodh 00'43-00" West 990.00 feet; thence North 89'-17'-0g' East 150.00 feel to the POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS AFIQ EXCEPT that I~lkm of bnd at·scribed In Ofllclal Records Book 218, Pages 93 end 94 of Ihe Pul~lc Record·, Coler Couety, Fledde, being described as Comnwncl~ at IIw~ I'lo~tlweest cmner of ~ctk}n 36, Tanre·hip 46 S~h, Range 28 East, Talehas·e· Meridian, Collar COLSty, riotIda; Thence Soxgh 00'43'00' East · long the east In· of SealIon 36, for t 512.00 festlo · Ix}lnl; 11sence South t7'-00" West tO0 fig feftl Io.lf~e POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence conllxling ${w. Jlh 89'-17'-00, Weal I.~ IXl fed lo the e~st llw of the cam·fay; Thence Sc~JIh 00'- 43..00" Elst ilong .enkl Feat Irle of cemetery f00feet to · poinl;Thence Nodh 894-17'-0Q'' ElM I.,",l'l IK} fe,d to · I~nl; 1hence North 00,-43'-00, West 100 feet Io the POINT OF Be·rings sre based or~ the East In· of tedIon 36 being South 00,43'-00, East E~XSIBIT STA'rZ OF fi,ORI*DA) COUNTY OF COLI, IER) DWIGHT 2, BROCK, Clerk of Courts ~udictal Circuit, Collier CountT, Flozida, do hereby cer~iZy tha~ ~oregoing is a ~rue copy ORDINANCENO. 95-54 Which was adop~edby ~heBoardof County Commissioners on the 24=hda~ of October, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and ~he official seal of the ~oard of Count7 Commissioners of Collier Coun~3~, Florida, ~his 27th day of October, 1995. DWIGHT Z. BROCK Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of · Count-/C~mmissioners ~ C1 Depu y erk