Ordinance 95-52 ORDINANCE 95- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, TI{E COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPME~|T CODE, WHICI{ INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDIN~ THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBERED 9515N BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM "PUD" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS PINE RIDGE MEDICAL CENTER, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED, IN SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 4_+ ACRES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-30, AS AMENDED, THE FORMER SANDERS RETAIL CENTER PUD; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Michael R. Fernandez, AICP of Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc., representing Desha N. Sanders, Trustee,, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; The Zoning Classification of the herein described real property located in Section 15, Township 49 South, Range 25 Fast, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "PUD" to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the PUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", which is incorporated herein and by reference made part hereof. The Official Zoning Atlas Map Numbered 9515N, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Development Code, is hereby amended accordingly. Ordinance Number 91-30, as amended, known as the Sanders Retail Center PUD, adopted on March 26, 1991 by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, is hereby repealed in its entirety. This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. -1- PASSED MID DULY XDOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this ~ day of ~, 1995, ATTEST:"' BOARD OF COU}rrY COMMISSIONERS API~RO.VED AS. ~3 FOR/4 AND (j~IE I~1. S'~'f~{~t ASSISTANT COUNTY A~ PUD-95-60KDIN,U~CE/15207 PINE RIDGE MEDICAL CENTER A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND SUPPORTING MASTER PLAN GOVERNING PINE RIDGE MEDICAL CENTER. A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE PREPARED FOR: Daha N. Sandens, Jr., as Trustee PREPARED BY: MrC! IA EL R. FERNA NDEZ, A ICP PLANNING DIRECTOR OF AGNOLI. BARBER .t,/RUNOAr, r., INC. TAMIAMI TRAIL NORTH. $UITE 200 NAPLES, FLORIDA J:Jq6] (ll3)~q7o3111 DATE REVIEWED BY CCPC 9f'21/95 DATE APPROVED BY BCC 10/I 1/95 ORDINANCE NUt%IBER DOCUMENT DATE ! 0II 7/05 AMEND WITH BCC STIPS ABB PN 7044-I EXHIBIT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLES STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE iv SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP &DESCRIPTION I- I I -3 [I PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 2- I 2-5 [II COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 3- I IV DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 4-1 LIS'T OF' ~XHIBIT~ AND T~BLES EX! lIBIT A PUD Master Plan EXHIBIT B Conceptual Site Plan EXIIIBIT C Location Map TABLE l 'Land Use Table TABLE If Summary orl:X'veloprnent Slandards STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The development of approximmely 4.02 acres of property in Collier County. as a Planned Unit Development to be known ns Pine Ridge Medical Center will be in compliance with the goals. objectives and policies ol' Collier County as set ror~h in the Growth ~fanagcrncnt Plan. The commercial development at' Pine Ridge Medical Center will be consistent with applicable comprchcraive planning objcclives oreach ot'lbe elements ot'lhe (}rowth Management Plan For the lollowing reasons: i. The subjet1 property is located in an arra identified as an Activity Center in the Growth Management Plan f'or Collier County. 2. Activity Centers a~c ~c prcl'cntd locations for !be concentration orcommercial drk'clopmcnt activities. 3. The subject proix'try is located on Pine Ridge Rood with thc main acecss to the dc~'clopment aJi,gncd with lit lull median cut fbr Can'bbe= Rood and a secondary and minor acc~'ss From the south offot'Caslcllo Drive. This slra~cglc location allows the site superior access f'or the placcmcnt ol'commcrcial activities. 4. The project development is compatible and complementary Io existing and I'umn: surrounding land uses as required in Polic~ 5.4 of the Future Land Use Element. :5. The project development will result in an efliclent and economical extension e!'communlty Facilities and services as required in Policies 3. I.H and L of the Future Land Use Element. 6. The project will be served by n complc|e range ol'services and utilities as approved by the County. 7. The project is compatible with adjacent land uses through the internal arrangement structures, the placement of' land use buff'ors. and the proposed development standards contained heroin. 8. All final local development arden For this prx;jcct am subject to the Co|]icr County ~%dcquate Public Facilities Ordinance. SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSflIP AND DESCRIPTION I.I The porpo~ ofthis ~-etion is In set forth the location and ownership of the property. and to describe Ihe existing conditions of the property proposed Io be developed under the project name of Pine Ridge Medical Center. 1.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Thc subjec~ property being 4.02+/- acres. is described as: A lot or parcel of land lying in Lot 51. NAPLES IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S LITTLE FAR. MS according Io a map thereof recorded in Plat Book 2. at Page 2. or lhe Public Records of Collier County. Florida. which lot or parcel is described as follows: From the Nortlnnn~ corner of.Section 15. Township 49 South. Range 25 'Easl. run Easterly along the North line of said section 6623 fe~: thence run Southerly for 15 feet In Norlhwest comer of the East half(Elf2) of the West half(W I/2) orsaid Lot 51 to the point ofbeginnlng; thence nm Sou~h along the West llne orsaid .East half(El/2) or Ihe West half (W I/2) for 3 ! 6.5 feet more or less Io the Seth line orsaid Lot 51; Ihence run East along said South llne for 150 reel; thence run North parallel to said West line of the -Fast half~E I/2_) or the West hal r ( w I r2) for 316.5 feet rno~ or less to a poi n t on I he Non h l i neo f said Lot 51: thence run West along said North line for 150 feet to the point orbeginning; being West 150 feet orsaid East half(Elf2) of the West half{Wl r2) of LOt 51. less and except the No, h 10' thereof. East 150 feet of the West 300 felt ofthe 'East half{El/2) of the West (W I/'2.) el'Lot NAPLES IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S LITTLE FAR.MS. a Subdivision according the Plat thereof. as recorded in Plat Book 2. at Page 2. in the Public Records of Collier County. Florida. less and ~.cept the Norxherly 15' Ihereof. A lot or parcel of land lying in Lot 51. NAPLES IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S LITTLE FARMS according to a map or plat thereof'. as recorded in Plat Book 2. at Page 2. of lhe Public Records of Co!tier County. which lot or parcel is described as follows: From the Northwest corner of Section 15. Township 49 South. Range 25 -East. run Easterly along the North line of said section for 6623 feet: thence run Southerly for I 5 feet to the Northwest cornerof the East half(fir2) of the West half(Wl/2) of said Lot 51: thence run Easterly along the North line of said Lot 51 for 375 feet to the point ofbeglnning of the lands hereby conveyed, From said polm ofbeginning run South, parallel to/he West line of said Fast half(El/"2) of the West halt' (Wl/'2) for 316..5 feet more or less to the South line of said Lo~ S l: thence nm East along Mid South llne for 75 feet: thence run parallel to said West line of the East half(El/'2) of/he West half(Wl/'2) for 316..~ fees more or less ~o a point on the North line of said Lot 51: thence run West along said Noah line for 75 fees to the point of beginning: being the East 75 feet of the West 450 Feet orsaid East half(El~) of the W'es( hall'(WIr2) ol'Lot 51, South I05 feet of/he East 125 feet of the West !r2 of Lot 51, NAPLES IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S LITTLE FARMS as recorded in Plat Book ~ at Page 2, Public Records of Collier Countg, Florida. ~ h~lf(E|/2) of the West halt'(Wl/2) except the East 125 Feet and except the West 450 fees of Lot 51 less lhe North 15 feel For right-of-way, Lot 51 NAPLES IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S LITTLE FARMS as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page _~, Public Records of Collier County, Florida. East 75 Feet of the West 375 feet of the LEaSt half(El/2) of lhe West hal f(%V l~) of Lot 51 less the North 15 feet for right-of-way, NAPLES IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S LITTLE FARMS as recorded in Plat Book ~ at Page 2, Public Records ol'Collicr Coumy, Florida. 1,3 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The Property is owned by Deshe N, Sanders Jr,, as Trustee and is hercinal~er called "applicant or developer", 1.4 ('}F=~/ERAL DE.gCRIPT~C)N OF PROPERTY AREA A. The Property is located in Section 1:5, Township 49 Sou/h, Range 25 -Fast, The Property consLsts ofapproxlmalely 4.02 acres and is located appruximatcly 740 feet from Ihe southeast corner of U,S. 4! and Pine Ridge Road and offand south of Pine Ridge Road, The Property is currcnt|y undeveloi'~-"d. B. The zoning classitTcat[on o1' the Property prior to the date of this appmved PUD Document was PUD. 1.5 p|IYSICAL DF_SCRIPTION The Property is generally level with elevations between I 8 and 19 feet NGVD, The wet sea table elevation |s est[mnted to be 14,5 feet NGVD. Potions of the site prevfousl.v supported residential structures ,~,-hich have since been removed. Some fill has been placed and gs'nded on the site since 1990 nnd the site is generally maintained. Remaining vege~atit>n is genernlly in the form of pine trees. The Property has the following designation relative to flood -FEMA FIRM Flood Zone X; are~ of S00-year tlood or area of 100 yea' flood with expected avernt~e depth of less than font: nnd nz'ras protected by levees 6'om 100-yem' flood. Community-Panel Number 120067 0383 E; Map Revised August 3, 199Z !.6 pROIt~CT DF.~CRIPTION Pine Ridge Medical Center is n proposed commercial center with a maximum intensity of development not to exceed commereinl square rex>rage of 40.000 square f~.~t ofn:tail and 20.000 square rcet ot' general oftice. This intensity will support 60.000 square rect or medical oftice space, 1.7 This Ordinance shall be known and cited ns fbe 'Pine Rid/~e Medical C~:nter Planned Unil Development Ordinance." SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREME~"CFS 2.1 T!~ pur'po~ of this Section is ~o delineate and generally de.acrihe the project's plan of develo!'n'ncnt, t~lalionshii~ to applicable County ordinanc~ aM other project relationships. 2.2 GENE~L A. Regulations for development of Pine Ridge Medical Center shall be in accordance with tile contents of this document, PUD-Planned Unit Development District and olher applicable sextons and parts of the Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) and Gro~h Management Plan (GMP) in effm at the time of issuance ofany development order Io which said regulations relate which authorizes the construction ofimproR'tnents, such as but not limited to Final Subdivision Plat (if required). Final Site Development Plato Excavation Permit and Prelimina~ Work Amhorization. Wher~ these rt~gulations ~'ail to provide developmental standards then the provisions of Ihe most similar district in Ihe County Land D,.welopment Code shall apply. B. Unless otherwise noted, lhe dcf~nitio~ of all letins shall b¢ the same a~ the definitions set forth in the Collier County Land Development Code in ell'eel at the time of building permit application. C. All conditions impogd and all graphic material predated depicting restrictions the development ol'Pine Ridge Medical Center shall Ix'come pan of the re,/ulations which govern lira manner in which the PUD lite m,~.' be developed. D. Unless modified. waived or excepted by this PUD document or associated ~..-xhibits. fl~e provisions of other land development cod~ where applicable r~naln in li~ll force and effect with t~spct't to the development of the land which compri~ this PUD. E. Development permitted by the approval of this petition will be subject to a conc~,~e,cy rtwlew under the provisions of Division 3.15 Adequate Public Facilities of the Land Development Code at the earliest or next to occur of either t~nai SDP approval. final plat approval, or building permit issuance applicable to this development. 2.3 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTI' PLAN AND PROPOSED LAND USES The project Master Plan. including access locations. is iljustrated gruphically by Exhibft "A". PUD Master Plan. Them shall be one (I) general commercial tract. TABLKI: PINE RIDGE MEDICAL CENTER ESTIMATED LAND USE SL~IMARY TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGF~ ~ COMMERCIAL 60.000 * 4.02, +/o · enirnaced; Pine RidRe Medical Center is a proposed commercial center with a maximum intensity oF dcvelopment not to exceed 40,000 square Feet of reta;l and 20,000 square Feet of general ofiqce. This intensity will support 60,000 square Feet of medical o~ce devclopmenL Table I is a schedule of the intended land uses. with approximate acre-age oF thc total project indicated. Exhibit 'B" is a conceptual ma~er plan and is an iljustrative preliminary development plan. Design criteria and layout iljustrated on this supporting exhibit shall be tmdc~tood to be flexible so that final design may satisfy developmere objectives and be consistent with the Project Development. as set forth in this document. TABLEII: PINE RIDGE MEDICAL CENTER DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE YEAR SQUARE FOOTAGE [ 996 30.000 1997 30.000 Table [I indicates the estima~ed development ~chedule For the project. The estimate may. of course. change depending upon future economic. market and regulatory Factors. 2.4 DESCRIPTION OF PROJF~CT D!~NSITY (~R INTE"NSITy OF LAND USE A commercial center with a maximum intensity of development which shall not exceed 40.000 square feet of retail and 20,000 squaro feet of general olTicc spaces. The intensity supported by this mix. as measured by trut']]c impacts. may exceed 60.000 square Feet but is limited by the proposed development standards for setbacks, bt,iTcrs. open space. Farklng and landscaping. This intensity will support 60.000 square Feet of medical ofl]ce. The gross project area is 4,02 +/- acres. 2-2 9_.$ R~.ATED PROJI~.CT PLAN APPROVAL REOUIREMENT.~ A. Prior to the m:ording of a Record Plat. and/or Condominium Plat for all or part of the PUD, final plans of all required improvements shall receive approval of the appropriate Collier County governmental agency to in. sum compliance with the PUD Master Plan, the Collier County Subdivision Cede and the platting laws of the State of Florida as may be applicable. B. Exhibit '*A", PUD Masler Plan. conslitutes the required PUD Development Plan. Subsequem to or concurrent with PUD approval. a Preliminary Subdivision Plat. if applicable. shall be submitted for tbe entire nnn covered by the PUD Master Plan. Any df~sjon of properly nnd the de,nlopment of the land shall he in compliance with Division :L2 of the Collier County Land Development Code. and the plattlnl/laws of tbe Stale of C. The provisions of Division 33 oftha Collier County La~ Development Code. ~'hen applicable. shall apply to the develofnnent of all platted tracts. or parcels of land as provided in snld Division prior to the issuance of a building permit or other development order. D. Approl~ate instruments will be i'n'trvided at the time ofinfrastruczun: improw.-mcnts regarding any dedications nnd method for providing perpetUal maintenance common facilities. E. D~slgn and cormruetion of all improvements shall be subject to compliance with the nppml:n'iate provisions oftbe Collier County Land D~'velopment CtKIc Division 3.2. 2.6 AMENDMENTS TO PLtD DOCUMENT OR PUD MA.%"TER PLAN Amendments may be made to the PUD as provided in the Ct~l tier County Land Development Code. Scetion 2.7.3.$. 2.7 ,AgSOCIATfON OF PROPERTY OWNF_R.q FOR COMMON ARI~A MAINTENANCE Whenever the developer elects to ,:i,~a~e land ar~a whose ownership and maintenance responsibility is a common interest to nil ol' the subsequent purchasen of property within said development in which the common interest is located. that developer entity shall provide appropriate legal instruments for the establishment of a Property Owners Association or another appropriate enlity whose function shall include prcn'isions for the perpetual care and maintenance of all common facilities and open space subject further to the provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code. Section 2-3 2.11 LANDSCAPE IIUFTERS. FENC1g_S AND WALLS Landscape buffers. rcnces ~n~ walls are genernHy permitted ns a principal use throughout Pine Ridge Medical Center. The following standards shall apply: A. Landscaping slopes shall have the following maximum side slopes: I. Grassed slopes ;3:! 2. Ground covered slopes 2:1 3. Rip-Rap slopes 2:1 4. Slrucmral walled changes in elevation - vertical The above slopes are maximums a~l require SlalT revi~,~ and -',pproval el'individual applications where such maximum dopes exceed LDC Standards. 2?) CIF~NEIL~L PERMITTED !].q E~ Certain uses shall be considered general Ix'fmitted uses throughout Ihe Pine Ridge Medical Center PUD. A. General Permitted Uses: I. Esscmial services as s~ forth under Collier County Land D~.'~'clor~rncnt Code. Scctlon 2.6.9. i. 2. Watel' ~gemt'nl facilities nnd related structures. 3. Temlxn'ary construction. sales. and aclmlnistmtive offices for the D,.n'eeoper and Dtq,'eloper's authorized contractors and consultants. including nec~:ss,'xr}.' access ways. parking areas and related uses. 4. Landscape fentu~s including but not limited Io landscape hufFors. fences. walls subject to the standards. sel forth in FUD Section 2.11. 5. Any other use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Development Services Director determines to be compatible. B. Development Standards: Unless otherwise set forth in this document the foUo%,,'ing de~'clopment standards shall apply to structures: 2-4 !. Sidewalks may occur within required buffers. how~'er the width of the required buffer shall be increased proportionately to the width oCthe paved sufl'ace of~he sidewa/k, SECTION COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS PURPOSE The purpose of xhis Section is to set fofih {he R'gulations for the Property designated on Exhibit *A*. PUD M~er Pkm. as *Commercial*. No building or gru~ure. or pm't th~or. Iholl be erred. altered of used. of Innd of used. in whole of in pnn. for other than the following: A. Permitted Prin~tml Usc. s nnd I. Medinl Office and Uses Pen'nilled by the Collier CounP/Lmxl Development Code C-2 Commercial District excepx gasoline Sen, ice 2. Itotels and rnotels 3. Any other use which is com1~ible in namr~ with the for~oing which the Developmenl Services Director clexerrnines to he comrratible. B. Conditional I. Uses Permitted by the Collier County Land Development Code C-2 Commercial District. C. Permitted Accessoff [,fses mid ~[l"u~ures 1. Accenoty uses and sln~ur,:s ctmcnnnrliy assc~ciafed with the uses ix-Tmi.cd in the above disn'icw. 2. Covered p~king sx~ . DEV[~I.OPlVIENT STANDARDS: A. ~: i0.000 ~tmr~ feet B. LaL.W_ia~: 100 feet C. M~xlmum l]u{Idln~ Hel_ght & ~e~l~ck_~ Reau{rcmcnt~: I. PH~ ~; ~j~ ~daH~: M~. BId~ ~ks R~uir~B H~ght Front (~) Side (Was) Side R~r 25 ~ 25 ~ 25 ~ 25 35 ~ ~ ~ 50 fi 25 ~5 fi ]5 ~ 75 fi 35 2. ~k ~~a f~ ~ ~u~: int~ ~~: t~ ~tff of I0 fm ~ ~!ft~ ~t oft~ ~. ~ f~ Pi~ Ridge R~ which ~ui~ a 20 f~{ D. Dilate B~ P~l N~. ~ a minire, .., of~lrt~ ~ oft~ ~ight of the stmctu~. E. M~imum Heieht ofCov~ Parkln~: T~I~ { 12) r~ F. M~nimum F!~ A~ of PH~i~l ~e tho~ (I .~} ~m fm ~ ~ilding ~ the ~round Ilm~. G. As ~ui~ in Di~4si~ 2.4 oft~ ~ un!~ s~i~ h~in. All t~ .4thin ~ffm ~j~ w d~t~f-~ ~1 ~ immll~ with a C~nty ~t ~ All t~ ~a ~i~ ~t~ ~ff~ not~ on Ihe PUD M~t~ Plan shall ~ it~tall~ in the initial p~ of the d~elopment. (1) ~ folloWrig ~ffm ~ co~id~ Io m~ or ~c~d LDC requi~ ~ffm: 3°2 a. PUD Type *D.r' Landscaped Buffer: This buffer shall have an overall width of 20 fet'L The northern edge of existing sidewalk along Pine Ridge Road shall be relocated ten (1 0) Feet south of the existing roadway curb. The width of the displaced sidewalk shall be included within the width of this buffer. A row or' LDC Type D Buffer trees, meeting the required spacing shall be placed within the landscaped nren on each side of the sidewalk. The shrub/hedge requirement or'the LDC Type D Buffer shall be plm:ed within Ihe landscaped area south ot' the sidewalk. 'b. PUD Type "B.r' Landscaped Buffer. LDC Type B tree and hedge reciuiremems in addition to an integrated green ~ black vlnyl coated chain link I'ence shall be provided: except Ihat the spacing of the shade trees. when adjacent to residenttally zoned prolx'r~y shall be 15 feet and the t~s shall have n minimum height at installation of 12 feet. e. PUD Type "B.2" ~ped 13uff~r: LDC Type B tree and hedge m:tulrements in addition to an integrated green or black vlnyl coated chain link Cence shall be provided: except thai the spacing of the shade trees. when adjacent to residentia!ly zoned property shall be 20 feet and the trees shall have a minimum height at installation of 10 (2) In order to I'acilltate the potential retention ot' existing trees. no water management or no new lines ot'contlnueus u~iliti-.s shall be developed within the required l:mffe~s. ]-L I.nnde. cnp~n~ For Ol'l'-Strt~ Pnrkln_~ !n order to I'acili~e the mention erexisting trees. rows ol'pm'king may contain more Ihan ten (10) parkinS spaces tininterrupted by n landscaped island provided lhat an average ol'ten (10) or less spaces is maintained within the overall development. 1. C),nen S,rraee Req. uirements: Thirty (30) percent o1' the acreage of the PUD. This acreage may include the devetopment of open space plaza f'~tures inclusive of water eh:mcnts. and decorntive pedestrian walks and seating areas enhanced by landscaping. 3-3 Tl~e maximum heigl~t of'pnz4cinS lot and si~e llghlin~l fixtures shall be 16 feet and installed mcl located In It nn. mer so lhat light shell shielded t'mm residem~ally ~cmed area. No neon lighting shall be visible From ~he exterior el' the pm.~c.c~. DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS The ptu~x~e ofthls $ecxlon is to set forth the dovelOquent commitments for the development of the project. 4.2 All facilities shall be constructed in accordance with Final Site Development Plans. Final Subdivision Plans and all appllcable Slate and local laws. codes and regulations applicable to this PUD. Except where specifically noted orsrated otherwise. the standards and specifications ot'lh~ Land Development Code of Divlsion 3.2 shall apply to this pro.~ect rvcn if lhe !and within the PLfD is not to he platted. The developer. his successor and assigns shall be r,:sp~nsiNe for the commitments outlined in this document. Tl~e developer. his successor or assignee shall agree to t'ollow the Mas:tr Plan and the regulations of the PUD as adopted. and any oth~ conditions or modifications as may be agreed to in the rezoninl; of the property. In ~klition the devefopt'r will agrt~ to convey to any successor or assignee in title any commitments within this a~ent. 4.3 PLrD MASTER PLAN A, Exhibit "A". PUD Master Plan. illusl~ates the proposed d~e~opment and is conceptual in nature. Proposed tract or special land use boundaries shal! not be cc:,'atrued to be final nad rn.qy be varied at any subsequent approval phase such as at f~ual platting or site development plan nppllcmion. subject Io the provisions of the La~ Development Code nnd amendments as may be made from time to time. 13. All necet. sal7 easements. dedlcatiota. et other instrumems shall he grnnted to ~nsure the continued operation and maintenance of all service utilities and all common areas on the Property. 4-1 4,4 ~ONITOR[N'G RE'I~T AND ~J'NSET PROVl'S~ON.~ A.The Pine Ridge Medical Center PUD shall be subject to Ihe Sunset Provisions or' Section 2,7.3,4 ot~the Land Development Code, B. Monitoring Report: An nnnual monitoring report shall be submit~'d pursttzmt to Section 2,7.3.6 ot'tha Collier County Land Development Cede. T]~,AN.qPORTAT~ON The developre.eat oCthe PUD Master Plan shall be subject to and governed by the t'ollowinl~ conditions: A. The develolxT shn/I prm/ide capital r~ndlng of'a tral'l~c signal for the intersection or' Caribbean Road (aligned with the l:~oject's main access) when deem warranted by Collier County Transportation Services Division. S~ould the development ot' trat'~e signnl be granted, the developer shall also provide capital l~unding for the development ot'n diverlet, which shall only pmvfde t'or right-in/right-out circulation at the entrance to Caribbean Road. The signal shall be owned. operated and maintained by Collier County. I3. The project shall only have n singulm' access location t'mm Pine Ridge Road, this provision eliminates the prevlotaly nppmved right-out at the eastern end oFthe ~hich, in part, mitigates the need t'or n right mm I~ne l'rom Pine Ridge Road. C. Access points on Pine Ridge Road shall be illuminated to those standards required For street lighting on arterial roads. 4.6 Pursuant to Section 2.6.30 ol'the Lnnd Development Code, provision shall be made for the future use o~' building space within common areas (iF provided) t'or the purposes accommodating the ~mztion ot'nn electoral Foiling place. An agreement recorded in the official records of'the Clerk oFthe Circuit Court o~'Collier County, which shall be binding upon any and all successors in interest that acquire ownership oFsuch common ~e'3.s including, but not limited to, condomlnium nssoclatlons, homeowners associations, or tenants associations. This agreement shall provide t'or s~id common t'acility to be used for a polling place H' determined to be necessary by the Supervisor of Elections. 4-2 4.7 WATER MANAGEMENT I. An Excavation Permit will be mluired for the proposed water management ar~ in accordance with Division 3,.S of Collier County Ordinance No. 91-! 02 as amended and Souffi Rorlda Wa~er Managcmen~ DislHc~ (SF~VMD} ru[~. 2. Derailed water management plan and calculations. signed and sealed by n Rorida I'mteniorud Enfneer shall be provided at time ol'Sile Developme~ Plan submltml. 3. Prior 1o Si~e Development Plan approval, n leuer of "no objection" form Collier County Tr'ampottadon Division shah be submitted allowing discharge into the Pine Ridge Road drainage sys~m. Work wiffiin the Collier Coumy right.of-way shaI! meet the requhcments of Collier County Right-of-Way Ordinance No. 93-64. 4.9 ~ Water diserlbmion, sewage collection and transmission Io serve the project are !o be designed. constructed, conveyed. owned and maintaincd in accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. $8-76, as amended. and olher applicable County rulcs and rcgulations. 4.10 ARCHA[~OLOGICAL Probability ofumnatked burial sites: Prior to Ihe issuance ol'a final development order the owner/entity making applicaion for said final development order shall investigate the po~ibility that fitere ate mtmadced burial sites/graves on th~ property. sadsrac~oo. evidence shall include copies or' ~m'espond~ auestinl; to knowledge or lack thereof thai the propertywasusedfornbtn'ldgmundfmmtheCollierCountyMmeumDireclorandat,:pofl by a State C..eflified AtcheolofsL Should the results ofthls invesaZation iclendt'y burial sites on the subject propety the owner/entity shall make nrrangements with the jurisdictional agency to relocate ~e remains of said burial site(s) or to grnnt an easement which would Prrvent any building activity or use of land to eccm' over said bu~al site. WP-06-eF2B7G,DOC~$ PROJECT SITE LOC~ TED WITH~N SE'CnON 15 TO~,ZS~.IP 49,c R4NCE SITE ACREACE: ~. C, AT~ p~,tmw~Y (r' tt PUD REZONE SITE LOCATION MAP ~m~tr STATE OF FLORIDA) COtjNTY OF COLtIER) l, DWI01~ I. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the TWentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of.. ORDINANCE NO. 95-52 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 10th day of October, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 17th day of October, 1995. Clerk of Courts an~' C~srk ' ~., Ex-officio to Board 'of ~ ~. .: .. /s/Maureen Kenyogi.; .' :" Deputy Clerk ,. "' ,,,..: ......".i