Ordinance 95-36 ORDINANCE NO. 95- 36 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 93-42, FALLING WATERS, A PLANNED UNIT D~PMENT, BY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, AMENDMENTS TO SUBSECTION 5.6.A, TRANSPORTATION COMMITMENTS; SECTION TWO, AMENDMENTS ~X) MASTER PLAN, BY ATTACHING A NEW MASTER PLAN; AND SECTION THREE, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WM~_~S, on July 27, 1993, the Board of County Commissioners ap~r~ved Ordinance Number 93-42 which established the Falling Water Planned Unit Development; and ~, James H. Siesky of Sissky and Pilon, representing Mubechman Associates, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners of Collier COUnty, Florida, to amend Ordinance Number 93-42, as set forth NOW, THZREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that; SF~ON O~[B~ AM~!2DMI~I2TS TO TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS That Section 5.6 entitled Transportation, of the Falling Waters Planned Unit Development (Ordinance 93-42), is hereby amended to read as follows: 5.6 TRANSPORTATION The development of this PUD Master Plan shall be subject to end governed by the following conditions: =t:n_~---rd= fr== County Darn Rc~3d cast to the castcrn lin= cf Tract "~"". ~h.c dcvclcpe~ll pays Co~e '_z-no '.'ith '- inch cf ~.aphalt o-car the c'xlstin~ li;ar=ck Ira-- the ca=tern linc of Tract "S" tc ~Icn= far tha=a i~-pr=vcmcnts ~'i!l ~-c submlttcd =~rcv=_~ ...... .~f t.hc final -~ .......... far Tract "G" =r Tract "."." oT Tract "~". ...... ~ .......... ' .... ~- ~'ill bc installcd ncrt[. In ccnci~cratlcn for this paving, thc Falling V. atcr--- Dc%'clop~cnt ~'ill bc pcrmittcd to usa Cope The developer shall improve Cope Lane to followin~ standards from County Barn Road east to a POint 10 feet east of the driveway servin~ 596~ CODe Lane [tax mad parcel 76. Words la~ are additions; Words et-~eek--t~h~agh are deletions. -1- a. Install three cross culverts under the existina road to allow natural water sheet flow to Pass under the Eoad Zrom north to south. b. Reconstruct the southerlv roadside swale from Tract "S" of Fallinq Waters to County c. ~ree driveway Culverts with mitered end sections at each existing driveway along the reconstruc%ed Dortio~ Of These drainaae improvements shall be completed by June 15. 1995. Grade and roll existing limerock base. APPLY primer to newly aredad and rQlled CoDstruct 30' radius fillets at th~ intersection of CODe Lane and County Barn Construct 1" tYPe S-3 asphalt surface amDroximately 20' Fide ~rom County Barn Road to 10' east of 5966 CODe Lane /ar~Droximatelv 36Q0 linear feet]. 1. Developer may use Cope I~ne as Construction entrance for Falling ,, Waters provided that De~ first have completed the work specified /~-I in subsections a. b, and c. abOve. ~Dd installed at least ., ~3~3~urface on the area of CODe ~ .Lane to to be improved. This initial work shall be completed bY September 1. 1995o or prior to the commencement of construction traffic. whichever zhall - ~irst 2. The final %" of asphalt ~hall aPPlied to Cope Lane On or before September 1. 1997. or.upon the closing of the construct:ion entrance. whichever shall first occur. Fallin~ waters shall discontinue use of CODe Lane for construction traffic effective four veers from aDDroyal of this Ordinanq~ ]~ In addition, underuround drainage imDrovement~ alon~ the west side of the project to alleviate floodin~ at Seacrest Schools shall be completed by June 16, 1995 and include all work as shown 9~ Drawinu No, F~-14 as pr{Dared by O, GraVy Minor & Associates and as reviewed and aDDroved bY County staff, Words ~ are additions; Words ~ are deletions. ,. m I IBCTIOI[ TWOS ~2 TO Pa~STER PLAN ~e ~ster Plan o{ the Falling Waters Planned Unit Development (~l~e No. 93-42) fs here~ amended by replacing it with a new ~ster Plan attach~ hereto and lnco~orated herein as Exhibit "A". I~ ~S ~~ DATE ~is ~dinance shall ~c~e effective upon receipt of notice from ~e ~e~ o[ S~te that this Ordinance has been filed with the ~~ of S~. PMS~ ~ ~Y ~ ~ ~e Board of County Co~issioners of ~lll~,,~, Flori~, ~is ~3 day of ~ , 1995. ~O~ M. S~ }92-13 (1) O~ZN~/1gk/13892 Words ~ are additions; Words ~ are deletions.. STATE OF F~ORID/ COI3)/TY 07 COLLIER ) l, DMIGHT g, BROCk, Clerk of Courts in and for the ~,entieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: Ordinance No. 95-36 ~hich was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 23rd day of May, 1995, during Regular Session. WZTNESS my hand and the official s,a~ County Commissioners o~ Collier County, day of Nay, 1995.