Ordinance 95-31 ORDINANCE NO. 95- 31 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 91-102, aS AMENDED, TEE COF/,IER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT C~E, DEFINITIONS; MORE PARTICULARLY PROVIDING FOR: SECTION ONE, RECITALS; SECTION TWO, FINDINGS OF~_ FACT; SECTION THREE, ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE; SECTION FOUR, CONFLICT R~D SEVERABILITY; SECTION FIVE, INCLUSION IN THE Cd~E OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; AND SECTION SIX, EFFEC'ieisVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 30, 1991, the Board of County Commissioners approved Ordinance Number 91-102, as amended, which established the Collier County Land Development Code; and WHEREA~, the Land Development Code may not be amended more than two times in each calendar year pursuant to Section 1.19.1,LDC; and, WHEREAS, this is the first amendment to the Land Development Code, Ordinance 91-102, in this calendar year; and WHEREAS, on March 23, 1993 the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 93-124 establishing local requirements and procedures for amending the LDC; and WHEREAS, all requirements of Resolution 93-124 have been met; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners in a manner prescribed by law did hold advertised public hearings on April 5 and April 18, 1995 and did take action concerning these amendments to the LDC; and WHEREAS, all applicable substantive and procedural requirements of the law have been met. · o NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that: SECTION ONE: RECITALS The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated by reference heroin as if fully set forth. SECTION TWO: FINDINGS OF FACT The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereby makes the following findings of fact: 1. Collier County, pursuant to Sec.163.3161, et ~_~_q.,Fla. Star., the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (hereinafter the "Act"), is required to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan. 2. After adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Act and in particular Sac. 163.3202(1). Fla. Star., mandates that Collier County adopt land development regulations that are consistent with and implement the adopted Comprehensive Plan. 3. Sac. 163.3201, Fla. Star., provides that it is the intent of the Act that the adoption and enforcement by Collier County of land development regulations for the total unincorporated area shall be based on, be related to, and be a means of implementation for, the adopted Comprehensive Plan as required by the Act. 4. 8ec. 163.3194(1)(b), Fla, Star., requires that all land development regulations enacted or amended by Collier County be consistent with the adopted Com~rehensive Plan, or element or portion thereof, and any land development regulations existing at the time of adoption which are not consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan, or element or portion thereof, shall be amended so as to be consistent. 5. Sec. 163.3202(3), Fla. Stat., states that the Act shall be construed to encourage the use of innovative land development regulations. 6. On January 10, 1989, Collier County adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan (hereinafter the "Growth Management Plan" or "GMP") as its Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the requirements of Seo. 1634.3161 et seg. Fla. Star., and Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. 7. Sec. 163.3194(1)(a), Fla. Stat., mandates that after a Comprehensive Plan, or element or portion thereof, has been adopted in conformity with the Act, all development undertaken by, and all actions taken in regard to development orders by, governmental agencies in regard to land covered by such Comprehensive Plan or element or portion thereof shall be consistent with such Comprehensive Plan or element or portion thereof. S. Pursuant to Sec'. 163.3194(3)(a), Fla. Stat., a development order or land development regulation shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, and other aspects of development permitted by such order or regulation are compatible with and further the objectives, policies, land uses, densities or intensities in the Comprehensive Plan and if it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 9. Section 163.3194(3)(b). Fla. Stat.,reguires that a development approved or undertaken by a local government shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan ir the land uses, densities or intensities, capacity or size, timing, and other aspects of development are compatible with and further the objectives, policies, land uses, densities or intensities in the Comprehensive Plan and ir it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 10. On October 30, 1991, Collier County adopted the Collier County Land Development Code, which b~came effective on November 13, 1991 and m~y be amended twice annually. 11. Collier County finds that the Land Development Code is intended and necessary to preserve and enhance the present advantages that exist in Collier County; encourage the most appropriate use of land, water and resources, consistent with the public interest; overcome present handicaps; and deal effectively with future problems that may result form the use and development of land within the total unincorporated are of Collier County and it is int6nded that this Land Development Code preserve, promote, protect, and improve the public health, safety, comfort, good order, appearance, convenience, and g~neral welfare of Collier County; prevent the overcrowding of land and avoid the undue concentration of population; facilitate the adequate end efficient provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, recreational facilities, housing, and other requirements and services; conserve, develop, utilize, and protect natural resources within the Jurisdiction of Collier County; and protect human, environmental, social, and economic resources; and maintain, through orderly growth and development, the character and stability of present and future land uses and development in Collier County. 12. It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County to implement the Land Development Code in accordance with the provisions of the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Chap4:er 125, Fla. Star., and Chapter 163, Fla. Star., and through these amendments to the Code. SECTION T}EREE= ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO T}{E LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE The Collier County Land Development Code is hereby amended as shown on the side sheets which compromise Appendix A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. SECTION FOUR: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County and other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of the Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION FIVE: INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or any other appropriate word. SECTION SIX: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretal-f of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier Count'y, Florida, this /~day of ~, 1995. . . ...,:) ,: I 0f COLLIER UNTY, FLORIDA Y~C 1 t · y ."LRK.5 \/ .' - MARJOBLtE M. STUDENT ASSIb~rANT COUNTY ATTORNEY LDC AHENDMENT ORDINANCE/md/13603 4 ORIgINs Staff (County Attorney's Office) XUTBORX Bob Nulhere, AICP Manager, Current Planning & Technical Services Section DIFA~TMEITs Planning Services Department. LDO IICTIOII gee. 1.8.3 Nonconforming uses of lands or waters or struotures onlT. Cl~3tlIQI! The change proposed provides for a more liberal time frame of six months, within which, if a nonconforming use has ceased, it is deeBed to be abandoned. However, additional language has been added to re(/tl~re sate improvements where any use has ceased for 90 days or more, and where the property does not meet the requirements of the LDC relative to landscaping, paved, striped parking, including parking for the disabled and access for same. · lXaOII Concern's were raised by Collier County Attorney's Office relative to the County's legal standing in enforcing Section Section currently states that should any non-conforming use cease to operate (except where governmental action impedes access to the premises) for a period of more than ninety (90) days, then any future use of the property is required to conform with the regulations spec~fied by this LDC for the district in which the property is located. Of specific concern ks the requirement that a nonconforming use be made to comply with the LDC if said use has ceased to operate for 90 days or more. It was indicated that the County has greater legal standing, if challenged, when requiring that the future use of a structure, lands or water conform to the current LDC requirements, if a mo~e appropriate time frame is used as a measurement of abandonment. FISCAL 3tied OPERRTIONAL IMPACTs This amendment will have no additional fiscal or operational impact on the County or the public as this amendment simply extends the time frame within which a nonconforming use can cease to operate before being considered abandoned from three months to six months. The amendment further clarifies what site improvements may be required on structures and/or premises for which a use has ceased for a period of 90 days or more. Xt~JkT~D CODES Amend See. 1.8.3. Nonconforming uses of lands or waters or structures only., as follows: 0iscontinuance. If any such non-conforming use ceases for any reason (except where governmental action impedes access to the premises) for a period of more than 99/aLQ consecutive day3, any subsequent use of land shall conform to the regulations specified by this Code for the District in which such land is located. Words ~ are additions; WetdaSh are deletions. ~ Amneaments/January1995 Cycle Se~, 1,8.3 Nonconforming uses of lands or waters or stz-uctures only. Page ~o Notwithmtandino the above definition 0f discontinuance relative to a nonconformino use of land or water orstruc=ure. where the use of land. water OT a stx-~cture has ceased for a carled o[ more than 90 ~onsecu~ive dave. and t~ers such DrOneTrY or use ks de[icient in the T~IC~JiTe~t {t O{ DaVId. ItriDSd Darkina. includina Darkins and access to the stru~ure for the disabledE water manauement facilitie~/ landscauinaz and other site imDrovelaents as reauired in Div. 3.3 of this Code. ~rior to the recommencemen~ 0f {Dr use of the land. water or stz~3c~ure. said deficiencies as may aODlV shall be remedied. to the createst extent Possible Siren the PhYsical constraints on the DrOP)artY. via the appropriate administrative processes found in 0iv. 3.3. Or as otherwise recruited by this C~{, Words ~ are additions; Words =t='~c~; =hrcugh are deletions. OZt. Zgll~ Staff (Commnity Development) ~u~aCrill Ray ~. Bellerda Pro~ect Planner DIlllilt"lilts Planning Services Department LDO I~'"l~OWs egC~ZOll 2.2.4, Residential single-~amtly districts (ROY) ex]m~ls Addition of clsrtfytn~ lan~aqe to 1norease the slds setback from 7.5 feet to a minimum of l0 feet only for side yards with waterfrontage. proposed 1are/nags is intended to support the minlmum setback requirement as provided for in the proposed definition of Yard, J/XSOIS ~he proposed definition of Yard, waterfront provides for a mlninu~ setback of 10 feet for principal and accessor~ structures on waterfront lots. However, there is a problem vtth the RSF-3, RSF-4, RSF-5, and RSF-6 zonln~ dlsr_rlcts which have a side setback of only 7 1/2 ~eet, therefore, the proposed lan~age will set the mintman side yard se~baoX to ~0 feet for ~he above referenced RSF voterfront yards only. JPZBC/Z, & OYER~TZOMX~ Z)CPAC'~BZ TAts amendmen~ should have 1!t~1e or no Or operational Impact on the County. Zt is the the 5uildlnq Depar~ment's responsibility ~o revlsv bulldlng permlt applications which includes fo= proper setbacks for 811 structures. By changing this lanquago to set a minimum side setback for RSP-3, 4, 5, and 6 voterfront lots to ZO feet, there W1~1 be less likelihood of approvlng a building permit for a principal or sccessory struckcure with the non-waterfront side setback of ? 1/2 :eat. this could potentially have a fiscal impact on the property owner as snendnent may reduce the overall buildable lo~ area, however, not to any slqnifleant degree as tt wtl1 only impact waterfront lots (2.5 X the width). Staff has dls~ssed thls proposed amendment wit~ representatives CBZA and various professional engineers and tt is agreed that in addtiles maintaining a vlsual corridor, placing a s=ructure closer than ten feet (~0') 'to the water could negatively eeloct the Integrity of such a structure. Mend the LDC as follows: 2. Side yard. RSF-I: 30 feet. RSF-2:20 feet. RSF-3:7.5 feet. (waterfront; 10 feet1 RSF-4:7.5 feet. (Waterfront: 10 Eeetl RSF-5 and 6:7,5 feet. (Waterrront: 10 feet1 Words MOglEIdl/Dt~ are additions; Words s~--t~eh are deletions. OltIgr!ls Staff (Community Development) aI~'BO~S Ray F. Bellows Project Planner DlYaITMF'dlTI Planning ServiCes Department L/X3 INCTZONI SECTION 2.2,9. Village residential ~istrtct (VR) {3~l]l~ll Addition of clarifying language to increase the side setback from S feet to a minimum of 10 feet only for side yards with waterfrontage. The proposed language is intended to support the minimum setback requirement as provided for An the proposed definition of Yard, waterfront. IllSONs The proposed defAnAtion of Yard, waterfront provides for a minimum setback of 10 feet for principal and accessory structures on waterfront lots. Bowever, there As a problem with the Village Residential (VR) zoning dAstrtcwc which has a side setback of only 5 feet, therefore, the proposed language will set the minimum side yard setback to 10 feet for waterfront yards only. }"IS(IlL & OPEP. XTIOIIRL IMPXCTSz This amendment should have little or no fiscal or operatAonaa impact on the County. It is the the Building Department's responsAbAIAty to review building permit applications which includes checking for proffer setbacks for all structures. By changing this language to set a mAnlmum sAde setback for VR waterfront lots to 10 feet, there will be less 1AkelAhood of approving a building permit for n principal or accessory Dtrt:oture wAth the non-waterfront side setback of 5 feet. Thin could potentially have a fiscal impact on the property owner as this 131ezl~Iment may reduce the overall buildable lot area, however, not to any Ilg:lif~canC degree as it will only impact waterfront lots {2.5 X the wAdth}. Staff has discussed this proposed amendment w~th representatives of CBIA and various professional engineers and It is agreed that in addition laAntainAng a visual corridor, placing a structure closer than ten feet (10') to the water could negatively effect the integrity of such a structure. Amend the LDC as follows: 3. Minimum yard requirement: Front yard 20 feet 35 feet 35 fee= Section 2.6.2 35 feet Side yard 5 feet~ 15 feet 15 feet Section 2.6.2 15 feet Rear yard 20 feet 30 fee~ 30 feet Section 2.6.2 30 feet · WD~erfront: 10 fee~ 4. Maximum height 30 feet 30 feet 35 feet 15 feet 50 feet WOrds J~J~derltned are additions; Words =tr=ck~4~.r~.uejh are deletions. ORZG33Is Staff (Community Development) ~t~q[OR~ Ray F. BelZovs ~ Project Planner D/P/LRTIg~eTI Planning Se~tces Departmem~ '~ ~ I~g SZ~Z~ 2.2.10. Mobile home fitstrict (~) ~GII Mdition of clarifying landage to increase the side setback from 7 1/2 fee~ to a.minl~ of 10 fee= only for side ~ards with wa~erfron=age. ~e ~s~ la~age is intended ~o suppor~ ~he minimum setback requiremen~ as ~ld~ for in the proceed defini~ion of Yard, waterfront. ~l ~e pro~s~ definition of Yard, waterfront provides for a mtnt~m letN~k of 10 feet for ~inoipal and acceseo~ st~ctures on waterfront lots. H~er, ~ere Is a problem wl~ ~e ~ zoning district which has a side set~ck Of ~ly 7 1/2 feet, therefore, the proposed landage will set the minimum side ~rd set~ck to 10 feet for waterfront yards only. Thi~ also applies to the ~c~fo~ing ~ lot side (5' and 0') and rear (8') setbacks. ~S~ & OP~TI~ I~A~Sl ~is amendment should have little or ~o fiscal or ~rational l~a~ on ~e County. It is the the Building 0epartment's re~nsibllity to revi~ building pemit applications which includes checking f~ ~o~r set~cks for all stmctures. By changing this language to set a lin~ side yard set~ck for ~ ~aterfront lots to 10 feet, there ~ill be less l~elih~ of a~rov~ng a ~ilding permit for a principal or accesso~ stmcture Wl~ ~e non~aterfront side yard setback of 7 1/2 feet. Amend the LOC as follows: Side yard. Seven and one-half feet, except when adjacent to public roads external to the boundaries of the project, 50 leery or when it is a waterfront ~ard. 10 fe{~, Yard exceptions. Any nonconforming platted HH lot of record or nonconforming ~1~ lot located within a mobile home rental park which was in existence before the effective da~e date of this code shall be subject to the following standards: Minimum yard requirements. Front yard. Fifteen feet Side yard. Five feet or zero feet, whore carports are connected at corner lot line. Where a zero feet yard is utilized a minimum yard of ten feet musk be utilized for the opposite yard. When yard i~ a E~terfront, the setback is ten Cost. Rear yard. Eight feet. (Waterfront: T~D Words underlined are additions; Words struck through are deletions. OR/QI~s Staff (Community Development) AUTHORS Ray F. BeZlo~s, Project Planner DE"P~TMENT~ Planning Services Department LD~/~TZO~f SECTION 2.2.11. Travel trailer-recreational vehiole campground district (TTaVC). (~M~ls Addition of clarifying language to increase the side and rear setback to a minimum of 10 feet only for those yards that have waterfrontage. The proposed language Is Intended to support the minimum setback rsquirement as provided for in the proposed definition of Yard, waterfront. RIBONe The proposed definition of Yard, waterfront provides for a minimum setback of 10 feet for principal and accessory structures on ~atsrfront lots. However, there is a problem with the TTRVC zoning district which has a side setback of 5 feet and a rear setback of 8 fast, therefore, the proposed language will set the minimum side and rear yard setbacks to 10 feet for waterfront yards only. FXS(IX~ & OP~It~TXOWA~ XKPICTSS This amendment should have little or no fiscal or operational Impact on the County. It is the the Building Dspartment's responsibility to review building permit applications ~ht~h inoludee checking for proper setbacks for all structures. By ahas~gin~ this language to set a minimum waterfront setback for TTRVC lots to 10 feet, there will ba less likelihood of approving a building psntt for a principal or accessory structure with the regular non-~aterfront setbacks. This could potentially have a fiscal impact on the property o~ner as ~hts amendment say reduce the overall buildable lot area, however, not to ad~ significant degree as it will only Impact waterfront lots. Staff has scussed this proposed amendment with representatives of CBIA and various professional engineers and it is agreed that in addition to satntaintn~ a visual corridor, placing a structure closer than ten feet (10') to the water could negatively effect the integrity of such a structure. Amend the LDC as follows: Minimum yard requirements (princlpal and accessory structures). 1. Front yard. Ten feet. 2. Side yard...Flve feet. iWaterfron~ Ten 3. Rear yard. Eight feet. ~aterfron=: Ten 4. From exterior boundary of park. Fifty feet. 5. From public street. Internal street, 25 feet; external street, 50 feet. 6. From building or structures. Ten feet. Words ~ are additions; Words ,~ek--~e~ are deletions. -- m Oriqins Public Petition LDC-95-1, R. Bruce Anderson of Young, vanAssenderp & Varnadoe, P.A., representing Gold's Gym. authors Bryan Milk, Project Planner DepaEtaents Current Planning & Technical Services LD~ BootiDol Permitted Uses. ~hangel Amend Section by adding Physical Fitness Facilities (7991) to the Industrial zoning district. Reasons This amendment is being requested to add physical fitness facilities to the listing of permitted uses in the Industrial zoning district. The Industrial Land Use District is to be reserved for industrial type uses, the Urban Industrial District of the Future Land Uses Element states that: "Intensities cf use shall be those related to light manufacturing, processing, storage and warehousing, who]sealing, distribution, high technology, laboratories, assembly, storage, computer and data processing, business services, limited commercial such as child care centers and restaurants and other basic industrial uses but not including retail, as described in the Land Development Code for Industrial and Business Park Zoning Districts." In 1991, with the adoption of the Land Development Code, the Industrial District was amended to delete uses that were not related to industrial type uses, a number of uses were removed including: general offices, fitness centers, banks, etc. In 1992, the Land Development Code was amended to include some office uses related to Industrial and banks. Long Range Planning Staff prepared an Industrial Land Use Study in March 1993, updated in 1994, that identified that within the Coastal Urban Area there may be a need after the year 2000 for additional industrial land. The recommendation of that study was for land zoned Industrial be utilized and reserved for industrial type uses. In addition a new zoning district was created - Business Park Zoning District - which allowed for the mix of office and industrial uses as well as supporting commercial uses. -1- In conclusion, the Industrial District should be reserved for industrial type uses, other uses that may be permitted are limited commercial uses that serve the employees of the Industrial Park including child care centers and restaurants. The Industrial District is not intended to serve general retail commercial uses which would be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. In order to find the proposed amendment to add a fitness center consistent with the Industrial District the determination required is that the use is a limited commercial use, such as child care or restaurant, which can provide basic service to the industrial users and is not considered a general retail use. Fisoal & This amendment should have little or no fiscal or Operational operational impact on the County. Zmpaots Related Code or Re~lationsz None. Amend the LDC as follows: Section Permitted Uses. 28. Physical Fitness Facilities (~991], 2=. 29. Printing, publishing and allied industries (groups 2711-2796]. =9. 30. Railroad transportation (4011, 4013). ~C. 31. Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products [groups 3021, 3052, 3053). 31.32~ Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products (groups 3221, 3251, 3253, 3255-3273, 3275, 3281]. ~2~ 33. Textile mill products (groups 2211-2221, 2241-2259, 2273-2289, 2297, 2298}. ~3~ 34~ Transportation equipment (groups 3714, 3716, 3731, 3732, 3751, 3761, 3764, 3769, 3792, 3799}. ~ 35. Transportation by air (groups 4512-~581 except airports and flying fields]. 2~ 36. Transportation services (groups 4731-4783, 4789 except stockyards). ~v 37. United States Postal Service (4311). 37. ~3h Welding repair (7692). ~ 39. Wholesale trade-durable goods (groups 5012-5014, 5021-5049, 5063-5092, 5094-5099). ~ 40. Wholesale trade-nondurable goods (groups 5111-5159, 5181, 5182, 5191 except that wholesale distribution of chemicals, fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides shall be a minimum of 500 feet from a residential zoning district (5192-5199). ~ 41. Any other use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and is otherwise clearly consistent with the intent and purpose statement of the district. Delete Words e~e~--e~fe~; add word underlined. -2- ON=SXN~ BCC, County Attorney's Office, Real Property X~O~s Various Staff members from Real Property, Planning Services & the County Attorney's Office DNP~tTMENTI Current Planning & Technical Services LDa S~C'TXOlll Sections 2.2.20 Planned Unit Development District (PUD); 2.7.2. Amendment Procedures; and' Section 2.7.4 Conditional Use Procedures. C~IS To clarify the conditions under which land and its l~ovemsnt for public purposes can be required and provisions governing the timing of dedication and/or improvement of any such set aside land, as well as that for private recreational amenities iljustrated on approved PUD Master Plans or referenced in the PUD document. RI3~801l Section gives the Board of County Commissioners the ability to require the dedication of usable open space for public use within PUD's but says nothing about private amentries iljustrated on the PUD Master Plan or addressed in the PUD Document. Is there a legitimate concern over the issue of ensuring that advertised amenittes used to promote the sale of land in a PUD come to fruition in a timely manner relative to the time people solidify their investment in the PUD. Currently the only requirement is one that requires a property owners association be established to take over ownership and maintenance of the common open space areas that are brought about as the development proceeds based solely on decisions of the developer or developers. Similarly, when PUD Master Plans Iljustrate a golf course and indicate a clubhouse site no provision Is typically made giving any specification to these amentries. These i~sues have come to the attention of the Board of Commissioners who in turn have directed staff to prepare recommended revisions to the Land Development Code to deal with these matters. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTBZ This amendment should have little or no fiscal or operational impact on the County. The Code Enforcement Department currently has budgeted staff whose primary function is to investigate zoning violations. By clarifying this language there will be less likelihood of a challenge or interpretation request by an offending party, thereby reducing the staff time required to enforce this Section of the Land Development Code. There will be a fiscal impact on the developer who will be required to disclose a timetable for amenity development within the PUD Document, or in the absence of such a timetable, to develop amenittes at such time as as road access and infrastructure is developed within the PUD. Further, there may some fiscal impact to the developer if a timetable for improvements is approved by the Board which differs from whatever scheduling the developer may be proposing. Words M]3derltned are additions; Words ~ are deletions. -1- RILAT~) CODES Oft REOULATIONSz None RJfZl[D T~[B LDC RS FOLLOWSz Dedication of the Public Facilities and Development of Prescribed Amenities, Public Facility Dedication. The Board of County Commissioners may, as ~ condition of approval and adoption of the PUD rezonina and in accordance with the aDDroved Master Plan of development, require that suitable areas for streets, public rights-of-way, schools, parks, and other public facilities be set aside, improved, and/or dedicated for public use. Where impact fees are levied for certain Dq/bliC facilities. the market value of the land set aside for the rnablio DUrDOSe shall be credited towards impact fees. Said credit shall be based on a neootiated amount no areatar than the market value of the set aside land prior to th- rezonina action. as determined by an accredited aDDraj~ from a list aDDroved by Collier County, Said appraisal shall be submitted to the County Attornev's Office and the Real Property Office within ninety {90) days of the date or approval of the fezone. or as otherwise extended in writing bY Collier County. so as to establish the amount of any impact fee credits resultSrio from said dedication. Failure provide said appraisal within this time frame shall authoriz~ the County =O determine the market value of the property. Impact fee credits shall only be effective after recordorion of the document convevina the dedicated property to Collier County. Where the term Collier County is used in this Section. it shall be construed to include the Collier County Water & sewer District or other a~encv or deuendent district of Collier County Government. Land set aside and/or to be imuroved as committed in the PUD document. or master plan. as the case may be. shall be deede 9J~dicated to Collier County within ninety {90) dave of receipt of notification by the County ~hat the property needed for certain Dendine uublic improvements or a~ otherwise aoDroved by the Board of County Commissionerq durina the PUD rezonina aDDrOV~I Dr~C~S. In any case. however. the County shall take title to ~he set asi~~ property. at the latest. by a date certain established durinu. and conditioned on. the approval of the PUD zoninq, ~e land set aside and/or to be improved shall be made fre~ and clear of all liens. encumbrances and lm~rovements. at develoDer's Gale expense. except as Otherwise aDDroved by th~ Board. Failure to complete ~he dedication within appropriate time frame noted above nay r~sult in a recommendation to the Board of considera~ion of rezoninu ~h~ subject ~arcel from its curren~ PUD zoning dis~riC~ ~o an aDDrooriate zoninq district ~nd may r~sult in a violation or this Code ~ursuant to Subsection 1.9~± Words MD~ are additions; Words e~Peek--t4~peeg~ are deletions. -2- Should said dedication of land also include agreed UPOn improvements. said improvements shall be completed ana accepted bv the Collier County Board of Commissioners at thA development phase which has infrastr-dcture imDrQy~ment~ available to the parcel of land UDOn which said imDrovement~ are to be made. or at a specified time provided for within the PUD document. Dedication of the Public Facilities and Development of Prescribed Ameni~ies, hblic Facility Dedication. The Board of County Commissioners may. as a condition of aDnroval and adoption of th~ rezoninq reauire that suitable areas for streets. PUbliC rights-of-way. Ichoolm. parks. and other PUbliC facilities set slide. improved. and/or dedicated for PUbliC use. Wher~ ~mDac~ fees are levied for certain Public facili~i~s. the market value of the land set aside for the PUblic PUtDOSe shall be credited towards impact fees. Said credit shall be based on a neaotiated amount no ureatar than the market value of the set aside land prior to the rezoninG action. an determined bv an accredited appraiser from a list aDDroved by Collier County. Said spursisal shall be submitted to County AttoTnev's Office and ~he Real Property Office vithi~ ninety [90~ days of the date of aDDroyal of the fezone. or as otherwise extended in writinn bv Collier County. so as ~O establish the amount of any imuact fee credit~ resultin~ from said dedication. Failure to provide said aoDraisal within this time frame shall authorize th~ County'to determine market value of ~he Property. Impact fee credits shall only be effective after recorda~ion of the conveyance document conveyinn the dedicated Property to Collier County. Where term Collier County is used in this Section. it shall b, construed ~o include the Colli¢r County Water & Sewer District or other suencv or deuendent distric~ of ~Qllier County Government. ],and set aside and/or to be improved as committed as oart the rezoninQ approval shall be deeded or dedicated to Collie[ County within ninety [90) days of receipt of notification bY the County that the property is needed for certain ~endin~ PUblic improvements or as otherw,se aDoroved by the Board County Commissioners durinu the rezODinQ approval process. In any case. however. the County shall take ~itle to the aside Drouer~v. at the latest. bY a date certain establish~ durinu. and conditioned on. the approval of the rezoning action. ~e land set aside and/or to be improved shall be made free and c~ear of all liens, encumbrances ~Drovements. at the develoDer'~ sole expense. except ~ff othervise aDDroved by the ~oard. Fai13~re to complete the dedication within the aoDroDrtate time frame note~__~bove result in a recommendation to the Boald of consideration of rezoninG the subject ~arcel from it~ current zoning distrlc~ to an aDoroDriate zoning district ~nd may result in a violation of this Cede pursuant to Subsega~ion 1.9.2. Words ~ are additions; Words e~ are deletions. -3- Should said dedication of land also include aqreed UPOn improvements. said improvements shall be completed and accepted by the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the development nhase which has i~fras~ructure improvements available to the parcel of land UPOn which said improvements are to be made. or at a specified time provided for within the ordinance aDDrovina the r~zon~, Public Facilitv Dedication. The BQard of CoUntY Commissioners may. as a condition of aDDrov~l of the conditioRal useL require that suitable areas for streets. PUblic riahte-of-wav. schools. harks. and other PUbliC facilities be set aside. improved. and/or dedicated for Public use. Where impact fees are levied far certain public facilities. the market value of the land set aside for the public purpose shall be credited towards imDl~t fees. Said credit shall be based on a heaDflared amount no areater than the market value pf the set aside land prior to the approval of conditional use. as determined by an accredited ~DDr~lser from a list aDDroved by Collier County. Said appraisal shall be submitted to the County Attornev's Office and the Real Property Office within ninety/90~ days of the date oZ approval of the conditional use. or as otherwise extended in writtna by Collier County. so as to establish the amount of any impact fee credits resultinq from said dedication. Failure to Provide said appraisal within this time frame shall authorize the County to determine the market value of the property. Impact fee credits shall only be effective after recordation of the document conveyln~ the dedicated property to Collier County. Where the term Collier County is used in this Section. it shall be construed to include.the Collier County Water & Sewer 0tstrict or other aqencv or dependent district of Collier ~ountv Government. Land set ~sid~ and/or to be improved as committed as Dart the conditional use approval shall be deeded or dedicated to Collier County within ninety [90) days of receiot of notification by the County that the Drop6rtv is needed for certain pendina PUbliC improvements or as otherwise aDdroved k~ the Board of County CommissioneCs durina the conditional use process. In any case however. the Co~mtv shall take title to the set aside property. at the latest. bv a date certain established durina. and conditioned on, the approval of the gondltional use. ~e land set aside and/or to be improved JangLe free and clear of all liens. encumbrances and improvements. at the develoDer's 3~le expense. except as otherwise aDDroved by the Board. Failure to complete the dedication within the appropriate time frame noted above may result in a recommendation to t~e Board of reconsideration of ~r~Droved conditio_~ use and may reSUlt i~ a violatiQD. 9~ Falls Code pursuant to Subsection 1.9.2. Words ~ are additions; Words e.t, ft~k--E~h are deletions. Should said dedication of land also include ~are~d UPon i~rovements, said imDrovemen~s shall be completed and accet~ted ~ the Cgllier County Board oE CommissiOners at the development uhase which has in[ras~ructure improvements available to the parcel o[ land UPOn which said imorovements are to be made, or at a specified time provided for within the resolutio~ a~q~rovina the conditional use. Words MXld~ are additions; Words =tr~ck-~hrGugh are deletions- -5- O~I~l~[f Community Development Division (Planning Services Deparq:ment} a~FT~OtZ Bob Mulhere, AICP; Manager Current Planning & Technical Services DZ~AaTMB~T$ Planning Services LD~ I~'TXO~I I~. 2.6.4 ~XC~PTIONS TO REQUIRED YARDS C3~XWOll To allow a three foot (3') encroachment into a required front yard for steps (stairways) for single family residential dwellings. [[alO~l Currently, such an encroachment is permitted in a side and rear yard , provided the steps (stariway) are unroofed and unenoXosed. At the request of, and after discussion with, the Collier Building Industry Association, staff is supportive of this amendment for the following reasons: 1. Many properties are located within a flood zone and thus the structures must be elevated thereby necessitating a stairway to access the residence. 2. The Building code requires handrails if there are more than three steps. Once handrails are attached to the steps, they exceed thirty inches in height and are permanently affixed to the ground and are therefore considered to be a structure. In most cases, where a handrail is required, a builder will run the handrail the entire length of the steps for aesthetic reasons. 3. Section allows for a roof to overhang up to three feet into a required yard. Based on the above findings, and in order to provide for consistency in the exceptions to required yards, this change would allow for stairways or steps to encroach into a required front yard a maximum of three feet (3'). This would be consistent with the three foot encroachment ~%rmitted for roof overhangs and saves. FISCAL i OP~3~ATIOMAL IMPACTHI This amendment ~ill have no fiscal or operational impact on either County staff, the development community, or the property owner. RELATED CODZS OR RZG~LATIONS: N/A Amend the LDC as follows: Fire escapes, stairways, and balconies which are unroofed {exceot as otherwise permitted within ~his Section) and unenclosed shall not project over five feet (5') into a required side or rear yard and three feet {3'3 into a ~]Z~of a multi-family dwelling, hotel or motel and not over three feet into a required front. side or rear yard of a residential single family dwelling. Staff (County Attorney's Office) Sam Saadeh, Project Planner DIFAaT!I:EWTI Charrent Planning & Technical Services SF~'TXOll Section 2.2.23 Airport Overlay District (APO): Special Re~lations for specified areas in and around the ai~orts in Collier County. Addition of new langua · which restricts new inc~pattble uses, act=vities or construction within mnway clear zones, such regulations shall prohibi~ ~he constmction of an educational facility of a publid or Flyate school at either end of a runway of a publicly ~, ~blic-use ai~ort within an area that e~ends 5 miles in a dire~ line along the centerline of the ~nway, and which has a w~dth measuring one-half the 1eriCh of the ~nvay. ~blic or private educational facilities at either end of publicly ~ed, publicly used airports are inc~patible wi~h nomal airport operations and could endanger public health, safe~y, and welfare by resulting in ceSSations of people, emissions of light or smoke, or a~tra~ion of birds. OP~TI~ ~a~8z ~s amendmen~ should have operational impac~ on ~he County. Obviouosly ~here is a fiscal impact ~o ~ers of proper~y which falls under ~ls r~la=ion, h~ever, as ~hese are existing S~a~e Sta~u~es, ~hil ~ amendmen~ is no~, In l~self, ~he cause of any fiscal impact bu~ merely a reflection existing S~ate Stau=es. Codes'or re~iationsl Collier County r~nd Developmen~ Code Section 2.6.34 and Florida Statutes ~333.03(3) and ~333.05(1) ~e LDC As Follows: Sec. Prohibited PUbliC or private educational facllt~ies a~ either ~n~ of pUbliClY owned. ~clv used The cons~ruc~ion o~ an educational facili~ or PUblic or DrtVate school a= either end of a runway of pUbliCly owned. DUbtic-USe airDot& shall be ~rohibited within an which extends 5 miles in a direct line aloha the centerline of the runway. Words ~ are additions; Words e~euek t~ are deletions. and which has a width measuf~Dq one-half the lenQth of the r~wav. Exceptions aDDrovinG construction of sn educational facility within the delineated ares shall only be aranted when IDeCi[IC findines de~ili~g how the Public DOliCV reasons fan allowinQ the construction cut-weioh heQlth and safety concerns Drohibitinu such location and pursuant to Section 2.7.5. Bec, The Procedures outlined above for the adoDtion of such regulations are , suDp_lemental to Section 2,2,23, Sec. Nothin~ in Sec, 2.6.22 shall b~ construed to reuuire the removal. alteration. sound conditioninq, or other chanQe. or to interfere with the continued use or adtacent expansion of any educational structure or site in existence prior to the effective da~e of this amendment. or be construed to Prohibit the construction of any new structure for which a site has been determined. as of ~he effective of this amendmert~k 8ec. Notice and Hearing - 1. No Airport Zoninu Regulations shall be adopted. amended. or chanqed under this section except by action of the board of Count~ Commissioners and setforth. after a Public_hearinG in relation thereto. at which_a~arties interest and citizens shall have an ODDOrtUnitV tO be heard, Notice Of the hearing shall ~e published a~ least once a week for 2 consecutive weeks in a paper Of ceilfire1 circulation in Collier County, AIRPORT OVERLAY/md/1/30/95 Words underlined are additions; Words e~ ~ are deletions. OILIGIIZ Staff (Community Development) AVTSOR, Sam Sagdab, Project Planner DIPAITMEFEr Current Planning & Technical Services ~ SECTIOIII Section 2.2.26 Golden Gate Parkway Professional Office Commercial Overlay District (GGPPOCO). ~A31GII Adoption of certain development standards that will be used as a supplement to the current standards of the Golden Gate Master Plan, for properties bordering Golden Gate Parkway, east of Santa Barbara Boulevard. The Overlay District wtll be developed with architectural continuity and style for the purpose of creating an "entry way", a "community focal point" and a "sense of place" for the Golden Gate Area. aZRSO~: The purpose of this district is to serve as a bonafide entryway into the City of Golden Gate and to provide a community focal point and sense of place by controlling architectural appearance and continuity of design. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTSt This amendment should have no fiscal impact to the County. iIILaTED CODES OR RE~IILaTIONSl Collfer County Growth Management Plan/Golden Gate Area Master Plan (Golden Gate Parkway Professional Office Commercial District]. AMEND THE LDC AS FOLLOWS: ~ Golden Gate Parkway Professional Office Commercial Overlay District (GGPPOC01: special conditions for the Droverties abutting Golden Gate Parkway east of Santa Barbara Boulevard as referenced in the Golden Gate ParkWay Professional Office Commercial District MaD [MaD 2] Of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. Delete Words e~h; add word underlin~,~. -1- Purpose and Intent. The provisions of this district are intended to provide Golden Gate City with a viable professional office commercial district. The professional offic~ commercial district has two PUrPOSeS, First. serve as a bonafide entry way into Golden Gat~ City. Secondly. to provide a community focal POint and sense of Place. The uses permitted within this distriG~ are aenerallv low intensity. office developmen~ which minimize vehicular traffic. DrOVid~ suitable landsCabins. control incress and earass. and ensure compatibility with abuttin~ residential districts, ~ APPlicability: These r~culations aDDlV to properties north and south of Golden Ga~ Parkway. startinq at Santa Barbara Boulevard and extendinq eastward to 52nd Terrace S.W. in Golden Gate City as measured PerPendicularly from the abuttinq riuht-of-wav for a distan~ approximately 3.600 feet more or less and consistinu of aPProximately 20.84 acres, Th~S~ properties are identified on Map 2 of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. Except as provided this reaulation. all other use. dimensional development reouirements shall be as reuuired in the underlvinq zoninq cateqOrie~, DeveloPment Criterl,L The [ollowino standardt shall aPPlY to all uses in this overlay ~t~~ere specific development criteria and standards also exist in the Golden Gat~ Master Plan. or the Fut~ure Land Use Element the Collier County Growth Management Plan. they sh~ll supersede any lest strinQent reuuireme~ or olace additional reauirq~ents on development. Common Architectural Style. In suPPort of th~ PUrPOSe and intent of the GGPPOCO a commqD architectural style Is required for all PrOPOSed development within the Qyerlav district. Durin~ the Site OeveloDmeDt Plan review process, architectural drawings shall ~q submit~¢d indicatin~ that all PrODoSed buildin~s will hav~ an architectural s~vle w~ich is similar to that a~Droved for the eXistinq PUPs within thP Delete Words et~P~e~; add word ~nderline~. -2- ~undaries. Such architectural drawinas shall depict. at a minimum. the foliowine: th~ use of stucco. except for trim: pastel colors: Dedestrian DOCketS. includina benCheS and lamDDOStS: tile roofs. except that Where tile roofs are not provided. decorative parapet walls shall be constructed above the roof line. ~ Permitted Uses; a. Accountina. Auditina. and BookkeeDina Services faroup 8721]. b. Business Services (ar~uDs 7311. 7313. 7322-7331. 7335-7338, 7361. 7371. 7373-7376. 7379~. c. Depository Institutions (6021-60621, d. Eatina Places/arouD 5812 exceot carrV-ou~ restaurants: contract feedAna: dinner theaters: drive-in and drive-throuah restaurants: fast food restaurants, carry-out: restaurants. fast-food: submarine sandwich SHOPS1. e. Enaineerina. Architectural and Survevina Services ~arouDs 8711-871~], f. Health Services (arouDs 8011-8049). Holdina and Other Investment Offices 6712-67991. h. Insurance Carrier. Aaents and Broker~ faroups 6311-6399. 6411]. I. Leaal Services faroup 8111), Manaaement and Public Relations Services faroups 8741-8743. 8748). k. Membership OraanizatioD~ taroups 8611~ 86211. 1. Museums and Art Galleries (aroup 8412), m. Nondepository Credit Institutions (arouDs 6141-6163), n. Perso~]~_~rvices (GrQUDS 7221. 7291~. O. Public Admi~istration (arouDs 9111-9199. 9229. 9311. 9411-9451. 9511-9532. u. Real Estate (arouDs 6512-6514. 6519. 6~31-65531. u. Research. Development and Testin~ Service~ ~arouD 8732). r.. Security and Commodity Brokers. Dealers. iXchanaes. and Services faroups 6211-6289}, s. Transoortation Services [arouo 4724). t. Veterinary Services (grouo 0742 excludin~ outside kenneli~q), Delete Words ztruck through; add word -3- u. Any other commercial use or orofessional service which is comparable in nature with the foreaoina use~, Accessory Uses| 1. Uses and structures that are accessory add incidental to the Permitted Uses, ~ Minimum ProJect Area. Minimum project area shall be two {2~ acres. 2~L2awU3~/ Rezonina Reauest. ProJects shall be encouraaed in the form of a PUD {there shall be no minimum acreace reauirement for PUD fezones except for. the reauirement that all reuuests for rezonina must be at least forty thousand f40.000~ scuar~ feet in area unless the DrODoSed fezone is an extension of an existina zonina distri~ consistent with the Golden Gate Area Master Plan~. ~ Access. Access to projects shall be provided exclusively via Golden Gate Parkway and shall limited to I per 450 feet commencina at center line of Santa Barbara Boulevard. ~ Parkinc. ProJects shall be reauired to DrOVid~ off street oarkin~ and may make provisions for shared Darkina arrangements with adJoiniq~ developments. ~ Deceleration and ACted. ProJects shall Provide deceleration and acceleration lanes as may be determined by the Community Development AdministratOr or his desianee ~ased UPOn the reauirementa of the "work within Riaht-Of-Wav Ordinance" {Ordinance No. 93-64) and sound enaineerin~ practices. 2.2.26~ Sidewalks. ProJects shall encouraae pedestrian traffic bv orovidinq sidewalks. Adjacent protects shall coordinate location of sidewalks, Minimum Setbacks. Buildinqs shall be set back from Golden Gate ParKway a minimum of 40 fee~ and from rear lot line a minimum of 25 feet. Delete Words ee,~ck through; add word underlined. -4- 2~ Maximum Heiaht. BuiX~inq~ shall have a maximum heiaht of twenty five (25] feet PlUS ten (10) feet for under building Darkins. 2~ Signs. Each orot~t shall be limited to one sian not to exceed twenty (20) s~uare feet an4 six (6) feet in heiqht. No flashina or mechanical signs shall be allowed. Siqns shall be located at a minimum 15 feet from the riaht-of-way. Wall. mansard. canopy or awning siena are Permitted under Section Exceptions to these sign restrictions are those signs permitted under Section 2.5.5 (Signs Exempt From Permitting), 1. Protects shall Provide a ten (10) foot buffer between vehicular riaht-of-¥fiy and rlcpuirld sidewalk and shall provide landscaDin~ of one (1} shade tree per thirty (30) linear feet. Such trees shall be minimum of eight feeC in heloht and one and one-half (l&} inches in diameter at the time of Dlantinq that shall have a minimum canopy of fifteen (15) feet at maturity. In addition. a hedae or berm planting combination shall be planted alonq the entire len~t:h of this ten [10) foot buffer consisteBt with Division 2.4. 2. A minimum of ten (10) percent of the ~ross yehicular use area shall be landscaped t~ provide visual relief. One (1) tree, as described in Section shall Be prOVided for each seventy five (75) s~uare feet Of this landscaped area. This landscaDin~ shall be placed within the vehicular use area, a~ Water and Sewer. Central water and sewer facilities shall be available prior tQ development. 2.2.2~XA Variance Rapuser. Owners of isolated lots. as of February 5, 1991. ~T~Io AdoPtion of the Golden Gate Master Plan). may petition the Board of zoninu Appeals for a variance from the standards in this district as will ~ot be contrary to the public interest when owinq to special condition~ ~eculiar to the Droparty. a literal enforcement Delete Words ~; add word underlined. -5- ORZ(iZ31 ~ BCC XI3~i!OIt: Robert J. Mulhere, AXC~; Manager · , a~ d~ected by the BCC, as pa=t o~ a ~esoZut~on to O~oJ~ ;ark~ and Sand use probZems ~n the area. ~e D~te~ed ~ BCC. ~l~ i O~fZ~ X~ea ~ie amendmen~ should have little or no fis~l or qrational i~a~ on ~e County as ~he is ~rrenCly ~dge~ed I~f ~o~s ~ion i~ is ~o rayicy proposed land uses fro compliance wi~ ~e ~nd DeveZo~en~ C~e. ~e e~ensea associated vi~h ~ha n N ~u~n ~ the p~operty ovners within ~he Marco ~e hsiness Distri~. ~e C~e Enforcemen~ Departmen~ currently has ~gmt~ s~ff whose pri~ function is to investigate zoning violations. ~e cost ass~iated with th. creation and improvement of' ~e ~1i~ parking area have ~en estimated at $7,000. ~ ~D=O ~ RE~TXONO: None ~ent ~ as foll~s: ~ OT~DO FO~ P~KING WX~XN TI[E ~RCO ~AKE 0RIV~ BUBZ~OB DXO~X~ (MLDBDh Location Of Marco Lake Drive Business Districts The Marco Lake Drive Business District ~s hereby created. The Physical Limits of the Marco Lake Drive Business District fMLDBO! are deoiCted on the Official Zonina Atlas MaD of the subject area. All of the lots which constitu~e the MLDBD are zoned commercial and frontage on Marco Lake Dive. The MLDBD is further described as Lots 1 throuoh 31, Marco HA~hlands 2ubdivision. as recorded in Plat Book 3, Pace 72. of the Public records of Collier County. Florida. Words underlined are additions; Words -e~ are deletions. Existins Usesx Uses in existence as of the date of approval of this amendment [ APril 19.1995}, are exempt from the minimum Darkins reauirements as set forth in Sac. 2,3.14 subject to the fQlZowina conditions: 1. ExistiM uses shall not reduce =he number of sDscel below that which is provided as of the effective date of this amendment, 2. The Strip of Perkins located alone the eastern edge of Marco Lake Drive is designated Public Perkins. no storaae of commercial vehicles or overniaht Darkind shall be permitted Expansion or New Develoomentl Parkinq to suDDQr~ any new development within the boundaries of the MLDBD shall be urovided at seventy-five percent {75t) of the minimum reauirement as set forth in Sec. 2.3.14 for uses which have a parkind intensity of one (1) space per two hundred [200~ ecruare feet or less, for the square footass of the expansion or new construction only. Any expansion or neWConstrM~tion for uses hayins a Parking intensity areatar than one (11 s~ace per two h~dred [200) sauare feet shall provide the minimum Parking resulted as set forth in Sac. 2.3.14. Any exDansiO~ Or new cons~ruction shall include the on-site installation of Darkins for the disabled as provided for in 2.3.20 of this Code. Chanae in ~xistinq Use! A chanae in any use shall be exempt from the minimum Darkins reauirements as se~ forth in Sac. 2.3.14 uo to an intensity level of one parking SDaC~ per 200 sauare feet. A chanae of use to an intensity of ureatar than one ~1) s~ace per 200 sauars feet shall provide Darkins for the use as set forth in Beo. 2.3.14o and shell ~rovide on-site Darkins for the ~iaabled as set forth in Sac. 2.3.~ of ~his Co~ Off-Site Perkins Aareements= In no way shall the urovisions of the Marco Lake Drive Business District [BLDBD} be construed so as ~o prevent establishments w~thin the boundaries from ~aking advanCaaa of off-site D~rkina arranaements as se~ forth in Sac. Words K~dJ~r.t/J39a~ are additions; Words -s~a~H~k--~ are deletions. OZXlgZZl'z Staff (Conmuntty Development) XOTIIO~Z Chahram Badamtchtan, Ph.D. Senior Planner DIP3~TMIIITI Planning Services LDO IICt~0111 Bee. Political Signs. (SHXIQll Limiting the number of political signs per parcel and requiring the permit number on the sign (front or back) or on the pole. ILl/lOlls The reason for 11mttlnq the number of political signs is to reduce the sign pollution and allow every sign a reasonable space and visibility. The reason for reclutrlnq the permit number on the sign or the pole ls, some signs are not removed within seven (7) calendar days after the election as required by code. There are instances that it is not possible to connect some signs to any candidates or campaign groups (e.g. pro ard con signs in any referendum); therefore no one can be held responsible for removing those signs. FZBC/L & OPIRATIOIiAL IMPACTBz This amendment should have little or no fiscal Impact on the county. However, by making sure that all campaign grou~s are Identified and held responsible for removing political signs after an election, w111 require less staff time, thereby reducing the operational cost. aILaTID CODIS Oil RZGOLATZONSz None Amen~ the LaC as follows: 2.S.2.1 POLlTICkLE, SIGNS. Political campaign signs and posters shall be permitted subject to the following requirements. 1. Prior to the erection, installing, placing, or displaying of a political sign a bulk temporary permit shall be obtained. The permit number shall appear On every start or on the Dole SUDDOrttnQ the siqD, The fee for said bulk permit shall be as adopted by resolution by the Board of County Commissioners. 2. Political campaign signs or posters within residenttally zoned or used property, shall not exceed four (4) square feet in size, and shall not be located closer than five (5) feet to any property line. Political signs placed within residential district shall require written permission from the property owner. Words underline~ are additions; Word ee~ are delitions. Words undar3~ are additions; Words =truck through are deletions. 3. Political signs or posters will be permitted in all other zoning districts with a maximum copy area of forty (40) square feet per sign, and shall be located no closer than 15 feet to any property line. Zhl_GMi~tr_P/ Words ~ are additions; Word e~e~h are delitions. Words~ are additions; Words-~t~-aek--~t~ are deletions. ORIQIN$ Ccmmmnity Development - Code Enforcement aUTHORz Bob Mulhere, AICP; Manager Current Planning & Technical Services Manager DIYXRTMEIFTI Planning Services Department LD~ IICTIOIll Bee. 2.6,20 Home Occupations ellLimit Addition of language to further clarify restrictions relative to the prohibition of traffic generation associaCed with home occupations exceeding that which would normally be experienced at a relide~ce. These restrictions currently exist and are being enforced. The intent is to further clarify what is and is not permitted in conjunction with a home occupation. RIXSONz Code Enforcement personnel have continually experienced difficulties and problems with home occupations which generate excessive traffic to a residence and residential area, including the trafficking of employees, who are not residents, and customers to and from the residential structure and parking of employee and customer vehicles at the residence or in the neighborhood. FISCAL & OP~3tATZONAL IMPACreS Clarifying thls language wtll facilitate more expeditious enforcement action, thus having a positive fiscal impact. This proposed change will have no operational impact. RELATED CODES CR REGULATZONBz N/A Amend the LDC as follows: The use does not generate more traffic than would normally be experienced at a residence. =ru~veltnu to and from the residence by employees of the business operated therefrom. who are not residing ~ the subject address. as well as by customers or clients of the home o~guDatton. t~ prohibited. The utilization of a residence as a Place where employees or customers of the b~l~tD~ss operated as a home occu~ation meet in preparation for travel to some qther destination any Darktna of vehicles associated with this activity is ~ro~tbtted. Words underlined are additions: Words :truc~ through are deletions. OalOINs Staff (Community Development) 'l~rlOils Ray F. Bello~, Project Planner DIF~i~ITI Plannin~ Services Department ~ 2~l D~I~ 6.3. D~IMITIONB - Ytrd, waterfront. 2t ~d s definition to specify ~he area of a ~aterfront ~ard and h~ ~t Is ~asur~. ~s defin~t~on is intended to clarify the point that the miniu setMck for any principal or accesso~ stmcture within any wafTfret yard shall not ~ less ~han 10 feet. ~s ~e BuildUp Depa~me~ a~d ~s~er Se~ice Agents have ~rie~ diffl~l~Yes in dete~lnl~ the appropia=e setback for a rimfret yard. ~e ~evl~s ~dinance (82-2) provided that any waterfront 'ys~ shall N treated as a rear yard for setback purposes. As a result, ~l~ the revi~ of ~rrent ~ilding pemt=s, staff has been inconsistent in ~as~l~ ~e set~ck for principal and accessory structures on waterfront 1~- ~e problem ~rs most often on corner lots. In many zoning districts ~e side sethck is only 7 1/2 or 5 feet. ~S~ & OP~TI~ I~A~Sz ~is amendment should have little or no fiscal ~ ~rational impact on the County. It is the the Building Oepartment's re~nsibility to revi~ ~llding pemit applications which includes checking f~ pr~r setMcks for all stmctures on waterfront lots. By adding this la~age to set the minim~ waterfront setback to 10 feet, those zoning distri~s with side yard set~cks less than 10 feet rill be subject to the W~terfront setback of 10 feet. ~is.c~ld ~tentially have a fiscal impact on ~he property owner as this m~ent ~y reduce the overall buildable lot area, however, not to any li~lficant d~ee as it will only impact waterfront lots (generally by an ~t not exceeding 250 s~are feet). Staff has discussed this proposed ~e~nt with representatives of CBIA and various professional engineers and It Is a~esd that In addition to main~aining a visual corridor, placing a st~c~ure closer than ten feet (10') to the water could negatively effect the lntegity of such a stmc~ure. ~ ~e ~ as follows: · a~. waterfront: ~e r~uired open space extendina alone the entire Water[ron~ uro~rtv with depth measured from property line. bulkhead. shoreline. seawall. mean hiah water mark. access easemen=. whichever is t~s ~t restrictive. Waterfront proDsfly is hereby defined as DroDer=v abut=ina ~the Gull of MexicO. bavs.'bavous. naviaable streams. and on man-created ~, lakes. or impounded reservoirs. For the putDose of this ordinance. the minimum setback for any principal or accessory structure adjacent to the ~ter shall ~ the spme as the set~k specified for the side or rear yard. as ~e case may h. In the ~articular zqn~na district. However, these setbac~ shall never be less than 10 feet for any structure unless soecificall~ ~ovided for in Section of the ~nd Develooment Code. OIZ~TwS Staff (Community Development) ~lTf~O~s l~ty F. Bellors Project Planner DI'PARTMX~s Planning Services Department Z.~X3 2~0lt DI~SXON t.S. DEIPXWXTXC~IS - Setback line. I~!~l~ll Addition of clarifying language to specify the point of measurement ~FE I setback line to include leawalls end the mean high water mark to the l~lt of possible messurinQ points. Additionally, the proposed language is ~ntended to clarify the intent that ell setback lines be measured from the mos~ restrictive point. ~NOIII The Building Department and Customer Service Agents have complained that the cuFfant wording does not indicate how the setback should be measured when the I~te contains a bulkhead, shoreline, seawall, mean high water mark, access easement line, or other defined location which is different from the Nrope~y line. ~ a result, during the review of building permits, staff has been lrk?~nlsistsnt in measuring the setback in these situations. The problem occurs ~t on waterfront properties when the property line extends past the shore line or lea wall. For example, the setback for a pool cage located in JJl the rear yard is 10 feet. In many cases, the setback was measured from the ~raTO~rty line which all~ed the lx)ol cage to be built on the sea wall. This alan= w~uld require the setback to be measured from the most restric~ive point, therefore the pool caqe setback will be 10 feet from the sea wall. ~IC3%L & OP~31ATIOIrAL IMPAC'TSs This amendment should have little or no fiscal ~ operational impact on =he County. It is the the Building Department's resl~bllity to review building permit applications which includes checking for proper setbacks on all struck:urea. By clarifying this language there will be lees likelihood of measuring a setback from the least restrictive point wtlloh may result in the issuance of a building permit for a structure does not meet the proper setback. t. tend the LDC as follows: Setback line= A line marking the minimum open space fti~tance between a right-of-way line, property line, bulkhead line, shoreline, seawall. lean high water mark. access easement line or other defined location whichever is the most restrictive. and the beginning point of a required yard or the buildable area as this land development code may require in the particular case. Setback lines may be measured from the legal boundary of a lot and are exclusive of easements that comprise a road right-of-way. Words MD~ are additions; Words ee~ are deletions. ORXgXI: Community Development Division (Planning Services Dept.) aOT~Oltl Bob Mulhere, AICP; Manager Current Planning & Technical Services DIFARTM~3T: Planning Services LDO SlOTlOlls ARTICL! 6. CKaIQII TO provide for a relaxation of five feet (5') in the required front yard along the property line located alODq the street opposite the water (the property line with greater street frontage) in the case of "shoulder" lots. In an attempt to provide greater clarity, staff is proposing to include in the LDC a typical diagram of such "shoulder" lots in conjunction with this amendment. ~.lJkIOill Shoulder lots are corner lots which straddle the waterway and have a property line extending into the water due to the indentation of the seawall from the property line.. Such lots are typically found at the end of the waterways on Marco Island (although conceivably shoulder lots could be created throughout the County where a bulkhead or seawall is constructed so as to create an area within a platted lot which is underwater (usually used for boat dockage). In order to address concerns related to visibility and structural integrity (which may be compromised if structures are placed too close to a seawall, a minimum ten foot (10') setback is required form the seawall or bulkhead, for all structures, whether principal or accessory. On these shoulder lots, due to the fact that they are corner lots, not only are two front yards required, but the required ten foot (10'} setback from the seawall further reduces the buildable area. In such cases, staff is proposing that along the front yard with the greatest street frontage a five foot reduction in the setback be granted, however said front yard shall not be less than twenty-five feet (25'}. Staff has discussed these proposed changes with representatives of the Collier Building Industry who agree that in light of the minimum ten foot setback for structures from the seawall, this five foot reduction in the front yard opposite the water will allow for appropriate and marketable design of single family structures on these lots, wherever this situation occurs. FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: This amendment will have no fiscal or operational impact on either County staff, the development community. or the property owner. ~ ~o ~ as ~oll~s~ ~ ~ vatff~r~t co~er lot which straddles the has a ~~v line ~ioh e~e~ds into the vl~e~ o~ntains a searall er ~lkhead or shoreline which indented fra ~s ~v line thus crestins a strip of ls~ ~ich is under water and is usualIv used Zor the d~kina o~ a . ~. J '~..,~ ~ ~e required open space extendin9 across ~he entire width of the lot between the front buildin~ line and the street ri~ht-o~-wa~ line. ~ere double frontage lots exist, the required ~ront yard shall he provided on ~th streets ~xcen~ as othe~ise nrovided for herei~. ~ere corner lots existed prior to the date o~ adoption o~ Collier County Ordinance 82-2, ~hich lots do not meet ~e minim~ frontage refinements ~stablished this C~o '10 only one (1) full depth ~ron~ yard shall he retired, 2) all o~her front yards shall not be less than ~i~ty percent (~0~) o~ the otherlee required ~ront yard except this dimension may not he less than ~if~een feet (lS') exclusive o~ any right-o~-way, or right-o~-vay easement in the "E" Estates District and the ~ull dep~ yard shall be located alon~ ~he shorter lot line alon~ the street. ' "' XZ)CAsendmen~s/~anuary Cycle Article 6/Definitions In the case of ~hrouqh lots, unless the prevailing ... STATE OF FLOMIDA ) l, II~IGHT E. BROCk, Clerk of ~:ourts [n and [or the l~eentteth Judicial elfcult, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy Crdtnance No. 95-3! sdttch was adopted by the ~oard of County Commissioners on the 18th day of April, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, ~I~i~ 2lth day of April, 1995.