Ordinance 95-13 ORDINANCE NUMIIER 05- J~ · ~/ AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCF. i~ e)3-19 RELAT~O TO ~IE STATE I[OUSING INITIATIVES PAR~RSI!IP (SHIP) PROG~M; PROVIDING FOR MODIFICA~ON OF PROVISIONS RELATING 'to ~ABLISt~ OF ~ LOCAL l IOUS ING ASSISTANCE PROG~M; PRO~D~G FOR DECLARATION OF EMERG~; PRO~D~G FOR CONFLI~ ~D SE~BILI~; PROVID~G FOR INCLUSION IN TIlE .. CODE OF ~WS ~ O~~; ~ PROVIDING FOR '<:. E~~ DA~. ~EAS, the Board or Coun~ Commisslon~ or colli~ Count, Hodd~ Co~ C~ ~di~ No. 93-19 on ApHl 13, 1~3 ~ablishing the Colli~ County lIousing Ini~B P~nmhip Pro~; and ~~, ~ ~; ~ r~ to t~ ~ D~m~ orCommunity ~airs ~AS, th{ D~m~t orco~ty ~rl M rcque~cd emain am~dm~tl to ~., t~ ~di~ ~ ~ ~Mition to the C~n~s r~ ofS~P ~ndin~ and ~, le ~ of~s ~di~ce is n~c~ to men the rcMbilitation ~ . ~H~om of~ ~IH~ C~ H~ing ~{~ PI~; ~d ': ~AS, t~ C~n~ ~h losing the S~ ~nds iF immediate e~t is not c~l~. '-. NOW, ~OR BE ~ O~~ BY ~ BO~ OF CO~ CO~SSIO~ OF CO~ CO~, ~O~A ~AT: SE~ON OE: ~~ OF S~ON ~ OF CO~R CO~ O~~ 93-19 S~i~ ~ is ~ ~ to r~d ~ roil~: SE~ON ~. E~l~m~t orthc ~ Housing Mslstanc{ Pro~am ~ ~ H~ng ~i~c¢ Pro~am is h~c~ created and established B. The r~gd ~nt~ts orth¢ ~ H~ing Assistance Program include: tl) the Ordin~ ~tltl~ "th~ Collier County Housing Inltlativcs Paflnmhip (SHIP) Program', as ~ ~ tMs ~di~ (2) t~ ~ H~ng ~t~e~ Plan, which was adopted and may . ~ ~ ~ County r~lution; (3) amended C~i~cations; and (4) Ap~dices. '~:'~ CoDies or It~ One t~ F~r or this Subslion B, ~o~h~h arc ;~ ~di~~~~~ad~a~hi~rdina~e available at the County t... H~sinR and Urban [m~r~t '., Words struck through are deleted; words Underlined are added. - m emmm C. The Lc~c-',l I lousing Assistance Prr~.,r~m slyill u.~ ( )n~ I hmdr~'cl I I r~,) p~.rcc. m <~l'lh~ ~s held in l~Sl iS FOIIO~: I. ~e funds may h u~ to pro~dc Ihc local matching Rinds in c~rcl~ In ~hlain .~ r~al h~sin8 pats rot rcd~al programs. ;, 2. ~e ru~s m~ ~ u~ to im~lm~t the followlag l~ally-d~i~cd strat~i~: ~ (a) Purc~ mi~c~ o~shlp op~unlti~ may ~ crcat~ rot Eligible P~ns thr~ monpge r~udions, an~or low or no intcr~t loans d~ papers ~or closing ~sts. ~ ~) Acqulsitio~re~ifitation; V~ ~w-income Per~ns and Low-income 'i~' Per~ ~ h a~d~ ~nds to acquire ~isting h~sing units for . r~i~. ~'' (c) [~ r~ ~ ~le P~ ~ ~ a~d~ ~n~s rot the pa~t ;; ";~ or wai~ ~ d~!s or i~ad ~ For EriCtie H~sing r~ V~ ~- in~m P~ns ~ ~-in~me Pumas. ~"' (~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~rc~ or doltion a~ire ~ ~ o~a ~ ~ ~ t~ ~pr~s ~ o~pr~ding Housln8 at a ~mre tlm~ Co~m~ion mu~ be impl~t~ ~t~ 12 ~ ~ o~a~isitlon o~ p~cel. (e) Co~m~io~reh~ilitation; (1) the C~n~ ~y pro~de I~ly~i~ed strate~es l~t ~te or ~ ~or~le ~n8 t~ t~ co~ion or r~air o[ ~m. : For V~ ~-income P~ns and ~-income P~ns. (2) ~e C~n~ may ~ek 1~ d~elopm and coatrazors ~d ot~ ~utio~ ~llin8 to construct ~ordable ~ousln8 which off~ incentives u the County adopts in its L~al Housing lncentivn Plan. ~ese incentiv~ ~y include, but are ~ot limited Io, assistance in ~m~on of the inFrutmclure For eli~ble nei~borh~s, impact fee :;' ~its ~ p~nts an~or the ~rcha~ ohhe land by the C~nty u~n ~ which correction ~11 ~r. (O ~e cost ofadministe~ng this ~al l[ouslng Assistance Program s~il not nc~ ~ (5%) ~cent of the State Housing Initiatives Pa~nership [SHIP] : '. Wo~ds struck throu~ are del~; words un~edin~ are added. Pro~am ~ndinl~. b't~.~rantecd Ii'om Ihc S~atc ~1' Fl,rid;t. ~nh:~.~ ,~,ch c~sls arc illcreased to a rna,xinlum of tell (1(~,~) pt-rccnt by ('t}tlnly I~es~lftion I1tlr~.tlant · . ,. Io Section 420.c)07:~ (5). Herida Statutcs and nny amcndmcnt.'~ thereto :': ;:" D. The County shall coordinate its efforts with financial instituti,ns as fhllows: (I) The County shall work with banks and savings institutions !o meet their obligations under the Community Reinvestment Act [CP, A] to a~rmatively address the credit needs ol'the entire community. in meeting their obligation, banks and savings institutions shaJl be encouraged to engage in activities that inclucle, but lu'= not limited to the togowlng: increase efforts to make loans for home mortgages and home improvements in conjunction with government insured lending programs such as I:1-tA and VA; make loans with high loan to value ratios when lhere is priYate mortgage insurance; provide assistance to existing of emerging Community-based C)r~zation.f, t'xlend lines of'credit and other financing to Communhy-based Organizations; and provide a secondary market t'of Comnmnhy-bued Orgranization development loans. (2) The County shajl seek leacling institutions to work with Elig~'ble Persons or Eligible Sponsors in providing low-cost loans, interest point buy-clown programs and other cost-saving mechanisms in order to t'acilltate home owne~,hip For Very Low-income Pn'sons and Low-income Persons and Persons Who i~ave Special Housing Needs. E. The County shall provide incentives ~'of the preservazion and production o~' Affordable housing t'or 3E'lil~'ble Persons including, but not limited to, lhe donation or' land or nv~i!~,ility of'low-cost land or land-lease arrangement~ assistance in the construction of'infr4nructure, ava~abiilty or'impact lee credits or det'errals and/or security deposit .i credits or payments. F. The Loc. al Housing Assistance Program shall include all other lawful objectives not ~i previously Ested i~'sa~d objectives have been adopted into the l lousing Assistance Plan in the manner provided by statute. ~':'~ G. In implementing its Housing Assistance Plan, Ihc County shall: 1. At least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning or any application period, t. advertise the availability or the Local Housing Assistance Program in Wo~ ..Is struck through are deleted; words underlined are added. newspapers of general circulation and perir~dicals .~..r-,'h~. ~:lhnic ;rod diverse n~borhoodt Z. The County shall. in its Ilksing Assistance I'lan. adopt a maximum Awards ..- ~h~ule or ~st~ orAwards that comply with Ihe rollowing criteria: (a) At ~ ~xty-fiv{ (65%) F~c~t of all the Funds made available in the County sMl ~ r~ for ~me o~ship for Eligible Per~ns. (b) At lea~ ~ty-C~¢ (75%) pecent of the total Funds shah a~ist ~th ~n~m~io~ re~ilitation or em~gen~ repair of Affordable housing. (¢) ~¢ ~ pd~ of n~ or ni~ing Eli~ble Housing shall not ~ceed ninety (~) ~ of the medi~ ~n ~rehag price in the area where the Eli~ble H~ h ~ u ~lis~ ~ the United $tatB D~aRm~ of Tr~ in a~r~ ~th S~ion 3~)2 of the United $tat~ Housing A~ of 1937. (~ ~ ~$1ng ~m~, rehbilitated or oth~M usi~ed ~th th~ pr~d~ ~om the H~sing ~i~¢~ Plan rest be octpied ~ V~ ~w- i~m P~ ~-I~m{ P~ ~d M~te-in~m= P~m. At ~ ~ O~) ~ ~ ~ ~pi~ ~ Ve~ Low-income P~ ~d ~ i~ ~ additi~ tM~ (3~) pe~ ~ ~w-incom¢ (e) ~ ~ ~ ~ded for ~s not needing thi~ (30) y~ ~e~t for def~M proj~ lo~s or loam tMt ntend b~ond thiRy (30) ynrs ~mime to ~ Eli~ble (0 ~ie ~ ~ ~e~ re~ilitat~ or oth~ mi~ from th= ~ H~sing ~a~ Pr~a is r~ for Eli~b[= P~m for (i 5) ~ ~ t~ t~ of~ ~ is longs. Eli~ble S~n~rs who off~ ~al housing for hi{ ~Core fifteen (15) ynrs from the date ofis~ance : of t~ ~ifi~c oC~p~ or tMt have unntis~ed mo~gages ~nded under ~ this pro~ m~ ~ve a fir~ right of reEunl to eligible non-for-profit org~m for ~ M ~ ~n~t market value For continued ~pan~ ' by eli~ble r~ipients. (g) Bi~le o~pi~ ~ng co~m~, relmbililat~ or othe~i~ assisted ;. ~rom pr~e~s pro~d~ ~rom the L~ai Housing Assistance Program shall subject to the r~apture pro~sion oE Ihe moR~ge r~enue ~nd program Words struck through are delete; words und~lln~ are added. continued in Section 1,13 (m) of the Internal R~:vcnuc ('ode o1' ~pplicablc r~plure r~uiremcnls. (h) ~ I~ ~ or mmhly md~Gc p~ts or fi~c amount nt' mnnt hly rcnl ch~rB~ ~ the Eli~ible S~n~r or his d~i~nce must be mode AlTerfable. (i) The ~ ~ unit and Ihc m~imum cost p~ unit for Eligible ![ousin~ ~cfitin~ from Awards made ~r~nt to this ~al Housin~ Assistance Pro~ ~II ~ ~abiish~ ~ County r~lution. O~ A qu~tion ~cm For appli~tio~ For A~rds ~ll be ~3blished throu~ the H~sinB ~im~ PI~. ~) ~e staff or ~i~ t~t ~ =dmini~t~e ~thoHty For this ~ HousinS ~ Pro~ s~li an~aily monlt~ and d~ine te~t cli~bili~ t~ ~m oft~ ~ ~ to t~ ~ of this Ordinance and State ~ F~ law. ~e C~, the ~ H~sing Partn~ship, and all E1i~le S~ ~ ~ ~Mte on the pro~sion of~ordable h~sin ~-~ P~ ~-[~ P~m ~ M~i~me P~ns on the b~is of ~ ~ reli~o~ ~lor, ag~ ~ m~i~ stam~ f~li~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~H~tlon F~ for Eli~le H~n~ 3. ~~~~~~~ortheHoH~HousingH~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~n8 of~pl~ of its Housing ~sist~e ' P!~ .'~ 4. P~ to r~ m A~d, ~ Eli~ble S~rs or Eli~ble P~m s~ll ~te into ~ a~ ~th t~ C~, a~ng to ~ ~th t~ ~ordable h~slng ~t~a pr~d~ und~ ~iom 420.~7 thr~ 420.~79, Hofida Statute, and this ~ M t~ ~ ofa tnmf~ of~ship ofprop~y to an Eli~ble Per~n or ~g~le S~ ~mgt to t~ H~n8 ~ance Plan, the County s~ll re~ire a covenant in the d~d or mon~ge stating the grantee or the mongagor agrees to comply ~th the lems of the affordable housing criteria provided und~ s~tlom 420.~ t~ 420.~79, Ho~ Smtut~ and this Ordinance, which c~enant ~11 ; : - mn ~th the land in the ~ ofa d~. Failure to comply with the cove~nt in the mon~ge shall r~lt in a default of the mon~ge ~th all r~edies and fights for enforcement of the a~t in~ng to the b~e~t oflhe County. Word~ st~ck lhr~gh ue del~; words underlined are added. SECTION TWO: CONFLICT AND .',;EVERABII.I'FY. In the cvcnl this Ordinance conllicts witit any olhcr ordinancc or (~nllicr t ',,,my. lhe more restrictive sh~l app~. ira~ phr~ or podion or this Ordinance. or the particular applicatinn ~ ~1 ~ ~d i~d ~ ~ituti~ ~ ~ c~n, ndmlnistrativc nBcn~ or other ~ffi ~e~i~ ~ r~nlng ~i~ ~io~ ~tcnc~, clauses, or phra~s and thor application s~l ~t ~ a~ th~e~. ~ON ~E: ~USZON ~ ~E CODE OF LAWS ~D O~[N~NCES. ~ ~ oft~ ~ff~ ~ ~ ~d be made a pa~ of the Code of ~ws aM Ordinances ofColli~ ~, Ho~ ~e ~iom of the Ordi~nc~ may be r~mbered or ~ to ~[ish ~ck ~d the word "ordl~ce" may be changed to 'section', 'article', SE~ON FO~: DE~ON OF ~G~CY. ~ ~d ff~ ~ d~ ~ d~e t~t an ~g~ ~ and that ~e ~ of~ Ordi$ is ~, ~d ~ no Im than four-fifths (4/5) vote of ~ ~p of the Bo~d d~ h~ ~e notice ofint~ to consld~ l~s ~di~ce. A ~ ~ ff~ ~ ~ ~a~ ~1 ~ filed by the Cl~k of the Bo~d ~th t~ D~m$ of Sine of ~ SBte of ~ ~s ~n a~ ~am~t as is pmai~le by ~g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~the g~m~ of the United States for sp~ d~ ~ r~ ~1, ~age pr~d, to the Ho~da Department orStare. ~ ~ ~H ~m ~ive M prodded in Section 125.66(3), Horida Statute. PASSED ~ D~Y ~O~D ~ the Bo~d of Coun~ Commissioners of Collie County, Ho~ tMs ~/_ day or~ i ~5. · . D~G~ E~ B~OCK ~k BOARD OF CO~ CO~!ISSIONE~ ' Apbrov~ ~ to fore and Assi~ant County Atlom~ of J~ ' Words struck through are dcl~ed; words underlined are added. STATE OF FT. ORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLtIER ) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby cer=ify that the foregoing is a true copy of: Ordinance No. 95-13 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners via emergency procedures on the 21st day of March, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of ~he Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 21st day of March, 1995. DWIGHT E. BROCK cl,r~ o~ Court, ~,d Cl,r~.."" '~' "~ Ex-offlcIo to Board of .~ -. County Commissioners ,,, /Maur . Deputy Clerk: