Ordinance 95-08 ORDINANCE NO. 95- ~ AN OI~DINANC~EJ~DING O~DINAJ~CE r~BER 91-102, ~ ~I~ ~ ~D D~~ ~DE, ~I~ IN~ ~~S~ ZONING R~TIONS FOR ~IN~~ ~ OF ~ID ~, ~RIDA, BY ~ING ~E O~ICI~ ZONING A~~S ~~ 9503N, 9503S, 9510N a~ 9510S~ BY ~GING ~E ZONING ~SIFI~TION OF ~E H~IN D~B~ - ~ ~P~ ~OM wA~ ~ e~w p~ , ..~ ~IT D~~' ~ ~ w300 A~E .~; --, M SIDE OF ~DL~-~ RO~ (~-S51) IN SE~IONS 3 ~ 10, ~IP '- 49 ~, ~GE 25 ~, CO~I~ CO~, ~IDA, ~NSI~NG OF 300 A~ES~ AND BY ~DING ~ EFFE~I~ DATE. ~ER~, Barbara H. Cawley, of Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., representing Peninsula Improvement Cor~ration, petitSorted the Bc~rd of County Cmissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property; NOW, TTIZ~FORE BE IT ORDAINED b~ the Board of County Co~miesi~ers of Collier County, Florida: ~e zoning classification of the herein described real lTro~rty located in Sec~cions 3 and 10, Township 49 South, Itange 25 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from "A" to "PUD" Planned Unit Develolmsent in accordance with the a300 Acre G~>odlehte Road" PUD [~ment, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. The Official Zoning Atlas ~aps Nxmbered 9503N, 9503S, 9510N and 95105, as described in Ordinance Number 91-102, the Collier County Land Develo~ent C~de, are hereby amended accordingly. ~lis Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. -1- PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED tn/the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this Jf day of · ' BOARD OF COUNTY COPiMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA .-. ~ ~THEWS, · - .~DWIGHT E.'JS~K~., ERK ;""" "' A~D L~IAL SUFFICIENCY PUD-94-10 0RDINANCE/12931 -2- 300 ACRE GOODLETTE ROAD 300± Acres Loated in Sections 3 and I0 Township 4~ South, Range 25 East Collier County, Florida PREPARED FOR: PEN~NSUI~ IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION 26:)0 Golden [late P'4.rk'w~y Nzples, Florkh 33942 PREPARED BY: WI~LSON, MILLER, BARTON & PEEK, INC. 3200 Bailey Lane, Suite 200 Naples, Florida 33942 October, l~4 DATE FILED 10/2 1194 ., DATE REVIEXVED BY CCPC ~ DATE APPROVED BY BCC 2/28/95 ORDINANCE NUMBER 95-8 EXHI~JlT "A" TABLE OF CONTENTS LiST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLES ii STATEMENT Ol= COMPLIANCE AND SHORT TITLE iii SF..C'rlON I LEGAL DESCRIPTION, PROPERTY 1-1 ~HIP, & GENERAL DESCRIPTION S~"7ION H PROIECr DEVELOP~ 2-1 :' SECTION IV GOLF COURSE SEf3'I'ION V CONSERVATION AREAS ~-1 SECIION VI DEVELOPMENT COI~fM1TMENTS 6-1 LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLES F..xhibit A - FUD Mav~ Plan (W}~B&.P File fRZ-2:34) Table I - Phaxin g Schedule Table 2 - Development Sta.'~la~s, Residential ~/,ss4~zum,.v -ii- STATE~,iENT OF COMPLIANCE The purpose of this section is to express the intent of Peninsula Improvement Corporation, Inc., bereindter referred to as PIC or the Developer, to create a Planned Unit Development (PUT)) on 300:t: acres of land located in Sections 3 and I0, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Rodda. The name of this Planned Unit Development for application and PUD approval purposes shall be '300 Acre Goodlctte Rcrad," hereinafter called 'the Project". The de, telopment of the Projet,, is in compliance with the planning goals and objectives of Collier County u set forth in the Growth Management Plan. The development is consistent with the Growth Management Plan and with other land development regulations adopted thereunder. including but no( limited to the Collier County Land Development Code (hereind~ called the Code) for tl~ following rt~,ons: 1. Th~ subject ~ is within the Urban Mixed Use District/Urban R~sidential. Subdi.mict as identified on the Futur~ Land Use Map as required in Objective I, of the Future Land Use Element (FLUE). The purpose of the Urban Residential Subdistrict is to provide for higher density residential uses in an area with relatively few natural resource constraints and where existing and planned public facilities are concon~. 2. The p~ density of the Project as specified in Section 1.5 of this document is permitted by the FLUE Density Rating System and is therefore consistent with Future Land Use Element Policy 5. !. 3. The Project is compatible with and complementary to existing and future surrounding l~md uses as required in Policy 5.4 of the Future Land Use Element. 4. Improvements are planned to be in compliance with applicable land development regulations as set forth in Objective 3 of the Fut,;re Land Use. Element. 5. The development or the Project will rc.';ult in an efficient and economical extension of community facilities and services as required in Policies 3.1 .H and L of the Future bad Use Element. 6. The Project is planned to incorporate natural systems for water management in accordanc~ with their natural functions and capabilities as may be required by Objective 1.5 of the Drainage Sub-Element of the Public Facilities Element. 7. The Project is a functionally interrelated re..~idential community and is planned to encourage ingenuity, innovation and imagination as set forth in Section of the Code, and Policy 5.6 of the Future Land Use Element. 8. The Project t~rcscnU an thrill community within the Urban District, thereby discouraging urban sprawl as required by Policy 5.:3 of the Future Land Use Element. S~ORT TIT~E This orcfxns~ shall t~ known and cited for the purpose of this. rezoning as the '300 ACRE i3OODLEITE ROAD PLAIqr4IED UlqlT DEVELOPMENT ORDIIqAIqCE.' SECTION I LECAL DESCRIFI'ION, PROPERTY OWNERSIll'P, AND GENERAL DESCRIFI'ION The purpose of this seaion is to set forth the legal description and ownership of the Project, and Io describe the existing condition of the property proposed to be developed. 1.2 LEGAL DESCRIFrION All that pen of Section 3, Township 49 South., Range 25 F~st, Collier County, Florida, betn$ mo~ par~cularly described u follows; Commenctn$ at the nortlxast corne~ of said Section 3; t~encs along the east line of said Section 3, South 01'17'14" East 1347.52 feet to the POINT OF BEGiNNiNG of the pan:el heron described: tlznce o. mtinue along said fine, South 01'17'14' East 1781.42 fe~t to a point on the ~y line of Onnge Blossom Drive, recorded in Official Record Book 1314, pages 1766 ~gh 1774, Public R~t. ords of Coll;.er County, Florida; then. ce glong said line in the following four (4} described courses; 1) South 89'41'0'3" West ~7.76 feet; 2) w~esterly 156.42 feet along the ~ of a circulair c~rve concave northerly, having a radius of 621.55 fc~, through a centnl angle of 14"25' 10" and being subtended by a chord which bean Nort~ 83'06'22' West 156.01 feet to a point of r~vene 3) we~-'rly 777.63 feet along the a~rc of a circular curve concave southerly, having a ra~lius of 665.00 feet, through a central angle of 67°00'00" and being subtended by z chord which bean South 70'36'13" West 734.08 feet to a point of r~vene curvature; 4) west~ly 534.07 fe~t along tl~ arc of a circular curve concave northerly, having a ndius of 510.00 feet, through a centnl angle of 60'00'00° and being subtended by a chord which bean South 67'06'13" West 510.00 feet to a point on the easterly r~ght-of-way line of Fnnk Etoulevard (C-851) recorded in Plat Book 13, page 58, Collicr County, Florida; thence along said line and along a non-tangcntial line. North 07'06'!3" East 2218.88 feet; thence le'-,ving said line, North 89'50' 15' East 1090.46 feet to the Point of Beginning of the pan:el herein described; cotitalnlng 54.04 acres mor~ or less; subjec~ to eascm~ts and restrictions of record: benrings a~c based on the easterly line of said Scction 3, bcing Sotrib 01'17'14" East. -and- All that part of Sections 3 and 10, Township 49 South, Range 25 Elst, Colher County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows; BEGINNqNG al the northeast corner of said Section 10; thence along the east line of said Section I0, South 00'3Y58" East 2629.71 feel to the east 1/4 corner of hid Section I0; thence continue alon$ said east line, Souffi 00°46'24' East 239.12 feet; the~z leaving aid line, South 89"29'57' West 2221.40 feet to a point on ~e eastt-rly fight-of-way line of Frank Boulevard (C--851) recorded in Plat Book 13, page 58, Public P4x:or~ of Collier C,~unty, Rotida; thence along aid line. Ncx-th 07°06, 13' East 5666.85 feet to a point on the southerly line of Ovango Blot~m Drive, recordexl in Official Record Book 1314. page 1766 thr6ugh 1774, ColHer County, Florida; thence alon$ aid ~ in the following four (4) described courses; I) easZeriy and northeasterly 638.79 feet along the arc of a non-tangential circular curve concav~ to the northwest, luridrig a radius of 610.00 feet, through a ct~tral angle of 60'C0'00' and being sub_tetra___ by · chord which bears North 67'06'13" ' East 610.00 feet to a point of r~t~ne curvatu~; 2) ~y and easterly 660.69 feel along the arc of a circular cxn'v~ ooncav~ -:: : to the south, having a radius of 565.00 feet, through a central angle of 67'00'00" and being subtended by a c~ord which bears North 70'36' 13" East 623.69 feet to a p~,nt of rt-verse curvature; 3) east~rty 181.59feetalox~gthc. axc of a circular curve concave to the north, having a radius of 721.55 feet, throtgh a central angle of 14°25' 10" and being subtended by a chord which bears South 8'3'06'T2= East 181.11 feet; 4) along · tangential line, North 89'41'0'3" East 89.47 feet to a point on the east Line of aid Section 3; thence along ujd line, South 01'18'i0" East 3159.29 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel here~n describe; containing 245.22 acres more or leas; subject to easemenU and msttiction.~ of record; bearings ar~ based on the ea.%t line of Section 3, being South 01'18'10" East. 1,3 PROPERTY OWNERSIIIP The subject property ix curr. ently under the control of Peninsula Improvement Corporation, Inc., whose address is 2600 Goldon Gate Parkway, Naples, Florida, 32942. Detailed owners,hip information is provided on Attachment "A' to the PUD Application for Public Hearing. 1.4 GF_.N'ERAL DF_~_~CRIPTION OF PROPERTY A. The Project site is located it. Sections 3 and 10, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, and is generally border~ on the we~t by Goodlette Road (CR 85 1), on the north by undeveloped la,'~d o,vned by the City of Naples, on the east by ',he Pine Ridge Industrial Park, the Crossings and the Villages of Monterey, and on the south by the Jaeger Industrial PUD, tl:.e Pine Ridge Mkldle School and undeveloi:~ed land zoned A. B. The zoning classification of the subject property prior to the date of PUD ~ is A (Rural A=-riculturaJ) and portions of the propen'y a;e in the Wellfield Special Treatment Overlay (ST/WS). C. Elevatims within the site nmg~, from 9.2 to 15.9 feet above mean se~ level with zn average of approxin~tely 11 feet. Per FEMA Firm Map Panels Nos. 120067 381E and 120067 383E dat~l August 3, 1992, the property is locatsd within Zone X. D. The soil types on the sit~ generaJly include Immolcalee Free s~nd, B~singer fine nnd, Malabaz' fine sa~d, Boct fine s~nd, Holopaw fine s~nd ~nd Urban Land SateLlite Complex. E, VegeUtion on site prinurily consists of pine flatwoods with varying unde~Itories. however, sevenl treas dominaled by a graminoid understory affe present also. Melaleuca ha heavily invaded a large percentage of the fl~wood communities on site a~d Brazilian peppe~ i.s ~ ~t but in lesser numbers. There is a lazge fallow agricultural filed in U~e southern "A of the property. This axen ha been ... : invaded by Melaleuca and BrAzilian Pepper along the ditches and bernu and downey rose myrtle has invaded a .sizeable area in the northern fields. There are three cypress dominated wetland communities along the southwe_e______-rn edge of the site, These wetlands have been impacted by the well field on the western edge of the property a~d melalcuca ha heavily ;,nvaded tl~.se systems as a result, A third cypres~-pin~melalcuca commu,-fity exists just so~th of Onmge Blossom Drive. This appears to be the remrmnts of an old wet pr~rie system isolazed by road construction and the fill on the old tramway to the east and possibly impacted by the wellfield. The~ ~re also some xeric oak communities present along the FP&L easement in the southern half of the property near the western edge. Many areas of the Pr~ect site a~ covered with Melaleuca and Brazilian Pepper monocultures. The entire property i.~ also imFacted by numerous trails made by off-road vehicles, horses, etc. These trails are found throughout the site. F. The Project site is located within two otisliner drainage basins. The property north of Orange Blossom Drive is within the Pine Ridge Canal Basin and the property south of Orange Blossom is within the Gordon River Extension Basin as depicted on the Collier County Drainage Atlas (Map 1990). The property north will drain west to the Pine Ridge Canal. 1,5 DENSITY The Collier County Growth Management Plan Density Rating System allows at gross density of three ('3) uniLs per ac~ on the subject properly. The Future L~nd Use Element allows a base density of four (4) units per gross acre; however, the Project lies within the Traffic Congestion Area and, therefore, onc (!) unit per gross acre is subtracted. The gross residential density of three ('3) units per acre or 900 units on 300 acres is consistent with the permitted d<.,nsity. The residential density on individual parcel.s of land throughout the Project will vary accurding to the type of housing pla~:ed on each parcel of lanj. SECTION H PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 1.1 FURPOSE Th~ purpose of this Section is to generally describe the plan of development for tJz Pr~cct, and to identify relationships to applicable C.~nty ordinances, policiei,.and procedumo 2..1 GENERAL DESCRIFTION OF PROJECT PLAN AND PROPOSED LAND USES TIg Project will include a range of residential housing, an 18-hole golf coune with a The ~ Plan is ~ustnted graphically on Exhibit "A', PUD Maste~ Plan (WRB&P, Inc. Stilt: No. RZ-234). A land Use Summary indicating approximate !and u~ ac~ages is shown on the plan. GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH COUNTY ORDINANCES A. The development of the Project sh;dl be in accordance with this PUD Ordinance and applicable sect;ons of the Code (to the extent they axe not inconsistent with this PUD Ordinance) which ire in effect at the time of issuance of any development order which authorizes the conslruction of improvements to which said regulation applies. Theg include, but axe not limited to Final Subdivision Plat, Final Site Development Plan, Excavation Permit and Preliminary Work Authorization. Where this I'UD Ordinance fails to p~ov~de developmental .standards, then the provisions of the most similar. zoning district or section of the Code shall apply. References to specific Code Sections means the Land E)t:velopment Code in effect at the time this PUD Ordinance is adopted. B. Unlels otherwise defined herein, or as necessarily implied by context, the definitions of all terms shall be; the same as the definitions set forth in the Code in effect at the time of developmere orcler application. C. Development permitted by the approval of this ordinance will be subject to a concurrency review under the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance Code Section 3.13. D. All conditions impo-.,ed herein or as represented on the Project PUD Master Plan 0aUD Master Plan) arc part of :he regulations which govern the nhlnner in which the land may be clevcloped. E. 'l'he Subdivisions Division of the Code (Article. 3, Division 3.2) shall apply to the · Project, except where an exemption is set j'orth herein or otherwise gr~nted pursuant to Code Section 3.2.4. zrn. ss ~rr~ou ,, 2 - I F. The Site Development Plans Division of the Code (Article 3, Division 3.3) shall apply to the Project, except whe:e an exemption is set forth herein or otherwise granted pursuant to Code Section 3.3.4. 2.4 ROADWAYS Standards for roads shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of Code regulating subdivisions, unlet~ otherwise approved during P, eliminary Subdivision Plat approval. 2.3 SUBDM SION APPROVAl, Th~ rtwi~t and approval of all subdivisic,ns within the Project shall follow the design and d~eloprr~nt standards and review pro~xlurr. s in Article 3 of the Code in effect at tim of d~-vdopn'~nt apl:rcov'al. The E~'eloper reserves the right to request substitution of de:sign standm'ds and request deviations pursuant to the Code to the standards gt forth in appticable regulations. ;2.6 LAND USES A. The location of land uae~ are shown on the PUD Master Plan, Exhibit 'A.' Minor changes and variations in building tracts, location and acreage of thes~ ules shall be permitted at preliminary subdivision plat approval, preliminary site development plan approval anti final site development plan approval to accommodate topography, vegetation, golfeour~ routing, stormwater deaign, and other sit~ conditions subject to :he Code. T~ s]:~ecihc location and size of individual tnctl and the a.ssignment of dwelling units shall be determined at the time of site development plan approval. B. Since the proper. y is to be developed over an estimated nine year time period, any projection of Project development can be no more than an estimate based on cuH'ent marketing knowledge. Tl~e estimate may change depending upon future economic t~ctors. Table I indicates the estimated absorption ~chedule by Project year for the residenti,'tl units and golf course development. Year one on the table begins when the impacts of the u:;e occurs, i.e., when uses receive a certificate of occupancy. C. Roads and other infrastructure n~ay be either public or private, depending on location, capacity, and design. The determination as to whether a road shall be public or private shall be made by the Developer at the time of subdivision approval. Developer shall create appropriate associations which will be responsible for maintaining the roads, streets, drainage, water and g. wer improvements where such system:s are not dedicated to a governmental agency. Standard$ for roads shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Code regulating subdivisions, unh~- otheBvir~ approved al an exe. eption during subdivision approval. Table 1 F.,stimated Absor~_tlon Schedule Year UniL! O~er I 1~ Golf C~ 2 3 4 6 7 8 2.7 ~ ~-~G ~ D~AGE ~g, g~ing. ~rk, ~d si~ d~nage work sh~l ~ ~o~ in ~ ~ ~e ~e ~d ~r a~li~ble g~e~en~ agen~i~ ~d ~e s~ ~d ~t~ of ~is d~m~t. 2~ ~ ~R ~L~ AH ~p_~ ~m~, d~i~ons, er o~her ins~men~ sh~l ~ g~ ~ in~ ~ ~u~ ~ ~d ~n~ce of ~1 ~ice u~li~es in ~mpl~ ~ a~!i~!e ~s in eff~ at ~e ~me a~s ~ ~u~. 2.9 ~ S~ACK A~ EXCAVA~ON ~ I~bs ~k ~ui~m~ d~ in C~e S~tion 3.5.7. 1, may ~ ~ ~ ~ ~mini~ve a~ of ~e Colli~ County ~elopm~t S~ic~ Di~. AH 12k. g~ t~ ~o ~) ac~s ~y ~ ex~va~ to the m~imum ~mm~ ~~ d~s ~t fo~ in ~e S~, subj~ to m~ng ~ ~n~ f~h f~ula; h~er. ~m~ of flu from the Proj~t sh~l ~ limi~ ~ ~ am~nt ~ m 10 ~t (m a ~imum of 2(),~ ~ic ~s) of ~e to~ volume ~t~ unl~ a comm~ ex~vation ~rmi~ is r~eiv~. 2m~',-~,~, ~ 2-3 2.10 Off-STREET PARKING AND LOADING All off-st.r~l parking and loading facilities shall be designed in accordance with the Code. 2.11 USE OF RIGIITS-OF-WAY Lands within the Project privaLe rights-of-ray may be utilized for landscaping, decontive mtnnce rays, and signage, if a review of the proposed use~, dudr, g the development review proof___: ~ prior to any insudlations, by the Collier County Developmere Services Direc~ shows no adverse engineering or safety considerations. 2.12 MODEL HOIVfES,'SALES CENTERS "-- sale of real estaz such as, but not limited to, pavilions, viewing platforms, I;azeb~ parErig areas, tents, and signs, ~hall be permiUed principal u~es throughout the Project · subject to the requirements of Code Section and Code Section The limitation of the Cc<le regaxding the number of model homes allowed prior to plat recx~'dation sh~ll be applicable to each sub<!ivi~ion tract rather ~an each sub<!ivision phase. 2.13 CtlANGES AND AM'EN1)MENTS TO PUD DOCUMENT OR PUD MASTER PLAN Change, and amendments may be made to this PUD Ord!nance or PUD Master Plan as provided in Code Section 2.14 OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS The PUD Master Plan identifies approximately 180 acres included in the Golf Course/Open Space, lake, ~d miscellaneous open spacerbuffer/casement designations. These an. as, in conjunction with open space areas included within the Residential District, fully satisfy the open slyace requirements of Code Section and Code Section 2 6.32. 2,15 NATIVE VEGETATION RETENTION REQUIRF. bTENTS The Project is in compliance with Section of the Code. The 25% native habitat acreage as provided on the PUD Master Plan, shall be monitored at each preliminary sub<livision plat submittal. The petitioner shall receive credit from any phase where the 25% amount is exceeded to be applied to a phase where it is not. In any phase of development where credit toward the 25 % is needed, the petitioner shall delineate on the preliminary sub<livision plat the percentage of viable naturally functioning native vegetation r~tained and/or areas of landscalping a~d open space which ar~ planted with native species. The petitioner shall show the calculati ~ns on each preliminary subdivision plat which totals the ryerail 25% for the project build-out. amm-~,,n, 2-4 k__ ................................... 2.16 GRO~.rND WATER PROTECTION Apprt~vod !and u__~,~_ located in the ST/WS overlay shall be in compliance with the Oroundw-~t~' Protection Secdon of the Code, unlcs.~ altered or removed in ~_cc'ordance 2.17 TIME LIMTYS OF PLANNED UNTT DEVELOPM"E?qT APPROVAL The tim limits for the Project arc a.s provided for within Code Sccdon 2.18 POLLING RACES PoLLing plac~ ahall be provided, in accordance with Cc~e Section 2.19 PUD MONITORlinG An annual monitDdng report shall be ~ubmitted pursuant to Code Section 2.7.3~6. 2.20 SITE DEYELO~ PLAN APPROVAl, The provisions of the Code shah apply :o the development or piatte~ tracts or paxeels of Land prior to h~e i~uance of ~. building permit or other development order. 2.21 IMPAC'r FEES Development within the Projec~ shall be subjec~ to all lawfully adopted impact fee~ a~te for each land u~e in effect at tP.e time of development. 2.22 AGENCY JURISDICTION Th~ Developer ~ conducted site inspections within the U.S. Army Co.,'ps of Engineers and the South F]f~la Water Management District. The~ agcncic~ have delineated their axea.~ of jurisdictiotud wetl:mds. 2.23 DEDICATION AND MAINTENANCE OF FACILYrlES The Developer shall create appropriat~ hon~eowner or pruperty owner a-~ociations which will be responsible for maintaininL~ the rc~d~, streets, drainage.', water and ~'wer improvements wher~ ~uch iystems ar~ not dedicated tn a governmental agency. ., 2.2A LISTED SPECIES l. jsted spccie~ on site shall bc trcatcxi in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Code and the Growth Management Plan. SECTION IH RESIDENTIAL LAND USE DISTRICT PURPOSE Th~ purpose of thi~ Section i~ to id~tify l~-Tmiacd u~..~ ~d development ~aadard~ for ~ within the Project ~.signatcd ot~ Exhibit "A" , PUD M~ter Plan, ~ 'R'. MAXIMUM DVVELLING UNITS A maximum number of 900 r~idcnfial dwelling uniB may be constructed on land~ ~ilna~d 'R'. GENERAL DESCRIFTION Arc3.~ ~gnal~d ~ 'R' on the PUD Ma~ter Plan are d~ignc~i to accemmo~_~ a full range of residential dwelling types and compatible non-residential uses, ~_ten_tial services, The apl~xirnat~ acreage of the 'R' district is indicated on the PUD Master Plan. This acreage is based on conceptual designs and is approximate. Actual acreages of all development tracts will be provided a the time of site detelopment plan or preliminary subdivision plat approvals in accordance ~th ',he Code. Residential tracts axe designed to accommodate internal roadvrays, open spaces, lakes and water management facilities, and ocher similar uses found in resid,mtiaJ axeas. PERMI'EEI~ USES AND STRUCTURES No building or stricture, or pan thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or part, for other than the following: A. Principal Uses: !) Single Family Detached Dwellings. 2) Single Family Patio and Zero Lot Line Dwellings. 3) Two-family and Dupl{:x Dwellings. 4) Single Family Attached, Townhouse and Villa Dwellings. 5) Multi-Family Dwellin;is including Garden Apartments. -, 6) Cjuster Development (per Code Section 2.6.27). 7) Model Homes (subject to Code Section and Section 2.12 of this PUD). 8) Guard houses and entrance gates. 9) Churches and other places of worship when located adjacent to and :lr. cesw. d directly fro~ Goodlette-Frank Road or Orange Blossom Road subject to the provisi3ns of Division 3.3 Site Development Plans, and subject to the multi-family development standards set forth in Table 2. :rvs-,,srz~,~ ,,q 3- ! 10) Child Care Centers. I 1) Water management facilities, lakes, including lakes with seawall and other type~ of architectural bank treatment. and essential servict. s. 12) Any other principal use which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Development Services Director determines to be compatible in the 'R' District. B. A~ry Uses and StructuRs: 1) Customary accessory uses or structures. 2) Signs, in accordance with av~ Code. 3) Recreational facilitiea that grvc u an integral part of the r~idcntial development including, but not limited to, tennis court.s, pooh, pool cabaria.i, clubhouse~ or gazclx:~, tot Iota and pasaivc path. {.. 4) Queat hour, subject to Code Section 2.6.14. 5') Non-commercial boat dock facilities. '. 6) FA'.,ential services in acxx~dance with Code Section 2.6.9; water management facilities; lakes, including lakes with bulkhead and other typc~ of axchitectural bank treatment. .3.5 DEVELOPPd'E;NT STANDARDS A. Table 2 sea forth the development standards for land uses within rig 'R' Residential District. B. Site development standards for Categorie:t I - 4 uses apply to individual re.iidential lot boundaries. Category 5 st,'mdards apply to platted parcel Ix~undaries. C. Standaids for paxking. landw;.ping, signs, guard houses, entrance gates, and other land uses where stjch standards are not specified herein are to be in accordance with the Code in c;fect at the: time of Site Development Plan approval. Unlc.u otherwise indica'~d, required yards. heights. and floor area st~dards apply to principal structures. ' D. In the case of re3idential structures with a common architectural theme. required property development regulations may be waived or reduced provided a site plan is appro,ted by the Collier County Planning Commission in accordance with Article 2 of Lhc Code. Corn 'non open ~pacc requirements ate deemed satisfied .. pursuant tn Section 2.14 of this PUD. E. No attach-.d single family he,rues may be Ic/:ared between two detached single , fatnily homes if they are a pert of the same platted block. ,, · .... F. Single Family Patio and zero lot line dwelling% are identitied separately from single family detached dwelling with conventional side yard requirerne~ts to distinguish these types for the purpose of applying d~eloprnent standards under Table 2. Patio and zero Io~ line dwellings shall be defined as any type of detached single family structure employing a zero or reduced side yaxd ts set forth herein, and which conform to requirements of Code Section 3.00 ACRE GOODLETTE ROAD DEYELOPNIENT STANDARDS FOR 'R' RFSIDENTIAL AREAS TABLE 2 SI~GL~ PATIO at TWO SINGLE FAMILY MULTI I~RMITTRD USES AJ~'D FAMILY ZERO L~rr FAMILY & ATTACHtD AND FAMILY ITAHDAIDS DE'TACIO~D ~ DUPLEX TOWTqHOUSE DWI~IIrNO~ Ca.~ I 2 Idlnhtum L~ Arm 7~:X) SF S.0cX) SF LS00 SF'4 ),C00 SF I AC luG.~m L~t V/TdOa °S 75 50 PN Yanl 25 20 l~t,mt Yard ~ I~ I0 I0 I0 ;..v~ I~s Yml 7.5 ,4 0 o~ 73 0 o~ .5 BH -5 BH ·., law Yard ~ 20 10 20 20 BH ~?' .-.. .. lee Yad Ae,eory 10 ILeae Yard $peebi Prtnctp,d"l 10 5 10 l0 .5 BH It~t Ym'd Sp,ciai Atcueory 5 5 10 l0 .5 BH , Msxi=mm Building Height °2 35 35 35 35 5Or35 .. D~tam~ 3ewNa 15 10 0 or 15 .5 SBH _S SBH F~oor Area Min. (~.F.) ISO) SF 1250 SF 1250 SF 1200 SF 10GO ]Ill; {Imm d ~ H,4~J4f): Cembled I~llh~ ol A. N' lel peer4d b eef~d b7 e F4bik I~l~a~(-~,sy, I. If lie ~ b' ee~ed b7 0 le~tm ~ed t~lM-o(-~ ~ · Mh ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ by 20~ for cul~-~ ~ - ~ Wq W ~ ~ ~¢m m ¢XL~ ~rtm-as r~o0~ ~ 3-4 izs:tniion uses, and water management facilities, in which cas~ the setback is zm~ feet (0'}. C. Lighttngfacia~shalib~anugcdinamann~whic, h will protect ~ and ; D. M~dmum Uilht of ~ l~I fm (.SO') unless abeinS · nsidmtlany . 1) Ten feet (I0') - 1 and 2 slory buildings Ihat atu d~s~s~d and am a ~ ~.: .,~. i" ' ~- ' i. !:' SEC'TION V ~l~ .I i;, CONSERVATION AREAS ~,X *A*, PUD Jvtutcr Plma u conmyatf~ treas *CO°, o · !, B. Biktn$, hiking, healxh snd mmre tm'ls. . : C.-. Watr~facilit~sssppmvedbyth~Sou~FloddaWs/tr~ !.~,.!.~. ... DtsUict(SFWMD)andConierCounty;rmdway, u~lity anddrainpipeerossings. D. Anyo4h~aaivtt).oruewhichlscompmblein~witha~eforelo~uJes compatible with She intgnt of this district. . :~',j ' ' A. Ovmll 'CO* s~m duign sin//be kumonlous ~ a~ trca's , of my such scdvi~/. Iocation ofthe vtableboundades of the cypren atgas asofApri!, 1994. The City Wellfiddargletotlclnvaslonwillcontinuetolmpactthesesystems. Atthe~ime of Preliminary Subdivision Plat, the exact boundaries and mitigation (if requtzd) SECTION VI DEVELOPMENT COMMITMEI~'S FURI~SE The purpose of this section is to set forth the development commitments of the Project. A. Detailed psvinl, f,r'~ing, sit~ drainage and utility plans shall be submi_-__-,d to Project Plan Review for review. No construction permits shaI1 be lssse~ unkss 6.3 LrrlLATIF_,S A. Water dLfiributbn, sewage collection and transmission and interim ~ ~ ~e ~t~t ~H~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ d~, ~ ~v~, ~ ~ ~n~ ~ ~r~ ~ffi ~lli~ ~n~ ~ No. 8~76, ~ ~, ~d ~ a~li~le ~n~ ~I~ ~d ~u~ ~ o~ a~li~le ag~ ~ulafions, M may ~ a~a~. WATER MANAGEIVIENT A. A cop,/of South Florida Water Management District Permit or Early Work Permit is required prior to construction plan approval. ENVIRONMENTAL A. The Developer will retain the maximum amount of xeric scrub Cr"LUCCS #421) pots~le as part of the 15' landscape buffer adjacent to the FP&L ~ easement. This acreage shall be counted toward ~e required :25% native habitat requirement under the Code. The Developer shall not be required to reserve any additional xeric scrub but may do so voluntarily as part of the overall habitat preservation required for the Project. 6.6 TRANSPORTATION A. The Developer shall be responsible for the constr~ction of turn lanes (both !eft turn and right turn) at the Project entrance(s) at the time of approval of the final subdivision plat. B. At ~e time of approval of the final subdivision plat, right-of-w'ay for right turn "lanes shall be dedicated by the Developer to reimburso the County for ~ of existing County right-of-way. Such dedication shall be considered site roland and ther~ shall be no road impact fee cr~it to the Developer. C. Project entrances shall be designed to preclude the stackini of enterini vehicles onto adjacent public roadways. If access is to be controlled by means of a gatehouse or card-controlled gate, the gate or gatehouse shall be designed, located and operareel so as not to permit such vehicular stacking. The length of such slicking s. re~ shall be determined at the time of PS? approval. D. All tnffic control devices on public madways, excluding strut name signs, shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices as required by Chap~r 316, " E. To allow for the future expansion of Goc~late-Frank Road from two lanes to :.' four lanes, ar~s will be needed for water quagirl t~atment of road runoff. To ,. · pwvide sdch area, the County my request from I:P&L a wad drainage en.~ement - " over, and subSect to, the existing i::P&L transmission line easement, subject to ~*- ' impact fee crYits for the Develope~. ~7 '..'.'. Two aax~ points and one rnainumance driveway ~.ll be pertained along She cutern boundary of the .property between Orange Blossom Drive and the property's southern bounder. These access points sh~ll comply with the Coun~y's Access ldan~gement Policy but may be loated anywhere along Ooodlette-Frank Road between these Va~o reference points. If an access point is loc~xt opposite Cente~ SLn~'~, approval shall be obtained fwm the Collier County Platruing CommLssion. The Develol~ may volun~rily consmsct less than the maximum number of access I;oints permitted by this subsection. O. If the roadways within the southe.-n Wact of the Projea (between ~ge Blossom Drive and the southern prol~"rty bounda~t) z. re public, accommodation will be made to allow pcdes~an access to the school property subject to approval of the School Bo~!. It. Th~ roadways of the northcrn traa (between Orange Blossom Drive and the northern property boundary) shall be internally connected so as to allow access to both Goodletle-Frank Road and Orange Blossom Drive. I. The applicant shall be responsible for the installation of arterial level street lighting at all project entrances at the time of appwval of the final sutxiivision plat. 1. A grade separation shall be required for the construction of the golf can crossing on Orange Blossom Drive. The crossing may be constructed either over or under Orange Blossom Drive. I!1 II STATE OF FT. ORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, DWZGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the _ Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true coFy of: j~=~I~ Ordinance No. 95-8 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on The 28th day of February, 1995, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of C.ounty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 2nd day of March, 1995. DWIGi~T E. BROCK Clerk of Courts and Clerk .' ~,, Ex-offtcio to ~osrd of · County Com.~lsstoners Deputy Clerk · '.~