As Is Contract for Sale & Purchase THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS. AND THE FLORIDA BAR "As Is" Contract For Sale And Purchase I " ! I' 2' 3 " PARTIES' WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION_,_,_____~__ ("Seller"), and Colller County, a POIltlcal SUI:>9-"'v,:t03_lgn_~L_t:ne__$j:E,t<e__2f Flonda ("'Buyer") haretlY agree that Seller shall sell and Buyer shall buy the following described Real Property and Personal Property (collectively ''Property'') ;lurSu8.nt to the terms and conditions of t!1is Contrad for SJ.le and Purchase and any riders and addenda ("Contract"): I. DESCRIPTION: , lal L~al description of tho Real Prooerty locatea in ColI). e r COLlnty, Florida: WEST 1/2 OF LOT 10 ANU ALL OF LOTS 11 & 12, BLK C, WHISPERING PINES, PLAT BOOK 4, PC 17 ib) Street address, city, zip. of the Property: 2742 STORTER AVE., --NAPLES-~--FL6R-I-DA 341'1-2 (cl Personal Property jncludes existing range{.s), refrigen:-Jtor(sj, disnw8sher(s}, ceJing far(s), light flxlure(S), 3no window treatment(s) unless specifically excluded below, Otller items included are }J~t:_ __Jl.pp.licable 5 W 7' 8' 9 10 1" 12' 1'.' 1.' t+e~;';f-P~~onaJ Property (and leased Items, if any) exclud;j~~..~.Qt.-.~ppTI~aETe-=_=~=~. 15" II, PURCHASE PRICE (US. currency)' H\ PAYMENT: -j /. ;ai D8PClS,t "sid :n escrow b{R~.~~~~~L~~~~~'"~~~V~_=E~_____ _ ("'Escrow Agent") in the amount of (Checks subject to clearance) $ 1!,' Escrow Agent's address: 5700 Smetana Dr. S. Suite 400 Minnetonka,MN 55343 Phone; 877-813-7316 1 P (b) Additional escrow deposit to be made to Escrow Agent withinNLhdayS after Effective Date in the amo'-.lnt of. . . . ~:J" Ie) Anancing In the amount of (~Loan Amount") see Paragraph IV below. . 21' (d) Other " ""'''',' 2~ (e) Balance 10 close by cash, wire lransler or LOCALLY DRAWN cashier's or offIdal bank check(s), subject 2~' , to adjustments or prorations. ,4 III, TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER AND COUNTEROFFERS; EFFECTIVE DATE: 2;,j (a) If this offer is not executed by and delIvered to all parties OR FACT OF EXECUTION communicated in writing between the parties on or 2r,' before10 days from counteroffer, the deposit{s) will, at Buyer's option, be returned and this offer withdrawn. Unless other- 27 wise stated, the time for acceptance of any counteroffers shall be 2 days from the date the counteroffer is delivered. 28 (b) The date of Contract (~EffectiV8 Daten) will be the date when the last one of the Buyer and Seller has signed or initialed this offer or the 2SJ final counteroffer. If such date is not otherwise set forth in this Contract, then the ~Effective Date" shall be the date determined above for :30 acceptance of this offer or, if applicable, the final counteroffer. "Deposit due within fifteen (15) days of effective date. 31 IV. FINANCING: Counteroffers include any Addenda submitted after either party signs. 32~ IX (a) This is a cash transaction with no contingencies for financing; 33' U (b) This Conlract is contingent on Buyer obtaining wnttan loan commmnent which connrrns underwnting loan approval for a loan to purchase 34" the Property ("Loan Approval'1 within _ days (~ blank, then 30 days) after Effective Date ("Loan Approval Date") for (CHECK ONLY 35. ONE): 0 a iixed; 0 an adjustable; or 0 a fixed or adjustable rate klan, in the Loan Amount (See Paragraph IL(c)) at an iritial interest rate not to 36' exceed %, and for a term of _ years, Buyer will make application wrrhin _ days (ff blank, then 5 days) after Effective Date, 37 BUYER: Buyer shall use reasonable diligence to: obtain Loan ApprO\,-d1; notify Seller in writing of receipt of Loan Approval by Loan Approval 36 Date: satisfy terms of the Loan Approval: and dose the loan. Loan Approval which requires a condition related to the sale of other property shall 39 not be deemed Loan Approval for purposes ot this subparagraph, Buyer shall pay all loan expenses, Buyer authorizes the mortgage broke~s) and 40 Iender(s) to disclose information regarding the conditions, status, and progress of loan application and Loan Approval to Seller, Seller's attorney, 4: real estate licensee{s), and Closing Agant 42 SElleR: If Buyer does not deliver to Seller written notice of Loan .Approval by Loan Approval Date, Seller may thereafter cancel this Contract by tl~J deliveMrv;] written notice ("Seller's Cancellation NoticeQ) to Buyer, but not later than seven (7) days prior to aoslng. Seller's Cancellation Notice shall ,,~ ~ notify Buyer that Buyer has three (3) days to deliver to Seifer wrttten notice waiving this F-lnar.clng contingency, or the Contract shalf be cancelled. .1', DEPOSIT(S) (for purposes of this Financing Paragraph IV(b) only): ~ Buyer has used reasonable diligence but does not obtain Loan Approval 'It' oy Loan Approval Date, and thereafter either party elects to cancel this Contract, the deposit(s) shalf be returned to Buyer. If Buyer obtains Loan 11 Approval or waiVes this Financing contingercy, and thereafter the Contract does not close, then the deposrr(s) shall be Daid to Seller; provided how- 18 ever, if the failure to close is due to: (n Seller's failiJre or refusal to close or Seller otherwise tails to meet the terms of the Contract. or (iQ Buyer's lender 1~j fails to receive and approve an appraisal oftha Property in an amount sufficient to meet ~he terms of tre Loan ApproJal, then the deposit(s) shall be 5(- returned to Buyer. ,.- ~ ~ 0 (c) Assumption of existing mortgage (see rider for terms); or 5;( 0 (d) Purchase money note and mortgage to Seller (see "As IS" Stanaards Band K and riders; addenda; or special clauses for terms), 53' V. TITLE EVIDENCE: At le351___.. (jays (if bI8'lk, t~-Ien 5 days) j}efore Closing n :itle ir~sur31~Ci~ COfTlPlit''1()nt 'Nith lesitJle COPfeS of In3lrumen's listed as 5il cxceo:ions atto::cr'€C Ir:8roto (''Title Commitment'") and, i'lrBr ClosinlJ. an ()'.vrer's Dolic)' at :itle inSlIrarr:8 IS€€' ~)anfj;:lJd A fr;,T :SrI"'1s) shall be obtained by: ')5. (CHECK ONLY ONE): X (1) Seller. at Seiler's expense and (jelivered to Buyer or Buyer's attorney: or b6" .J (2) Guyer <3t 8uym's expense 57" (CHECK HERE): ..J If an rcbstract of title is to be furnished inste"ld of tille inSllr21l1ce, and attach rider for terfY"S, 0W ,II. CLOSING DATE: 'This transactior shall be dOsed and the CloSIng documents clf.!!.'J8fAO on ~_~UARY 29, 2010 ("Closing") unless ~i9 i"1"1ooifloo by other provision.':'; of thLs Contract. ;n the event of extreme weather or other conditions or evenls constilutlfl9 "force majeure", Closing will be 60 extended a reasonable fme unti: 0) restoration of ulil~ies and other S81Vices essantial to CIosng, and Oil ava~mty of Hazatd, Wind, Flood, or Homeowners' 61' ',"surance. If such conditions continue more than ~ days (If blank, then 14 days) beyond Oosing Date, then either party may carcel this Contract. $ 37,620.00 1,000.00 :-~~-~- $~--"'-- $ 36,620.00 ,-AR/BAR ASIS-2 Rev. 9/07 If; 2007 Florida ASSOClalion:)1 Rl/>.,:(jIlS' :Jill! The Florida 8<1' ,\11 Righl~ Re~r\led Page 1 of 5 r 62 VII. RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: SHller shall convey marketable title sublect to: comprehensive land use plans, zoning, 63 re&lnctions, prot)ibitions Hnd other rf.:quirernenls Irnpcst:'d tJY fj(,\\lnnHTlfYltal <.lu!hority. restrictions and '~latterE, tl/"lpeanng on the plat or otherv'lise 6.,t C:JlTlrm)(' to the $llbciivISlOn. outstanding oil, g8S dnd mif\AL11IiGI\I~i of rI'cord without riqtll d pntry: lJllpkllt8C! pllbhC utility easements 01 recorrj 6:; 'located contiguous to real prcpertv lines and not l",(:r'f;' 11\;111 1() fent ill....:ulll ,E: Ie; tt~8 ne'?!r :J( 'rent iir'8S <:Ifld " !.2 t~,,,t In widlt, dS It> the sicie 66 Jines); tilxe::; for yfJ,-)f ,A CloSing and subsequunt y~;nr5; 3f'd ;135UrTle<1 rnortqaqes and purchase money r"~1rtq~l<Je::, I; ,in\, ii' iu:1(lillonal items S08 6:" :::wenouf'.ll; pro. \lldec..th31 there exIsts at Closing no \':cla1.0n 0.'1 the fC. mqu.'lng. and J'ona preV8.. n.lllSE'..d f.ho? prnp('rt. 'l for ____.,~____. cr_Nei~LhtJ()rE()()_d, S_tiiPj)izati()n Pros.r.alTI. (N~PL__~ U_'_d pu'pn"91S! ;j:", VIII. OCCUPANCY: Seller shall Cl€i1ver ()ccupancy of Pr:i\)>":'fT'j 10 Bu"er i'it !it"'l(~ Of Ck)$Ir1g unless ~)thtOr\""ISt' ~Jt;)fnri tlerein. 7 Pr()~"4?rT'1 is intended ;-r to Le rentecl or '.::<cupied beyond Closing, tt1e 'ad dnd !f'W1S 1'',;}rli_)7 anc If)(> tenanl{s) or oc'Cupanls sha]i t',n diSr~in~',r;G pur~,uanr lo-AS IS" Stanuard F. " OCC~jp~\nCi is to be ;:j{~li\.'erea D<:;tore CIOSI'og 8uyef ~tS$HlJles all riSks 1)1 Ic's:.> ICJ ProrRf1y lrom DPttr;' 0' t ,ccu~:'al1cy, ~Jl;~1I [;(0 resp()[lsibJH anli habifl lar r~\a,n~nnanc',.e IrOn1 thell (jate. :::tr:-d stlc1/l be Ot::-eln€d to tViVP aCl~Hrleci P'Dperty ,nits eXlsllrg conciltion 3S :i tw",e 0' tlkrng oc::upancy. IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANOWAllTEN PROVIStONS: T'/I,:8wnHBn ~,j r0ndwri!1~ prevrsions_ riders ~tr.,U adOI:.'flCia :;.;ha:1 contro' all f:rinted prQ- ,..Isions of thIs ern-tract In conflict wrtr, them_ :," X, ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK ONLY ONE): Buyer .J may as~n and th€reby be releasee ~QM any lurther liability under this Contract: 0 mey 76- assign but not be released (rom lIabtlity under thiS Contract: or 5may n01 asSIgn this Contract. XI. DISCLOSURES: 78 (8) The property may be subfec1 to unpaid special assessment lier1(s) imposed by a pubfic body (~public body" does not include a '/ G Condominium Of Homeowners' Association). Such lien(S), l( any, whether certified, confirmed and ratified, pending, or payable in installments, bO' as of Closing, Sha. be palO as fallows: XI by Seller at closing .J by Buyer (itlalt blank, then Seller at ClOSing). It the amount at any a ~ assessmerlt to be paid by Seller has not been 'lnaBy determined as of Closing, Seller shaH be charged at Closing an amount equal to the 82 last estimate or assessment for the improvement by the public body. c3 ;b~ Rador is a naturally xcurring radIoactive -aIlS that when a,;cuJl1ulatec In a budding In sufficrent ,:~ua!ltitie~) nl;j~: IJr&sent health risks r::: pel'" E),j sons who JrB e.;posed f() I~ ovfof ltme, Levels I)f r,J.con lhat eXC(J{{'1 ~p...-lerai ar,d stene guioelif-,es ~,[IV'} tv';f'lfl ;OUl\eJ i', bUIldings ir_ :::IOr1n;! 'u A;:C1itional infGrmn1ion regarding radon or 'J(jon testing may r...e OblCtlflecl 'ror, ','our County Put)hc i-i(~(littl 'in,! ;'-l,h Ie) MoiCi is n<l!urally xcurring and may cause health risks or (jar"l;}(~e 10 property_ It 6uY'Elf is Goncnrn~d (Jf desires aoditional -nformatlon Ri' n"gDIoing rlold. Buyer should contact an appropriate pro(fjsslonal 88 {oj Buyer acknowledges receipt of the Flonda Ene-rgy.E!ficfern~ Rating Information Brochure requlfec1 by Seclion ~)53_996, F,S, (19 l€illl the Real Property Includes pre-1978 reSidential hOUSing. then a lend-baStX,J pault rider is m,mdCl.1ory, 9') (1 It Seller is l-l "foreiqn person" as oefineeJ by the Fuetqnnveslrlen1'11 Real Property Tax AGt, the- partIes shall comply with that Act. 91 '0; BUYER SHOULD NOT EXECUTE THIS CONTRACT UNTIL BUYER HAS RECEIVED AND READ THE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIA- 9" TION/COMMUNITY DISCLOSURE. ,J:' (Ill PRO"ERTY TAX DISCLOSUgE SUMMARY BUY[fI SHCULl) NOT RELY ON THE SELLERS CUHHFNf "HO"HTY TAXES AS fHE I\MOUNT [),I Of PROPERTY 'fAXES IHAT THE BUYER MAY BE OE:hJG,::..rE:D TO PAY IN THE YEAR SUBStOUEN r Ie PUHU.;ASE. A CHANGE OF OWNER. 9(' SHIP OR PROPERTY IVPHOVEMENTS lRlGGERS REASSESSVEN I S OF I HE PROPERLY THAI COULD f1FSULT IN HiGHEn PROPERTY TAXES. !J{i IF YOU HAVE A~Y OUESIIONS CONCERNING VAl UAflON, CONrACI THE COUNTY PHOPEflTY APPHAlsms OFFICE FOR INFORMATICN, g, XII. MAXIMUM REPAIR COSTS: DELETED 9W XIII. HOME WARRANTY: .J :seller .J Buver ~ N!A 'Nil! pay 1m,) hCWl€ warranty plan issued tJY mj" at i'.l cost nal to exceed s.o . 00 ,(, " XIV. INSPECTION PERIOO'ANORIGHTTO-C"ANCEL: (a) Buyar shall have ~ days from Effective Date ("Inspection Period") within , () 1 which to have such inspections of the Property perlormed as Buyer shall desire and utilities service shall be made available by the 1 u~) Seller during the Inspection Period; (b) Buyer shaH be responsible for prompt payment for such inspections and repair of damage 1 Q,J to and restoration of the Property resulting from such inspections and this provision (b) shaH survive termination of this Contract: , (1:1 and (c) if Buyer determines, in Buyer's sole discretion, that the Property is not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may cancel this Contract 1 (r~~ by delivering facsimile or written notice of such election to Seller prior to the 9xpiration of the Inspection Period. If Buyer timely '06 cancels this Contract, the deposit(s) paid shall be immediately ratumed to Buyer; thereupon, Buyer and Seller shaH be released of 10f all further obligations under this Contract, except as provided in this Paragraph XIIf. un_ Buyer exercises the righllo cancel 106 granted herein, Buyar accepts the Property in its present physical condition, subject to any violation of governmental, building, 109 environmental, end safety codes, restrictions or requirements end shall be responsibla for any end aH repairs end improvements 110 required by Buyar's tender. 11' xv. RIDERS; ADDENDA; SPECIAL CLAUSES: CHECK those rid""l.l"hlCtl are appicable AND are attacheO to and maoe part of this Contract: 11,'.1 CONDCMINIUM .J VA/FHA .J HOMEOWNERS' ASSN, a LEAD-BASED PAINT .J COASTAL CONSTRUCTiON CONTROL LINE 1 13. ..J 'NSULATON 0 EVIDENCE OF TITLE (SOUTH FLORIDA CONTRACTS) .J Other c.orq.)raher,sive Hider Pt'()'Ji51Oll-S .J AeJdenca "" ~~pecif\l ClauseiS\ SELLER AGREES TO EXECUTE BUYER'S FORMS: GAP AFFIDAVIT; PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT; "r,;, SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED; AND SUBSTITUTE VENDOR"W~9.--SEtLER WILL 15t:LrvER THE COMPLETEU1iJi1IJ SIGNED W-9 ^fO-BUYER -STMUi.TANEOUsiY'''WITH~'THESIGNED CONTRACT. ~m_'__._'~_'_~_'___""___ - .--------.----.-.. -.-,-.".-.-.---.-.---- ~ ~ h- /3 ;,1 11 __. SELLER WARRANTS PROPERTY IS VACANT AND SHALL REMAIN SO THROUGH" CLOSING-TO COMPLY' 'Wi'TH"UTHE ~REQU:i:REMENTS..---- 1 'jO CfF'-THE--rfEfGHB()RHO()O.STABILTZATImlPROGRAM---:---- .--~..~.- --. ------ '\'". STANDARDS i's',l:f,--p, N, AND Y.-ARE DELETED:-------..-- ~;;i/ DUE TO BUYER BEING A COUNTY GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY WITH SPECIFIC GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES, SELLER '': 1- ACKNOWLEDGES THAT-"STANDARD"S7. IS HEREBY DELETED, 12;' 1 2~3. I".," - , 12-;. 1;:") XVI. "AS IS" STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ("'AS IS" Standards): BUYf:/ :1nd Soller ll(:k.nnwlmlye rHef~rpl of a (;jPy 127 nt '"AS IS" St:.:tnUArCJS A n"augh Z on the l.evEW~(~ SiCIE' Or ;:lI1ocl1HI, wfw.:h <1re i')c,oqJ8r3.ted uS pnn i]t Hli:~ Contract. ,\H/llAH ASIS 2 Hev, 9/07 C 200/ I'tor'da AsS,-'I(~I,jlkJl1 ~,A rllh ".f';, ;Jlld rllB r'lcrida 8a All Ri~.lhls ;':l.~l!;8r\'f\d Page 2 of 5 1~ij THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT, IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, 129 SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. ! JU THIS 'AS IS" FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS AND THE FLORIDA BAR 131 Approval does not constitute an opinIon ltlat any ot the terms ana conaitlons In thiS Contract should be accepted by the parties In a 1:32 par1lo,llnr transaction. lr:rms and com.titlow; :;Ilould l)D ~)cgoliJtc'(J tJilSOd Up()rl nlC respective Inf(;n-)~;ts, o[})uctiliQS ,mc1 ~)argaifling 1 Jj f"X'sitions of all ;nleresten persGr\s 1.34 AN ASTERISK(-) fOUD\~>"ING A LINE NUMBFA iN fHF. MARGIN NDICATES THE 1..INE CONTAINS />, BI-ANi'\ TO BE COMPLETED 130' ~~~_~~.~TI~~~._,~~~~~~~~ 13(, BUYER) BLOCK BELOW I~AT) (SCl.LE'ii (DATE) 13l* _________ 13, iBUYERI IOATE' 13~)" Buyers' address tor purposes .::::1 notice~~~PR_OP.l?~T~_~AGE.MENT 110~ ::~:_~~~~I TRAI~ EAST, NAPL~S~ FL 34112 141.* 239-252-8991 Phor\8 Prlone 11:2 BROKERS: The brokers (including cooperating l)rokers, If any) named below are the only brokers entitled to compensation In connection witt, 1,r} this Contract: 1 i/~*!\arne 1,15 :SCLLC'1; SEllers' 3ciejmg.s tor purposes o~ notice lClATCi THE MINTIER REO TEAM, AMERIVEST ....-------.- Listing Broker REALTY Cooperating Brokers. if any DATE PROPERTY ACQUISITION APPROVED BY BCC, OCTOBER 27, 2009, ITEM 16DB DATED, /::;/:3-3/ C1 BUYER, .~TTEST : DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK COMMISSIONERS FLORIDA BY: I , .- .' II .'~.-_// ..._/~ ..' ....-- ~ ..{ - .~-, CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: \\-W\J\,^,L JENNIF'~ B. WHITE, ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY PROPERTY ADDRESS, 2742 STORTER AVE. NAPLES, FL. 34112 f-AfliFiAn Af:>18-2 Hev'JiGI ':i: :WOI I-!onda A...s<x;iatic;p of Rl:Alli):S' and The Flor:dn BdI AI HiDt',ltl RE;st!lveJ Page 3 of 5 ., "AS IS" STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS A. TinE INSURANCE: i',e Tilie C?"nll1ltmcnt 3/",a:: Do IS&'JP.{j oy a r:lor da llC;enS';;.:; Ilt~ inSU"9f agrecl1lg 10 iSS"8 Bll'r'/O"". LIP):" rr:<'..c~'dlnQ (,)f I'll': :1eec :c :5Lfy"('f' l.'l o....,nels OOIic,,' .:f \ lie .'1sxa'"lce 11, the arrounl of t'\<}- I:urchase i'fl';'~. '~5l,rinq -]J'\01'\' T~3rk8tabl(! Ii!:~! tc t'le Real P'opeI1Y, sutJlOCt 0'-':1 to I ratters (;0'11alllf!rJ .11 Pil'''IDmph Vll dlifi tlose !>loe ~J1tiClargoo b~' &JilQr <.;1 01 ctY:ln:. Cz>"inJ \..'.]r~.diJ:)e I:tie Shall b~ OOflJnl',l1dl .:.....~o~jlnq;o ::',:>OliCdhle T.iic St3!ld?'d':'-,1l:Vl/- fKt [:} ilU;'lC.1I1v d The ::'lordn LJal ilIlt1 -, aCCOn:Jan(A \-/1'1 ,dW J 1'1'(,( 51\;;,'\ I',a.':', :;: jil'y;; ~rt~rl'jale:)t rOCCi'.'lng t'~e T I!i) ':'A:,I"Dlmcnl 10 ':X;Ul'" 1(' ;\, d",l ,1111\(; :!; 'oull::l de;,,';lh'B nJlil'1 :;:;118' I writ:lg ~_,p.lClrylll-J onfect\sl ','i"i:;11 ~clldt:r tit"3 _illrllrkct_'l~):f;, Sei't;r :;hfl- 1~<':h<2 30 (l:J:ic r"i1f11 ''':C8ipt :JI nQ:ico to ',~n'"Wf:) ttlf> ,1,,!'ects-,ldillO whk~h 3UYCf ::;I-Iad wlI'ln 5 1,ldV~; atk", (~;.(pir'3.11011 '_il tfP :'(.i do" ~)i;"(lll. ,10<"'0' '.'rlt!(:n notice \0 SeHer c:Ii'lCJ' 'Y u)(tcndirl\11'1C timo 1m a Ir,;;lson :Jt;le penon not to e:o(cood 1?Ci dny',; \Ni!iWI Wllll~:l ~_-;I' UJ' "halt d~'>,) ;!ili\Jlnt cion t':l 0,)'01/,'; the (il"~r.-ct,i; Of ;::) request!IIQ ,[1 'Qh.;nu of ccposit(si paio wtlich ::;11:.\11 De retur"(~J te: [luye-. It OUl/',"r 1~1'~'. to SO r~()lity ~:;dlf-)r l'~lIY(1 ,,;!dll De l1HYllf)<:! 10 ili'lVC 'lCCi~utecJ the liOa ;.1:.;1 Wl<';1l 'S. Seller :;~klll. ,j litie is IO.IIKi lll'dna.r'keIDblo. use: ~Jili<.jcn! ,/lort to ('err/xl d(!'Fxl,:~;t 'N th II Iho t,'1H _ pro'di,Yi II. dil,:1 rJi\junl d'on, ~)Clh.:,' ;::, UIV):)I(! 10 l:rll(~Y CI)f'(!CI 111(' ~k:fc,cls, BUy!)l Shdill'.ither ',',al've lhe caleers. e,f '{;CClve a ~eIJ:1(, 01 !iUOQSil,Gi. trl"reby 'uit'a:: "~:; ilu,/I;' ,uHj ;~~cH,-.' "ro"n ')!i 1",.~IK,r CQiigaiioll:; ,1I1:i(~f 1"115 C;Ji'iIr"lC If SE',I~I ,~ It, r,r~)\:ij8 H"IO r t e (/:,wnlt:T(:!11 ,lnd It is 1)~'I:,'::ri}C tJ SUre' IE'~:;S !"Ii.lFl:'> days r/ilH 10:-:: 0:,"l'J l3u',c'('i'd\: \J)(\tjn:J i:';!,);;ing S(11~d( 8JFY "hl 'Id''': lIt) 'e ,:J:~,J':lS f-fllJl rlalo ul ":;/.,f:llj 1,:, ;;)(3'1' '1(: ';'Tnc ., a,:::ccu::.tJ1Cl,' ,....~Ih 1'1:S '1"'S is' Shlilda'fJ. B, PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE: SECURITY AGREEMENT TO SELLER:.Ak,._JI,,'~l8-&f.--H~~-tr.,)"h]{-ll.:~~10 ;:1:';;\J.:t,~~,r-l4~.;j."l!,;..~-Ilt4...."pr~d.;.t...4 3(:.:la-;""'tflee ~xt'"'l,tht:t:\.t:"ltOft)t~u-+tl--'a,I"~~tHllffl.ya9fc)tie '':- .~fT{'ja,;,9f,:tt'>&f""-"-Mi i: ct&BC"'ln.j---0t-€$->6d1"-'l"v,.....Jdqe.~ '.:.'l<Iil.or~GG- \(",~t.ot-~'~f->>oor-J .".."T.~CfTrt031t.;'Vtt~Jt~ltl'tr't'i~-l;'jjI--t'btlfltlnff::Ftlfffrl..")H#i"~tltl(;-!thlll-b:B' 4J If,.: ;.;.,.}d,-'.;:~l',"'j.~~-aI~-v.~--h~~--arlQ-...=+(:\Jl-nt;I.~'i-tO~......OI 'r:-gOOd"1t~r 't"'<8it-/~l~'I:'l!'l't,,(..:~jh~--,;"1f.h'f"ltf-~.tl-+1!'h:k-)f,-I:...,-+y 'iY.:lf!':-;.'KV~,;;.i:-."f..ldiI-.jB(iUlfo-g.Pfd"ton"'*';lQfl+~~..-Gt ~'"",.lI~l(,:IifCQn~..IQU::q..f1 st<.J' I,~a,,"; 1,,~~"it1use--etwe:ing flit 1"p,e.f:"f'C"t3-teeat€6--f:Wt---l-f1('~":'<~~':.y.~;lffjffl.-f.f€--dAfI.-T1II lK*"'S ~let.'l~--\-hQ-:-.ern:..,'~.4..r;~~~~1'il '-' ,,_I..J,....~,.I".;,.f.J""~~~ 1~~8I'lttperit!t-M"'86iiw.f'f'tl'!'!'f~)(!ae;y-f6f~'ft;.#t-eA--~,."".~Vl8if'-~..w;. riols 'lIlde~~-l4,t:.;;;}-q;.{'~~fI'l-'~ CII"td--securitv,-,~oo ,f!,.,I-shn\I-be"'Cthel'WI~trt---ffflm-"ff1ft':t:lf-IffJt--It~,t~&>Ilef.-.+)trl-~+n6'r(lf-li>t-f;,:>I;t',~~,~(''-.,,1bf-€>l:H<llI~.I'--\-.~t-. g~ges;_, 1101<':1.!lge~'6fltt~.:unt-, 8:[l'earntlf,I.J~+lIly'dtih:~ed-t7y-~lij&-(..Itj-loa*~l;~fI!4&tiF-6tat4'(;f.~Ga4k&-hX'.,',JarJ-in-U~ <;QI,JAt>fw~ l~ Aettt~'fs"~ated- .AII+'efflO"t&l-P~MI~tteFlS6!:\beH--\-(tB:':~Y1-*I''\JI..fliT:;.iyflt){J..Ml~cdl &4Io:Y"'c:T{)~i€Ift;be-5\;liJjoc+-lO-lhe-ji8n-<>>-a-~XAAMiI1'39FoonlOOt-li:AA- re1't.~1-byreeortlect-et. tiled hltclflelfWJ'staletl~"r:tf"'t;t:~fliftffll-t'5-<;;ihHe---11-,:1--i'1f}l~00H+I,,)I.:f...F1#JU';..>>-Ifl- 'Wli+"t..;lyfTIBl'lt--'M'-,fh'I-('-.f#-4#m--QBl-j.-:;cJlGFffll'r"l;>6'H&~herQ()l.l,- 1f" C. SURVEy, BU'ie< at 8,IYi)($ Hlq:lt'lnse. .....If')I!l li!l1\~ allC'A'ed 10 cldi."rjf '.'v:dcnr:p ol1ite lnt1 h) '}Xi1l1Iinu ':;ltno. may !\;.;'J('; HII) Fleal Pn}f::erty su,v'O'y''-.''\J uno urt', 1€<: t:~ d l"j~lsltyeo Fon-:ia :;UI\i€\iOl_ If Ill>-} ,>u",..ey (' SCO,;€!S t..1'K..'n~C!lIT(:lll~ :)1', !,'!~ Rt)r,ll P'~1r:eft'i cr !'k.t 'llpr(Nf~w.~nl:'. ,ocatt',_~ "hnrElon ell(;'l,locli on setback 1;:"6$, i>lU'1n~'!rtl:;.ands Gf)l!"r()'~j I)f ,/01,:;1(' r)n'~ rQst"lc110ns, "'::0n\rJ'~1 (';j'J(!n:!n\s ',\r J$::~ (;:J~[._, :r,ilf'''I'':!lLl: reqUi,:Lnlb !!)l.~ 'Sdfllf.' "ha :T'1"hlu1n a tlllB dHf.:~:~ 0, WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS, DELETED E. INGRESS AND EGRESS: ~3-:>jlf)r 'HJJrJnfs T,d ':G'c'SE:1I'; [:";J! t'TCf,' is ,r.',:jf"SS dn,:l .;-qfe',s v 'r'/' ;'1',,1) :'^'JrX:;'1'" ~jl '.''':~il t;-Y 1<;; ,nl2:<E'{i U'>E :1'~ C{:',cr,',,~l ~I 'a'i'T'J,i:111~;1t ':t'rec' :lI1U I:tle I. lhe R(;:,~ Prc.1"';'t-" ;, 1"!S,JlJeGl J,:c.)r(:af)(,;:' ,'in, "l\~} :~-). S~atic<lJG:, ''.-It'''!Cut ':Y:';I-" ....) \y,ach of it~;p f 'i"! C ac:;':~~;." F. LEASES: &:tite'- shallcttll-::est,.:;J-daYfr f~;fOf'(,--:Af}fr,~,,'!".jH).{lt;-tB ;;;"i\-i~"f,G\.;1l-j,~~<.j1 d '....'+:~-(.1j'1 W",it,(;<-; """.} ",+'lopPBlloitoi)l.&./::;')lT~l,:~);;lq.L~;.t.r.;"')--~.:ldl~t4-. flnd"lt:J"'tifi('}l'te"t-fie-tef'lflh'':~-)t;etlf\tlAey; r0HI8f'f'd<":':l-.-e.:1't0nE..~1-fE-'fIl,lndf'.tE.";1U'ft':i{}oU(',fjjt(;.');}1I.1 by l'f':IanI--U;;'31leri&.y:-IdiiIH"IG-OIo);:t,r.,>;I)(;i. #u~" 1;,(,'ltH ~I 11,41- iffit; l!le'Yl:t'l1e,:,,~i{jnfb:il,orr.~lttU L~ bmi&l-)t;{1.{)y..&;IIef."l-';'7-B--d'f't'."-w;t\-liH,l-tl~d--t;::r...~.fler-;e..:Jjhtil€-t-)I'~T\--.<:.:-f.a..:~'3l'&-",ff-ioa:.4l-i "',..~J~lyer-Rl.ayk":f~'1-w' .G<,nt<tr;~.Wil' a"'ltto Cot Ifi1tt131.JCtt, ifll O1'1Tlak)t~.. Ii t4e--teflfTs-oftheleasesOtil;;.-f j -Hi\if\f-iaUytro'f'-,Sejl(:r~i+Pf)f'e5efllHIiOnS',. B-uyerrnayl-(''fI-lllflftt-e this- CBrlth'K.'1 by +.1,.-i~V,?pqqwritlf;ll floliee 1f;t-Sellffl.Hl-ie.a5t{~Elftysp'infl-E.l-GI0t;if'l(j,~Se~6hOl1,-a*G(;61!'~iEJelj'<Bf- ,-'ttIO,:~""siqH".all 8f-iW-'1di-I~-toGuy&' G. LIENS: St>!ie.r :.Jha,i !~I'IWih 10 Buyer at tim8 0' Cioc;iny al'l ",1~iJ(l'JI! ;Htcstinq te ('1(' ijr)~~nI'V:C. ,lnlnS8- oJ'lel ,.,.i'.1o prov',:jc'd I'y !l(!ff.';in, DI anv finanCing slato'ne-11. ,:'anJ hen or :'.ctB'11'8",~~10r~ kl'\{Jwn lu Sdk~' ,H)':.l iu,-Tj'l(1r "la',:::;!III') Ihnl m,uc l1i\'.,'O l)(;())'1 110 IIT,YO-<\yl:QIlI:; ,)1 '-')o.uJ'~ ~c l!10 '1831 ;.)rOOO'1y 10' 'JO cays Ifill";' dalc!v r:ro:;o:llnq ':318 C' ;':e,:it\J, ti tt1<3 Runl >)'--'INr1", nilS i';f:!'"l :inl'!(.".'XJ ,,, I\'r:,"fred 't,'iltlln Hut 1"f"'. f)p'(jr sh3. cl(-'ilv(:r 1(:;11),,:,';.'--"', ,:,"Nd 'iPf': :A ':.~cm;t'l.K,lIDIl ens e)(ecu!o',:< t:\- -'tit <)Bneral (:;)~)lraLlcr3 :-'.;jt,coIH~a,::1C)'~:;, ~:LJ~r..hers ,1!1(: 'n2t'::'I:: '110;"1 '1 ,'liJJil'cn !~, ~',r"cr'~_, 11(:'-1 31 j;"lvl '.-;!1....~ f,:,!";;' In..: '\U!1{)S of ,))1 s..ch ~:y:n ~:al :~-)'-,tl-;)(1;JI",. s_:tXcll:'C;ct:J(s. ~>upi)ile'" an:1 'n,;1te-r aT'?'1 'j'Jl(:r ",t'ir'r ,r:J ~''iJIl' Ijlfdj€5 I,.). (~lprc\-~"rr,enI5 0' '''1;.)lro;,0,'1 en 'X'_!.j ,'/'1'-'.'(' as :] r",)'3'8 ~()f il ;c.nql,'t.J<:lion :,.."'1 (of a GiarY"; lor ,~jdT,age~ have nl'iYl 0300 01 'l/0I1 :)C p:J.d J!. lr,,} ;,,: 0~;l!r:l ,::' t'''I$ Cont'xt H. PLACE OF CLOSING; C,)<,in~l srla!ll~ "'00 n tile ,:O.l',tv M,ei}l"] !'lC ;;;:'J..3l ;:J"<)j)C1'~ S ;C-(:",l~:-,J c'il t!'1C; 0;1 Cf: C' 1'10 d'.',ync" C' :lIner dc.", \1 agent :"Gosng '\9fYlI'j :1t,,,,gnaItX:l t~y the pdrl\ ra,inr-J fo tite ",S,rancc,:)',' ;(, :,I!(',' .'s.;':Y:\' '-.~i:,'<:".;;"dl"1C t:', '~4I(or I. TtME: Calenc:1a days shall tie used in computing time periods excopl oer:cds of less than SoX (6) Clays, in which eva1t Saturdays, SundayS am state or nation- al legal ho.jdayS shail be exduded. Arty time periods providod for herein wt1id1 slali Old on il Satun:Jay, Sunday, Of a legal h0,day snail extend to 5:00 p,m. 01 tt'Kl next business day. Time is of the essence In this Contract J. CLOSJNG DOCUMENTS: Seller shall fumish the deed, bill of sale, certificate of title, construction lien affdavit, owner's possession afficavil, assignments of teas~ as. tenant and lllortgagee eSloppelletters and corrective instruments, Buyer shall fUrnISh mortgage, mortgage note, security agreement and financing statements. K, EXPENSES: Documental)' stamps on the deed and recording of corrective instruments shall be paid by Seller. ,AJI costs of Buyers loan (whether obtained from Seller or third party), :ncluding. but not Umlteo to, documentary stamps and Intang,b1e tax on the purchase monoy mortgage and any mOr1gage assumed, mortgagee litis insurance commItment With related lees. and rocord.ng ct. purchase money mortgage, deed and flnanc!t1Q statements shaH be paid by Buyer. Unless othel'WlSG proVoed by law or nder to this Contract, charges ~or related clOSing 5er\t1Ces. title search. and ClOSing tees l''lCludlng preparation of ClOSing statement), ShaH be paid by the party responsIble 'or fu~nj&'11ng the title evidence In accorcance with Daragraph V, L PRORATIONS; CREDITS:- Taxes. assessrr.ents, r13'nt, :nter-est, insurarce a'ld ott'ler expBl'lSeS of the Property sllal; be prorated through the (lay before Cosmg. /J 3uyer snail have t!"le oplion 01 tai<ing C\ler ax$l;ng poIiC.es of Tnsurance, J assu'ilab:e, In v.hch ev~t prerr!uI11s sl".aJ1 be prorated. Cash at Closing shaJi be nc-eased or docreaseo as 'T'ay l~ 'equllBd by prcratrcns 10 be 'Th300 t:-'lf0J9'l aay p'or \0 (:tO$;''9. 0' occupaxy,f OCCdpancy -occurs cefora Casing. Ajvar;ce 'enl and soc'Urily jepOsrts wT11 be credited to Bu'rEr. ~sC'ov.. 08Pos!S llald by t:1atlgagoo INtll be crediloo to Seller. [,axes s,all 00 prorated 00S0Cl on t~e C<JfI'Qnl {ear's tax Wlnl (~ue Jllowance mado for maximum allowable :iisc(JUl1t, 'lornestedd and oHlf.t" exen~ptons. If c.os<ng occurs at a date W''i€ln tho current year's. mill -1ge is not iixoc! and C;Jfront year's assessmonl is availat:lo, I&es wi" oe proratcci basod upon wch af.>SL"SSrllont and pnor year's mnlage. If current year's QSSOSS' -nenl is not availab'e, lhon fa.xes vlit! be prorated on prier year'g lax, If there are completed lrnprovermnts on lhe Rool Property by January 1st of year of Closing, wnlCtllmprovt.'fnOllts we,'o not In oxistence all January 1:::;101 prior yeUf, Ihen taxes sl1aJI Lx) prr..lfdlf;ld based upon prior ymr'g millage and at ill! (.,'Qullable EiSSOSS" 'nent to be agreed upon between the parties: faJiing which, n3>quest shall be made to lhe County Property Appraiser for 311 informal assessment taking into ilCCOW.'1t available exemptions, A tax proration based on an eslimate shail, at request 01 eJlher party, :)e 'OOdJUsted "PO!) receipt of cur-cnt year's tax biJI. M, (RESERVED. purposely left bl_l N, INSPECnON AND REPAIR, DELETED O. RISK OF LOSS: If, 3fter 1110 Eflecli'J9 Date, the P'Upert'l s darnagad ~y fire or otr'lef C3S.>att'l cClSUaty Loss~i before C:OSlrl9 and cost of rcst\YatiC)rl !'JknCh s.i1aU 'rcludo tt-.e cost of prdrlflg or rcmo\llng damaged troosj dOC$ not e)!.ceec 15c:.~ c' the P,jrctla5C ;:lrce, cosl of '0S,tOfal,on shall be 3"l oogatlOll c' Se!ler a'1d Closing sr.aJ1 oroceed O<J'SU3'lt 10 the tOJrnS 01 this 0<YItract. )rld 'I reSlorat0>"1 1.':1 '>cl completed dS .')1 Clr.;sng, resforation cosls wi;1 De escrowed at Clos-ng If l"'!€ cust of ~tOrdtlOf1 €XCL"'-)cj~ ~ 591: of the PlJrchase Prce, [-Joy()r shall ether takn t''18 P'oparty ;'IS IS, logelher wil'1 tile 1.5% ()l rOC'.ei'Je a refund of eiApo::,:.:t:s) t:-lefeby '')leasing 8..Jye!' and SeIter irorr 3.,1 turU......, obligatlOf).S llf1(lfY this O.mtract Soi{.'r's sole obh~Jatlon wilh 'e5p(.-'(;lln InXJ nan~age t.lj' ca.Sualty or at'1er f'.::iiu. 'al oocur-ence shall be t:-;e cosl of pruning or removal. p. CLOSING PAOCEOURE:lill~ :1':cri ~;h"il i)(' rr1(:001,:::1 \II: {\lr,~,c;.:;;1\ lurId If 1I1'~ :1lr: ,-.lqel\1 'hUII;S :',,'j'..,y;,,' :i1.l!tr'''j putSII,11-,t In :'\"1:1:,','" r:;;:?" 7h,ll, FS_ ,.:~ "Illl~t\(h:t:, 1110 'Y'>U()I.'; ancl COSi'10 f.;1{l1;<,dl;IU n}qu (>\I:JV lhl~; 'I"';,,, If; ~:I,\lllJ!lr(ljlldll i:.' ~'i:J1\.-'Xt Lrillr);; ,,'.- 1"i(~<1 ,_is $':,t t(Htr '!:JU':!; 11C 't, C)'N""! , 4(~ ',1: ~ ,j;". -/''-1 ISi 1:-" I".! '5J '54 1:)[' 1 ~G ,I'C! ," 1 ~:) '. , .1-",.' ....;, k-i' h:j -Ift4 t:';:=, 166 'fl-]! '(;2 :,.t; '" Iii, lit) 1~') I' 'K:) '23 'j',: '.-, ~ Jc 1_~- r' lh!' " '9" '''J ~ 'Ii, J~ 1')0 li< i' ,-'~ :)1:, ,.-" ~\/~ , :~ ,.IlL ~ 1 1 r' I AR.B/....r-; At;:;S 2 C' 200i' 'Inr:da ^~,~()cla:c I (,I "">j,'.u,*, -. :1",: II'f) l<;r'(Xl ~jar [\It H~/'!~> 1--18581-'/8<.1 Page 4 of 5 f-.~pv ::1..0/ 2'~ "AS IS" STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS (CONTINUEDI closing procedures shall auply: ! 1) all c10f:lng procoods sna!i l,e 'Iel(l ill ~~sc-rNI t";y tho Closing l\y':;'''1t for n periOd of '"lot 1110rc U",an 5 days af1w Closing; l21 i' Selle,'~ Iit.e is IIxLtierec unrrnrl.;('lrlblf\ t'1rDugn no f.:lull cl !3uy8r ;3ujer shall, wlln;'l \'1(' 5 (my IJ0:'ico, 1l('Uy Sr:I'e1' 1'1 wnti'lq of the cilJfe(;t yU S(1l'er stIer: ha.....; 30 Clays 'ra~Tl jate C' ,..;z:;;'0' c! ""IC~ 1,)I;I;Cdt'n~; ILl ':lJ':: I',; j,_,I,;(,l. \3 f '3r':(;' '~i1~; Ie Lf'lel'..~u~-f:~ 111L ,.';;"~" \Ie~>;~,;,t<; ;,"d elO'; 'lg 'IJ'I(1<; ;;1'1.;\11 0J\.Hl ','/I!l,~n ,:err,]1cl t:y l!.J'v;v ,)11,::,:1" n _j J1.',:; ";It€" ,b"",-,n,1. ;,,:; ~,_'llJ ",'C 's G.r',"O" anc l'cJ,'(:jI":lU<;,,,/,.:II. ,,_.':':" ""l-.:~:,'I"'()t~ CL\:;:;, :,Ie, ';';!c..' 1 thB ~"'r':>':)I1:.il "_,_ P'-OQl)l!V" l<:al€ Il;;j R';'l';-Il iJrOP{-r1'r' 2./ld rC";Ofl'!E!'t [n,(; ;'" :j(:.)rt ~ t::; ,'::c i;' 1;', SP(~UdJ Wbrr(ll,l\ ,X..!\: nc :),il ,-,' :.'d:" r 1\:,':' .' 8.;'1'<:' U..ls ~,) '1':3-<"-' l-,:e,' j(!f"lan(j tOl relu',rj. B',lye' sh.:111 tak,e liLe ass N;jiv;n9 ,oJ:! I","lllts aLjJi'ist StJlier ;.lS In :,my loloPIl):'"n;j (j':'.~cl flxcnnl ilS '1\(1'i nc ava ;i:;ole te ."3UY8( U',' ,irtue ;')1 ",'ar. r:antes CO"it~11110,1 in the dood Of bill of sale Q, ESCROW: Any Cooing Ageot 01' escro..... aHsnl ;t;ollect,vel'y "Agenl"; 'e('civil\l fu'lCS or (}yuvalwt is aljl~10'iz8c1 D.nd ilgrcos by accoptance uf H1Gl' to ri()IJ!'Jsil I:lCrT' r;'onpl1y, !'told S.3rno in 0SCrow and. 5I.lbJec1 fO'~!8araJO_' :k'iu'se thon, '1 accoldance ',..11; telms ana (:c"IHons nl t"s CCnJr,:cL l:'(lllure 01 funds to ,;;.e8:' stlai! 'lot c:~Cl1.se BU)'i:'f'S ocrfrymansc It In elolJbt J5 I') !\gent's dule~ or ;i('.nlities UIl'W ~')r-~ G((:V-S'0'1o:. of In'., ::<):'11' act A~i";(lt ma,'. .11 .A.',]Cll!'!':. oc.lion ;(,"1- !ini.l~ to hole the ::,;;OjOCl rj'Jtler (j: lhe 'i!f,.-:r0..... ,Jf!ti! ltIQ patties "efelo ::1grw to;.' :ts diSburSf,'l',l2llt c;r )1'ltil ;.;. iU09Ti.""ll c' a COtlr1 (,"'XT;J(:tW~II'Jr;~;d:cricn ',tla (:eterrrne \'1e r:gr,ls d tnc 88.1103. or 1\go'lI lni'ly OCfXiS;f O'_,.lIT1f.' ','';1'1 lne d~ 'J' l".~ cwcut r:;C1urt',,1\'ng ,unsd'ct'o.'l ot H-.ejl~jFjk'. A') .lth)rne,' '~,.!loeu-l':slY:Is d Ofd',' and ,lh:;o ;Kts di; t'gent IRly repc,>ont such p.1:1y 111 ~~.Jch il(;110n, Upon f'CUYlflg ;:Iii :Jartios cOflcvrnOfJ ot ~_;uctl c:ClIU'l, tli, ilat.JiHy 0:1 ttU;'l 081 01 A~j"nl slall1ully lelfllin,-,te, eXCf~pt to the extent of :}Ccountirl\./ '01' <Illy ilOIH,; ~)rt''1\Oll~;I'i Lidh,crc'{t out of "';Co'!... If d hcen$(xi 10..;;\1 C!;l,lk; mOKt.'r_ Agent ,.."II' (:CITiYy' ~'vlth prf)'.i~;,OIIS 0l C:l;lpler 4,';:, FS, ,~; ,1(lIO{j(joeJ, l\'IY "ul! :)t::tw(~,n Gu,/u ,lnd :3d:l]f ,,',hO!'C:1/\gents. mad~,J O:lrty UC'C.lUSl;< cf acting as I\gont !1CrGt.nj(." ')( ~1 ~ " ,-'.'ly SUI! \'.~':0r0n ^~nl "k"lDI.;:au'i r'1€ s..Jbi,:;>ct ("IBlllY 011/le J.:sc'ow,~\'-"K."'ll 31"i' 10OO\'C:' '(',"I-Sl,:nZick: aI1OfI,;.;'/S L)c::. ;:~nc crds '-':';,U(f'}{j '0',,'1'1 these ;,;'m.l;.;",I'] t':, }', b>::l c'ad 'rOT ,11,(1 (JUT r,;' ,"'..1 S&.7:J....t)o\II.;I)(lb Uf ':"(11.],',dlp.,t -:'!n( ":h"-91:;--1 h".:I}',':1:r:ll?>' as :-:Ct.P't ,:09::: ") lavo' ,)I the . Jr.,;,;,].' "~; :)i1'l',' Fl.; 1\'Jcnt '[,,11' rl(O'l lx: i-.:Jtl.' t~ dl", :D1y or I.'osorl '::'f 'f:;;-;tjOIi'.-i1fY 1-:) 801':1<_:1:)1 ;;j('IIC' ,)(t,,'1 f; SI.It::lj(;\ K lJK; ':-SC'O"""inloS.'i: :';I_~" rslh"e--,s ,Jut: 18 '." tul V8:Kh ,/ l'x.: p,'),,,'Si0l1,'iJlth,s Contr;l(;t or qf'OS~ rx.>gl,gence oll\YOIlI R. ATTORNEY'S FEES; COSTS: In W1Y :ItYi;ltioll, IllCludiflQ t,rEklch 0llfc'rcOlrelll OIllllo'p<eratoi'i, ::v'isinn Ollt of IIII~ Ccnltdcl, Hie p"p\iailing oar1y tn ::;uch lit., genion, wh.c'\, lor ouq:X.lSOS ot tI1:.; ',\,.S IS' SIa.'1.jarcJ shail'idude ~}C"ler, 3:J'y'c" a:ld :In'f ~]rol<er~, :.lCling :ll]Qency (1' fK..nalJcncy r01810il:lhlps authorile(j by C'13P1er J i5. FS . as a:'ne'1(~ed, ~haJi txl "lllitCG 10 '(,cc..er !'or"1 1"-:;:- '1C"-iY(;\,':1) "!l;) pcirt.v rl~i).S~),\:1Le allor'ley 'i 'I,'f.!'> ';;Dsls ;,lnj ';)Il:,I(~Y-';)') S. FAILURE OF PERFORMANCE: i!8uyt.~ !a-"9 10 L<€-'~Ofn' lr~ ;':;')ltt'3(,t ;'Vlln.q{f-l€!-,jjnlQ 9?ec<f.e8; il)(~-.g.f_'dy~'1l i)l dII ,!l,VA;,~, 1M -(J€<'.X<S4{Sj- i,.~~1by Ri:.-ryer-8M-i-:leflf)f>i~f,f''*]ff)(~HO 00 rJdi(j;'T~ be '6f'A)'v9'OOa:lil-rala.:l>1G oy ,a;lo-'j-l~theaCOOt.f<t .ot ~-as4fJt~hJr,Gi-l-iic'~.;J..;iti:...'i--~~--~--O--'1f.dQl:dtiOl-ll.Qf lhe-a)(eoution- {;f..lhisGontract-3flO' iAlvltWUIeil'el~oj:anyd<:b'I\S-, wl1B;l2'uoon, BUiBf...arK1$enef bHallbe~BI~ofall--:.clbligat+Gn~HJ"\l-,Ie.:lh.sG.OI*.act, .('*,~" at&aller-'s oplion-;.rAayl;lfoc'(,'f)(! in .)t1l-~ty"ll)t)flIHH;o&<lIuf'e;r'<:Jf ll+>ll<ri1ef-llli!;;- I;';,)lll-raHI,If~JI. dAyrHAAf'll-{)lhAl:lrlan k:lIJUffl~A,~~llertG-mAAaSell9r'shtt& ~l-1al'. koh.bloaftero;l;gentl)ffort;Se!lerf,l<!6-;~Ioac:lt;'Ofrat,ffiEi6tof)t1ffolm Ihil; Conf-r~;L-Buf-W :nay ~_'BI;.ac.14; p9f1Gnr)~n(;Q G. .)k}~~l to r~X:BI0J6 trll;l r",tum Qt, fluy&<"g (:l€f3t;'$-t~S}WIU'lel.ft '~eQy ,wiil...illganyoc'lW"fJ(-Jafl';&~.,-~it19-!J.\;.fH&>+II:-""i\~~;h T. CONTRACT NOT RECORDABLE; PERSONS BOUND: NOTICE; COPlE$; Neilher this Contract nCY any notice 01 it shall be recorded in any publ~ records, [his Contract shall bind and :'1ure to the benefit of the parties and their suc('..essors in Inlerest. 'M1enavef the context perrnrts. SingUlar shall include pural and one gender shaH Include all. Notk:e and delivery given by ex 10 lhe attorney or oroker representing any party shall be as eflectlve as II given by Of to lhat p"trty. Ail notices must be in writing and may be made by ma~, personal delivery or electronic media, A legible facsimile or electronic (including ~pdf') copy of thiS Contract and any signatures hereon shall be considered for all purposes as an original. U. CONVEYANCE: SoilOf' shal- conv8i markQtaole tile 10 Ihe Real Property by statutory warranty. truslee's, personal 'eQrasentatiVe's, or guarol8ll's deed, as '):j appropnate to lhe status 01 S~Ier, sJbject only to rratters contained in Paragraph VII U'lj t'1Ose othelwise accepted by Buyer. Pe~naJ ~operty shall, at the 'eQuesf of Buyer. be translerred by an absolute bill c~ S<'lte w.th warranty of tIle, subject only to such matters as 'fla)' tie ott'lef''''~se pro'v'ded lor herCl'1. V. OTHER AGREEMENTS: No ;:mor or present agreements or represp.ntatlOns sha" be tiMing ,Joon Buyer or Seller unless ixkK1ed in thts Contract. No rrod- lfication to or change in this Contract shall be valid or cinclng upon tho parties unless in writirtg anc executed by t..,e parties intended to be bound by it. W. SELLER DISCLOSURE: (1) There are no facts known to Seller materially affecting the value of the Property which are not readily observable by Buyer or which have not been disclosed to Buyer; (2) Seller extends and intends no warranty and makes no representation of any type, either express or Implied. as to the physical condition or hi$tory of the ProptNty; (3) Seller has received no written or verbal notice from any govemmenta/ entity or agency as to a currently uncorrected tHJildlng, environment.! or safety cede violation; (4) Seller has no knowtedge of any repairs or improvements made to the Property without compliance with governmental regulation which have not been disclosed to Buyer; x. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE; PROPERTY ACCESS; ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTS AND WARRANTteS: Seller shal; maintain the Property, trlduding, but notllmilod to lawn, shrubbery, and pool In the condition eXisting as of Effective Data, ordinary- wear and l"lar .,nd Casualty Loss excepted, Seller shdlf, upon reascnal)le llelnl. provldfJ ulil'li~~ servCD dOO access 10 Pl(1 !-"DPCrtv lor u,up!:~baj 8.rld 'il.i\pt..'l;II.;JIlS. 'lch.Jrhllg a W<l:~"thrOcl9:'\ Drlor 10 CIO$;ng. to conlirrn !nm .1UIDm~ ~Jf '-'f1L>')'kll Plnl'1~lt'i ,lie ()l, 1'1(,: Fil'Jill P!(;:.~'fl.,. ,l':1.11\,.'I! 11-1(,' u'ex),;,l\i It:-\~, lX';'I'11 n::w,li1lfu,d ,li'. It)lI,W"!t; t'ii 1!li~; hi\.'> IS" SU"1(J;:lI'rJ .s."II-~r will :,1>:;:>II)n ail JSS-91'doie rep.-v and Ireall"lc'11 :;O'llraCls and w:VrJrIiI~~S In LLrref :,.1 Cosing Y. 1 031 EXCHANGE:~t +;>iii'll:1r ~Qr Blt,-Bfwi6i. lO,:,;:llQr.: 11;)3 ^...~.-<4l'M::- -d-:''';H'''~J€ .;;J.tlx"'\Jrp;,#itll~j(lo,!:;i.l."-AC~-.orOOt<?fc'edI""'fn "P."'Jf;lt"C. iO-li'fB Pf{~V d.~j~,~w.hJ.J-1. ott:\QlntGrnal K6~~ t'r.J'.()hdngi:n, 1nQ. 041,)Ql', ~t-.,.,-~ldIfC(}gp.:Hate~.-a;;. r~J,bO';"8~)ie.-r~s I08fffJt'A-Hf.ro-l-he EJtc--''Q'lH6;i~''';->t-:(1- ingillG uxeGUiion of OC.(""lln9f%-;'f)f()~t 1) ,the {;OOD6f.;W:~1 party$l1a/l. .flC.urno;iabii!t.y (Y. eX(:l€; lSe-"t:."<ll-A/-'J to Ih6-Exol1an.-y;-amJ (2} the C.-.lo6tr1l'J' sl1i111~",~ be oontlngentUjJOll, nor OKtenoet1-{)H1O:ayodby-, -such Eill+Jha"lqe_ Z. BUYER WAIVER OF CLAIMS; Buyer waives any claims against Seller and, to the extent pemlitfed by law, against any real estate licensee involved in the negotiation o( the Contract, for any defects or other damage that may exist at Closing of the Contract and be subsequently discovered by the Buyer or anyone claiming by, through. under or against the Buret: 2t9 Z:J 2.,; .;.:'5 ,,cO 227 L''-l, ~J 23(1 23 0"1", n;! ..!'~ .- ~.'<d .'..:.9 2.',<1 'q' ;',~ rl ..:4,: 2"",4 ;;,~6 ':;'41.) F ,n... ~4q 2r:/J ';':,,1 ..;"l ',.',0 257 ~)I,tj ;- ,)9 If() Lt)' 26" 2hJ 2f:-V :'6', 2f ,- .....',) jjg 2-(J "'/1 (1/2 :::-;t:;;H>\R ASlS;: Rl'I~' 'JC' ..<; :?lX,L' "Olca A~;;co.'ia;,c'.:::f ''''\L''P:/ f'd Tl)03 n.)rcb. ~br .\:1 Rlg:'r-; Re~.\~d Page 5 of 5 PREMIERE COUNTER OFFER Date. 12/17/2009 Buyer: , a political sub-division of the State of Florida, Collier County Owner of Record Seller: This i~ a Counter Offer dated 12/17/2009, regarding property located at 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL, 34112 and mpersedes any prior offers, purchase agreements or other documents previously executed in connection with the property be,ween Owner of Record, Seller, and Buyer. All terms and provisions of any offer, purchase agreement or other documents, including the Seller's Addendum executed in connection with the property which are not amended by this Counter Offer shall remain effective. 1. Sales price to be $37,620.00 2. F.Jyer is to deposit earnest money in the amount of$I,OOO.OO in listing agent's escrow account or with Seller's c))sing agent upon acceptance of this Counter Offer. Seller will not execute any contract for purchase without written ;'foofofthe Buyer's earnest money deposit. 3. Sdler will make no repairs or inspections to the subject property unless expressly addressed in this Counter Offer or the Seller's Addendum. Should the property sustain any material damage after the acceptance of an offer or prior to chsing under contract for purchase, Seller, in its sole discretion shall have the option to a) terminate the c'Ier/contract, b) re-negotiate the sales price, or c) proceed with repairs. In the event the Seller elects option b) or c), lP.'~ Buyer may either a) proceed with the transaction or b) terminate the offer/contract and receive a refund of the Buyer's deposit. ~",ould any lender or any insuring entity or agency require that repairs to the property be made or that certain c0.1ditions be met, the Seller, at its sole option, may comply with such requirements or terminate the contract for .:urchase. Further, should any FHA Conditional Commitment or VA Certificate of Reasonable Value vary from the ....greed upon purchase price of the property, then Seller, at its sole option, may terminate the contract for purchase. Sdler will pay a maximum of$O.OO toward lender required repairs only. If lender required repairs are less than $0,00 dny excess shall be credited back to the Seller. Buyer must provide a list of required repairs in writing from the lender. Bids are required for repairs and must be supplied to the Seller from bonded, licensed vendors for review and approval. All work will be scheduled and coordinated by the listing agent. Repairs will not be authorized until Buyer provides documentation of full mortgage commitment. 4. T.;rmite inspection will be the responsibility of the BUYER. Any termite corrective work and/or treatment will be at th ~ expense of the BUYER, unless otherwise agreed upon herein. 'v1atterlD: 237428 Buyer Initials j , : l ~ ' , . < I" \," L:~I 'U(, ] '), \. 'T' I! -" ,';I PREMIERE ~ t' i ,; \ H: ;:"\ Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, Buyer: , a political sub-division of the State of Florida, FL,34112 Collier County 5. Closing is to occur on or before 01/08/2010. Time is of the essence. No extension of the closing date will be given without prior written approval of the Seller. Seller reserves the right to unilaterally extend closing date if legible copies of the executed purchase contract are not received in a timely manner. The Buyer shall be charged a fee of $50.00 per calendar day for any extension of the escrow period past the closing date ofOl/08/2010, to be paid to and collected by the closing agent at the time such extension is granted. The Buyer shall not be obligatcd for any delays caused by the Seller's title company/closing agent. All funds must be paid according to the closing/escrow agent's i:Jstructions for receipt prior to the closing. i'he closing will occur at the office or physical location of Seller's choice. Buyer may use counsel of choice as representation at settlement, at Buyer's expense. Seller will pay for Owner's title policy if closing occurs at Seller's directed office and the Owner's policy is ordered through closing office listed below, provided however, in states where Seller's representative is prohibited from providing title and settlement services to the Buyer, Seller will not pay the cost of an Owner's title policy issued by Buyer's representative or other settlement costs incurred by the Bayer. Seller's representation will be: Name: Rels Settlement Services AUn: Jackie, Coolidge 5700 Smetana Drive Suite 400, Minnetonka, MN, 55343 877-813-7316 866-497-7667 .'.Jdress: PLone#: FdX#: 6 ;;:'ller will pay a maximum of$O.OO towards Buyer's closing costs(this includes non-allowables, pre-paid and pf'ints). If Buyer's closing costs are less than this amount, any excess shall be credited back to the Seller. If applicable, FHA or VA non-allowables will be capped at a maximum of $0,00. 7. I,gent commission will be paid in accordance with the listing agreement. Agent commission will be based on the >ales price of $37,620,00. If property does not close, no commission will be paid. 8. rill pro-rations, including without limitation, pro-rations of any and all taxes, fees, utilities, homeowner or .;ondominium association assessments and dues and any and all other charges against the property reflected on the settlement statement and cxecuted by the Seller are final. No adjustments or payments will be made by the Seller after closing. 9. FINAL OFFER ACCEPTANCE IS SUBJECT TO INVESTOR APPROVAL. 10. No other incentives apply. Any incentives agreed to be paid hereunder shall be paid at closing. In the event that the purchase transaction is not consummated, regardless of fault or reason, the Seller shall not be obligated to pay any su~h incentives. II . "ccepting offer MatterID: 237428 Buyer Initials P:i!.'.l: J. u! I:' (',:py(i:',hL )1)':'(, PI'; Tll',-'[\':\ -'l'l '-,,_:n let" i\!li{l}d:h i<'~~,'I'\ ,<(j PREMIERE i ! H i Property Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL, 34112 Tbis Counter Offer, the attached Seller's Addendum, the attached Property Condition Addendum, and any state specific contract must be signed and initialed by Buyer(s) and returned to Seller within two (2) business days. If these documents are not returned within two business days, or by 12/21/2009, Seller reserves the right to terminate this transaction for 'lon-performance by Buyer(s). Oate SEE ATTACHED SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Buyer Name (printed) Date Buyer (signature) Buyer Name (printed) Date Buyer (signature) Seller Name (printed) Seller (signature) Matter!D: 237428 Buyer Initials Pd"': ' < J I] { "I'>I'>"j;' );JII/; J'r:WI" ,\." , -'<T, 1(,.", \ii I'~:":' ii, ."T..."tJ NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2742 Starter Avenue, Naples, FL 34112 Folio Number: 81732480001 SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Date Property acquisition approved by BCC: October 27,2009, Item 1608 AS TO BUYER: DATED: /j~)t1 ATTgST: WIGHT E. BROCK,Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLlE~ fFUNTY, FLO~,1DA / f ! . /" ,'; BY: Do~rI3/PillJ~:thairm~~ ..OJ f. ( . to Cllat it...... OI~. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~-fY,\j C~ Jennife . White Assistant County Attorney PREMIERE Property Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL, 34H2 STANDARD SELLER'S ADDENDUM This Seller's Addendum is attached to and is a part of the offer, purchase agreement or other documents executed in connection with the purchase of the property. The Seller's Addendum will supersede the offer, purchase agreement or other documents executed in connection with the purchase of the property where provisions of this Seller's Addendum al'lend the provisions of such documents. The following terms and conditions are accepted and incorporated into the dfer, purchase agreement or other documents executed in connection with the purchase of the property, subject to the t"llowing, and in accordance with certain state requirements. Paragraphs in the offer, purchase agreement or other documents executed in connection with the purchase of the property which require initials by all parties, but are not i,:itialcd by all parties, are excluded from the final agreement. Unless otherwise specified in writing, down payment and loan amount(s) will be adjusted in the same proportion as in the original offer. 1. Property is sold in its present "As Is" condition with no warranties, repairs, or inspections completed by the Seller, unless otherwise expressly addressed in the Counter Offer or this Seller's Addendum. Buyer agrees that by closing h"reunder Buyer has received no promises as to condition and no warranties, and has been afforded an opportunity to ottain an inspection by an inspector of Buyer's choosing. Buyer acknowledges that Seller obtained the Property through foreclosure or similar process and that Seller has not occupied the Property. No personal property is : ::cluded in this sale, unless otherwise specified. 2. Guyer agrees that in contracting to buy the property, Buyer has not relied upon any representation made by the Seller PI" Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, or any parent, subsidiary or affiliate thereof, or any of their officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives. 3. b order for an offer to be considered, Buyer must present a prequalification letter from Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, an entity which is ajoint venture with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, or Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of A'nerica (NACA). A Buyer who is not interested in comparing any other financing options, may also present proof o( a loan commitment or credit decision pre-approval from another lender. 4. B'lyer shall have seven (7) calendar days from the date of the fully executed purchase contract to declare the contract n:'.11 and void as a result of inspection findings. After the seventh (7th) calendar day, Buyer is obligated to complete tl,,~ purchase or forfeit their earnest money deposit. 5. t:suyer is advised that Seller works closely with certain escrow companies, title companies, title agents, title attorneys, and other closing agents that are familiar with Seller's forms, documents, procedures, and special requirements. By utilizing such entities, Seller is generally able to achieve closings quickly and efficiently. Unless Buyer chooses e>therwise, Seller will refer the contract with a company, attorney or agent of Seller's choice to perform all necessary tde services and products either itself or through a title company chosen by Seller, except in those states where Seller's representative is prohibited from performing such services for the benefit of both parties. Buyer is advised trlat the use of such companies, attorneys or agents is not required, nor a condition of the sale of the property to R<.tyer. 6. Cosing to occur at the office or physical location of Seller's choice. Buyer may use counsel of their choice to :"fresent the Buyer at closing at Buyer's expense. 7. c,"ller will pay for Seller's closing costs agreed to with Seller's preferred closing office as well as any costs agreed to I', the Counter Offer at closing. If Listing/Selling Agent or Buyer initiates title or closing with an attorney or closing office other than that of Seller's choice; any additional Seller closing costs beyond those that would be charged at Seller's preferred closing office, including but not limited to, title, closing and miscellaneous fees, will be the r<:sponsibility of the Agent or Buyer. 8. Seller does not agree to arbitration and mediation. M~tterlD: 237428 Buyer Initials 1';\.\)....1 'l( t 2 ('up: I c'.!11'1)1)1, p" 1:1l<-.'I('\ ~,.'r :<"1"\ '\,\,',,_ .\1: Hi:'!" J'~l:-"; ",'Ii PREMIERE Froperty Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL, 34H2 9. S~ller will not assign to Buyer any rights to any insurance claims or proceeds covering destruction or damage to property. Seller's insurance policies are non-transferable and will not be prorated at closing, 10. The originally executed offer or purchase contract and all addenda (or clear facsimile copy) must be received by date ':oecified in the Counter Offer. Otherwise, Seller may terminate the contract for purchase and the escrow with the ~scrow holder for Buyer's non-performance. The original purchase contract including all original offers and counter offers are subject to review and signature by Seller. 11. Buyer is aware that the property will remain on the market during the counter offer stages and that any and all offers will be considered. 12. This contract may be assigned by the Buyer, to another buyer or the Buyer may add a co-buyer to this contract upon written request submitted to Seller, and approved by Seller in it's sole discretion; provided, that the assignee or ce-buyer meets the requirements of Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 32 hereunder and executes the Counter Offer, Seller's Addendum and any other offer, purchase agreement or other documents relative to the transaction. 13. Tl,is property may be subject to ground rent, the Seller will not redeem the ground rent. 14. A:1Y special assessments, municipal assessments, or liens that are due or incurred after closing will be the ,,;sponsibility of the Buyer. Seller does not agree to comply or bring property into compliance with any violation notices or requirements noted or issued by any governmental authority, or actions in any court on account thereof, :tgainst or affecting the property as of the date of closing of this contract, unless expressly addressed in this Seller's Addendum or the Counter Offer. Buyer specifically agrees to comply or bring property into compliance with any g0 vernment code or other requirements. 15. The Seller requires three (3) full business days prior to closing to review and execute any lender required documents, BUD 1, and/or any other documents requiring the Seller's signature. The Seller cannot be responsible for any loss or d"mage due to closing being delayed if the Seller is not given three (3) full business days for review and execution of th"se items. 16. Prohibited sale: Employees and family members residing with employees of Wells Fargo Bank, N,A" its ~lliliates or subsidiaries or Wachovia Corporation, its affiliates and subsidiaries are strictly prohibited from directly or indirectly purchasing any property owned or managed by Premiere Asset Services, The agent or employees of the agent or agency and family members residing with the agent or employees of the agent or ~gency are prohibited from directly or indirectly purchasing any property owned or managed by Premiere Asset Services and listed by the agent or agency or any property for which the agent has performed .ervices, For purposes of this paragraph "family member" is defined as a spouse, domestic partner, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters, including in all cases, step-family members. Buyer Initials I 17. If the Buyer alters the property or causes the property to be altered in any way and/or occupies the property or allows any other person to occupy the property prior to closing without the prior written consent of the Seller, such event s;.all constitute a breach of contract by the Buyer and the Seller may terminate the contract to purchase. Buyer shall k liable to the Seller for damages caused by any such alteration or occupation of the property prior to closing and funding and waives any and all claims for damages or compensations for improvements made by the Buyer to the property including, but not limited to, any claims for unjust enrichment. 18. Title to the property will be conveyed via special/limited warranty deed or such other form of deed acceptable in jucisdiction where the property is located. Notwithstanding any legal description in any offer, addenda or counter (Jlfer, the legal description according to title report shall control. 19. 5:el1er will not provide a survey, appraisal or a home warranty, unless otherwise specified in the Seller's Counter Offer. Should the Seller agree to pay for a home warranty, Seller will provide home warranty from a company of its sole choosing after closing. 20. If applicable, retrofit to be paid by Buyer(s). Seller represents that the property as of the close of escrow, will be cJmpliance with Health and Safety code 19211 by having water heaters braced, anchored or strapped in place in ,,~cordance with these requirements. (California only) MatterlD: 237428 Buyer Initials ]','.\'..::' ,11 i 2 ('Up~,1 ,hi") il'h p, 'Pl:,,"r,,' \- ,,-'I ""~I"\h'; ,\!] ]~':' "I,'_,o"".'I"\,'d PREMIERE Froperty Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL, 34H2 21. All pro-rations, including without limitation, pro-rations of any and all taxes, fees, utilities, homeowner or condominium association assessments and dues and any and all other charges against the property as reflected on the s~ttlement statement executed by the Seller are final. No adjustments or payments will be made by the Seller after closing. Tax Pro-rations shall be based upon 100% of the last ascertainable actual tax bill and shall be final as of closing. There shall be no pro-ration adjustment. Tax pro-rations which are not yet due and payable will not be allowed as closing costs. This paragraph controls all pro-rations as described, regardless of language to the contrary in any offer, addendum or counter offer. 22. Seller shall have a minimum of thirty (30) days from the earlier of the closing date or the date upon which Seller r~ceives a copy of a title insurance commitment/title report within which to resolve title exceptions, defects, or other l;tle issues which in any way impede or impair Seller's ability to convey insurable title. If, within such thirty (30) day period, Seller determines that it is unable or unwilling to resolve such matters, the Buyer (1) may take title in its then state, thereby waiving any title objections, or (2) terminate the contract and receive a refund of any deposit as Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy. Alternatively, in such circumstances, Seller may terminate the contract and refund Buyer's deposit, such refund being Buyer's exclusive remedy for such termination, In the event Seller fails to resolve such issues within the aforesaid thirty (30) day period, it shall be presumed that Seller has determined that it is unable or unwilling to resolve such issues. 23. S~ller shall deliver possession and occupancy of the property upon close of escrow. The property will be delivered vacant unless otherwise agreed in writing or if the paragraph below is initialed. If, prior to close of escrow, Seller notifies Buyer it will be unable to deliver the property vacant, Buyer may cancel this contract within five (5) calendar nys after receipt of such notice or prior to the close of escrow, whichever is earlier, and Seller's inability to deliver the property vacant shall not be deemed a breach of this contract. If Buyer accepts the property occupied, Buyer ~'Jkes the property subject to any applicable rent, vacancy or occupancy control which are matters to be investigated hy Buyer. l'ursuant to secfion 702 of fhe Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act (the Act), Seller has determined that the property is occupied by a bona fide tenant with a bona fide lease and that the property will be delivered at close of escrow with the tenant occupying the property. A copy of the lease provided by the tenant to Seller has previously been presented to Buyer for inspection. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to review the Act :Illd to comply with the provisions thereof. In particular, should the Buyer intend to occupy the property as a pdmary residence, it shall be the obligation of the Buyer to comply with the notice provisions of section 702 (?)(2)(A) of the Act and Buyer shall be responsible for all legal and other actions, including attorneys' fees and costs, necessary to gain possession of the property. Buyer Initials 24. The Buyer shall not be allowed, under any circumstance, to receive funds from the closing that exceed the amount of the earnest money plus prepaid deposits paid by the Buyer. In the event that the proposed HUD reflects proceeds to th," Buyer in excess of the earnest money and prepaid deposits, the closing cost credit by Seller shall be reduced so the.t the Buyer receives an amount exactly equal to the earnest money amount, plus prepaid deposits by the Buyer. 25. 1 ~rmination of Contract: In the event the contract for purchase is terminated by Seller pursuant to any provision of t;lc Counter Offer, this Seller's Addendum, any other purchase contract, addendum or counter offer, Seller's sole bbility to Buyer will be to return Buyer's deposit, at which time the contract for purchase shall cease and terminate llnd Seller and Buyer shall have no further obligations, liabilities or responsibilities to one another. Notwithstanding e,ay language to the contrary in any purchase contract, offer, addenda or counter offer, if Buyer defaults in the r,erformance of the contract for purchase of the property, the full amount of the earnest money will be tendered to the Sdler. 'lIatterlD: 237428 Buyer Initials 1':::'(.' {. d 12 (,1]1\ i"j,h:';)II!, )' "'l1i\,'I,' ':\. i'\ P PREMIERE .!'roperty Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL, 34II2 26. Rdease of Escrow upon Termination: Upon Seller's termination of purchase contract due to Buyer's non-performance, Seller shall provide written notice to the Buyer and the escrow/closing agent, given by hand ddivery or fax or email transmission. Upon receipt of such notice of termination from Seller, Buyer shall have two 0) business days in which to provide a written objection of termination to Seller and escrow/closing agent by one of th~ above-referenced methods. In the event escrow/closing agent does not receive a written objection from Buyer within two (2) business days, escrow/closing agent is instructed to immediately cancel the escrow and to comply with aay other instructions set forth in the Seller's notice of termination, which may include release of the Buyer's deposit in escrow with no additional instructions from the Buyer. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Seller shall have the right to terminate the purchase contract due to Buyer's non-performance upon notice stated above, and to release the earnest money deposit to Buyer without any further action, consent or release from Buyer. Buyer Initials ?7. Waiver of Specific Performance: Buyer agrees that the property is not unique and that in the event of Seller's .lefault or a material breach of the of the Counter Offer, this Seller's Addendum any other offer, purchase ~;ontract, addendum or counter offer, Buyer's sole remedy shall be a return of Buyer's earnest money Ileposit. Buyer hereby waives all rights of specific performance again sf Seller or actions against the property including but not limited to the filing of any lis pendens or similar action. Buyer Initials I 28. NC\twithstanding any language to the contrary in any offer, addendum, or counter offer, in any action or proceeding btlween Buyer and Seller, Seller does not agree and shall not be responsible to indemnify any broker(s) or agent(s) for any liability, loss, cost, damages or expenses incurred by broker(s) or agent(s). 29. Seller makes no representation and advises buyers to make their own investigation to determine the source of the \'I<lter supply and type of sewage disposal system. 30. Tllis property may be subject to a redemption period pursuant to applicable state law. It is the Buyer's responsibility "J consult with the closing attorney or closing agent to determine if any redemption period applies and has expired. An unexpired redemption period could delay or prevent closing and could result in a prior mortgagor or lien 110lder exercising their option to redeem the property. Seller makes no guarantees or representations concerning the expiration of any redemption periods. Should an unexpired redemption period, prohibit closing; Buyer may exercise t11dr option to cancel the contract for purchase and receive earnest monies back from Seller. No additional compensation will be paid by Seller for any expenditure made by Buyer regarding this property. 31. lfthe Buyer is participating in a 1031 Exchange, the Buyer(s) understands and agrees that all obligations related to the purchase of this property and the timeliness of the closing shall remain in full effect regardless of the Buyer's participation in the 1031 Exchange. Buyer(s) shall remain solely responsible and liable to the Seller for Buyer(s)' pe..formance of each and every warranty and obligation under this agreement. Buyer agrees to hold Seller harmless ',om any and all claims and liabilities, including tax liabilities or penalties, costs or delays in time that may result f'.om any aspect of the transaction by virtue of its characterization as a 1031 Exchange. Seller agrees to cooperate \'lith the Buyer, including allowing an assignment of this contract by the Buyer for purposes of affecting the 1031 t;xchange. :'lIatterID: 237428 Buyer Initials (d"1' ,,111:'iJlltl P''-'I'' \"c' <, '\ '.1,1/ "'" >n,.:,! PREMIERE Property Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL, 34112 32. Pursuant to the Bank Secrecy Act and requirements specified by the Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OF AC"), Premiere Asset Services will not engage in any transaction with any individual or entity t!1at either appears on the list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons, Specially Designated Terrorists, Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers, or that Premiere Asset Services suspects to involved in a suspicious transaction or one in violation of federal law. Therefore, the information on the form attached as Exhibit A, must be provided. This information will be used for the sole purpose of screening against OF AC and WorldCheck lists. If the Seller finds in it sole and absolute discretion that any Buyer(s) meet the criteria as described above, the offer, purchase agreement or other documents executed in connection with the purchase of the property shall be of no effect, and shall be immediately cancelled and terminated. No party shall be liable to the other party in any way, for any claims whatsoever. Any earnest money deposit will be returned to the Buyer. 33. If any provision (or any portion of any provision) of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be iilegal, invalid, or unenforceable under present or future laws effective during the term of this agreement, the legality, validity, and enforceability of the remaining provisions (or the balance of such provision) shall not be affected i:hereby, 34. All notices given under this agreement will be in writing and signed by the party giving the notice. Notice will be deemed received as follows: If delivered in person, upon delivery; if delivered by United States Postal Service, First Class mail, two (2) business days after deposit into the mail; if delivered by a national overnight courier on a next-day basis, one (1) business day after deposit with the service; if delivered by facsimile or Emai1 during Seller's r,'gular business hours, upon transmission or sending, if delivered by facsimile or Emai1 outside of Seller's regular business hours or on a weekend or holiday, upon the commencing of the next business day. Date SEE ATTACHED SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Buyer Name (printed) Date Buyer (signature) Buyer Name (printed) Oate Buyer (signature) Seller Name (printed) Seller (signature) [Exhibit A Follows] Matter1D: 237428 Buyer Initials 1',,:,1.: :i <!112 ,(\)p:,rigIH 2lj(ill 1':':1"' i,': \',,': '<'1-',;, ,"; \ii R!;'l1h !{t.:~",,':-\:d NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2742 Starter Avenue, Naples, FL 34112 Folio Number: 81732480001 SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Date Property acquisition approved by BCC: October 27,2009, Item 1608 AS TO BUYER: DATED: /P--!:9-3)tJ'l ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk ~~~- tfgutare Olh' I~PO L;IEm BOARD OF .COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLlER,dOUNTY, FLORIIji)A / / {' .' ;, /./ -J'.- ,/1 BY: '/'..:..,0.... ,'>( I <It,y1<\'., Donna Fiala, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~\1,1~~ 'V,,--,\ , Jennifer . White Assistant County Attorney PH.EMIERE ~ ~ Exhibit A Pursuant to the Bank Secrecy Act and requirements specified by the Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OF AC"), Premiere Asset Services will not engage in any transaction with any individual or entity that either appears on the list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons, Specially Designated Terrorists, Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers, or that Premiere Asset Services suspects to be involved in a suspicious transaction or one in viola:ion of federal law. Therefore the following information must be provided. This information will only be used for the sole purpose of screening against OF AC and WorldCheck lists. Please, provide the following information: Full Legal Name (First Middle and Last) Full Complete Address (no P.O. Boxes) City __ State Country Zip Buyer(.;) Date of Birth .'Buyus Social Security may be requested at a later date.* l'ulll'ldme (First Middle and Last) ::ompkte Address (no P.O. City u Boxes) State Country _ Zip Buyer(,) Date of Birth "Bu}er~ Social Security may be requested at a later date.* :1uye,' s Agent Information first Name: Company Last Name: Addre6s: Emai1: i'ax#: Ifbuyer is a Company/Corporation/Partnership/Limited Liability Company. Non-Profit Organization, a Trust or i, not purchasing as an individual, buyer must provide full company corporation or trust name and proof of ~igning authority. City: Phone#: State: Zip: Duye, s Company/Corporation/Partnership/Limited Liability Company/ Non-Profit Organization/Trust: Corporation Tax ID#, if applicable List All Principal owners of Partnership or LLC or all signers (including non-board members) and all individuals with principal ownership or financial interest in Non-profit Organizations or Trusts, including full name, permanent home address (no P.O. Boxes) and dates of birth for each. i ',It',': 'i dJ i~: ,C"PYI':":'1 !;H' )'\l'l ;,'j, \..,,' ',;,'1"' \1] l{:;':)I', i~,. ';~T\,'d PREMIERE If the Seller finds in it sole and absolute discretion that any buyer meets the criteria as described above, the offer, p'uch?ye agreement or other documents executed in connection with the purchase of the property shall be of no dfect, and shall be immediately cancelled. No party shall be liable to the other party in any way, for any claims whatsoever. Any earnest money shall be returned. Seller: Buver: SEE ATTACHED SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Date: Date: Listing Agent: Buyer: Date: Date: MatteiID: 237428 Buyer Initials J' :'i' ]1)(;'1' "I' ,i!:I'; ",,'1 'le,",' \;-'It ',> i,',,", Ri.'; NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL 34112 Folio Number: 81732480001 SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Date Property acquisition approved by BCC: October 27,2009, Item 16D8 AS TO BUYER: DATED: 1:;"/'2c3/07 , ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLlER<19UNTY, FLORlpA / i i / ! / i.', BY: . ... ;.,,,.,.... ".il .1:.1';" Donna Fiala, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: r \~'T) . '\ .,. k \ n v,,-.) 'v'--..,-,:~_ Jennifer B. White Assistant County Attorney PREMIERE Property Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL, 34H2 PROPERTY CONDITION ADDENDUM Addendum to the Purchase Contract accepted by Buyers for property located at: 2742 Storter A venue, Naples, FL, 34112 LEAD-BASED PAINT DISCLOSURE This C0i1tract for purchase is contingent upon a risk assessment or inspection of the property for the presence oflead-based paint :tnd/or lead-based paint hazards at the Purchaser's expense until 9 p.m. on tl1e seventh (7th) calendar day after '1tification. The lead-based paint that is in good condition is not necessarily a hazard. See the EP A pamphlet Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home for more information. This contingency will terminate at the predetermined deadline unless the Buyer (or Buyer's agent) delivers to the Seller (or Seller's agent) a written contract addendum listing the specific existing deficiencies and corrections needed, either with a copy of the inspection and/or risk assessment report. fhe Seller may, at the Seller's option within 10 (ten) days after delivery of the addendum, elect in writing whether to correct the condition(s) prior to closing. If the Seller will correct the condition, the Seller shall furnish the Buyer with '.ertification form a risk assessor or inspector demonstrating that the condition has been remedied before the close of the 3~,tlerr/"nt. If the Seller does not elect to make the repairs, or if the Seller makes a counter-offer, the Buyer shall have 10 (1<n) U?'Js to respond to the counter-offer or remove this contingency and buy the property in "as is" condition or this 'ontrri;t shall become void. The purchaser may remove this contingency at any time without cause. Buyer acknowledges they h,.ve received the Lead Base Paint pamphlet. Buyer Initials I -- CHINESE/DEFECTIVE DRYWALL During the time much of the United States was experiencing building material shortages, some homes were built or r"novat8d using defective drywall imported from or manufactured in China. Defective drywall reportedly emits levels of sulfur, rr,ethane and/or other volatile organic compounds that cause corrosion of air conditioner and refrigerator coils, c'.'pper tubing, electrical wiring, computer wiring and other household items as well as create noxious odors which may .llso p0.,e health risks. Seller has made no inspection for and has no knowledge of the presence of Chinese/defective ,\,ywaJ: affecting the Property, unless otherwise stated in the Counter Offer. "AS-IS" DISCLOSURE "uyer i, aware that Seller acquired the property which is the subject of this transaction by way offoreclosure, and that the Seller ;., selling and Buyer is purchasing the property in an "AS-IS" CONDITION WITHOUT REPRESENT A TIONS OR W ARR'\NTIES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE. Buyer acknowledges for Buyer, for Buyer's successors, heirs and assigrle~s, that Buyer has been given a reasonable opportunity to inspect and investigate the property and all improvements tilereon. either independently or through agents of Buyer's choosing, and that in purchasing the property, Buyer is not relying vn Seller or its agents as to the condition of the property and/or any improvements thereon, including, but not lin,ited (v, roof, foundation, soils, electrical, plumbing, heating, basement, mechanical systems, water or septic systems, geology, lot size or the existence of termites or other wood destroying insects, radon or hazardous substances, whether or not the property is located in a flood zone or whether the property conforms to local ordinance or regulations, including z.minf or suitability of the property and/or in compliance with any city, county, State and/or Federal statutes, codes or ordinances. Buyer is not relying on Seller or it's agents as to the condition of property and lor any improvements thereon, including but not limited to mold, roof, foundations, etc. THE PREMISES WERE ACCEPTED WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND OR NATURE AND IN AN "AS-IS" CONDITION BASED SOLEL'! ON BUYER'S OWN INSPECTION l'vlatterlO: 237428 Buyer Initials p;~!"'<": 1 1 ,) Ii" { ( 'ij(!li Prc1dJ1.'t"l' ..\,;,,<:,1 ".J' k(..'~ ,\11 ]-:1;:1.,', i{\~_~\-r\cti PREMIERE i'coperty Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL, 34II2 WARNING: A winterization may have been performed at this property pursuant to a work order issued by the current owner. The sole purpose of a winterization is to prevent damage from freezing pipes. The winterization completed at this property was a 'ystem shut-down only; the plumbing system was not tested for damage or leaks. This procedure is not a guaranty or warra;uy of any kind with respect to the HV AC, plumbing, or any other mechanical systems at this property. The plumbing system should be de-winterized by a licensed contractor or plumber before the water is turned back on, to assure that the 'ystem is operational. Buyer Initials MOLD DISCLOSURE AND RELEASE Buyer is hereby advised that mold and/or other microscopic organisms may exist at the property known as 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL, 34II2. Such microscopic organisms and/or mold may cause physical injuries, including but not limited to allergic and/or respiratory reactions or other problems, particularly in persons with immune system problems, young children and/or elderly persons. Buyer acknowledges and agrees to accept full responsibility/risk for any matters l"at mlty result from microscopic organisms and/or mold and to hold harmless, release and indemnify Seller and Seller's manapng agents from any liability / recourse / damages ( financial or otherwise). Buyer understands that Seller has taken '''' actie', to rernediate mold. Buyer hereby acknowledges this disclosure and release and is aware of the condition set forth therein. This disclosure and release is executed voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Premiere Asset Services or managing agents are not qualified to inspect property for mold or make recomulendations or determinations concerning possible health or safety issues. The purpose of this disclaimer is to put g"yers on notice to conduct their own due diligence regarding this matter using appropriate, qualified experts. This is a :"~al rlo~ument and 8uyers are advised to seek legal counsel prior to executing same. iMPORTANT NOTICE: This document may contain information that is considered confidential and may not be transmitted through unencrypted email. The transmission of information on this document should be completed by uploading to the Agent Portal or by faxing with a cover page to 866-859-0455. Date SEE ATTACHED SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Buyer )';ame (printed) Buyer (signature) ;Jate Buyer Name (printed) Date Buyer (signature) Seller Name (printed) Seller (signature) Premk:e Asset Services - v 1.1 I '<I!'. l" ~.: ( ! I :~ ( "P) 'ii l',cTi ',.L,_ "<,'n \ ,; ,I,),' NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL 34112 Folio Number: 81732480001 SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Date Property acquisition approved by BCC: October 27,2009, Item 1608 AS TO BUYER: DATED: ///:A3/~q I' I f ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER r,roUNTY, FLORIDA II! ' ( ! BY' .\./ ' t' .j . '...,h,,.....,.... J .--)>/ I 1't I~ Donna Fiala, Chairman '. - ,0 .... a to CIlI1 it..~. .1 ~ Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ?J-r' ..~ '\, . '-, '} / \/\AJ"G Jennifer B. White Assistant County Attorney [B DISCLOSURE REGARDING FDIC INSURANCE COVERAGE OF DEPOSIT FUNDS @ ~QUAl-..ou.,.... RfALTOR" OPPORTUNITY The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent agency of the United States government that protects depositors against the loss of their deposit funds if an FDIC-insured bank or savings association fails. DepDsit funds in checking and savings accounts, money market deposit accounts and certificates of . depOsit (CDs) are FDIC insured. Funds invested in stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, annuities, municipal securities and life insurance policies are not FDIC-insured, even if purchased from an FDiC-insured bank or savings association. On October 3, 2008, Congress temporarily increased FDIC deposit insurance coverage from . $100,000.00 to $250,000.00 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank or savings association; i.e., all deposits owned by and titled in one person or entity at a particular FDIC-insured bank or savings . association are combined, and the total deposit funds at that bank or savings association are insured up to $250,000.00. The $250,000.00 limit is subject to change after December 31,2009. Deposit funds tendered by a BuyerlTenant and held in an attorney, title company or Broker escrow account ("Deposit Funds") are for insurability purposes deemed to be held directly in an account owned by and titled in the BuyerlTenant, and are combined with any and all other BuyerlTenant deposit accounts held by the institution holding the Deposit Funds. Therefore, if BuyerlTenant holds any other deposits with the institution holding the Deposit Funds, BuyerlTenant is urged to immfdiately contact that institution to confirm that all BuyerlTenant funds, including the Deposit Funas, are fully FDIC insured. BUYf:;rslTenants and Sellers/Landlords are strongly encouraged to obtain the name of the bank or sav;(lgs association where the Deposit Funds have been or will be deposited, verify that said inslitution is FDIC insured, and verify that the Deposit Funds as well as all other BuyerlTenant funds are being held and titled in a manner that affords complete FDIC coverage should that institution fail. The (eal estate attorney, title company or Broker holding the Deposit Funds shall have no obligation to BuyerlTenant or Seller/Landlord to determine whether BuyerlTenant deposit funds are fully FDIC protected and insured. BuycrslTenants and Sellers/Landlords wishing to learn more about FDIC insurance coverage are qncC'IJraged to visit the FDIC website at www.myfdicinsurance.gov or www.fdic.gov, or call the FDIC at: -877 -ASK-FDIC (275-3342) for additional information. BuyerslTenants may calculate insurance cov-:!rage using the FDIC on-line Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator at www2.fdic.gov/edie. Receipt of this Disclosure is acknowledged below, SEE ATTACHED SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE (Seller's/Landlord's Signature) (Date) (Buyer'sfTenant's Signature) (Date) (SellE"'s/Landlord's Signature) (Date) (Buyer'sfTenant's Signature) (Date) @2008 Naples Area Board of REAL TORS@ and Association of Real Estate Professionals, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (NABOR 10/16/2008) NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2742 Starter Avenue, Naples, FL 34112 Folio Number: 81732480001 SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Date Property acquisition approved by BCC: October 27, 2009, Item 1608 AS TO BUYER: DATED: //-./;J-3 /0 c; r ' ATTEST: WIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk ~.......t ' a to 0.. t . .... GII.. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER" 1~UNTY, FLORI,DA ,< /; /, BY: '{. 'no,", .1' ;'(:, Donna Fiala, Chairman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Q f-' ~\/' ~,'-" L Jennifer B, White Assistant County Attorney . NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2742 Starter Avenue, Naples, FL 34112 Folio Number: 81732480001 FOURTH ADDENDUM TO "AS IS" CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE BETWEEN THE UNDERSIGNED PARTIES CONCERNING THE PROPERTY AT 2742 STORTER AVENUE. NAPLES, FL 34112 THIS ADDENDUM is entered into by and between WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Seller, and COLLIER COUNTY, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, Buyer. Buyer and Seller have entered into that certain "As 15" Contract for Sale and Purchase (Contract), and Counter Offer; (hereinafter retitled "First Addendum") Standard Seller's Addendum; (hereinafter retitled "Second Addendum") and Property Condition Addendum (hereinafter retitled "Third Addendum"), concerning the property at 2742 Storter Avenue, Naples, FL 34112 (hereinafter referred to as "Property"), all dated of even date herewith, and Buyer and Seller wish to amend the foregoing with the following additional terms and conditions: 1. The Contract, the Counter Offer ("First Addendum"), the Standard Seller's Addendum ("Second .A.ddendum"), the Property Condition Addendum ("Third Addendum"), and this Fourth Addendum to "As 15" Contract for Sale and Purchase ("Fourth Addendum") shall, collectively, constitute the "Agreement" between the parties, which Agreement shall only be effective upon the execution of all five referenced documents by both parties. BUYER'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACT, THE FIRST ADDENDUM, THE SECOND ADDENDUM, THE THIRD ADDENDUM, AND THIS FOURTH ADDENDUM IS CONTINGENT UPON SELLER'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACT, THE FIRST ADDENDUM, THE SECOND ADDENDUM, THE THIRD ADDENDUM AND THIS FOURTH ADDENDUM. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE, AND THE TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE FOR THE "AGREEMENT" SHALL BE WITHIN TWO (2) BUSINESS DAYS FOLLOWING SELLER'S RECEIPT OF THE ENTIRE "AGREEMENT." 1. The Counter Offer is hereby retitled First Addendum to "As 15" Contract for Sale and Purchase, and :s revised to reflect that the First Addendum is dated of even date herewith, and any requirements for initials are waived. 2. The Standard Seller's Addendum is hereby retitled Second Addendum to "As 15" Contract for Sale and Purchase, and is revised to reflect that the Second Addendum is dated of even date herewith, and any requirements for initials are waived. 3. The Property Condition Addendum is hereby retitled Third Addendum to "As 15" Contract for Sale and Purchase, and is revised to reflect that the Third Addendum is dated of even date herewith, and any requirements for initials are waived. 4. The purchase price shall be $37,620.00, and the First Addendum is revised to reflect that this is a "CASH" transaction, and any requirements for initials are waived. 5. The second sentence of Paragraph 2 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect that Seller will execute the entire Agreement before the earnest money deposit will be paid, and that the deposit will be paid within fourteen (14) days following the latter of Seller's execution of the Agreement and Seller's provision to Buyer of a form W-9 and wire instructions for the escrow agent. 6. All requirements for Buver's and/or Seller's initials on Page 1 through and including Page 3 of the FI~st Addendum; Page 4 through and including Page 10 of the Second Addendum; and Page 11 through and including Page 12 of the Third Addendum are waived in their entirety. 7. Paragraph 5 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect a closing date of January 29, 2010, and is further revised to reflect that the Buyer shall be charged a fee of $0.00 per calendar day for any extension. 8. Paragraph 7 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect that Seller will pay all Agent commissions. NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Properly Address: 2742 Starter Avenue, Naples, FL 34112 Folio Number: 81732480001 9. Paragraph 8 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect that Buyer shall be responsible for the date of Closing for all purposes of proration. 10. Paragraph 9 of the First Addendum is deleted in its entirety. 11. The First Paragraph on Page 3 of the First Addendum is deleted in its entirety, and the notation "See Attached Substitute Execution Page" on Page 3 of the First Addendum is acceptable, and any requirements for initials are waived. 12. The second sentence of Paragraph 4 of the Second Addendum is revised to delete "or forfeit their earnest money deposit", in its entirety. 13. Paragraph 7 of the Second Addendum is revised to reflect that Seller shall be responsible for payment of Documentary Stamp Taxes pursuant to Section 201.10, Florida Statutes, together with costs for clearing title and recording any documents necessary to establish clear title to the property, and that Seller will furnish a copy of the Title Commitment (with all Exceptions) to Buyer fourteen (14) days prior to Closing. 14. Paragraph 10 of the Second Addendum is deleted in its entirety. 15. Paragraph 12 of the Second Addendum is deleted in its entirety. 16. Paragraph 13 of the Second Addendum is not applicable and deleted in its entirety. 17. Paragraph 14 of the Second Addendum is revised to reflect that Code liens, if any, arising prior to Closing shall be the responsibility of the Seller. 18. Paragraph 16 of the Second Addendum is not applicable and is deleted in its entirety. 19. Paragraph 18 of the Second Addendum is revised to reflect that a Special Warranty Deed shall be the only acceptable method of transfer and conveyance. 20. Paragraph 21 of the Second Addendum is revised to reflect that Buyer shall be responsible for the date of Closing for all purposes of proration. 21. Paragraph 23 of the Second Addendum is revised to reflect that Seller warrants that the property is vacant. 22. Paragraph 31 of the Second Addendum is not applicable and is deleted in its entirety. 23. The notation "See Attached Substitute Execution Page" on Page 8 of the Second Addendum is acceptable, and any requirements for initials are waived. 24. Exhibit A on Page 9 to the Second Addendum is hereby revised to reflect that Purchaser is a governmental entity, to wit: Collier County, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida whose Federal ID Number is 59-6000558, and any requirements for additional information are not applicable and are waived. 2 NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2742 Starter Avenue, Naples, FL 34112 Folio Number: 81732480001 25. The notation "See Attached Substitute Execution Page" on Page 10 of the Second Addendum is acceptable, and any requirements for initials are waived. 26. The Third Addendum is revised to indicate that Buyer waives the opportunity to conduct a risk assessment or inspection and agrees to accept the property in "As 15" condition, and all requirements for initiais are waived. 27. The notation "See Attached Substitute Execution Page" on Page 12 of the Second Addendum is acceptable, and any requirements for initials are waived. EXCEPT as expressly provided herein, the Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller remains in full force and effect according to the terms and conditions contained therein, and said terms and conditions are applicable hereto except as expressly provided otherwise herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Buyer and Seller have hereto executed this Fourth Addendum. Date property acquisition approved by BCC: October 27,2009, Item 16D8 DATED /;)-/~3/o1 , , BUYER: ,\TTEST: WIGHT E. BOCK, Clerk BOARD 9fCOUNTY COMMI~SIONERS COLLlEPlCbUNTY, FLORID.o/ -,'; t' l: " ,',:j BY: ... '->.1,,,' ,':c~<. Donna Fiala, Chairman ,Dep . to a..1 .t.... 01... Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~ '~)" DATED: 12..1)..'''b I SELLER: Wachovia Bank, National Association BY: PRINT NAME: TITLE: 3 Petails Page 1 of 1 ~ " '. Property Record Aerial Sketches Trim Notices I 41 & Parcel No,1181732480001 Current Ownership Property Addressll2742 STORTER AVE Owner Nam WACHOVIA BANK NATIONAL ASSN ORE OEPT LOAN #320101000789067 o BOX 2248 City JACKSONVILLE I Statell FL ZiPl132203 . 2248 Legal WHISPERING PINES BLK C W1/2 LOT 10 + ALL OF LOTS 11 + 12 I Section Township Range Acres L 14 50 25 0,39 I Sub No, 712000 WHISPERING PINES L " Use Co!!l1 0 VACANT RESIDENTIAL Map No, 5A14 Strap No. 712000 C 105A14 1-1: Millaoe Are<!II-1:MI!!i!9l! II Total Ilschooll I 63 II 8,4025 1113,6415 115,239 1 1._SeeJ!1Sjn,LGtlQn~ fQrC~JG_l,l"!mi9ns I 2009 Final Tax Roll (Subject to Change) Latest Sales History If all Values shown below equal 0 this parcel was created after the Final Tax. Roll I Land Value II $117,000,00 II Date II i (+) Improved Value I $ 0.00 11/2009 I : (=) Just Value I $117,000,00 12/2004 ! (-) SOH Exempt Value & Other Exemptions II $ 0,00 II 05 f 1996 I l (=) Assessed Value I $117,000,00 111/1995 I r (-) Homestead and other Exempt Value I $ 0,00 I 03/1995 II (=) Taxable Value $117,000,00 (=) School Taxable Value (Used for School Taxes) 1$117,000.00 I SOH = "Save Our Homes" exempt value due to cap on assessment increases. Book ~ Page 4505 . 2051 3693. 3210 2~. 2228 ~116, 1370 2036.1379 Amount I $100,00 I $ 145,000,00 $ 72,500,00 $ 55.000,00 I $ 20,000,00 I IIIIlII " The Information is Updated Weekly. ~M~~\'D (' \ ';Y -.1\ 0..// ~(I"II // (Yl ~ llttp:/ /www.collierappraiser.com/RecordDetail.asp?Map=&FolioID=O00008173 2480001 12/15/2009 Print Map Page 1 of 1 SITe.HNa.'Ift P,ucel. SI,lIHII.lsl<l". A"flJ.l'l 20011 [6 InCh Ufb.artl Af<fllll!l 2009 12 FEETI Building fQotprlnh C<llll~ Ct:JUIlty Folio Number: 81732480001 Name: WACHQVIA BANK NATIONAL ASSN Street# & Name: 2742 STORTER AVE Legal Description; WHISPERING PINES BlK C W112 OF lOT 10 + ALL OF lOTS 11 + 12 I(l 2004. Collier Couoty Property Apprai,er, While the Collier County ProplIrty Appraiser is committed to providing th", most accurate and up-la-date information, no warranties expressed or implied are provided forthlldata herein, its use, or its interpretaton http://maps,collierappraiser ,comlwebma,p/mapprint.aspx?title=&orient=LANDSCAPE&p", 12/15/2009 ---~.~ ... INSTR 4358142 OR 4505 PG 2051 RECORDED 11/2/2009 4:02 PM PAGES 1 DWIGHT E. BROCK, COLLIER COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DOC@.70 SO.70 REC S10.00 CONS S100.00 ... \~ . . WACHOVIA BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION IN THE CIRCUIT CQURT OF THE 20TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO, 11 2008 CA 003532 G8-:3S3:l.-cA Plaintiff, Defendants, CJ -< n I [; <=> FilS I . ~,:~ '''~ ~MPlJ~, r.--g c.:: "J I :::.. CJ (f> ...., =- = ~ vs, RICHARD A HAYSE, ET AL 1 N -; -, ,.,. ::r: cO ~- ~ ~:; was sold to: (-, o erty described herein and that jections, f-.. 2, BLOCK C, REOF AS RECORDED LLlER COUNTY, WITNESS my hand and the seal of the court this .2 n d day of A1}f/o'!-i....., 2009., , '.' . ". ~~" DWIGHT E, BROfK " '" By ....... '~:.' ( .\ " "">i:.'.\, . -;. ..: ~ . " As Delfl~~ " " I,,,, ,".'lllll,,','I' ::'.: . "~, '. .:~ .~ ';' . .......:.. "..,,, ~" ;.':'~,:> 2808.91 WBNA ~ ~elowGary From: Sent: To: Subject: REO Angela [amintier@amerivestrealtycom] Wednesday, December 09, 20094:43 PM BigelowGary RE: 2742 Storter Ave 34112 Thanks you too I Thanks, Virginia Smith Assistant ~~SGJGt...-1 /11~ It;. /J1kr~~I-J,~ 6uy;-:j VtLu-l<? f ~ 1- (j~1- /C 4f 4Ot07Jo ~ nt:'lK. 6 tJ It/.- utE- ~ / j.Jft,JJC <; ~ h ~o~ 4 IZ! f4/2vVf f:<r7Z.<..,~..A~-e/ ~ A~~~uwJ Realtor VehvS~ Realtor Ni~~~uwJ Realtor The Mintier REO Team (719) 692-9229 direct (238) 687 -4435 fax \merivest Realty 10001 '[ amiami Trail N, Naples f'L 34108 IfiW,'!.SVYFLREO,com .' s.. ~..\~ ,f!;..-ji ~q"'" ill!'! FI"m: Bi~elowGary [mailto:GaryBigelow@colliergov,net] Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 4:33 PM To: REO Angela Subject: RE: 2742 Storter Ave 34112 Thank you, I'll have the appraisal done, and we'll go from there, Have a nice even'ing, Gary crom: REO Angela [mailto:amintier@amerivestrealty.com] 5eot: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 4:26 PM ro: Bige!owGary ,ubject: RE: 2742 Storter Ave 34112 1i Gary, 'es this property is still available. If you have any questions please feel free to ask @ BigelowGary From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: KrumbineMarcy Monday, December 14, 2009 131 PM BigelowGary motl_t; RussellHans; HammerTammy; LeonardRoosevelt; TorresRick RE: Offers - Vacant Lots & 2990 Sunset 99% or all including last one on sunset-land only. ?K4WI A'U(ffl/Jim: Marcy Krumbine, MPA Director Collier County Housing and Human Services 239,252-CARE 239-252-HOME 239-252-8442 239-252-2638 - fax Sharing heart to heart and home to home.., From: BigelowGary Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 11 :45 AM To: KrumbineMarcy Cc: mott_t; RussellHans; HammerTammy; LeonardRoosevelt; TorresRick SUbject: Offers - Vacant Lots & 2990 Sunset Importance: High 218341" St SW - List TBD Appraised: $19,500 99%: $19,305 2742 Storter Ave - List $40,000 Appraised $38,000 99%: $37,620 2990 Sunset Blvd - List $39,900 Appraised: $30,000 (Land Value Only) House built 1976jWood Frame 99%: $29,700 Morey: PI",ase review the above for potential offers, The first two are vacant lots, 2990 Sunset Blvd is an older home that Roosevelt believes would be best served as a DEMO, thus his value for land only, We have not inspected this property yet, but there appears to be a case for not inspecting and offering Land Value Only since our intention would be to DEMO, Please let me know what you would like for me to do. Thank you, GdrY Bieelow, RW /C;r\C' 1'-,,)p(;fitJ .'V'qllisitioD SpE'Cialist ('(,llierCvunllj Redl Proper/lj tvbn<l5el11l2flt '2"'1<). '2:)2-8073 1"JIt:3se note Florida has a very broad public records law Mosl written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records 3vall.Jble :0 the public and media upon request Your e-mail communications may be subject to public disclosure ~elowGary From: Sent: To. Cc: Subject: BigelowGary Tuesday, December 15, 2009 10:45 AM 'REO Angela' mott_t; RussellHans Offer: 2742 Starter Avenue - 34112 Importance: High -rtJ -m >ubstitute W-9 Form NSP-PROOF OF - County p... FUNDING. pdt Dear Angela: This serves as Collier County's letter of intent to offer $37,620 CASH for the vacant parcel located at 2742 Storter AV2nue hased on an appraisal of $38,000, Closing shall be January 29, 2010, We prefer no escrow EMD, I am attaching Proof of Funding, and a Substitute W-9 which will need to be completed by the Seller's closing agency, If the offer is accepted we will prepare a FARBAR contract, and review any Addenda from the Seller. (We prefer no Addenda to expedite the contract process) Howeve/, we will require the Seller's Addenda (if required) at the time of acceptance to expedite all documents through our vai:ous C('unty entities for approval. Thank you very much, t_'1n.J Bi8elow,Rw/'\AC Pr'~) rtlJ i\(',olsitlOIl SP'-'Ci,llist (\';','-'tCrun!'J Redl Prop<,rhJ t-.J<Hh~(\("ln<'.'llt ';!V)~ '.D2 ~PA j 7) Pleas,,- no:e Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records av<,ilable h the public and media upon request. Your e-mail communications may be subject to public disclosure 1 ~elowGary From: Sent: Tc.: Cc: S':bject: BigelowGary Tuesday, December 15, 2009 10:45 AM 'REO Angela' mott_l; RussellHans Offer: 2742 Storter Avenue - 34112 IIT'Portlillce: High iI3', lkl ~ ~ ,ub~titute W,g Form NSP-PROOF OF - Cour.ty,p... FUNDING,pdf Dear Apbela: This serves as Collier County's letter of intent to offer $37,620 CASH for the vacant parcel located at 2742 Storter Ave,nue based on an appraisal of $38,000, Closing shall be January 29, 2010, We prefer no escrow EMO, I am attaching Proof of Funding, and a Substitute W-9 which will need to be completed by the Seller's closing agency, If the offer is accepted we will prepare;; FAR BAR contract, and review any Addenda from the Seller. (We prefer no Addenda to expedite the contract process) Howeve', we will require the Seller's Addenda (if required) at the time of acceptance to expedite all documents through our various County entities for approval. Thank you very much, GO(tj BV,elow, RWI"iAC 1\:,. wrhJ An, 'lisition SP<..>CiCl] ist C\,. ",>1COI, "<q l{,.a! ProPdhJ Mdlldl)<c.ment 'X)\\, 2:)'2- 'i)7) Ple~>,';e n0:F FlOrida has a very broad publiC records law Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records (.\ "lilable t', the public and media upon request Your e-mail communications may be subject to public disclosure. ITEM NO,: CCt, \2-\={2-018~ FILE NO,: ROUTED TO: t) ~/ ' .-',/ DATE RECEIVED: .3 REOUEST FOR LEGAL SERVICES DATE: December 17. Z009 TIME SENSITIVE ( ',. ,~ i TO: JENNIFER B. WHITE, ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY FROM: Gary Bigelow Real Property Management @ Ext. 8073 RE: Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Grant Contract for Z74Z Storter Avenue BACKGROUND OF REOUEST /PROBLEM: Please review the attached Contract for legal sufficiency, and if acceptable please sign, )}) ~ ~ '- \- ''J,' ,\)----' /\'v (\tCf'-- .J,.l:'- , ')\Le' , \, - ," \tl t; {_.,.. FILE NO.:, ..' . 'j 1.0- ,/\- ACTION REQUESTED: Jennifer: Please sign for legal sufficiency, if acceptab\9. so we may present to the Chairman of the BCC for execution. (1) "As Is" FARRAR Contract & Addenda (Z) SUPPLEMENTAL DOCUMENTATION Property Data Sheets/Certificate of Title ATTACHMENTS: THIS ITEM HAS NOT BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED. ~VOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE!! .-<,.." r"~