CAC Minutes 12/10/2009 R
December 10, 2009
Naples, Florida, December 10,2009
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory
Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
Herein, met on this date at 1 :00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at the Naples
City Hall, 735, 8th Street South, Naples, Florida with the following members
VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires
Murray Hendel
Joseph A. Moreland
Ted F orcht
Victor Rios
Jim Burke
Robert Raymond
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Accountant
Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples
Collier County: December 10, 2009
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December 10, 2009
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2009 - 1:00 P.M.
City of Naples City Hall, 735 8th Street South, Naples
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. November 12. 2009
VII. Staff Reports
1. Expanded Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin
VIII. New Business
1. Clam Bay Data Analvsis and Funding Report - Discussion
- PBSlU Report
IX. Old Business
X. Announcements
- Public Notice for Grant Applications
XI. Committee Member Discussion
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
January 14, 2010 - City of Naples Chambers
XIII. Adjournment
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any,
in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this
proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the
Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112,
(239) 252-8380.
Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time.
Collier County: December 10, 2009
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County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying
(including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board
County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board
and Records Department.
December 10, 2009
I. Call to Order
Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1 :00 P.M.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with a quorum established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Pires. Carried
unanimously 8-0.
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. November 12, 2009
Mr. Burke moved to approve the minutes of the November 12,2009 meeting
subject to the following additions: (Shown in bold italic)
Page 5, paragraph 2:
Under Committee discussion, the following was noted:
. Funds within the CBAC budget have been re-allocated to provide for
toxicology tests ofthe sediment. - Gary McAlpin
. The original Best Value Offer (BVO) did not include a scope of work for
Moorings Bay. - Mr. Pires
. The Moorings Bay data collection was outlined in the PBS&J proposal
and added to the scope of work to ensure the study analyzed all the
components affecting the estuary. - Gary McAlpin
. The BVO required the use of DELFT 3D modeling software so the
County may begin to standardize the modeling programs it utilizes for
coastal zone studies. Gary McAlpin was unsure if PBS&J possessed the
DELFT3D Software. - Gary McAlpin
. A 1981 Report "Diagnostics Feasibility Study for Moorings Bay"
prepared by a division ofFDEP, (formerly DER) should be reviewed by
the consultants for any historical data which may be utilized in
preparation of their report. - Mr. Pires
. The report is entitled "Final 2009," should it be entitled "Draft Report"
since it is still in the discussion phase? - Mr. Pires
. Consider revising Page iv - #2 - line 1 of the report from "In response to
water quality concerns, culverts..." to "In response to water quality
concerns in Moorings Bay, culverts..." - Mr. Pires
. Consider revising Page iv - #3 -line 4 of the report from "activities as
early as the 1970's." to "activities as early as the 1960's." - Mr. Pires
. The aerial photo date 1958 on page 2 of the report may be inaccurate.
December 10, 2009
. Consider clarifying the definition of the "Clam Bay System" in the report.
- Mr. Pires
. Consider revising Page 13 - 3.2 of the Report - "Task 2 - Status and
Trends of Water Quality within Clam and Moorings Bays" to "Task 2-
Status and Trends of Water Quality within Clam Bay" (based on the text
of the section, which makes no references to "Moorings Bay. ") - Mr.
. Page 6, paragraph 2, anywhere in text "Plan" to ''plan''
Second by Mr. Rios. Carried unanimously 8-0.
VII. Staff Reports
1. Expanded Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
The Council reviewed the "Tourist Tax Revenue Report" updated through the
October 2009 collection period.
2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin
The Council reviewed the document "FY 2009/2010 TDC Category "A" Beach
Maintenance Projects" updated through November 30, 2009.
Gary McAlpin noted the Tourist Development Council has recommended to the
Board of County Commissioners, the interest earned on TDC Funds, (Beach Re-
nourishment accounts, etc.) be re-directed to Tourism Marketing and Promotions
for a term of 3 years. The interest on the funds was previously allocated to the
County Clerk to assist in funding his operations.
IX. New Business
1. Clam Bay Data Analysis and Funding Report - Discussion
- PBS&J Report
Gary McAlpin provided the Executive Summary" Review and address
comments on the PBS&J Data Analysis Report and Findings for the Clam Bay
Estuary and approve the recommendations listed below" dated December 1 0,
2009. Staff is requesting Coastal Advisory Committee (CAC) approval of the
following 3 recommendations:
1. Approve moving forward with a water monitoring program as outlined in
the Report. (The item was approved by the CBAC on November 19,2009 by
a 9-0 vote.)
2. Approve moving forward with additional sediment toxicology and aging
data collection/analysis. (The item was approved by the CBAC on November
19, 2009 by a 5-4 vote.)
3. Approve the water circulationlflushing modeling program. (The item was
approved by the CBAC on November 19,2009 by a 7-2 vote.)
David Tamasko of PBS&J provided an overview of the activities leading to the
December 10, 2009
Recommendation # 1
. If State Water Quality Standards are not met on a particular body of
water, FDEP declares the water as "impaired" and may require certain
TMDL's (Total Maximum Daily Loads), known as the "TMDL Program"
. In addition to certain mandates, the TMDL Program allows the Agency to
deny permit applications to areas affected by the "TMDL Program."
. The County employed PBS&J to conduct a water quality study of the
Clam Bay System to determine ifthere are water quality concerns within
the system as related to the "TMDL Program."
. Their study indicated many of the samples for dissolved oxygen and
nutrient content in areas of Clam Bay; meet the FDEP threshold of
"impaired. "
The findings in the Study led to the recommendation for the County to develop a
water quality program to address the concerns.
Recommendation #2
. The PBS&J Study determined some areas of the Clam Bay System are
characterized by a fine grain sediment layer.
. A fine grain sediment layer prevents the penetration of oxygen into the
soil possibly affecting the existence of certain living organisms and
traps toxins which may be detrimental to the health of the Estuary.
The finding led to the recommendation of analyzing the age and contents of the
fine grain sediments to determine if it is natural or a non-natural occurrence.
Recommendation #3
Todd Demundo ofPBS&J provided on overview of the data collected;
data was collected the end of August 2009 with 16 instruments over an 8 day
. Individuals have questioned if the 8 day collection period is a
sufficient period of time for the data to be utilized in developing a
. Although as much information as possible is beneficial to a study, the
period of 8 days and utilization of 16 instruments was predicated by
. Some data collection was affected by instrument malfunction and
. In his opinion, (even with the malfunctions and vandalization of
instruments) the data collected is of sufficient nature to predict the
system trends (water velocity, tidal flow, etc) necessary to develop the
water circulation/flushing model.
. With respect to their finding the net water flow is southerly from Clam
Bay into Moorings Bay, most historic studies recognize the fact (with
the exception of the 1996 Tackney Report which "assumed" the net
flow was uniform in both directions).
December 10, 2009
Mary Johnson, Pelican Bay Resident submitted a document "Comments to
Coastal Advisory Committee Re: Clam Bay Data Analysis and Funding Report"
dated December 10,2009. She noted recommendation #1 for a Water Quality
Monitoring Program be coordinated with the Monitoring Program underway with
the Pelican Bay Services Division. The study only found modest levels of
impairment and the degradation of water quality in the system is minimal.
She expressed concern over the means of the data collection for the data to be
utilized for the circulation/flushing modeling study.
Rick Dykman, Seagate Homeowners Assocs. stated the Association strongly
supports the 3 recommendations proposed in the Executive Summary.
Sarah Wu, Seagate Resident supports the 3 recommendations proposed in the
Executive Summary as the result of the process will be a management plan
prepared by CBAC which needs to be "science and data driven."
Marcia Cravens, President, Mangrove Action Group noted the findings should
be fact and science driven but expressed concern actions proposed such as
dredging will have a negative impact on the sea grass and wildlife occupying the
system. She submitted documents including a petition signed by 2,108 persons
opposing any plans to degrade the system, wildlife surveys, a diagnostic
feasibility study for Moorings Bay, etc. She recommended a complete
environmental survey be completed of the area before moving forward.
Mr. Pires submitted the document "Some Comments, Corrections & Critique of
that certain document "Clam Bay System Data Collection & Analysis" Prepared
by PBS&J for Collier County Coastal Zone Management denoted as "Final
October 20009" dated December 10,2009 for consideration by the Committee.
He reviewed many of the comments contained in the document and questioned
the reliability and credibility of the entire report due to: "obvious errors or
omissions of fact that color the narrative;" and "omissions of references to prior
pertinent studies when the report was originally presented."
Based on the observations contained in the document, he recommended the Board
of County Commissioners not accept the report.
Chairman Sorey recommended Staff forward Mr. Pires's document to the Board
of County Commissioners for their consideration when reviewing the
Mr. Rios expressed concern the data collected for the circulation/flushing model
is not comprehensive enough affecting the reliability of the modeling.
Chairman Sorey noted the issue is water quality and the recommendations will
address the issue and allow the process to move to the next phase.
December 10, 2009
Mr. Hendel moved to accept the 3 recommendations as approved by the Clam
Bay Advisory Committee:
1. Approve moving forward with a water-monitoring program as outlined in
the Report.
2. Approve moving forward with additional sediment toxicology and aging
data collection/analysis.
3. Approve the water circulation/flushing modeling program.
Second by Mr. Burke.
Gary McAlpin noted
. Recommendation #1 is to develop the water quality monitoring
program, not propose any actions based on the results of a program.
. The circulation/flushing modeling will be critical to assist in predicting
the end results of any actions proposed for the estuary.
. PBS&J will employ Coastal Planning and Engineering (CPE) to
develop the DELFT3D modeling.
. The 3 recommendations are critical to developing a management plan
for the estuary.
. Any inaccurate aerial photos within the report will be corrected.
. PBS&J has indicated the data collection is sufficient to complete the
. The modeling will be subject to Peer Review.
Mr. Pires suggested the vote on the recommendations be individual, per the
actions of the Clam Bay Advisory Committee.
Chairman Sorey noted the motion was appropriate as stated (voting on all three
recommendations at once).
Mr. Pires re-iterated his concern the report does not adequately define the "Clam
Bay System" and recommended the report be amended to provide a definition.
He also asked if there would be any additional costs to the County for CPE
developing the circulation/flushing model.
Chairman Sorey stated it is not the Committee's function to alter a Consultant's
In answer to Mr. Pires question, Mr. McAlpin noted there will be no additional
costs to the County.
Mr. Rios requested clarification on the format ofthe Peer Review:
Gary McAlpin clarified the format by the following:
. The Peer Review is anticipated to be completed by a "non consultant"
as approved by the County and the Pelican Bay Services Division with
costs borne jointly.
. The Peer Review will be for the report, and development of the
modeling program at the stage of its initiation and 30, 50 and 90
percent phases of development.
December 10, 2009
In closing, Gary McAlpin stated the Peer Review will include analyzation of the
existing data collection to ensure it is comprehensive enough to develop the
Motion carried 7 "yes" -1 "no." Mr. Pires voted no.
Mr. Pires stated he is infavor of recommendations #1 and #2, not #3 until a
sufficient Peer Review of the existing information has been performed. This
predicated his "no" vote on the motion.
X. Old Business
XI. Announcements
_ Public Notice for Grant Applications
Gary McAlpin provided written notification to the Committee that the Coastal
Advisory Committee is currently accepting Category "A" grant applications for Fiscal
Year 2010-2011. The application is located on the following web page and is due by the close of business
Wednesday, March 31, 2010. Applications can be mailed to the Coastal Zone
Management office, W. Harmon Turner Bldg., Suite 103, East Tamiami Trail,
Naples, FL 34112.
XII. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Moreland requested an update on the Wiggins Pass Modeling Study and permit
Gary McAlpin noted the Modeling Study is completed. The permit application will
include the modeling and be submitted to the FDEP by the end of the year. The
FDEP has been involved in the process.
Mr. Burke expressed concern, the time extensions of the Clam Bay Advisory
Committee may create an environment of extensive member turnover.
Mr. Pires requested clarification if the "Peer Review" will be subject to the
Competitive Consultants Negotiations Act and an update on the navigational markers
permit for Clam Bay.
Gary McAlpin noted the CCNA requirements will depend on the costs of the Peer
Review. The 3 permits under consideration are the Navigational Markers, Regulatory
Markers and Informational signs. The Informational signs have been approved by the
various Agencies; the regulatory markers (caution idle speed, no wake) are still under
review by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and if not approved
by them, the County will address the issue with the FDEP; the navigational marker
permit is still under consideration due to legal issues.
Mr. Rios thanked Gary McAlpin for the site visit to Marco Island Beaches.
December 10, 2009
XIII. Next Meeting Date
January 14,2010 - City of Naples Chambers
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the chair at 2:30 P.M.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
John Sorey, III Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
as presented or as amended