As Is Contract for Sale and Purchase THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS" AND THE FLORIDA BAR "As Is" Contract For Sale And Purchase I I , ... l' PARTIES: Aurora Loan S~rvices, LLC ..__".-.._."'!:.n...._----=: i"Seller"l. , ano CoBler County, a .'POI:ltlcal Subdl v l.S.! on QL...t:"e...S.t.il-t"'...9-,,-.Elorida ('-Suyer") 3 hereby agree that Seller shall sell and Buyer shall buy the following described Real Property and Personal Property (collectively "Property") Ij pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Contra,,;! for Sale and Purchase ana any riders and addenda ("Contmct"): 5 '1. DESCRIPTION: , 6*' (a) Legal descnption of thE! Real Property locateo in"S~oll1.er County, Florida: Eas t 75 feet 7' of Tract 116 , Golden Gate Estates, _Unit ._.16.1 J'!.;>tBk. 5, Pg. .V W (b) Street address, city. zip of the Property:_.294_0 8TH STREET NE, NAPLES, FL 34120 9 (cJ Personal Proper1y includes 8xlsting rangt"lS), refrioerator(~;). d,shwJshc(\s). cc:1inO f(lr(s), light "ixllllf:J(S;'. ,mrl ,....ir:<iow trentment(s) unless 1 0 ~3p8cltically excluded below. 11- Other items included are: N at ~:eE~_~,~_~~!_~_____________ ._____ 12' 13" 14' t-emS~1pe~o~.;j'-P~~perty (ana leas13d Items, if any) '";;ctuded -:';e~':N6E--~1?EI1~~p-re=--=-___u______ PURCHASE PRICE (U.S, currency): , PAYMENT: :,1) Caposd ""8~d 'fl escrow by ."Nl ~"_ _._ f'Escrow Agent") in the amount of (checks subject to clearance) Escrow Agent's address: N A Phone: N / A {b) Additional escrow deposit to be made to Escrow Agent w)thin,N_~ljays after Effective Date in the amount of (c) Rnancing in the amount of ("Loan Amount~) see Paragraph IV below, . , . , . . . .. , (d) Other ' ie) Balance to close by cash, wire transfer or LOCALLY DRAWN cashier's or official bank check(sl, subject to adjustments or prorations, . III, TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER AND COUNTEROFFERS; EFFECTIVE DATE: (a) If this offer is n01 executed by and delivered to all parties OR FACT OF EXECUTION communicated in writing between the parties on or before10 days from counteroffer, the deposit(s) will, at Buyer's option, be returned and this offer withdrawn, Unless other- wise stated, the time for acceptance of any counteroffers shall be 2 days from the date the counteroffer is delivered. (b) The date of Contract (~Effective Date~) will be the date when the last one of the Buyer and Seller has signed or initialed this offer or the final counteroffer. If such date is not otherwise set forth in this Contract. then the "Effective Oale~ Shall be lhe date detennined above for acceptance of this offer or, if applicable, the final counteroffer. uDeposit due within fifteen (15) days of effective date. 3" IV, FINANCING: Counteroffers include any Addenda submitted after either party signs. ~(a) This is a cash transactIon with no contingencies for financing; o (b) This Contract is contingent on Buyer obtaining written loan comm~ment which confirms underwnting loan approval for a loan to purchase 1he Property ("Loan Approvel') within _ days (if blank, then 30 days) after Effective Date ("Loan Approval Date") for iCHECK ONLY ONE): I:' a fixed; 0 an adjustable; Of I.) a fixed or adjustable ra1e loan, In the Loan Amount iSee Paregraph II.(c)) at an initial interest ra1e not 10 exceed 'Yo, and for a term of _ years, Buyer will make application within _ days (if blank, then 5 days) after Effective Date. BUYER: Buyer shall use reasonable diligence to: obtain Loan ApprovaJ; notify SaUer in writing of receipt of Loan Approval by Loan Approval Date; satisfy terms of the Loan Approval; and dose the loan. Loan Approval which requires a condition related to the sale of other property shaJl not be deemed Loan Approval for purposes of this sti)paragraph, Buyer shall pay all loan expenses, Buyer authorizes the mortgage broker(s) and lender(s) to disclose information regarding the conditions, status, and progress of loan app~cation and Loan Approval to SeHer, Seller's attorney, rool es1ate IIcensee(s). and Closing Agent. SELLER: If Buyer does not deliver 10 &;'" written notice of Loan Approval by Loan Approval Date. &;Ier may 1hereafter cancellhls Con1ract by delivering written notice ("Seller's Cancellation Notice") to Buyer, but not later than seven (7) days prior to ClOSing. Seller's CanceUation Notice shall notify Buyer that Buyer has three (3) days to deliver to Seller wrttten notice waiving this Rnancing contingency, or the Contract shall be cancelled. DEPOSIT(S) (for purposes of this Financing Paragmph IV(b) onM: II Buyer has used reasonable diligence but does n01 obtain Loan Approval ay Loan Approval Date, and ~hereafter eitr.er party elects to cancel this Contract, the deposit(s) shall be returned to Buyer. If Buyer obtains Loan .-\pproval or waives this Financing contingency, and thereafter the Contract does not close, then tile deposit{s) shall be paid to Seller: provided how- ever, if the failure to close is due to: (0 Seller's failure or retusal to close or Seller otherwise fails to meet the terms of the Contract, or (iij Buyer's lender fails to receive and approve an appraisal of the Property in an amount sufficient to meet !he tenns at tre Loan Approval, then the deposit(s) shall be returned to Buyer. o (0) Assumption of existing mortgage (see rider for terms); or CJ (d) Purchase money note and mortgage to Seller (see ~As is" Standards Band K and riders; addenda; or special clauses for terms). V. TITLE EVIDENCE: At least" ___ clays (if bla'lk., then 5 (Jays) before Closing oJ title hSLJrar'ce COIT1r:1ltr-'1erl\ '!Vi:t, legible copies of InstnJmen's listed as ',;,l(ceotions alttlered thereto ("Title Comrnitl'lent') and, ;l('E7f- Closing, an owr'er's ~1olic,/ ot ri!1e irlSIJrarCA (see Stand;;trd A for renns) shall be obtuinad tv' (CHECK ONLY ONE): X(1) Seller, at Seiler's e)(pense and (1ehvereeJ to Buyer or B'_Jyer's attorney: or - ..J (2) Buyer at Uuym's expense, {CHECK HERE}: .J If CUI abstract Of title is to be furnishtd instead ot tllle insurance, and attach rider for terMS, ~,fJ VI, CLOSING DATE: Hlis transaction shall be clOSed and the closing docurnents dC~I'/C!ren on ~c:~'lUary 29, 2010 ("C1osinq"), un~s :iH 'wxtified by Otll8r provisions of this Contract. !n the event of extreme weathE:T or other conditions or events constituting "force rnajeurB", CIosir9 will be 00 extendoo a reasonable time until: (l) restoration af utilities and other s€lVices essential to Cbslrg, and Oil avaiabitity of Hazard, Wind, Flood, or Homeowners' G1 insurance. If such conditions ccrrtinue more than~ days [rt lJjank, then 14 days) beyond Closing Date, then either party may cancel this Controct, 1C' .11. l() 1/' $ 57,420.00 0.00 $ 1('(' 1V 20. 21. 22 2~1 /'1 $ N/A :nIf $ 57,420.00 ~3 2f~ 2/ ?i ;;~) Ju 32" 33' 3<" 35. 36- :17 38 39 ,1C 41 4~' <1:j 44 1;) 'I( 17 4P ,; ~'J ~r:, ~:,1. f>'- 53' 5tj './,' 0:'.'. _'0 5-; . /l,R;BAR ASIS,2 Rev, RiO? f; ?CXJl f~:[)~id;l Asoocietion r.lf RI/". :{)I><,; -~1I1JPIO Fioricb B~l' All Right~ q\1~~er\lnd Page 1 of 5 ,---. VII. RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS; Sullsr shall convey marketable title subject to: compmhensive land use plans. zoning, restrictions. prohibitions ancj other requirernents imposed by oovcrnrnf~ntal authority; restrictions and f~latters appearing on the plat or otherwise ~Jrnmon 10 the SubdivISion; outstanding oil, gas dnd minen"!! ngl'll, c/ mcorcJ without right cf entry; unplllttmJ puhilC utlllly easements of recor(J D5 ,located contiguous 10 real prcpertyllnes and not r,ere th"ln Ie fnHl Ifl,VKJth CIS to t!le rear or front lit"\ElS .:md 1 1,2 feet In "...idlh <1::: to the sirle (jf hnes); faxes for year of Closu19 8nd subsequent Yf~nrs: and assumed rnortqaqes ,)nd purchase money 1 ";(Jr:(}l']es. il :Uly ii' ade!iliOf\;]1 items. so/"; ':);. ajueqduP1l; provided. ttiJl ttlsre exists at Closlnq no v:olallon ~J~ the Icrr.:9oln9 a.nd nor,s pr€>Vent !]S(?:A tht? Prnpr'11.Vhr .,_ __~______ p>-,. .1!,"~9_J:11:><:l~h<:lo':L St:_ab~li zation PrO.sr.il-ffi_ (Nj:lPL__ .._________.._... P'''pO'B'31 ;}9 VIII, OCCUPANCY: Seller :~,h31':Je,t.,{er ,xcl,pan:y d Pr~Jp":r1'i to BUVer at ti~'lP ;)t Closinq unless nth€'rNi::>e Sl;t!(:(1 Ilcrein, 'Pf'Operty is :ntended :0 b€ renled or XCUpierl ()eyond (losing, rile "acl ..lIvJ 'r"rr'lS t'Je'fE;()" ;In(l trl(\ t2nanh,Si or occupants Shdil be .jl"r:lu~,fXJ r:'.1rS!Ii1f11 10 -AS IS" Sti.lnOarrl ~'l ~;, I' (.<<xup<:\ocy is Ie be d(~ivt:rea l)€fore OQSil'!:J, i3Lf)'8f d.s';unlt~S aU fisk" cl tCS~j to Property lfOr" ("Jill", 0: i.h.:Clipdl\CY. silaY tie [f3!;p~)n5ible <Inri liable :ar na,lnlenaIfCtl from thot 'jate. and shall be OBe!'llt:';d 10 l1ilvP iJCc<:rh:~j Prcpertvn ItS eXlstir-'g (:onCltI0n ~l-"ll'j"i+:, of laktrllJ OC~lJpancy. , ~. IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: l/rewnl1en c:',r r;;Jnrj....ITI!ten preVISions. riders anU adl..:ellrla shall CQfitr;)! all printed pro- 7,' visions of thiS Contract in conflict with them. .'", X, ASSIGNABiliTY: (CHECK ONLY ONE): Buye.- .J may asSign and thereby be releasee from any furth..-Iiabdity und..- this Contract; 0 may 1(5- assign but not be refeased from liabifity under thiS Contract: or iXmay not assign this Contract. 'f Xi. DISCLOSURES: 78 (a) The property may be subject to unpaid special assessment lien{s) imposed by a public 00dy rpublic body~ does not Include a -:Oil Condomtnium or Homeowners' Association). SuCh lien(S), r any, whether certrfied, confirmed and ratffied. pending. or payable 1n installments. Ij,~. as of ClOSing, sha. be paiD as follows: Xl by Seller at closing .J by Buyer Of left blank, then Seller at Closing). If the amount of any 61 assessment to be paid by saler has not been 1na/ly determineo as of Closing. Seller shaJl be chargea at Closing an amount eoual to the b2 last estimate or assessment for the improvement by the public body 03 bJ Ra..:)()1' 1$ iJ naturally ,.ccurring r,1cjIOdChte.Ju~ It'.JI ,,~r,r;1l ,KCUf:H)~\01:.: In 8. UUllding il1 sufficient q\Jd'l:tl[:~, ma,' \...,(f:o;;erll l-iE-alnl riSks 1:; per. b" ;ions '1'11"10 ;,1/1'" p...pc~;e] L: I: o.,:e-r time UO!...(~5 0' t;uc:n m,11 (~:>(,:>~:'.J ~(:'-{jf"f<ll ,lP(j 3t:.lre qui(Jelif't'~; ~n\I(' [1';'<'" ~nul',J n t;..ilh11',,;,:r" ir~ FI::.-,n(;~l d~. Atj(1I!I::;nill if'fcrmation regarding racion or 'adon 10.qll,',g may I:;e oh:(lll"erJ 'ren 'lour County PubliC Ik!cllU, l.T!:l 26 ':C,I MOI(1 is naturally occurring and may cause hmllh riskg or (lap'::10\1 10 propenv It Suver 1$ GonC8rned ur ,IOSlr€s DOditional ntorn,atl0n 8/ 18g3roln9 p,cJld. Buyer should contact an apprCpflatn pro'6[.;sion:'li 88 i,di Buyer acknowledges receipt of the FlOrida Energy.Elficiency Haling InrorrlatJon Brochure r.;quirea by Seclion 553.996, F.S. 88 J,e) II the Real Property Includes pre- , 978 residential hOUSHlg. thHO a le8ej.basoo paint rkier is rnam:iafory 90 (1') It SeUer is a ~foreign person" as defined by thp. Foreiqn 'nvestr"l9nt in Real Property fax Act. Itle parties shall comply w1th that Act. 9' 19; BUYER SHOULD NOT EXECUTE THIS CONTRACT UNnl BUYER HAS RECEIVED AND READ THE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIA- 92 TIONICOMMUNITY DISCLOSURE, ;n !Ill "RO"EF1TY TAX DISCl OSURE SUM~ARY flUY"R SHCUl.D NOT RELY ON THE SELl ERS CURm'N I '''1D~E'1IY TAXES AS THE AMOUNT LH 0;:; PR(/P~HrY TAXES rlV\T r~~E BlIYER \/1/\'{ BE: ()8UUMHJ TO IJAY!\J THE YEAR SUBS~OUEf\r 10 ;)l)r~Cf'ASL. A CHANGe. OF OWNER nt. SHIP OH, PHOPi::FnV IVPHOVf::ME:NIS rRlGGE::qs HEA0SES~MI::NI S U~ IHE: PHOPERTY THAT (~()UU) n~suu IN HI(;rH:n p.'-,OP:::RTY TAXES. 90 Ie YC;U HAVE AI>Y QUESTIONS CONCeRNING VALUATION, CONTACI JHE COUNIY PHOPEIHY Af'I'HAISHi;o OellCE 'on INCORMATIQN. G, '<11, MAXIMUM REPAIR COSTS: DELETED 9'-;' XIII. HOME WARRANTY: .J Seller ..J Buver ~ N/A.-vill pay br a f10l' Ie warrant'! plan l$suet1 fJY DUo. <It a cost not to exceed S..Q_:.iLQ__.. ..__......"..... 'C, J' XIV. INSPECTION PERIOD AND RIGHT TO CANCEL: (a) Buyer shall havo ~ days from E.ffect,vo Dato ("Inspection Poriod") within 1 ()1 which to have such inspections of the Property performed as Buyer shall desire and utilities service shall b6 made available by the ~, Seifer during thelnsp6Ction Period.. (b) Buyer shaH be responsible for prompt payment for such inspections and repair of damage 10'< to and rostoration of tho Property resulting from such inspections and this provision (b) shall survive tarmination of this Contract: I (14 and (c) If Buyer dotermines, in Buyer's solo discretion, that tho Property is not accoptabla to Buyer, Buyer may cancol this Contract ; (.', by deJillering facsimile or written notice of such eJection to Seller prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period. If Buyer timely "-"; cancols this Contract, tho doposit(s) paid shall be /mmedlatoly retumed to Buyer; thereupon, Buyer and Soller shall bo reIoased of 'U;' aD further obligations under this Contract, excopt as provided in this Paragraph XIV. Unloss Buyer exorcises tho right to cancol 106 grsnted _no Buyer accepts tho Property in its present physical condition. subject to any violation of governmental, building, 109 environmental. and safety codes, restrictions or requirements and shall be responsible for any and all repairs and improvements 1 , 0 required by Buyer's londor. I " xv. RIDERS; ADDENDA; SPECIAL CLAUSES: CHECK those riders wnlch are applicable AND are attached to and made part of this Conlract: 1 t?" .J CONDOMN'UM .J VNFHA .J HOMEOWNERS' ASSN <S LEAD. BASED PAINT .J COASTAL CONSTRUCTiON CONTROL liNE 1 1 'Y .J NSULAT'ON 0 EVIDENCE OF TITLE (SOUTH FLORIDA CONTRACTSI .J Othec Cor-lpreher,sr/b PI(A.~ Provb(,ns .J Addenoa 1 f," SpGcal Clouseis,l, SELLE~~~9REES TO EXECUT~,,~!'lJY~~~_~__~{)_~~S,,;.__9~~~.~!.~AVIT; PUBLIC D.ISCLOSUR~, AFFIDAVIT; '159 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED; AND SUBSTITUTE VENDOR W-9. S~LLER WILL DEL~R THE cOHFL~TEn-ANrrrgIGNED W-g 1':' TCi--BUYER-sTMULTANE6us'ily~~liTHTHlr-sIGNEi:f C6NTRACT..~--~-- -- ---------.---~,.,.,,_.-----"'.-- ...... -.-.----..~..--.--~- 62 63 64 11,-- SELLER' WAR:RANTS-P-ROPER-T-y'is"'VA'-C~AND--SHALL REMAIN SO "nIRouGH CLOS ING-~TO- COMPL 'F" W:iTH~THE-lfE(5uiRE~iENTS-- OF--'t'HE..NEIGHSORHo6JJ-STAi3'"n::tZATION PROGRMr:------------"-~.- ------~- -------- STANDARDS "B,D, P, N, AND Y ARil-DilLilTllTI:----- ------------.-.~- .____________._.~'__m"__".____ ____.___. DUE TO BUYER BEING A COUNTY GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY WITH SPECIFIC GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES, SELLER -.- --....-,.. '---"'-'" ACKNOWLEDGES THAT STANDARD "S" IS HEREBY DELETED. '21)" ~ ;) 1 ' 1 _<~o. 1}j. 12.,' 1,~~;," L:(i XVI. "AS IS" STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ("AS IS" Standards): Buyel 'Jl1d Sol18t il::hncl'....ludge Il~u:ipt of iJ ,;npy P- Df "AS IS" Stal1unrcis ^ tr1r:)\Jgh Z on the reverse Stue <)r JUne/lod. which are inc:)rporated as pan \)f this Contr,JC:1. : /l.Hi!3;\H ASIS 2 Hev g/O/O 2001 F'C'rid8 A..:>sociJlbn 01 Fb\\ '....IS ,'JlId rhe Fk':dda 80: 1'>,11 Ri',jtltS Ptlt:(~rVHd Page 2 of 5 l,e. THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT, IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, 1 ;'9 SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. "'0 THIS .AS IS" FORM HAS BEEN APPROVEO BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS - AND THE FLORIDA BAR, 131 Approval d.:)OO not constitute an opinion that any of the terms and conditions In this Contract should be accepted by the parties In a 1:<;7 particular transaction. lc-rms and conditions should be rlegotialc'{] based upon It'K: ft:SpL'ctive 1r1t!:;r8Sts, o[.!Jectivos an(j t~ar~laining 1 :3'"; positions of all interested persons ':34 AN ASTERISK(') FOLLOWING A LINE NUMBER iN THE MARGIN 'NDICATES THE liNE CONTAINS A BLANK TO BE COMPLETED, 135~.*SEE .~?BSTI~~_~~~~~:?~ 13d ,:SUYERI BLOCK BELOW (DAT) :S[L,LE~; (DATE) 13T- 138 i8UYER) LQAT~ 1 :39- Buyers' address tor purposes Gf notice ~~~__ PROPE TY AGEMENT 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES, FL 34112 1'100 . 14i- 239-252-8991 Pllufle Phone 112 BROKERS: The brokers ilnclud:n9 cooperating blukers. if J.nyJ namerj tJelow are Ule only tJrokers en7:t)f.!rJ to compensation In connection Wlltl 1-1:3 this Contract: 1 ,W I\arne: .Y..!lRFES',T PROP~R!~J;;S..QF NAPLES __....__.. 1 -if) Cooperating Brokers, if any tSCLlC11 Sellers address for purposes o~ notice (DAT[j listing Broker DATE PROPERTY ACQUISITION APPROVED BY BCC: MARCH 24, 2009, ITEM lO-F DATED: BUYER, ATTEST, DWIGHT E. BROCK; CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIE~(~OUNTY, FLORIDA J ~~~O,( . .. t. ~'(CLl<K . IfOlllw-. Oll1ol.. ..-. BY: , ./ /.1 :~. DONNA FIALA, CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: ;l-J~ B. WHITE, COUNTY ATTORNEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2940 8TH AVE. NE, NAPLES, FL. 34120 rJJ1/BAR A$IS-;2 f1ev. YiO/ ':i: 200/ Florida Association of RU\llr,AiS' ~lrl(J The Flofl(J€\ Bil! AI H~l~I[~ RI1&:lfveU Page 3 of 5 - '"6 "AS IS" STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS . 4 -:' A. rlTl..e INSURANCE: The Hie Cornl1'1itrT()ot ::1\.1): 1)<J ISSJHd bv a ;:lorda !i{>'Y1S.~O litle ;!1S'J'Gt dgr(K,"Ing 10 issue 3ll'i'c'" Uf.::<)'\ r(.::o'dln~J ,)1 1f"lB .:ieeC 'e &l'y'CI' ;in \)WI1~rs ,)ci!iey::f 1 tIe '''s,nvl(:t! ,n the dfrI.Nnt 01 I'll? j;'Jrct...,SiJ OI'~:cro, 'bl,rJ"nq 3"i(~'~; T,Y';ClaUe lit',;; tc t'''';, RBa) P'01:0r1y, SubJOCl ;ylY 10 manttrS ccnlan)Q(j ;'.' II PlC;\(p;pll \ill ann t:l~e t:J to;; (v:;c,arqa..:J b', 3cll.y <ll Cf t;(.f:)r(; ~>C,,~il,,-l \.1.1fi..'>I:.;;}:(! Hlf;' -oiluill:fo' (~)t,)f'I'''l('tl ,)GCO'"'Ctltl') rc 1.;>plic:aLl2 T ll~) S'arl(ja'll~ .-illUpl 1 8;1 C'j' ,H;"ICl;ly (;1 TIle :::Iu,da [j,ll :lnd -, c1C\:'.Jn:i:Ul\>~ SI'l :a'N J ;'{Cf ::i'l;,l' r,d",;: 5 .j""1':> fn"Il' d,:;;fc (,I r>':":(~I'.II'g l'ie T lie 'J;' t'T"lrncnl to C'X'Jf'I"'II} It, ,1'ld It title IS 1.-' OU!l~i j,::te<;\I~'e, I',:)lify Sl'IIr>' 'I WI it "19 q..\('ClrYlll:J iJ,,~,;":t':S'I.'i'w:rl ~"t 1(11:;lr !llll::1 _Pill ,:l!ki:1JU'tl. S;::(:r ,:;h<~ 11J''1t: 30 ')..'J:i~> I ',[110.:';€'ipf :]f llUlicU !o rWI':'Wl) lhe "';) \F~'ect.'3, '.l,linn which 8'.Iycr ~.II;;-i ','-:It' I;. I S ';;J'( ;;tIp! c.(f:lrJ.ti;lr1 :j! II,t} ,<(I Udy ,-''-;!IIAJ, ,k:"vee w"ltlen '101ico tQ SeHer c,Ii)('r- (1: (:)(Jendillg l~lC litnU tor a rnC\son- . ':,:} alle OAriuCi 1101 to exceo'xi I XI ,1eW'" W111l-'1 ""hilii ~";') t!r ~;Ildll ,l'~(: :Jihgf"11 C'tO'''1 to '<),110v,) 1118 (if):C.~:t<;: f,lf 12) foquesllllLj c' '1)f..IIIC 0' CCposil(S) paio 1ivhiCh !:;;tuH ;4 [,(., 1\Olur' 'cO 10 Blly(J~ It UlIY'll h,~~ to 90 1-,ntHy .'-;"1111" I~,IJ-'O' ~;lldill)O !h!I"llIlKj 10 l\dV(~ i,K:Ct'ulecllllf, fitlo ol~:l 1'\oYI -~ ::;dlol 'itldi!. 'I !it,r! is kUfl(j lInmarJ<etable. LI'l€! ~lrkl'-,!nl effOf1 to corrocl u8'ucl'<,'1 ',fltl1.[ll1)1) L'r:;. ptC'>lri!-:ri II. ;JI(~I rJr'i(.;t,nt "Hod SOlie' '$ unaoie 10 lilllryV C8P'~;t Ifl'.;. JrJk...;ts, BUyer shall ell her '"vaive 1~ d0lc'(:ts, :,r '(,{~(.::i':0 D. 'T.:1U'1(~ of lJU~A)S'ti,;i. 11,., ~:)/ rt~,t,'l~"l',; '111.' J'd ,':~cll,'" 'r()'n :l!: 1.)'11101- c.\lJilg;;l'c..'()Sllh-Jl~1 hl'~ {;;"llfl(;' "S0,.:;r tS 1~,1 p'-'J'iide The T,",~ (jYTlnll\IT(;nt ;.j:'id It ,:; r;el""':IC1'~ I,;) Bu-..e' !(:53 t'\I11 ,:1 ddVS r:i1'f (r, r: ";';.1 GU;I" 'l'cl\" ,;xh;n:i (:!0';)j~J :')(' ("dt i3.1'I,r- ;,t'J') i'iT,f) un ',-, j ,'_"I\':'. hllrl :1~18 01 'c)(.eljJ ':,1' te :,'1,:"j', '\e ,',a'-r',:? '1 acccr,:anc,' 'i:,!h t"'s "/,S :S- .':il~l:di.~'G B. PU-ReHA5E'MONEY' MeATGAGE:SECUFHTY AGAEEMENTTOSElLER: 1-\J:;.~,Il.(.'flf~!;<'l*)!wt ~'~~1"~ ;:y \\J"!'(;q9d\.~i;\:,:;.lil";9~;';;<";l,;';"'t,l:Q"'-4-:g"t..:..r-..... ',~!' 2f:;J8y ':r';r~e O:!t:~td 4'lftt~ t"',t"'11~1 ,~icitll f.Oj I 's!tHUn:f':l\)t:, il:",}i:.';<+~ IJr,"'7e-l10f>V':l': ct ,:":i(;GJ).:j:,,-{';~ T()'~'3--~;~:;"~ Of-V\riG"":';" ~Jnt-Qt.,or~'imuc.l . t ; ."'t '.'tT'rOi"C! ('i"il't,~~~lrt.;.,.tf)(\'-JI1~-eHf!'ty-'~'1'ili"e~il Hr.',;>""", "tH)j,'H ';'c' i4 .{)~"l~aFi;'f."<".J ~h8 ~'kll-.;.-;r;:;'Vftrt+, i'r;.~(Bi]Ulf",..aII-.G-l\.1 j,.;tI.....,,~i<::lC.M~!l.~I.:IAc;.G..ij..~.Q,ce__.(cot <- ." ;J'Oe"t ~,Illr~ s'''a!I 'Ori':r'J'-f:c>dl'K-el.i,)'\'i'.A: ..)' IHLI"",.-,~...:,:,,:;'i:'t 'Jlid,..' . ty.,)'~;" 'f~i "*r+th~:..:,':;<~I'i'''-1l.1j(~)-H..f)'''''''iOJ-I-'3<'\k14p.G;L<<:~;;.t 'llb;';;W:l(;:..-.;{~n.ta.l1<n:+ J !~:.s ~tctrr.larfj-1"t(lf'tqaqee.eJau~-eO';'I~~ .lff~~.-e<T"€ftl~ ;O/:)l'd(-tt...,,'! Hlf:,.::v~';J+ ':;;'~~l-:'-'t'l'T-lffC>!ft"~t:,;--;1.#..titll 11"Jf""'!}' ;f+8~~".+It:\;l~.~..:":ltn:-:i-~*,,1-.-;c;.l,'Q(~~ IF,'j <Yl'iJrs("r~'''arld ~.~ f'~$-m'1tf fJe,ib- l'l:!I~.H"ty ,Rt:t;>t'-"Vtll'y ID(;j-,j,d}, ,!, "... i-lfH(.I'.Jrlf"'d"i!flB- ;-'"k~>i+' ,1-.j(ijt:"''''~''I';.-''';-tl'.#ol'~alU;,o ~..-J,1:lBll,O(t~l'\O,';""'@ \rif. and~",~,(...'j1'9 ,e, ,t ~he--(}~ tft!mtl",lf1th:(Jnti-titl--'f:flrr"ftt.tby'-8elief~i~Se.ieo-+-nay .IHiy-/w~(,Iai.lSB&-i'Ol-,"(1- .;OVE-r':i(:}& tdf,t<Qfr~d.'f,/..)UrlQ--"'+s-J)l:,)j.:l~ t--tm qage!:"1Yl~!'lOtes-8ftr:i:ieetffity f:l:tJftlffl+leflt~-yef\f~ '.ff~t{;(} l:..,.W\'tf198 d:''Il.'j10W+,' ",,:;I~H!>{J''',:;' m f~AA..0f-nat-O'~~~~~' fi.--&kJ(:~j. jrl-~~'x)W)tY-W~~l- [i~ 'b" ~oatPrcperty+S 'oet'ltect: AII-PeNo-mI-PmpertYffl'1t1'fefl~ l'leln.,:tt:+y.M~ye:Jt\f--ittmiyf1l31+will,dtBt:;I8"'G- ~j,}l.;Qf<,. 00 Wbjo!;11ot+-10Iio.., (lta6BGllfify-agr9GffiarIl-B\It- 'f:.. (je'~"by' ~edol'~i-/i-~W~"9-jffifP.tHHtlh<"'f~V~h"d-ff+'(,."14I-le'."',1,1')f)i#Jf.HHn~'\!kid()t>.,P~:l.'.if'Id-'Pcl'r'-l41o!1'f1, '......-,-bMlY+o.d H+<lrJe*,)(,~(';OCl;,;,~.....~tL~N.-l. 1(" C. SURVEY- GtiW. at i:llY')';; n;<;renso. 'h 1"lll' twe ,)iio~"'0d '0 ,jl:,li\cr '..'/:(}jfH:I' 1)1 tilt'; "nn ki <'x.u";Ot, :;,111l1~_ Wily 'I, .. 1Ili; '-.c:\; Propwl'I 'iU.Wjyeu ano (j),tl. 1 ' lfXl ty 0\ ,(!<,}'Sle'BCi F:or"-Ul :JUIVC\o{;4, if ~r18 ~'o,\.(>,.. (' 'JC (j,,;B'3 ...J\;'.'."\',iO,met Its un l'~'.; P,'.>Ji f-"'-DI>.,rl/ ()' "j,,1 'i,{,r';"('fI'," Ik:, '(:,111,\; nll,jf:O(l (,,~ Y':',xKh .:In f>ofWck 1::'>05 ,;,IU,11";'ll~, dlldS cf -;trJ('r~; ,cr \,,),S.!C d'Iy ,,~~,l':l:;tl:)(tS, <:,)i11f)Cl"'. ',,;c,rnn;<; Uf ,lj':I> Libie !J()..'ur"'t,~jl:{ I';:' 11)1;,h):h 11'~ 'dr'\(' :ilia 'C':';-lltu1e Cilille dl~kr:: , - 0, WOOO DESTROYING ORGANISMS, DEUTED '. E, INGRESS AND EGRESS: &:1I('r Aa:ranIS.11j.::rr,:'s;:;'"l!<; ;:~.J! 1'"lC"'iJ is ingress ,tn:: ()qress tC', ~t"1..;; .ledl ;'h':'PQ'\'1 ::-.)'1'."(:111 to' ,,, ,,,te'i(l!,;<lllS8 ,:is (je~cr,.:.t:.J ... '"l '")ari\l:,jfi';lf, vn hef<:'C' ..'lnd 1,IlI')!e tile RUE Prorr}/lj' ~ 'nsurlb.J ; ],:c.;)rwnCt'..,>,th "/I.~3 IS'. Sldlld:ln~ A v':1!t"loJi ;~XC'JI:I 'j"' 'ur a,:k of 1t~"Jd r \JI'I 0' ac::~JS-S F. LEASES: E~3na~cl~'~H.-aeyG -r~.'; \.;;f~.r'19; iiJfh'.,h~{j 8,,1'o'f 'Ei-L-'ij,{,t,{;l '~""-tt'tm-i':;J';';,06-",*,:~+~~ !l:)f.1'4I-6,k}lH-.;.ach-I-3f-~~....p~,,-ty":jo,}tr~':ld~ .'h fttltl t'ttral-it.'tlci tt1e'ffi1-ltl/'tl-'~j-"'Xft1f:lt1AC'Y;fB'ltal~(;h~_- ,~"fvG-''TJ",ll-ftltdn(i1X.'(..'HHt'f-tl''!OO~t.,; p;jlfib't!f:"'ldf.l,.! ,s.-!Uer :~~II1d1j!",I.!,j(jl~l. .,ul;i~. .,;11~I~n...6QGh"to:;Il- i7, Sf'l!-, H~ '':'<fj1'W~ :"liOI"'f1dH")'T ~~lttll oe 1-t__lfflif,tlf~i JY ,.z:--eil>~ . If} -El;+'r':il .,vltf:j.lt that"tUJ'-tJ ~.€i'Ilt8jn t'~ v,,:rH ,(i 1 . a ,.SeliBf'sat~K).a',.iI; .'1' kJ rJJ)l8f flldy, -l. fi.;!.MtIBf. (~'lJl,a(;t...IQn. j i' 8 a'"tttot;orlhnl~ ~iJch inrorHlH.h~ Ill. Ii 1'1e ler'T,s()f 1'\e''';H3e3 (!,rh:~ n t,h1riallv;rwp.Se/lr;r"j "f'f}I.f'senlf~h()rt'j.f3';Y";::f il!a-rleH HI Id'l; ~hi5 GOlllfdst.t;y (]0~V'3f';1(J milt{j<:l I i.-:l 11(.\'lifleloN:*,ff I'll teflSJ hdt\'Y~1 p.tOt 1-o,,('..!oG'Ag.- :'~"(;+6'X1f1,-"IICj( ,(,'1',.,' u(i1iY+i.~dnfi.;lt;sjYfhill Glil~$.l;:.;-jlf_~loGuyB<, 1>',,) 0 LIENS: ~;e:t("1 ,-:tli1' 11'lli~;h I~' [1IJYcr ,il tirw} c' C!:>,-;:tlY "Ii "hdil\'tl il!ti:::,liIKllc I",.' "fl~j'inIY~, ~1fI1';'~~~ ,'1';0 '!;ISO PO\fj[,<! t", 'If.~T;ln. of anv fi'1;,ncinq slatO'll0:!!, ",a:l':, ",'11('11 or ':':ilf:ntia. "lIle's h.llO\'l'll'~' St"IIL":;I'~!ILJt:lh:'1.]11C~;liI'iJ thilt Ir,,/,., /'1,,';;; i)CCIlIlI) Ir"I'J"::;\,I,'Tlnb)r "Y)'YS '-:! F),:; '-Ie'31 ;Jrcx")()'ly Ie 'JO c:a't~; 'llnle '--i" 'J cl101v P{:Ct'~)nq (t~te c' ~~. c~;;IYJ Ir t~1;J P,".tl ~;";lr),:I1)- 'I,y; t> ,;~., I 111'1;' ,_'\'xJ ')' H;I;;:dl'~1 \,-iH)ll) Iful ~ 'I ''-, : ,WU" ':.11;:! < J('ii\-li!' rclt~cl~;;:o, ", 'N,'. -""1 '1 :J ex.:! IS!'ucIKHl ",' ens e)(;,!(<)!h l h.,. ,:i11 iNne'JI r:u",lrdc1or-; "ll~{:()lll' .,(;h;'S. :>u;)~h,n:, ]'.,,: 'lloSIC",)':' "Yl '1 'lcJlt'cn U :/'i:,,;r'< i,(,'"1'1,:1;1': t '''/;It '.-J 1_1"'1 \I').,) 'unW'$ 0f aJl s,ch ')cn ","'11 rA')< ,t, 'tcl:;r ';_ S.i;JC()"',!';:r.:l:1(S ~"J,j;}iie'-s ul\.':! 'ILill':'( Cl "lC. L f" Tllel ,;,"irl"":j :'U! (.Ii:':'~-l8<; j~). ,"'PV,"' ll:~'n\s "r..Jir::. ,','. '~!) :::-':, (J ';(..'rv: ,15 J 11dS".; '(;r ,I ;::~'$t,l)("';rl ,.:)(1 cr a c'a '1' tar 'jd rag~> ~) ,".-'i~ ;){",X' ;';'" ~ cr "'11 :.Y.' u:'\.:J )1 lip.; "'Y:;ln-g <;! l'-,'s .:,.)nl' ;'(,1 t:' H. PLACE OF CLOSING: ~".;',:inq <;'lail!),;;' ",(;I() n Ir,l~ ,-O_i1!', ,,','I)','i,.':II';0 :~'J,J1 ;'rODC'1\ S :'~'.'d.I~~J;Jl t~l(' :1'+ 'J' c' I'''/.' ,j1l,Y'll,ii ')r OJ!:lBI ''jC5 ,'') :'9t;~nt ;"'(':O$L'II,} !\FJ :1"i ~1l";'Hn:,jIl.X: r'j!l'lp party ~:d.',t~~:'Cf !I!< '':>u'ali_'('.Y' 'Ii 'II!\) 'SJ":"-~e r)uSQ'dl~)<j 8:.- ",.t;:"!~' i ~J: t TIME: ~nd<.. Oays shall be :JSOO in computlng llme DEJ1cds excoP! peroos of loss lhan S.x (6) days:, in wl1ich event Saturdays, Sundays and state or tlatlon. 1,;) ai :egai ho,.days shall be exduded. Any time periods provided fQr horein vvhidll:>"lali und on a SaflmJay, Sunday, or a legal IX>! day snail extend 10 5:00 p.m. of ttle I ~y, next business clay. TIme Is of the essence In this Contract : (' J. CLOSING DOCUMENTS: Seller shall furnish the deed, biN of sale, certif~ate 01 title. constructiOn lien affidavit. owner's possession affIcavtt, asslgnments of 1005- ., I;~ es, tenant and mortgagee estoppel letters and corroctlve nstrurneflls, Buyer shall furnish mortgage, mortgage note, security agreement and fif"ll:Y'ldng statements, 1 nJ K. EXPENSES: Documontary stamps on the deed and recording of corrective Instruments shall oe paid by Seller, .AJI costs of Buyers loan (whether obtained 1(l~ from Seller or third party). Including. but not Jimiteo to, documentary slamps and intangible tax on the purchase rroney mortgage and any mortgage assumod. h", mortgagee tilo insurance coml1ilmenl with related 'ees. and rOCOfd1ng o! purchase 'l"IOOey mortgage, 00e0' and financing statements shall be paid by Buyer i';j,_,; Unless OthefW1SEi prov;ded by law or nder 10 Ihls Contract cr.argos tor remted cloSIng sar./lCes, l111e search, and closing lees f'1Cludlng preparation of ClOSIng 1~1: statemer'fi, Shall be 08ld by!he party rosponsible;or fu'nisr1lng: lhe IIUe e\licencen accoruance ..,'rtll ;::laragrap1 V. ;' L PRORATIONS; CREDITS: Taxes. assess~enls, Hmt, .nle-est, Insurance a'"ld ott;er e;o:ponses of t'lE.' Jrooert)' sha:i be prorated through the Gav oeiore GOSlng. 3uyer s."\;1lt !)ave t"le OOltQn of taking cver 0X:St_f'q pOhc,BS otqs;jfa'1Ce, If 3SS,,;,Yab e, ''1 '....:iICr', ev,:'nt W&r1\..ITlS shaH be prorated. Cast) at CiOSing sha:: be nc.eaWd Of ejocreased as -ray be '.equlred by pr\7at'ons to be "T'\t1.coe t'1r0<Jg1 day ryl()l' 10 00$"9, 0-' o(.,'cupancy,' (xcucanc'l occurs oefore Cooing. Advanco 'ent ano socunly cIeposilS wil' t:e Crediteci (0 [1u,u', <;:svow depc-~~'rs 118ld by M(lrtgJgOe ,,{III be cr'3rJllod !o Seller. faxes SOlali oe prorated oased on the curront ;;? yea"s lax '.\lith (Jue 3Jlowance 1l1.3(1o lor maxllTiUln allowat)le eJISC(JU'll. 'lorresl<?dd arKj othe( 12XeTrot,o",s, If C:OSlr19 occurs at <) date 'N'len:ho current year's milt- ;.'i' age IS not fixed uno C'Jtrcnt year's assesSnlCJnt is ,lv<:lIlablo. !;;1Xl)S wi,; DO proraled based upon such assessment and prior yp....,r.s m~tage, It currant year's assoss ,(/ 'TICflt is ~ot available, thon taxes wilt be prorated on prior year's fID. It them are comploted Improvements on lho Rool Proporty by January 1st of year of Closing, : ,,",,; Wildl improvernonts wore noln oxlstence on January 1 st of prior yt)ur. then taxos sllallbo proralod baoo(1 upon prior yei;lr'S nlillage ana at on equitable assoss. '\/i men! to be agreed upon between the parties; faiiing which, :'equcst shall be 'H';}(iQ to I',e County Property Appraiser for an informal assessment taking into l( I accOl.fll availabi(' exerrptons, A lax plOfation basOO en an estimale shall. al reqlieSl of e,ther par.y, ::)Q -,:)adlusted ..Jp<)'l locelpt of CUFcnt year's tax bill. ~,!, M, (RESERVED - purposely left blank) N, INSPECTION AND REPAIR, DELEnD O. RISK OF LOSS: If, ,1flcr Ihe Effect,,,,e Dale. the p.-:)perty ~,.jaII1J~;..xj:.lY fire Of :)trw C~ls~art'i :.CdSualy LOSS":' :}bl0re COS<~Yd a-(l :ost of rcstoratiorl (wruch stla1I'>cluflC II)(.' ,:::osl 07 pr ,1I1,ng or rcrroving (iar'lagco trees; dol.--s nol OCCCC 1 5":. C' tho P .Jcchase ;:lr,cc, ocsl 01 ~O'J.tCYalron :;r~1l1 be a'l Cb,gation 0; Seller and ':J Closing snail proceed ou--sua'11!0 the lorms of lhis 2c/1f'act. ,3f1C ,f res!Of"dtOfl is !X,I (,'QrnpIE%,'(j as ;;f CIC:S'lg, ~1ora1iCfl CGsts w,11 be escrowed at CI05'19 If t":€ co..'>t qf "CSlor",lton t~xcf,)o')(iS . 5% of lb.! PLJ(ctld~;H Pree, BU'f(:r '';/laJ! etlA'lr ldkfl 1'18 P'opwty as is, If){}flH1er wiln It'l() ',Sot. elr recHM'~ d refund of ctepc::;il{s) t~l€rehy ~~ewng Buyer a'K' SeHer ;'fO(f' 8.,1 j'Jltt\€lf ot)/igallon~ urdH' this Con!ra<.1 So; ('r's S(,je Gt111']dlion with rE'.sp(.'Gltn lr(;e cia.n~-,ge ny casualty or ol'ler flatu- 'a; occurronc.e shall be Ihf.! cost of pf1.Jning or rf-lt-nfJW11 ~i'. p. CLOSiNG PROCEDUAE~ lhc d.)ce] slril [;C "f;,;:!f(>'(! un-,", ,. 1'.JI;,no; (;) ':Inl):' II !l,,~ l!k;Al':nt '1';lIn!"J..1'."~I',(\ "I.jlk"'; plll"IJHrtl In '")",.:liOI' 627 ?lj,ll, F.S.. i,", ;li!1crl'1e(i, Ihe C;,(:lm', ;,Ult1 :::osi'\~j WI~)lJ'dultJ fdl.l''-'\j{j 1i''I Itw;'AS I:; :,:taIHJw'{j '311"tll i,{~ w;wv\\d Lr,i[j';~'.'Vi.t:w~d "S suI t(lI!1\ 'd!u':e 1'le 'Q',()wi:lq IA1-:l.i.3A.R A:5iS ;,: f~ev, diO'- (~) 200/ IIt,:r'cia A:;&lt:t.:'1t'Oll ()j .1PlJd<:" .lI'd rh~ Ilor'(:" t:br l\H '.ll";rl!s-I~,:;sel\'o;\cJ Page 4 of5 ~'J "AS IS" STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS (CONTINUED) Closing procedulO::; 51'1011 uDply \ 1) ail clo;;lnq proceod<; ~mdll L(~ ~'Ie!(j in fl,lCOW bv the Clmiln9 J\'-Y:rll tor il periOd 01 '\()I morc H-,an S !lays aHrr Cfo::ilng; 12) i' Seller') tite is r.m(lmed tllln"'arkeldh'A. trllougn no tault 01 rhh'8r g'I',er ~illrJU, wit'll", I;\,~ ~l '-li..l~' ;:t'~io(! 1;( t ty :;i;I'f" "1 wLtinq of tI)F: \.k.'fl:;:ct'lnd &1lier SilH': hcl'.'tJ :JO nays "roT date ot '.:c.;!t)1 Of ';~tr:n, 'v)t'~calvq 10 ';ure I: "," j~:I,~(.I, 13:1 Sr.' iel 'ail~, Ie t,rlu1y ';~ure T'iC 1:0'-tX,", J Inp(::.,!s ,Yid i"r,s'iQ 'tmds SlkilLcJ;)Ufl .,""~itlen ()err;,t'\G I;y 8.IY';' ,:tf!I..l ';'11'1 Ii :.'1 jay~; ::ftal jl'l1idn;j, Uf! 'iJtilf 1~'{: T') [Li\,y ;jnG 3'Tiii:~,n,~;,~''.J9'> ';,'.!I' ',;,;:'1 "'pcl,r'cnl, fL',.:, ~>I-,?,: teL,,"" tl1e =>",r.,r;'1al i:>'oI)OI\'1, ~a.C31e I'Q Rc.ll ;:'1rOpc.rly ;;.nd rc-:;onvey me ~lrop'Jrty to Sr::-!tl" Uy C;prlC'dl Warrd!\t" (j("",,! l''i(: :',,11 (:~ '",f':' .1'IG ,...1) I' G.J'i(' f2:ds:o 'n<'.~.e r,'n~':I Jomaod lor 'C'I.I'l::1, a,Yt" shallia;",f: lite ;JS::l WDiv;t,!,j all 1\1!11~; .j(pi"SI Sdk'f d5 10 ,my lnl(H"It1:"ng \)':',td .)X(;t"A ,1511<1:; nQ a\ta i;,nle:c JI.I'/er Oy .,irfue O! '.\'ar- rant;8s cor'1tained i!, It1C dood '~"r l1j!1 Of ~;Llln Q. ESCROW: l\flY CiOSIfl-J Agent cr 'JScrow dl)enl ;cnlJf)(;tveiy "Aqelil'" "81"(:,'/1(1t') tunes 0' oquvulunl IS a0t'lorizec1 :.l!lrj i1grees by acc.:epl;:mce of 1tK.'il' 10 {j~,IJSI! 1"61'1' P'O:nptl"I. !lCld sarl'~O ,n escrow 30:1, sut)ec! to J~a'<:lll~:(-' :ji~.::,i,j";n IIkt'11 '1 decGn,hnCB ''''i Hl !(.>tlm, a:lj CC'l(Hons of 1'1 s CCil1r:1CI, Fallure 01 iU()'::!S to ,-~~a" stmli ",Jt r.::;(cuse &ryerS pl;jfb'mancc j~ In (!t>.JtJI 15 l~."\~J'.-'fll'~ du! 1.'S ry :I",:,'It!les IJ'l~t.Y ''10 :j~C", S(Yl& OIl:, 5 :>Ylt.' <.Kt, Aunn! may J.l ,1'I"xnrs option. ;:01- tinu.: 1<: holo Ih'3 :>,.,o)OCI rY'dtl;?r (~1 the escrow 'Jf1lil the 0J11!cs ;.,er0lo agree 1': '13 ,:jJ3b'_Jf~;e,'C-ql u~./fltil '-; !'JdgT€"I (:1 <3 (:,.x!r1 ,:";(n:.JfJt&'~t l.lr.WI(;I'cn 3hal (.;elCfIl".('l !nf~ r~~J!,ts of !'It; 0<1'110~:L or Agel'il rWly (l<....-Y:';'Sit ~~1fT\(: 'hW~ tnl: derk 01 I'i(! Clrcu-t C8Utt :\;Jv'ng :"r;:;Cl'cton Of H'le ,:JJsp' It.;:, .~\ -j ,.ill)lI1P.y 'llle "('lfH$t"'lls d (m.'ty 3'ld also iict~: a~-, '\gent 1mr)' rer:rc~:J}111 suetl p,lrly 11"1 ~:;cJ\:h ac;iian, UP('I!l l'cHVJ~) Oli ,:lar110S C0nCf.inlf)c] 01 ~:.ur.h actio'l 8;; !lalJirry' on thu oa1 Dl Alj'P.nl .')")aJl 1'IIIV te'minale, OXOiptlo tlVJ (l)(tent (If accoul\linq (or allY dt)lns prCViO,I:.:Iy duli'.ult~d ou! at V;,C:OW If a liol'1Sox.i rodl t2~;t,1Ic UloklJt, /\W11l1 ,.\til' CCH:I)Y Wlt!'1 l}rrJ\"S;('/is cf C>dplcl ~7[l, FS, ie; dfilorld(:d Any -';UlI oetv.o\"n Bu'ic"- dnd S;;lcl 'hhc:V:l ^gent;!;' InaU(>:J Party DC'":'UWSl;I Q1 actH'lg as A{Jcnf 'lerQun.'Jer-, Grn ."1,; 5Ult ".'1(:H.'lt]/\genl '11~;Jle3(~~. t''\+') S,JDI,:X;I ,T1311w cf the osc-ow,^,10"11 Sl~;l'; fOoo',e' ,,~,~S(;'1i':uh; ;,ltOtlc,/s f:-f;S :.1'1e ,:')';IS ":":.JI"xJ ','II.', I!H'~,c: ",tJ'\U; ,Is 1(;. lie p,lId '"en' ,}I)r.j out G' lilO e~'U'!.if;<1 1.;'105 8r eqi/l'..,It-."ll ,it\( ,..~,'!, :,lf~j <l:xl ,~,';,:tj,'kX: :1--; '-',)Ult ::0 :1,,; '1 !av:Y r)' !nc' :JrC,:J, "'0 D.l.tv TIll) '\;'{Cfli ,;nal' net :x 1:,)t:I., t:: ;.111':1 :_Fl'ty 0' r,;'J::;nn <')! 'n,~;(ld":\!r'" kJ fJJ....Hr '" ,,:),,:,"." C7 1('1', ',I,I\),cd:o ttk; (--:':'C'),", ,"li,.!~S "r ,;,'j,'_"(:-,, c, ;1u[; In ':, f',III:-'<?FJCh:), ~'1'J O,,')'~;SI01l0 :)1 lh,':; COt\tr~ICI or qroSE fll..."91,y<::nce of "'t:.jenl R. ATIORNEY'S FEES: COSTS: In i:lIl\' liq<.diuII, lI!dudillq t:'IUWJI (;jll~)I(;r:n'dll 1)[ :nlL"p'c,[JI(l'l, '1'1';ll')q O,il o~ tl U~, (~:OIIl:dCI, tho p'f'vail!n,;/ oa-iy 11', such ht, gal,oli, NhlC'), !UI ourpC~'>L'$ ,-,f HI '1\3 IS' Sla'l(Jahl 'jhaj IduutJ SV':')f. Jdyl/ ,,:l(i :.111':1 ij'OKfJf~'i Xlifl'J Il '](jcn(;y , " nunagcl1cy rolalqnshipfi ilulhorin::d !)'i ,;1 (/1.);)10' 475, FS, as a')~C')OE-(J, :jlQjj tc ,:ntitw to ."CC.'er !0m ~~.; "C'i-O'{';VJ)''li] D;;'1-, 'I,Cj$,n"li,,; aiLA'lC'I'; k~t,-.;, ,l~,:!'; ,1lU '))lI)r'll~'-t)~~ S. FAlLUAeOFPERFORMANGEt1L.f3u-;tt' !s."s I'l r;;er.torq: t';6;;':.A!r:i-;;i '.Hf<~1-1~16IHT\o1 '3f:+)(4-81, ~'l(."i-,Jln4-p,j.Y(f~1l i)! <tlI ;l+-~f,.1J;;.. too ,19rx:;..s;t\S!~;j by Bt+f€t-il'*j,,~JSIt{~€lt."'H;) t)t) p<'\lQ-;'-l;dy be '\3GO..'&'oo-Q;~jmta..<'\li}(j by a.KJ IGr 1Lle-<K:CDunt-(/.;3vj;er afi-"ty4iil'ilG 1JF.:(;...;iQi.':';'J..t,*'i-(Jarna..~, ;',.c....~lOIl (Of Ihe<]1(OOtJtOO(}l- H\i5. COAlfactanSHllu!lseU-Ian;eo'\t,-of.an,'iJl&,;f)S:Wt)et8t.JO<JrL. BUY8(arI(j.SeII.er$i'tallb& ~e~-ot..d1~Dtllig&l-!onSo~je+:-t~AntriilCt:.('.t_ ~c a~&JIIOf-'s- Qptlon; may pH.lCi~'f.)fJjnOQuily- 10 t)nf(JH;e~HJIBf~'I->!:)h11;1"+I1Al' I-I-lIR-G()Hlranl,litor ..Rn'j '(\,'l6(',nnll'ler ihan -/.allt1fH;J/.&'UerlDmi\k.s Sa;;er'shIJa n>ar- k(ltabte'31er ryl;genteftQA.,,f,elIef-fa,!&..neg!+olGls<< f9kH:;es ID(flirfolm.Hm;.(~)tfa(;ti BuyGf- IM'y.MlAA "'P9Clf":'~+IQrfGr(ll*'Cl,il 01 ukJc:-tto""A;{#v9thorl,-!ll.lt11-l)f.fkl)'6l:S (f€tx,\s<UsiwiHlOtJl.lt~eby .wa....u'tg.,)IYy adlof).}QfIjw'l-lUIjE;'6- l'<::!"3tMt.ng lr"wn 8ttilt?t '6 OH't.=iGHc T. CONTRACT NOT RECORDABLE; PERSONS BOUND; NOTICE; COPIES: Neither this Contract :1Of any notice 01 it shall be recorded in any publ:C records. ThS Contract shafl bind and !lure to the beneF:t of the pa1;es and 'hecr successors in interest. Whenever the c~onteX1 pennls SlngU:ar shall include plural and one gender stlUH rnclvoe af1. Notice and (1f~~lvery given tly or 10 the attorney or nroker representing any party shall be as effective as :1 given by Of' to 1t\-1.! party, Ai! t10lices IT':(Jst be ,n writing and may be made by mail, personaJ delivery Of electronic media, ^ legible facsimile or electroniC (inCluding ~pdt") copy of thiS Contract and any signatures heroon shall be considered for all purpooos as an original. -,2 U. CONVEYANCE: Se!1Q( shal convey markotab~ tite to lhe Real Proowty by Slalutory warranty, IIl.Jslea''), personal '80resentalive's, or gV8rd~'S deed, as .! ,i appropnate 10 lhe status of SellEY, SJb~1 onty 10 rratters ccntained in Parag'aph VI1 8,'ld t'lOse otherwise accepted by Boyer. Personal Prooorty sha;:. at lhe 'equast 01 &ryer. be transferred oy an aOSQ!ute blli 0' &'1e \V'III warranty of t tie. subjOCI only 10 f,dCh matter,:; as T.;q oe nl~l€rw,sa prDv'bed 'or herem, V. OTHER AGREEMENTS: No prior or prese-nt agreements Of represenlallons snaU be b!na:ng ,JOon Buyer or SelIeI' unless ;'lcluded in this Conlract. No mod- Ification to 0' change in Ihls COntract shah be valid or bindIng upon the partes unless in writirlg anc executed by the parties intended to be bOund by it. W, SELLER DISCLOSURE: (1) There are no facts known to Soller materially affecting Iho value of the Property which are not readily observable by Buyer or which have not been disclosed to Buyer; (2) Seller extends and intends no wammty and makes no representation of any type, either express or implied. lIS to the phyaicaJ condition or history 01 the Property; (3) Seller has received no written or verbal notice from any governmental entity or ag<<lCY as fo a currently uncorrected bu;}ding. en.,;ronmentaJ or :safety code violation; (4) Seller has no knowledge of any repairs or improvements made to the Property w;thout compliance with governmental regulation which have not been disclosed to Buyer. X, PROPERTY MAINTENANCE; PROPERTY ACCESS; ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTS AND WARRANTIES: SeHer stlai maintain the Property, i'lclucJing, but nollimiled to lawn, shnJbbery, and poot in the condition existing as of Efloclive Date, ortMary wear and lear and Casualty l.oss excepted, Sdlcr S'ldit, \Ipon reasonalJle nol'ca. p'QvieJe ulililie.,> sef'J.ce anti access 10 lrlf) [l'op€"rtv lOt appraihal and It)spocllDJlS, .)ctlr.tjllg a 'Ni.lA-throdlJh pr;Q( 10 CfOS'f'g, to confil:n t"iCil 'lit IfJ'llS ~l' P'.:::mn'~ Pn}pfJ/I, are \/Ii 1.-....: I-kn: P'Ci<'."<1,' a.-,o t'ld! lhl' I,)rq{lp,!v Ii:l~: IJCHlI 'fi;v'l,li!ll:d;j~ :'lq,jjln; t,y !I'lis n,'S IS" Slw\CJ;:lr:1 Sdler wilt ."1;;,;1911 all 6 ass ':Jr~~J:)ie rEwa r ,mu trlJatl'le,1 ';o',rrOCIS JIlO 'S'1rtdn'i(;s lD itIV'-'1 :;.1 t~>0Sjn.J V. 1031 eXCHANGE: Jl ~tlJl,lI S.;lt1,-~ ':;4' GlJ>y(,o'W1Y\ l(,.l .;'<I'~ :;Ii;) .'i,"-,,'..<:lll(} "'~,,;l k-i''(:)e .o,j-J! w~ \iul'ull,1iIiS"'A>b ....lh (:.<;91 19 ().( ,ie/B("tXl;""411 ''f''''JPC'ct 10 1h8 P'DW-:.."fIY ,lrKiQ:::~;h")jl+li.,;l 01 t~-~ hu.:Il;1i !~'~lif\ljo.j :..:c,,-~ i't-:,'f~h",'-"~'-;-'';\, f:":; .AIIOO' ~;.-#t\' I';;-~ CO(lj.>>;Ui:t irl ,,; l~tt0Il';;)i8-I""9'-"X~+:;lo"ll't0f;lUi::;IOlho--E)vJlaII}JG, Illo'\,,(j- ing h,t: .)}(OC.\Jlh.l'I:::l/dccum'.IIIR, p(I)Vi\iec i'l 1III'J '-.'(;(V-H:i-I;I\<;,j party ';i1;\Ur,cU1 rllJ,iJblj;I'r' 0:. .'X{);"H;;.1 'e;,jl(;(J 10 Ilh-:' E.....,':i1an.J~~ rin"! {;Ji!ll€ Ck,5t1'kjSlIClH ';,)1 t... oolllingonl UJJI.~l;-nor €)(lef\\Jl.'(l Ot .-IO;,Jy\:KI i:Jy,. ~lU(;i'lE)(..J\{i'1(l'_ Z, BUYER WAIVER OF CLAIMS: Buyer waives any claims against SalJer and. 10 tile e)(tent permitted by law, ags",st any real estate licensee Involved in the negotiation of the Contract. for any defect, or other damage that may e)(ist at Closing of the Contract and be subsequently discovered by the Buyer or anyone claIming by. through. under or against the Buyer. ;?19 ,':l L:.' ),:2 .!}i "'.1 2;'-'~1 226 .1.27 22f )2~~ <l::; 2;)' 2:-i~~ ,';1> ~' ,> ' .<)t: ,'J! 2:,!{J ,-,~U 2" ;l.,l.': !4<:i 2.>-4 i4--f, ',:./", :..1.7 '" ".e; .;":'J :'::u ::::;1 ::::G '.:..Jr ;'58 ;2r)'} 2f,' ){)1 2f'; 2i\1 :~f.\.1 ~"', ):- '~ ~, 'n ;;::'0 ;:7 '~AqHAn ,:l,.5iS :: R('IV ;),07 (\.;0, 2CX1, rfOfoa Assc.;..;ut._y c,t :-'.',," PS I'U rilB il.Jf'ja 3<1' .\,1 H'DI';S Rf,se-";ed Page 5 Of 5 COUNTER OFFER/ADDENDUM Loan # 0040191454 :M I FirstAmtric8n ~ REOSmicing THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALL Y BINDING AGREEMENr READ IT CAREFULL Y 71717lhStrelll Denver,CQ 80202 Co<po"'" Fa>< THIS FORM HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND THE PARTIES SHOULD CONSULT LEGAL AND TAX OR OTHER COUNSEL BEFORE SIGNING, Counterproposal to Purchase and Sale Agreement Section 1 RE: This counterproposal dated December 10. 2009. amends the proposed Contract dated between Owner of Record, (Seller) and Collier CountvlBuyer), relatIng to the sale and purchase of the following described real estate In the County of Known as 2940 HE 8TH AVE NAPLES FL 34120{Property) The Buyer accepts the Counterproposal whIch amends the proposed Contract as follows: ~ The lolal Purchase Price shell be ~. The Earnest Money of $ Is due upon acceptance and Is to be held by the Sellar's Title Company or Seller's Attorney. SELLER CONCESSIONS: ClosIng Costs (not to exceed): .12. Repaks: JQ Homeowners Warranty: iQ InspecUon Fee: 1Q. Survey Fee: 1Q. TermIte Fee: II Other: 1Q. Prooertv sold AS IS seller to Incur na further exoenses. If SeUer~l:Isllgree~ to any costs an behalf of the. Buyer, these cosls will be relmburse~ at the tfme of~~oslng. In Ihe event closIng does not occur, Buyer will be responsible for any costs he or she has Incurred resunlng from this Contract. Agreed upon closing costs paid by Seller will be reimbursed at the Ums at closing based on actual closing costs (not a lump sum credit), CLOSING: The closIng shall be on or before Januarv 22 2010. (the ~Closing Date~) The Seller's ClosIng Agent will be %closer conlacl%. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE IN THIS CONTRACT. IN THE EVENT ANY PROVISIONS OF THIS COUNTERPROPOSAL CONFLICTS IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITH THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT FOR SALE TO WHICH IT IS ATTACHED, OR ANY ADDENDA TO THE CONTRACT, THE PROVISIONS OF THIS COUNTERPROPOSAL WILL PREVAIL UNLESS SUCH PROVISIONS ARE CONTRARY TO ANY LAWS OR OTHER APPLICABLE LEGAL PROHIBITIONS, IN WHICH CASE THE COTRACT SHALL GOVERN ONLY TO THE LIMITED EXTENT NECESSARY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH SAME, Buyer's Initial. The terms and condlllons of thIs Contract are fur1her countered andlor modlned to Include the following: 1. SDeclal Warranty Deed, The Seller shall turnlsh to Buyer at closIng, either a aceclal Warranty Deed a QuItclaim Deed or lis local equivalent. Buyer', Initials 2. Conslderallon of Offers. Buyer acknowledges that Seller may have receIved offers prior to or may receive offers after receipt of this offer, Buyar acknowledges that the Seller may consider all offers to purchase, regardless of 1he date of receipt and that Seller may accept or reJect eny offar in lis sole discrelfon, Soller's acceptance of this offer Is evidenced solely by Seller's signature herein and na prIor oral dIscussions or representaUons If any by Seller or Its agents, shall be bInding agaInst lhe Soller unless set forth In thIs Counterproposal. 3. $D8clal Condlllons. Buyer acknowledges that Seifer obtained the Property by foreclosure or a deed In lieu of foreclosure. The Contract may be subJect 10 the following; (1) approval by the private mortgage Insurer, (2) repurchase of the Property by the prior mortgage sarvlcer or Insurer, or (3) the ablllly of the SeUer to clear tlUe as required by the Contract In the ovent that any of these conditions apply, the Seller shall notify the Buyer that the sale Is canceled and the Seller shall promptly refund the Buyer's earnest money. this shall be the Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy and Seller shall have no further obligations to the Buyer whatsoever, P..., Nellher Seller nor any person acting as Selle(s represenlaUv8 or agent has occupied the Property and neither warrants or BUYER INITIALS: SELLERS INITIALS: 'l<"P COUNTER OFFER/ADDENDUM Loan # 0040191454 ~ I FirslAmeriran ~ REO&rviring ~ THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALL Y BINDING AGReEMeNT ReAD IT CAReFULL Y 71717thSlfeet Denver,CO 80202 Co<poml. 'OX represents that the Property 01 any alteraUons or addlllons which may have been made to the Property conform to local building codes, zoning requirements or any olher applicable laws, rules or regulations. Buyer hereby acknowledges lhat Seller shall not be providing Buyer with a Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Slatement and/or a Ceriflcate of Occupancy with respect to the Property. Buyer hereby waives any requirement thai Seller furnish Buyer with any such dlsdosura statement andlor a Cer1if1cate of Octupancy and hereby releases SeUer and Its representatives or agents from any and all liability resultlng from the non-dellvery of such dlsclousf6 statement and-or Certificate of Occupancy. Mold, mildew spores and/or other microscopic organisms and/or allergens (collectively referred to In this Agreement as "Mold") are environmental codlllons thai are common In residential properUes and may affect the Property. Mold, In some forms, has been reported to be toxic and to cause serious physlcsllnJuries, Including but not Ilmlled to, allergic andfor respiratory reacUons or other problems, partIcularly In persons with Immune system problems, young children and/or elderly persons. Mold has also been reported to cause extensive damage to personal and real property. Mold may have been removed or covered In the course of any cleaning or repairing of the Property. The Buyer acknowledges that, If Seller, or any of Seller's employees, contractors, or agents cleaned or repaired the Property or remedlalad Mold contaminatIon, that Seller does nolln any way warrant the cleaning, repallrs or remediatIon. Buyer accepts full responslblity for all hazards that may result from the presence of Mold In or around Closing Date. Buyer accepts 'ull responslbUity for all hazards that may result from the presence of Mold In or around the Property. Buyer Is satisfied with the condition of the Property notwithstanding the past or present existence of Mold In or around the Property and Buyer has not In any way, relied upon any representations of Seller, Saller's employees, officers, dIrectors, contractors, or agents concerning the past or present exlslence of Mold In or around lhe Property. Buyer's Initials 4. Personal PrODOrtv. Items of personal property are not Included In this sale. Seller makes no represenlatlon or warranty as to the condltlon of personal property. UUe 10 personal property or whether any personal property Is encumbereed by liens. Buyer agrees that Seller shall have no liability for any claim or losses Buyer or Buyer's successors and/or assigns may Incur as a result of any condUlon or defect which may now or hereafter exlsl with respect to the Property. There will be no Bill of Sale provided at CI(l:slng with the exception of the Mobile Home tllle. Buyer's Initials 5. OCCUDled ProDertv. In the event the Property Is occupied by te08nt(8), Seifer makes no represenlatlons regardIng (I) the existence of a written leese agreement, (11) the tenn of such tenancy, (iii) whether or not the lenants are current with theIr renl payments, (tv) the amount of rent that should be pald, or (v) compliance with rent control or reglslraUon laws or any other applicable federal, state and/or local law. In addition the Seller dOBS not hold any securtty deposits for any tenant{s) and wlll not transfer any security deposIts to the Buyer. After closing of the purchase and sale of the subject Property,lt shall be the Buyer's sole responsibility for the return of securlty deposits and any Interest upon demand of any lenanl(s). 6, As I. Condlllon. Buyer accepts the Property In "AS IS" condition at the time of closing, IncludIng any hidden defect. known or unknown. Buyer understands, acknowledges and agrees that neither Seuer nor any person acting as Seller'. representative and/or agent Is making any warranties or reprel58ntatlons, either express or Implied, as to the condition of the Property. The Property Is being conveyed to Buyer(s) In lis "AS IS, WHERE IS" condition. It Is the right and responsibility of the Buyer to Inspect the Property and Purchaser must satisfy himself/herself as to the condition of the Property. Buyer hereby releases and agrees to hold harmles8 SeUer and Seller's agente from any and all claims or liability with respect to the condlllon of the Property. Seller, most spaclncally, make no warranty or representation to whether the utllltIes serving the Property are public or private. Buyer's Initials 7. Buver's Right to InSDecl' Buyer acknowledges Its opportunity to Inspect and Investigate the Property and all Improvements thereon, either IndependenUy or through agents of Buyer's selecllon. Buyer agrees that these Inspecllons shall be made at Buyer's own expense and all such Inspacllons shaH be completed wllhln 5 days from the execution of this Counterproposal by the Seller. Buyer shall rely solely on Buyer's InspectJon and revIew to evaluate the condition of the Property. Buyer further acknowledges and agrees that he/she Is not relying on any statements or representations made by Seller or Seller's agents (Including but not Umllled 10 Informallon disclosed on the MlS) as to the condition of the Property and/or to any Improvements theron, Including, but not IImlled 10, heatIng, sewage, roof, foundatlons, salls, septic, lot size or suitability of the Property andfor Its Improvements for particular purposes or that any appliances, If any, plumbing and/or utilitIes are In wOfklng order, and/or that the Improvements ara structurally sound andfor In compliance wllh any local, city, county, state and/or federal statutes, codos or ordinances. Buyer acknowledges that It Is Buyer's responsibility to obtain Inspection reports as to the structural components, heating/air condltfonlng, sewage, roof foundations, salls, sepUc systems, plumbing, lSultablllty for use of the Property, utUllles and to detennlne the presence of any toxlc or hazardous substances on the Property, Including, but not limited to, redon, asbestos, leed paint, mold or any other factors that would render the Property uninhabItable or dangerous 10 the health of the occupant, or otherwise not In compliance with any law or regulation, or any PafJIJ2 other factors regarding the Property about which Buyer may be concarnad. If Buyal falls 10 Inspect the Property, such failure BUYER INITIALS, SELLERS INITIALS' IJ'OO_Clr COUNTER OFFER/ADDENDUM Loan # 0040191454 ~ I F"I/s/Amttit8n ~<fI REOSmiting THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT READ IT CAREFULL Y 711171hStreel Denver,CO 80202 CWpoI'llle F~ shall not altar or Impair the understanding and agreement between the Seller and Buyer as set forth In Ihe Contract. No inspections may be made by any building or zoning Inspector or government employee without the prior consent of Seller. If this Property has teen winterized. It will be the responsibility of the Buyer at hlslher expense to have the Property de~wrnterlzed by a qualified, licensed plumber for the purposes of the Buyer's InspectIons. Further, Ills the responslbJllty of the Buyer to notify the Listing Agent of the timing of the de-wJntertzaUon so that fa-winterizatIon can be taken care of by the listing Agent. Buyer's Initials Buyer agrees to Indemnify Seller and fully profect, defend and hold SeUer, Its affiliates, parent, tenants, agents, employees and contractors, harmless from and against any and all claims, costs liens, loss, damages, anomey'a fees and expenses of every kind and nature that may be sustained by or made against Sener or any damage to the Property or to any adjoining property. or any Injury 10 Buyer or any other persons that may result or arise out of Inspections made by Buyer or Its agents, contractors, employees and/or contractors prior to closing. 8. Risk of Loss: Seller shall malnlsln the Property until transfer of title In materIally the same condItion 8S of the date of the acceptance of this Counterproposal, except for ordinary wear and lear. If prior to closing, lhe Property Is damaged, the Seller may make repaIrs to restora It to tha sarna condition as of the date of acceptance of Ihls Counterproposal. Jf the Seller elects to not repair lhe Property, the Buyer may accept the Property In It's damaged condlUon, re-negotlate the Contmct or declare the contract null & void upon which the earnest money deposit will be returned to the Buyer which shall be Buyer's solo and only remedy. Under no condition will Seller's Insurence proceeds, If any, be asslgnad to the Buyer. Upon closing, Sellor shall be relieved of all responslblllly and liability for maintaining hazard, "cod, or title Insurance on the Property. All hazard, flood and utle Insurance pollcles shall be terminated by Seifer Immediately upon Closing. Buyer will be responsible for obtaining Ihe requIred hazard, flood and mortgagee title Insurance If lender so requIres prior to closing, 9. Subject to: (Inlllal applicable aectlons; non-appllcable sections should be marked "N/A") X A. CASH: The Contract for Sale, to which the Counter Proposal Is anached, Isa cash transaction. Verification of fund5 required (0 cfose shall be provided to Seller with the Buyer Executed copy of this Counter Proposal. Buyer, herewith, acknowledges and agrees that five (5) days from the Inspection deadline, the earnest money shall become non-refundable. If Chis sale falls to close on the Closing Dale, herein, due to the Buyor's fall to provIde cash at the Closing, or for any other related reasons IncludIng but not limited to a changa from cash 10 financing, both the Buyer and SeUer agree that alf earnest monIes shall balmmedlataly released to the Seller as liquidated damages. Execution of this document, will serve as a wrllten releasB, and the only release necessary, for the escrow company or closing agent to Immediately release this earnest money 10 the Seifer. B. The Buyer may obtain financing from the lender of Buyer's Choice. Within seventy-two (72) hours of execuUon of this Counter Proposal, Buyer agrees either to apply for financing or to provide evidence to the SeDar that a lender has pre-approved Buyer tor financIng. Proof of lender's unconditional commitment to lend must be provided to Seller by . Buyer shall pay for any and all costs associated with the loan appllcallon process, Indudlng but nol limited to Appllcallon fee, appraIsal and credIt repor1, unless Buyer's payment of such a cost Is restricted do to financing Insured by a governmental agency. 10. Survey and Other Costs: If a survey Is required to close, It will be the sola responsibility of Buyer to obtain a survey acceptable to the Title Company and the lender within the stated closing pertod herein and will be at the Buyer's expense, In the event the Sellar Is obligated to give extended coverage, which Is normal and customary, Seller will not be required 10 do so If the title company requIres a survey and a survey has not been obtaIned by the Buyer at Buyer's sole cost which Is acceptable to the title company. Additionally, If Buyer elecls to have attorney representation at closing, It will be at the expense of the Buyer, 11. SeltlementlCloslna. The setUement/closlng shall be held In the offices of the Seller's attorney or egent or at a placa designated and approved by the Seller. Clollng shall occur on or before the Januarv 22. 2010 and the Purchaser shall make every effort to meet this de8dllne. Should the closing extend beyond this date, through no fault of the Seller, SeUer shall be enlltled to a $100 Per Diem fee for each day of such. Said extension must be In writing end pre.approved by Ihe Seller. Notwithstanding the foregoing, II 18 understood and agreed thai Seller shall retain the right to cancellhe Contract and pursue the remedies contained herein If the Buyer falls to meet Ihe slated deadline. The sale may not close In escrow wllhout the prior written consent of the Seller. t2. Neaallve Sale Proceeds: II Is agreed by Buyer and Seller that If unforesaen Judgments, liens or assessments result In negallve sales proceeds 10 the Seller, the Seller reserves the right to cancel the Conlract and return any deposit monIes to the Buyor. 13, Prorations at Clollna: All prorallons, Including but not limited to, taxes, HOAdues & assessmenls, uUllUes, Including but not limited to, gas, electric, water and sewer charges, shall be to date of closing. P,.. 3 Tax proratlons shall be based on 100% of the last available tax bIll or upon the Tax Assessor's lalest valuallon and the currenl BUYER INITIALS: SELLERS INITIALS: ""'-'" COUNTER OFFER/ADDENDUM Loan # 0040191454 ~IFirslA"'ri"n ~ REDStmang THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT READ IT CAREFULL Y 717171hStreElI Denver,CO 80202 Corporate F.. tax rale. Any special assessments which are now a lien on the Property and payable In Installments shall be prorated to date of closIng and shall be assumed and paid by the Buyer from that date forward. In no Instance shall the Seller be responsible for the payment of any assessment pending but not levied as of the dale of closing. HOA prorations shall be to data of closing and based on lhe assessment rale at time of closIng. Any spadal assessments levied end payable In Installments shall be prorated to date of closIng and shall be assumed and paid by Buyer from that date forward. In no Instance shall the Seller be responsible for the payment of any assessment pending but not levied as of the date of closing, THE SELLER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADJUSTMENT OF SETTLEMENT CHARGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TAXES OR HOA FEES AFTER CLOSING, 14. Lender-Reaulred R.Dalrs. Should any lender, Insur1ng entity or agency require thai certain repaIrs be made to the Property or thai certain other conditions be met, the Seller at Its sole option, may comply with such requirements or terminate the Contract. Further, should any FHA CondlUonal Commitment or VA Certlncate of Reasonable Value vary from the agreed upon purchase price of the Property, then Seller, at lis sole option, may termlnete the Contract. Seller's responsibility for any repairs requIred by Buyer as a result of InspecUon by Buyer, a lender or required as a condlfon set forth In a FHANA commItment shall not exceed $~ (the -Repelr limit Amount~), Inclusive of termIte repairs. If the cost for any such repairs exceeds the Repair limit Amount then either (td) Buyer shalt be responsible at Its sole cost and expense for any amounts exceeding the Repair Limit Amount and the Contract shall remain In full force and effect without any abatement In the purchase price or, (II) Seller shall have the rfght to lerminate the Contract and return all earnest monies paId by Buyer to Buyer with no further obligation by Seller. Buyer'slnltlllllll 15. Condition and ConveYance of Tille: Seller agrees to deliver Insurllble title and agrees to pay for the Buyer's polley of tJtle Insurance from the TIlle Insurance Company of Seller's choice as listed below. However, the Buyer may choose to purchase title Insurance from 8 dIfferent title company at their own expense. Seller will not be responsible for any ~Gep. title Insurance coverage andYilIl nol under any event provIde an Atfidevltof Tille or other similar g()(;umenls In wtllch Saller Is requested to make representations or warranties with respect to tlUe. If the Seller Is unable 10 give Insurable title or to make conveyance, or to deliver possessIon of the Property, all as herein stipulated, or If at the time of the delivery of the deed the Property does not conform with the provisions hereof, then the Seller shall bear any nomlnal expense and use reasonable efforts 10 remove any defects in tille, or 10 deliver possession as provided herein. Seller Is under no obligation to use extraordinary measures or to bring any actlons or proceedings In order to convey title In accordance wllh this agreement. If this cannot be accompllshed by the Closing Date In the Contract, the Contract shall terminate and Buyer shall receive a refund of the earnest moneydeposlt made hereunder as Buyer's sole and absolute remedy, or Buyer may, by wrllten nollce on Of before the ClosIng Date under the Contract, waive any objecUons to Seller's Inability to conveyor deliver, For purposes of this paragraph SeUer shall be deemed to be able to convey clear title to Buyer If a reputable title Insurance company will underwrlle 8 title Insurance polley InsurIng that title will veslln the Buyer at closing. Seller's title Insurance provider Phone: Fax: (BUYER!lIl!lII INITIAL HERE, IF APPLICABLE) IIWE WILL OBTAIN A NEW TITLE POLICY ANDIOR TITLE EXAM AT MY/OUR EXPENSE FROM THE TITLE COMPANY LISTED BELOW Buyers t1l1elnsurance provider Phone' ___ Fax: In the event Buyer chooses to obtaIn their own fee policy and or UtJe exam, they shall order the same within three (3) days of Seller's execution of this Counterproposal or all objections to title shall be waIved. Buyer's Inlllals 16. OccuDanc::v of Ihe ProDertv. Under no circumstances wllllhe Buyer be allowed to occupy the Property prior 10 closing. Violation offhls prohiblllon Will result In legal remedy. In the event Buyer alters the Property; occupies the Property; or permits any other person 10 occupy the Property prior to closing, then Buyer shail be In default of the Contract of Sale and Buyer's eamest money deposIt and rights to any Improvements to the Property shaH be forfeited to the Seller. Any access !o the Property prior to closIng Is prohibIted unless accompanied by the Seller or Seifer's Agent, unless otholWlse agreed to In writing. 17. Taxes: A. Seller's Right to Contest Taxas. Seller shall have the unrestricted right to contest the amount of or obligation to Page 4 pay any ad valorem real or personal property lilxes, real or parsonal property assessments or dues of any condominium. BUYER INITIALS: SELLERS INITIALS: --'" COUNTER OFFER/ADDENDUM Loan # 0040191454 ~ I RmAmeriwl + l/EO&rviring THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALL Y BINDING AGREEMENr READ IT CAREFULL Y 71717thStreel Denver,CO 80202 Cocporale F"" Planned unit development or sImilar community or other homeowners' assoclallon. (collectively, "Taxes.) for any calendar year, fiscal year or other accounllng period for which Taxes are assessed or levIed (a -Tax Perfod-) that Includes the dale of the close of the escrow on the Property (the .Closlng Tax Perlod-) or that precedes the date of the close of escrow on the Property (the .Closlng.), SeIJer may contsst Tax9s by any JudIcial, admlnlstratlve. or other process that Seller chooses. If requested by Seller. Buyer shall joIn In any proceeding to contest Taxes to the 8}(lent necessary to permit Selfer to exercIse Its rights under thIs Agreement. Seiter shall have no duty to contost Taxes, and may dismiss, settle, or otherwise resolve any matter relating to contested Taxes Qn whatever terms SeUer chooses. B. Entllfement to Refund. Any refund of contested Taxes for the Closing Tax Pertod or any prior Tax Period shall be paid 10 Sefler, and Purchaser hereby Irrevocably assigns to Seller any righi, title or Interest It may have In any refund of contested Texes for all such Tax Periods. If requested by Seller, Buyer shell execute whatever endorsements or other documents may be necessary 10 accomplish the refund or such contesled Taxes to Seller. Notwithstanding anything In this Addendum or the Contract to the contrary, however, Seller shall not be entitled to any refund of Taxes thstare attributable solely 10 any change In land usage or ownership oflhe Property occtJrnng at or after Closing, all of which shalt be paid by Buyer. 18. 12IIiuI.I1i. In the event Buyer defaults In the performance of this Contract, It Is expressly agreed that the entire earnest money deposIt shall be paid to Sellar 8. liquIdated damage. for, among other things, the additional cost of carrying the Property and lost marketing tIme whIch the parties aoknowledge and agree are difficult to calculate. The partIes further specifically acknowledge and agre8lhat saId Uquldated damages shall not be construed or deemed 10 constitute a penally and the right given 10 Ihe Seller to rataln seld earnest money shell not constitute Seller's sole and exclusive remedy. For purposes of this paragraph, If the Conlract entered Inlo between Buyer and Seller stales thai the Buyer will be purchasing the subJecl Property as an all cash transacllon (I.e. Buyer wHl not be obtaining thIrd party financIng), Ills expressfy understood thai Seller will be materially relying on said representalfon. As such, If the Buyer subsequenUy elects to purchase the Property via third party financing rather than cash as previously agreed, then Buyer's failure to close a cash transaction shall consotute a defaull by Buyer thereby enlllllng Seller 10 the liquidated damages referenced above. In the event of default by Sener, Buyer shall be entitled to a return of the earnest money deposit as the Buyer's 80le and exclusive remedy. Buyer'.lnltlal~ 19. Installation of New Locks and Transfer of Utilities: Buyer shall be responsible for the Instellatlon of new locks and transferring of all Utilities on the Property ImmedIately aner the closing, and Buyer shall hold Seller and Seller's representative and agents harmless from and Indemnify Seller and Seller's representatives and agents agaInst any and all damages, claIms, liens, losses tlablllUes, cosls, InJUries, atlomeyfees and expenses of every ldnd and nature that may be made against Seller and Seller's representalive end agents as a result of Buyer's failure 10 Install new locks or transfer all UtllfUes on the Property. 20. Asslanabllltv' Buyer may not assign or transfer this Contract. Any such attempled assignment shall be void and without effect 21. Performance: The acceptance of a deed by Buyer shall be deemad to be a full performance and dl8charge of lhls Contract In Its entirety. Buyer's Initials 22, Real Estate Broker Commissions: The total commission payable by Seller pursuant to this sale shall be % or the net purchase price (I.e. net of any and all Seller concessions). The dosIng agent Is aulhorized and directed (0 pay said commissIon from the sale proceeds al closing as per the terms of the Commission Breakdown Form to be provided by Seller. No real estate broker commissions shall be paid unless the closing of lhe purchase and sale of the Property Is consummated and title to the Property passes to Purchaser. 23. Additional Provisions: The undersIgned approve and accept this Counter Proposal and acknowledge and agree that this Counler Proposal Is a legally binding agreemenl and Is made part of the aforemenlloned Conlract In like manner as If It were directly set forth thereIn. 24. All other taMS and conditions of Ihe proposed Contract shall remain Ihe same. This counterproposal shall expire unless accepted In writing, by the Buyer, as evidenced by thefr sIgnatures below, and the offering party to thIs document received notice of such acceptance on or before December 12. 2009 . If accepted, the proposed Contract, as amendad hereby, shall become a Contract between Seller and Buyer. SELLER Date: BUYER Data: BUYER SEE ATTACHED SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE P_5 BUYER INITIALS: SECTION II TD COUNTERPROPOSAL SELLERS INITIALS: """-'" NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2940 8th Street NE, Naples, FL 34120 Folio Number: 40628360001 SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Date Property acquisition approved by BCC: October 27, 2009, Item 1608 AS TO PURCHASER: DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT EBR,()G~, Clerk bj, .~~oc. . . , " ty Ie k ~ ..to ".. . ' If~~... .~~/' .,' , . . . . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLlER,qOUNTY, FLORI'pA BY: ' t Donna Fiala, Chairman ". Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: --\\'\,0 ~ Je~r B, White Assistant County Attorney THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALL Y BINDING AGREEMENT READ IT CAREFULLY ~ I FI~AmeriC8a + REO&rviciag COUNTER OFFER/ADDENDUM Loan # 0040191454 717 f1IhStreel Denver,C060202 CoIJ><>8I. Fu LEAD-BASED PAINT DISCLOSURE Lead Warning Statement Every Buyer of any Interest In residential real property on which a resIdential dwelling was built prior to 1976 Is notified that such property may present exposure to lead from le8d~based pelnt that may place young children at risk of developIng lead poisonIng. Lead poIsonIng In young children may produce permanent neurologIcal damage, Including learning disabilities, reduced Intelligence quoOent, behavIoral problems. and Impaired memory. Lead poisoning also pre$snts a risk 10 pregnant women. The seller of any Interest In residential real property Is required 10 provide the buyer with any Information on lead-basad paint hazards from risk assessments or Inspections In the seller's possession and notify the buyer of any known lead-based paint hazards. A risk assessmenl or Inspection for possible lead-based paint hazards Is recommended prior to purchase. Seller's Disclosure to Buver Seller acknowledges that Seller has been Informed of Seller's obllgeUon. Seller Is aware thaI Federal laws require Seller to permit Buyer a 10 calendar day period to conduct risk assessment or Inspection for the presence of lead-based pamt hazards before becoming obligated under a contract to purchase target housing (unless mutually agreed otherwise In writing). That opportunity will be provided within the 1 O~calendar day period Immediately fotlowlng final SeHer's slgnalure, herein. Seller Is aware lhat Seller must retain a copy of this disclosure for not less than three years from the complellon date of the sale. A. Presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-basad paint hazards (chock one line below): ---L Seller has no knowledge of any lead.based paint and/or lead-based palnl hazards present In the housIng. _ Seller has knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards present In the housing (explain) NIA B. Records and reports available to Seller (check one line below): ~ Seller has no reports or records pertainIng 10 lead-based paInt and/or lead~based paint hazards In Ihe housing. _ Seller has provided Buyer will make all available records and reporls pertainIng to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards In the housing (list documents balow): NiA Buver's Acknowledaement C. Buyer has read the Lead Warning Statement above and understands Its contents. D. Buyer has receIved copies of alllnforrnatlon. Including any records and reports flsled by Seller above. E. Buyer has received the pamphlet ~Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home-. F. Buyer acknowledges federal law requires that berore a buyer Is obligated under any contract to buy and sell real eslata. Seller shall permll Buyer a 10-day period (unless the parties mutualty agree, In writing, upon a different period of time) 10 conduct 8 risk assessment or Inspectlon for (he presence of lead.based paint andlor lead.based paint hazards. G. Buyer, after having reviewed the conlents of this form, and any records and reports llsled by Seller, has elected to (check one line below): Obtain a risk assessment or an Inspection of the Property for the presence of lead.based paint andlor lead-based pant hazards. within the lime limit and under the terms oflhe Contract to Buy and Sail Real Estate. or _ X _ Waive the opportunity to conduct a risk assessment or Inspeellan for the presence of lead.based paint and/or lead-based paInt hazards. Real Estate Licensee's Acknowledoment Each real estate licensee signing below acknowledges receipt of the above Seller's Disclosure, has Informed Seller of Seller's obligations and Is aware of licensee's responsibility to ensure compliance, Certlflcatlon of Accuracv I certify that the statements I heve made are accurate (0 the besl of my knowledge. SELLER Dalo SEE ATTACHED SIGNATURE PAGE BUYER Sellar's (listing) Agent Date Buyer's (Selling) Agent Date PS!J66 BUYER INITIALS: SECTION )I TO COUNTERPROPOSAL SELLERS INITIALS: --'" NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2940 8th Street NE, Naples, FL 34120 Folio Number: 40628360001 SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Date Property acquisition approved by BCC: October 27,2009, Item 1608 AS TO PURCHASER: DATED: ATTEST: '.... ' DWIGHT E. BROC~, Clerk ~.. C4u-c~.(. , '.", , ' lerk '. "..toOle", iliOllttlri 011" .' Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: \J1)u~ Jennifer B, White Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLlE~OOUNTY, FLORlpA BY: ..'.'; Donna Fiala, Chairman / ;J'iII. COUNTER OFFER/ADDENDUM Loan # 0040191454 ~ I FirstAmeric4n '>ifr,p REOSmidng ~ THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALL Y BINDING AGREEMENT READ IT CAREFULL Y 717 f7lhSlreet Denver,CO 80202 """""',. F~ UTILITY TRANSFER AGREEMENT Subject Property: 2940 NE 8TH AVE NAPLES, FL34120 Sel18,'s Ref.rence: 0040191454 Buyer: Collier County Buyer's Offer Dale:Declmber 10. 2009 Counterproposal Date: December 10 200D As a coodlllan of the Purchase Agreement. Buyer(s) hereby agrees to have all utility Services including waler, sewer, electricity, gas and Home Owners Assocfallon dUes, If applicable, transferred Into Buyer's name no rater than the first business day following closing. Buyer(s} also agrees 10 accept responsIbility for payment of any utility charges accrued after the dale of dosIng. All or some of the utility servtces are In the name of the Seller, First American REO Servicing or the listing Broker. It Is the Buyer's sole and absolute responsibility 10 make any arrangements necessary for the trsrlsfer of utilities Into Iheir nama, Witness: BUYER SEE ATTACHED SIGNATURE PAGE SElliNG BROKER Dale BUYER Acknowledge: SEE ATTACHED SIGNATURE PAGE LISTING BROKER Dale As signed above, !hls Agreement must accompany the contract for acceptance and as a condlllon of closing, At Closing, and as a condition of closing, the Buyer(s) must sign and date the Ullllty Trans'er AClreement at Closing acknowledging that it will be retained as a Closing Document. and ahallaurvlve closing. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL SURVIVE CLOSING Page 7 BUYER INITIALS: SELLERS INITIALS: _.'" NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2940 8th Street NE, Naples, FL 34120 Folio Number: 40628360001 SUBSTITUTE EXECUTION PAGE Date Property acquisition approved by BCC: October 27,2009, Item 16D8 AS TO PURCHASER: DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk . . ~~~rP(- .t...... ..,..d Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: -?J^\,:J ~ ~er B, White Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLlER,COUNTY, FLORIDA I ! BY: ' " Donna Fiala, Chairman !'lEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2940 8th Street NE, Naples, FL 34120 Folio Number: 40628360001 SECOND ADDENDUM TO "AS IS" CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE BETWEEN THE UNDERSIGNED PARTIES CONCERNING THE PROPERTY AT 2940 8TH AVENUE NE. NAPLES. FL 34120 THIS ADDENDUM is entered into by and between AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC, Seller, and COLLIER COUNTY, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, Buyer, Buyer and Seller have entered into that certain "As Is" Contract for Sale and Purchase (Contract), and Counteroffer/Addendum (hereinafter retitled "First Addendum") concerning the property at 2940 8th Ave NE, Naples, FL 34120 (hereinafter referred to as "Property"), all dated of even date herewith, and Buyer and Seller wish to amend the foregoing with the following additional terms and conditions: 1, The "As Is" Contract for Sale and Purchase and Counteroffer/Addendum (hereinafter retitled "First Addendum"), and this Second Addendum to "As Is" Contract for Sale and Purchase (Second Addendum) shall, collectively, constitute the "Agreement" between the parties, which Agreement shall only be effective upon the execution of all three referenced documents by both parties, BUYER'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACT, THE FIRST ADDENDUM, AND THE SECOND ADDENDUM IS CONTINGENT UPON SELLER'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACT AND THE FIRST ADDENDUM, AND THIS SECOND ADDENDUM, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE, AND THE TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE FOR THE "AGREEMENT" SHALL BE WITHIN TWO (2) BUSINESS DAYS FOLLOWING SELLER'S RECEIPT OF THE ENTIRE "AGREEMENT." 2, The Counteroffer/Addendum is hereby retitled First Addendum to "As Is" Contract for Sale and Purchase, and is revised to reflect that the Agreement is dated of even date herewith, and any requirements for ,nitials are waived, 3. The purchase price shall be $57,420.00. 4, The second line of the First Addendum is revised to read "First Addendum to "As Is" Contract for Sale and Purchase", and all references to "Counterproposal" throughout the document are revised to read "First Addendum", 5, The CLOSING paragraph on Page 1 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect a closing date of January 29, 2010. 6, All requirements for Buyer's and/or Seller's initials on Page 1 through and including Page 7 of the First Addendum are waived in their entirety, 7, Paragraph 1 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect that a Special Warranty Deed shall be the only acceptable method of transfer and conveyance, 8, Paragraph 2 of First Addendum is deleted in its entirely, 9, Paragraph 5 of First Addendum is deleted in its entirety. 10, Paragraph 7 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect that Code liens, if any, prior to Closing are ~:le responsibility of the Seller. 11, Paragraph 9(A) of the First Addendum is revised to reflect that this is a "CASH" transaction, and all requirements for initials are waived, "~".~-~--~~-"'-----~---''''''"-'-'._--''-'--- NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 2940 8th Street NE, Naples, FL 34120 Folio Number: 40628360001 12, Paragraph 11 of the First Addendum is revised to refiect that the closing date is January 29, 2010, and that $0.00 extension fee and $0.00 per diem fee shall be payable for each day the Closing is so extended, 13, The First sub-paragraph of Paragraph 13 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect that Buyer shall be responsible for the date of Closing for all purposes of proration. 14, Paragraph 15 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect that Seller shall be responsible for ~ayment of Documentary Stamp Taxes pursuant to Section 201,10, Florida Statutes, together with costs for recording any documents necessary to establish clear title to the property, and that Seller will furnish a copy of the Title Commitment (with all Exceptions) to Buyer fourteen (14) days prior to Closing, 15, The First sub-paragraph of Paragraph 15 of the First Addendum is revised to delete the words "as listed below" at the end of the first sentence, The Third through Seventh sub-paragraphs of Paragraph 15 of the First Addendum are not applicable and are hereby deleted in their entirety, and all requirements for initials are waived, vacant. 16, Paragraph 16 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect that Seller warrants that the property is 17, Paragraph 17 of the First Addendum is deleted in its entirety, 18, Paragraph 18 of the First Addendum is not applicable, and is deleted in its entirety, 19, Paragraph 20 of the First Addendum is revised to reflect that Seller may not assign this Contract. 20. The Second and Third sub-paragraphs of Paragraph 24 of the First Addendum are deleted in their entirety, 21, Sub-paragraph G of the Lead Based Paint Disclosure attached to the First Addendum is revised to indicate that Buyer waives the opportunity to conduct a risk assessment or inspection, and all requirements for iritials are waived. 22, The notation "See Attached Substitute Execution Page" at the bottom of Pages 5, 6, and 7 of the First Addendum are acceptable, and any requirements for initials are waived, EXCEPT as expressly provided herein, the Agreement between the Buyer and the Seller remains in full force and effect according to the terms and conditions contained therein, and said terms and conditions are applicable hereto except as expressly provided otherwise herein, (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) 2 NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM Property Address: 29408'" Street NE, Naples, FL 34120 Folio Number: 40628360001 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Purchaser and Selier have hereto executed this Second Addendum. Date property acquisition approved by BCC: October 27,2009, Item 16D8 DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E, BROCK." ~Ierk' . Q-( - ,Deput Attn\ II to atgMtare OIlH \ .;' pproved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~ DATED: PURCHASER: BOARD OF qqUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER C9YNTY, FLORIDA BY: /," ".'" Donna Fiala, Chairman SELLER: AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC BY: PRINT NAME: TITLE: 3 MEMORANDUM Date: December 21, 2009 To: Gary Bigelow, Property Acquisition Specialist Facilities Management From: Ann Jennejohn, Deputy Clerk Minutes & Records Department Re: NSP "As Is" Contract for Sale, Counter Offer & Addendums Property Address: 2940 8'h Street NE Attached is the original sales contract and accompanying documents referenced above (Item #1608) approved by the Board of County Commissioners October 27, 2009. The Minutes and Records Department will hold a copy of the contract in the Board's Official Records, If you should have any questions, please contact me at 252.8406, Thank you. Attachment (I) ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST & ROUTING SLIP TO ACCOMPANY ALL ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS SENT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE FOR SIGNATURE Print on pink paper. Anach to original document Original documents should be hand delivered to the Board Office rhe completed routing slip and original documents arc to be forwarded to the Board Office only after the Board has taken action on the item.) ROUTING SLIP Complete routing lines # I through #4 as appropriate lor additional signatures, dales, and/or infonnation needed If the document is already complete with the eXl.:cntion ofthe Chairman's sie:nature, draw a line throue:h rouling lines #1 throul<:h #4, comnlete the checklist, and forward to Sue Filson (line #5). R!,ute to Addressee(s) Office Initials Date -.f..I..:fst in routim! order) 1. ,> .- , 2, ./ 3, -~ ------/ ---' 4. ------ 5. Ian Mitchell, BCC Office Board of County Commissioners C(;}~~ L~ 'J-{) SUDervisor 6. Minutes and Records Clerk of Court's Office PRIMARY CONTACT INFORMATION (The primary contact is the holder ofthl.: original document pt:nding Bee approval. Normally the primary contact is the person who created/prepared the executive suwmary. Primary contact information is needed in the event one of the addressees above, including Sue Filson, need to contact staff for additional or missing information. All original documents needing the Bee Chairman's signature are to be delivered to the Bee office only after the Bee has acted to approve the item. Name of Primary Staff Contact Agenda Date Item was A roved by the BCC Type of Document Attached Number of Original Documents Attached .fo15 /ipJ)sY Yes (Initial) N/A(Not A licable) Phone Number Agenda Item Number ./f-()OE~M I. INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Initial the Yes column or mark "N/A" in the Not Applicable column, whichever is a pro riate. Original document has been signed/initialed for legal sufficiency, (All documents to be signed by the Chairman, with the exception of most letters, must be reviewed and signed by the Office of the County Attorney. This includes signature pages from ordinances, resolutions, etc. signed by the County Attomey's Office and signature pages from contracts, agreements, etc. that have been fully executed by all parties except the Bec Chairman and Clerk to the Board and ossibl State Officials,) All handwritten strike-through and revisions have been initialed by the CounW Attorney's Office and all other parties exec t the BCC Chairman and the Clerk to the Board The Chainnan' s signature line date has been entered as the date of BCC approval of the document or the final ne otiated contract date whichever is a licable. "Sign here" tabs are placed on the appropriate pages indicating where the Chairman's si nature and initials are re uired. In most cases (some contracts are an exception), the original document and this routing slip should be provided to Ian Mithchell in the BCC office within 24 hours of BCC approval. Some documents are time sensitive and require forwarding to Tallahassee within a certain time frame or the Bce's actions are nullified. Be ar' of our deadlines! The document was approved by the BCC on I ,:/:7 .lenter date) and all changes made during the meeting have been incorporated in the attached doeument, The Count Attorne 's Office has reviewed the chan es, if a Iicablc. p ;: Forms! County Forms! Bee Forms! Original Documents Routing Slip WWS Original 9.03.04, Revised 1.26.05, Revised 2.24.05, Revised 9.1809 o 3, 4, 5, 6,