Ordinance 97-33 ORDINANCE NO. 33 .;?...,
-: ..~; t ;,: c,7. c.'-;--"
W!!EREAS, Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-555.360 requires all community
water systems to have a cross-connection control program: and
WIt EREAS, Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-610.470 requires that all communities
served by reclaimed water have a cross-connection control program to prevent contamination of
the potable water system; and
WHEREAS, establishment and maintenance of a cross-connection control program is a
condition and requirement of operating permits issued by the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection to the Collier County Water-Sewer District' and Goodland Water
District; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, finds it to
be in Ihe best interest of the public to have a Courtly operated and mainlathed cross-conneclion
control program to monitor hazards to the County's Public Water System and to protect the
public health, safety and welfare by providing For. among other Ihings, Ihe installation,
ownership, repair and testing of backflow prevention assemblies.
This Ordinance shall be known as and cited as "The Collier County Cross-Connection
Control / Backflow Prevention Ordinance".
The Board of County Commissioners hereby makes the Following findings:
A. That Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-555.360 and 62.610.470 requires all
community water systems to establish a cross-connection control program to detect and prevent
cross-connections that create or may create an imminent and substantial danger to public health
and safety.
B. That the Collier County Water-Sewer District and the Goodland Water Districl
are community water systems as defined by Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-550.200 (9).
C. That the establishment and maintenance of a cross-connection control program is a
condition and requirement of County's water and wastewater operating permits issued by the
Florida Department of Environmental Protection to the Collier County Water-Sewer District and
the Goodland Water District.
D. That the health, safety and welfare of persons using and/or relying upon the Public
water system of the Collier County Water-Sewer District and the GoodlEd Water District is best
served and protected by the establishment and maintenance of a cross-connection
controt/back~ow prevention program, including provisions for installation or backflow prevention
assemblies, to prevent the County's Public Water System from becoming polluted or
contaminated by backflow from actual or potential contaminants or pollutants.
E. That it is in the best interest of the users of the Collier County Water-Sewer
District and Goodland Water District and the public generally that if, in accordance with this
Ordinance, a backflow prevention assembly must be installed as part of any water service
connection within either Ihe Co]licr County Water-Sewer District or Goodland Water District.
that the Collier County Water Department shah in.staB and maintain or cause [o be installed and
maintained the appropriate backflow prevention assembly foc the degree or hazard presented aqd
the County shall own the back flow prevention assembly.
For the purposes o[' th~s Ordinance, the definitions contained in this Section shall apply
unless otherwise specifically stated. Words used in the present tense include the future. words in
the plural number include the singular. and words in the singular include,the plural. The word
"shall" is always mandatory and not merely discretionary.
Air Gap Separation: A physical separation between the free-flowing discharge end of a
potable water supply pipeline and an open or non-pressure receiving vessel. An approved air-gap
separation shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe as measured vertically above the
top of the rim of the receiving vessel. In no case, shall the air-gap be less than one inch.
Approved List: The list of certified backflow prevention assembly technicians and
cross-connection survey technicians who have submitted their certification and in the case of
assembly technicians, the most recent calibration results on their testing equipment, to the
Department for review and approval. All applicants meeting these requirements shall be
approved to perform work on private and County owned backflow assemblies. To remain on the
approved list, applicants must comply with all the requirements listed within this Ordinance and
the requirements under which they were certified.
Auxiliary Water Supply: Any water supply on or available to a facility other than the
County's water system, which is not permitted by the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection and over which the County does not '.:.ave r, ar. itary control. Auxiliary water supplies
may include water from another public water supply, any natural source such as a well, spring.
river, stream, harbor or used water, reclaimed water or industrial fluids.
Backfl0w: A reversal of the normal direction of flow, which has the potential to introduce
used water or mixtures of used water and other liquids, gases or other substances into the
County's Public water system from a source or sources. Backflow may occur as the result of
back-pressure, back-siphormgc or both.
.Back-Pr¢$~t~re:. Any elevation of pressure in the downstream piping system caused by a
pump, elevated tank, boiler, or other means that could create pressure wilh. in that system, greater
than the supply pressure of the County's water system which, would cause, or tend to cause, a
reversal of the normal direction of flow.
Backflow Prevention Assembly, Approved; A mechanical assembly that meets those
standards as set forth by the American Water Works Association (AW~vVA), the American Society
of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE), and the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic
Research (FCCC), that has been approvcd for the prcvcntion of backflow, as back-pressure and
back-siphonage, by the Foundation For Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, and is
published in the FCCC's List orApprovcd Backflow Prevention Assemblies.
[3ackflow Prevention Assembly Test Equipment, Approvcd: Equipmenl recommended by
the assembly manufacturer and approvcd by the Department.
Backflow Prevention AsscrabS. Tes. t MethOds,_~_p. proved: Methods as approvcd by the
American Water Works Association (AW'WA) or the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control
and Hydraulic Research (FCCC), whichever is more stringent.
Backflow Control: A connection between a County's water system and a fi~cility's
system with an approved and appropriate backflow prevention assembly properly inslallcd that
will continuously afford protection against contamination or pollution commensurate with the
degree of hazard.
Backflow Prevention AssemblyTechniciaV._,__ADproved: Any person holding at a minimum
a valid and current certificate from the University of Florida TREECO Center (UF/TREECO] or
equivalent certification program as a certified backflow prevenlion assembly lechnician and who
has submitted the proper documenlation to Ihe Department.
Back-SjEh_ho_nage: A form of backflow due to a reduction of pressure in the County's
Public Water System.
Contamination: An impairment of the quality of the County's Public Walcr System by
sewage, industrial fluids or wastes, compounds or other materials to a degree which ereales an
actual hazard to the public health through poisontrig or lhrough the spread of disease.
Coun!yL For purposes oflhis Ordinance. the term "County" shall mean Collier County,
a political subdivision of the state and. where the context requires or warrants, shall also be
deemed to include the Collier County Water-Sewer District and Ihe Goodland Water Districl.
County's. Public Water System: For purposes of this Ordinance. the term "County Public
Water System" shall mean any or all components of either or both the Collier Counly Water-
Sewer District and Goodland Water District's water systems.
CrosS:Connection: Any physical arrangement whereby the County's Public Water
System is connected, directly or indirectly, with any other water supply, sewer. drain. conduit,
pool, storage reservoir, plumbing ftxture, or other device which contains or may contain
contaminated water, sewage or other wastes or liquids of unknown or un.~fe quality. which may
be capable of imparting contamination to the public water system, as the result of backflow.
By-pass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or changeable devices, or
other temporary or permanent devices, through which or because of which, backflow could occur
arc considered to be cross-connections unless otherwise specified within this Ordinance.
Cross-Co...nn. ection Control: The installation of an approved backflow prevention
assembly as part of the County's service connection to a facility where there are actual or
potential cross-connections.
Cros$-(~onnection Control Program: The findings, requirements and procedures
established by this Ordinance and any administrative policies and operational procedures
established by the Department to administer and effectuate this Ordinance.
Department; The Collier County Water Department.
pouh!~ Check Valve Assembly (DC}. Approve& An assembly composed of two single,
independently acting, check valves including a tightly closing approved shuboff valve located at
each end of the assembly and approvcd connections (testcocks) for testing the water tightness of
each check valve. The check valve shall permit no leakage in a direction reverse of normal flow.
The closure clement shall be internally weighted or otherwise loaded to promote rapid and
positive closure and supplied with replacement valve seats. Only those double check valve
assemblies (DC) approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control, Hydraulic Research
(FCCC) and the Department are acceptable for installation.
Double Detector Check Valve Assembly {DD_C). Aoproved: An assembly of two
independently operating approved check valves wilh replaceable seats and tightly closing
approvcd shut-off valves on each side of the check valves. plus properlyi located and approved
testcocks for the testing of each check valve. A bypass {detector) arrangement consisting of an
approved meter and an approved double check valve assembly shall be incorporaled with the
assembly for detection of leaks or unauthorized use of water. Only those double detector check
valve assemblies (DDC) approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control, Hydraulic
Research (FCCC) and the Department are acceptablc for installation.
Facility: A residence, building, structure, property, business, operation or premises of any
kind that is connccted or seeks to connect to the County Public Water System,
Facility Owner: The owner, and to the extent the purposes and requirements of this
Ordinance warrant, a lessee or sublessee of a residence, building, structure, properly, business,
operation or premises of any kind that is connected or seeks to connect to the County Public
Water System to receive water through the service connection. The term "facility owner" shall
also include any agent or representative of a facility owner acting for or on behalf of the facility
Facility's System: The facility's system shall begin beyond the County's service
connection. The facility's system may include a potable water system, an industrial piping system
or both and may be supplied by the County Public water system or an auxiliary water system or
~.Lound Water Source: Water that is withdrawn from an underground aquifer that is nol
considered by the Florida Depa.nment of Environmental Protection to be under the direct
influence of surface water.
Hazard, Degree oC The term is derived from an evaluation of the potential risk to the
publlc's health, safety and welfare and the potential adverse effect upon the County's Public
Water System.
Ha~'ard, Health; A cross-connection or potential cross-connection involving any
substance that could, if introduced into the County's Public Water System, cause deatk illness,
spread disease or have a high probability or causing such effects.
Hazard, NOn-Health: A cross-connection or potential cross-connection involving any
substance that generally would not be a health hazard, but would constitute a nuisance or be
aesthetically objectionable. if introduced into the County's Public Water System.
H__azard, Pollution: An actual or potential threat to the physical properties or Ihe
potability of the County's Public water system, which would constitute a nuisance or be
aesthetically objectionable or could cause damage to the County's Public Water System or its
appurtenances, but would not be dangerous to health.
.Hazar0, System: z~ actual or ~otential threat ofsevere damage to the physical properties
of the County's Public Water System from pollution or contamination which would have a
protracted eft'eel on the quality of the County's Public Water
.l~dustrial Fluids: Any fluid or solution which may be chemically. biologically or otherwise
contaminated or polluted in a form or concentration such as would constitute a health, non-health.
plumbing, pollution or system hazard if introduced into the County's Public Water System. This
may include, but is not limited to: polluted or contaminated walers; all types of processed waters
and used waters originating from the County's Public Waler System which may deteriorate in
sanitary quality; chemicals in fluid form; plating acids and alkalis; circulated cooling waters
connected to an open cooling tower or cooling towers that are chemically or biologically treated
or stabilized, with toxic substances; contaminated natural waters. such as from wells. springs.
rivers, bays, harbors, seas, irrigation canals or systems; oils. gases, glycerin, parallins, caustic and
acid solutions and other liquids and gaseous fluids used for industrial or other purposes or for
fire- fight ing purposes.
Reclaimed Water: Any source or supply of water which contains in pan or entirety water
from a wastewater treatment facility in excess of 10%.
Reduced Pressure Zone Assembly (RPZ). Approve& An assembly containing two
independently acting approved check valves with replaceable seats together with a hydraulically
operating, mechanically independent pressure differential relief valve located between the check
valves and at the same time below the first check valve. The unit shall include properly located
and approved testcocks and tightly closing and approved shut-off valves at each end of the
assembly. Only those reduced pressure zone assemblies (RPZ) approved by the Foundation l~r
Cross-Connection Control, Hydraulic Research (FCCC) and the Department are acceptable for
Reduced Pressure Zone Detector Assembly (RPZD). Approvcd: An assembly containing
two independently acting approved check valves with replaceable sects together with a
hydraulically operating, mechanically independent pressure differential relief valve located
between the check valves and at the same tlmc below the f'u'st check valve. The unit shall include
properly located and approvcd testcocks and tightly closing and approvcd shut-offvalvcs, at each
end of the assembly. A bypass arrangement consisting of an approved walcr meter and an
approvcd reduced pressure zone assembly shall be incorporated into the mechanism. Only those
reduced pressure zone detector assemblies (RPZD) approved by the Foundation for
Cross-Connection Control, Hydraulic Research (FCCC) and the Department are acceptable for
Sen'ice Connection: The term "service connection" shall refer to a County owned and
maintained water service connection to any facility and shall include the corporation stop, valving,
saddle, service line and all fittings up to and including the meter and any backflow prevention
assembly installed in accordance with this Ordinance. Ownership and maintenance of the service
connection shall be is the responsibility of the County.
Surface Water Supply: Any equrce or supply of water which contains in part or entirety
water from a lake, canal, pond, retention area or wetland in exccss of 10% shall be considered a
surface water supply.
Water, Non-Potable: Water that is not safe for human consumption or that is of
questionable quality.
Water, potable: Water that is safe for human consumption as described by the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection.
Water PurveyOr: For the purposes of this Ordinance, the term "'water purveyor" shall refer
to the Collier County Water-Sewer District and Goodland Water District. '
Pt~blic Water S~pt~ly, Approved: Any public or private potable waler supply or system
which has been approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and which is
operating under a valid Florida Department of Environmental Protection operating permit.
Water Supply. Una. a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a~Dproved: A water supply which has not been approved for public
consumption by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Water, Used: Refers to any water supplied by the County water system (s) at:ter it has
passed through the customer's service connection and is no longer under the sanitary control or
the County.
A. Operation Policy_.
I. No service connection that creates an actual or verified potential hazard to
the County's Public Water System shall be installed or maintained by the County unless
the County's Public Water System is protected as required by this Ordinance. Service of
water to any premises shall be discontinued by the County if a backflow prevention
assembly required by this Ordinance is not installed, tested and maintained or if it is found
that a backflow prevention assembly has been removed or tampered with. Service shall
not be restored until such conditions or defects are corrected.
2. The facLlity owner shall be responsible For monitoring the changcs in use or
the facility and the degree of hazard that those changes represent to the County's Public
Water System in accordance with this Ordinance. Failure to provide this information
the Department in a timely manner may result in immediate discontinuance of service until
the facility owner has corrected the ha:,nrd and rapefled the information, as required
under this Ordinance, to the Department.
3. An approved and appropriate backflow prevention assembly shall be
installed as part of each service connection wherever and whenever any of the following
conditions exist beyond the water service connection:
a. An auxiliary water supply exists that is not maintained or permitted
by the Department of Environmental Protection.
b. Industrial fluids or any other objectionable substances are handled
in such a fashion as to create an actual or potential hazard of any kind Io the County's
Public Water System.
c. Internal plumbing or piping arrangements are not known. making it
impracticable or impossible to ascertain whether or not cross-connections exist.
4. The type of ba,:kflow prevention assembly required shall depend upon the
degree of haT. ard that may exist as follows:
a. In cases where there is a surface water auxiliary supply. the
County's water system shall be protected by an approved air-gap separation or an
approved reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assembly.
b. In cases where there is a ground water auxiliary water supply. the
County's Ptzblic Water System shall be protected by an approved double check valve
c. In cases where there are any substances Ihal would be
objectionable, but not hazardous to health. the County's Public Water System shall be
protected by an approved double check valve assembly.
d. In cases era facility, where material is stored or handled so as to
create an actual or potential hazard of any kind to the County's Public Water System, the
Public water system shall be protected by an approved air-gap separation or an approved
reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assembly.
e. In cases of any facility, where because of security requirements or
other prohjbitions or restrictions, it is impossible or impractical to make a complete
cross-connection survey, the County's Public Water System shall be protected against
backflow by either an approved air-gap separation or an approved reduced-pressure
principle backflow prevention assembly.
f. in cases ofany facility. where the Department determines an undue
health threat is posed because of the presence of extremely toxic substances. tl~e
Department may require an air gap at the service connection to protect Ihe County's
Public Water System.
5. Any required backflow prevention assembly and its configuration shall be
as specified by this Ordinance, the Collier County Utility Standards and Proccdurcs
Ordinance, Ordinance No. 97-17, any amendments or successors thereto, and the
Department's administrative and operational procedures.
6. In the case of any facility, where a backflow prevention assembly is
irtstaHed, it shall be the responsibility of the facility owner to adhere to lhe requirements
for facility owners as specified within this Ordinance.
7. All persons or companies providing services to the County or the facility
owner as specified by this Ordinance shall comply with all provisions and
requirements of this Ordinance. Failure to adhere to the requirements contained within
this Ordinance shah be grounds for removal from the Department's approved list or
termination or any County contracts for the provision of services under this Ordinance.
8. All installed backflow prevention assemblies existing as of the effective
dale of this Ordinance that do not meet the requirements of this Ordinance. but that were
approvcd assemblies for the purpo. ses of this Ordinance at lhe time of installation and that
have been properly rnaintaincd, shall be cxcmpt from the construction standards of :his
Ordinance and the Department's related ndmirtistrative and opcrational procedures
provided tl,-',t any such backflow prevention assembly will .satisfactorily protect the
County's Public Water System. Whenever any such existing assembly is moved from its
present location or requires replacement. the assembly shall be replaced by an approved
back flow prevention assembly meeting all of the requirements or this Ordinance.
B. County Owned Backfl0w Prevention Assemblies, lnslallation, Maintenance and
Testing Requirements.
I. Ownership. The County shall own all backflow pievent on assemblies as
required by this Ordinance.
2. Installation. The County shall install Or cause to be installed the
appropriate new or replacement backflow prevention assembly in accordance with !his
3. Maintenance. The County shall maintain or cause to bc maintained all
backflow prevention assemblies in accordance with this Ordinance.
4. Testing. The County shall test or cause to be tested all backflow
prevention assemblies in accordance with this Ordinance.
The County shall maintain a Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention Section
within the Department to administer the requirements of this Ordinance. The Department shall
maintain a minimum staff' of certified personnel to perform and or oversee the Ibllowing services
as required by this Ordinance:
A. Cross-Connection Survey Reports review;
B. Site (field) inspections;
C. Cross-connection control systems approval:,
D. Emergency services and inspections;
E. Educational assistance regarding cross-connection control;
F. Maintenance and correlation &data generated by the cross-connection control program;
G. Administration of all fees and penalties of this program;
H. Review of qualifications established under this Ordinance for approving private
independent testers and repair technicians;
I. Administration of any County contracts for the installation. maintenance. repair and testing
of backflow prevention assemblies; and,
J. Installation, maintenance, repair and testing ofbackflow prevention assemblies.
A. Facility Owner {Privately Owned Assemblies).~
I. The facility owner shall be responsible for evaluating the hazard posed by
the facility's system or facility's use and ensuring, by installation of an appropriate
backflow prevention assembly, that water from an unsuitable source or any other harmful
substance does not enter the County's Public Water System.
2. All facilities (new and existing) that pose a hazard to Ihe County's Public
Water S>stem shall comply wi':-. all terms of this Ordinance under the direction of the
3. The facility owner shall comply with all requirements specified by the
Department in its administration of this Ordinance.
4. Upon order by the Department, the facility owner shall install, or cause to
be installed, a backflow prevention assembly and shall maintain such assembly at Ihe
facility owner's expense.
5. The facility owner shall be directly responsible, anti wholly liable. for all
procedures regarding the facility's backflow assembly.
6. No t~cillty owner may alter the backflow prevention assembly protecting
the County's Public Water System unless such alteration is approved by the Department.
7. No facility owner may circumvent the facility's backl]ow assembly
protecting the County's Public Water System.
8. No facility owner shall operate the facility's internal water system when
any part of that system is realfunctioning in a manner that poses a hazard of any kind to
the County's Public Water System.
9. The facility owner shall immediately report to the Department any
mailunction or damage which could affect the assembly's ability to protect the County's
Public Water System.
10. The facility owner shall be responsible for arranging all installations.
testing, repairs or overhauls in accordance with this Ordinance. In addition. the facility
owner shall be responsible for maintaining copies of all documentation and results of all
tests, repairs, overhauls, and replacements for the backflow assembly protecting the
County's Public Water System, on file at the facility's location for a minimum of ten (10)
I I. The facility owner shall maintain a copy of the faci[ity's cross-connection
survey report at the facility's location at aH times.
B. F.acility Owner (County Owned Assemblies).
1. The facility owner shall be responsible for evaluating the hazard that the
raeility's system or racility's u~ poses to the County's Public Water System and reporting
that information to the Department so tt~at the Department may install or cause to be
installed an appropriate backflow prevention assembly.
2. The Facility owner is responsible For evaluating the effect of changes to the
facility's water system or use of the facility over time to ensure that the existing back flow
prevention assembly is appropriate for that hazard and reporting that information to the
3. The facility owner i.s responsible for immediately notifying the Department
if the baclc~ow prevention assembly is observed to be either nmlfunctioning or damaged.
C, The Departme._.nt (Privat~!y Own__¢d As~mblies.).
I. The Department shall review and approve the data submit[ed by facility
owners for the installation, repairs and overhauls of privately owned assemblies required
under this Ordinance or that '..,ere existing as or the effective date or this Ordinance.
2. The Department shall have the authority to prohibit a service connection or
order the disconnection of service to any connection where:
(a). Any kind of ha~'ard exists to the Cotmty's Public Water System;
(b). The facility owner fails to install, operate and maintain an approvcd
and appropriate backflow prevention assembly in accordance wilh this Ordinance.
(c). The Department may inspect all new backflow assembly
installations for compliance with this Ordinance, the Collier County Utility
Standards and Procedures Ordinance, Ordinance No. 97-17, any amendments or
successors thereto, AWWA Manual M-14 Second Edition and other applicable
Dep,'u'tment administrative and operational procedures.
(d). The Department shall accept for review only those
cross-connection survey reports as performed by the facility owner on the Dcpartmcnt's
self-evaluation forms or performed by a certified cross-connection control survcy
inspector or professional engineer.
(e). The Department shall accept for review only those initial
certification tests, scheduled tests, overhauls, repairs, and replacement reports for any
backflow prevention assembly performed by a certified technician from the Dcpartmcnt's
approved list.
(0. The Department shall establish a schedule acceptable to the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection under which all existing facilities will be brought
into compliance with the terms of this Ordinance.
(g). The Department shall compile and maintain all significant data
resulting from reports submitted under this Ordinance.
(h). The Department shall require additional data on any report as
deemed necessary, prudent or helpful in the execution of this Ordinance.
D. Dep_artment {'COunty Owned Assemblies),
1. The Department shall install or cause to be in.stalled the appropriate
back flow prevention assembly for the hazard presented by each facility.
2. The Dcpartn~ent shall perform or cause. to be performed all testing. repairs,
maintenance and overhauls of County owned backflow prevention assemblies as required
by this Ordinance.
3. The Department shah maintain all records and other relevant information
on each County owned backflow prevention assembly.
E. Certified Cross-Connection Control Survey Inspectors and Engineers,
I. Certified inspectors and engineers shall ensure that AW%VA guidelines and
standards are utilized in their preparation of any facility's cross-connection survey report
and that the information provided in any such report is reliable and accurate.
2. Certified inspectors and engineers shall subn~t any and all information as
requested or directed by the Department.
3. Certified inspectors and engineers shall maintain copies of all
cross-connection survey reports, blueprints, drawings, reports, inspections and any related
correspondence or documentation for a miOhnum of ten (10) years.
4. Failure to provide accurate information in a timely manner as prescribed in
this Ordinance shall be grounds for termination of any County contracts for service
provided in accordance with this Ordinance.
F. Certified Backflow Prevention Technicians.
I. Certified technicians shall ensure that nil tests, ,repairs and overhauls
completed on any backflow prevention assembly protecting the County's water system
are performed in compliance with manufacturer's recommendations, AWWA guidelines
and standards, and this Ordinance.
2. Certified technicians shall submit to the Department all information relating
to tests, repairs and overhauls on any backflow prevention assembly protecting the
County's Public Water System as requested by the Department.
3. Certified technicians shah ensure that all information submitted to the
Department is reliable and accurate.
4. Certified technicians shall maintain copies of all documentation relating in
any way to tests, test results, repairs, overhauls on backflow prevention assemblies
protecting the County Public Water System and any related correspondence or
documentation for a minimum often (I0) years.
5. Certified technicians shall only perform those activities for which their
certification is valid and approved as outlined in this Ordinance. Reports submitted by
non-certified or non-approved personnel shall not be accepted by the Department.
A. _Approved Back flow Prevention ASsemblies,
An approved backflow prevention assembly undcr this Ordinance is one l~t mccts
those standards set forth by the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the American
Society or Sanitary Engineers (ASSE) and the Foundation rot Cross-Connection Control and
Hydraulic Research (FCCC), and L~ published as approvcd in the FCCC's List or Approvcd
Backflow Prevention Assemblies. For assemblies owned by the County, the County rcscrvcs the
Hght to Ib'nit the number or model(s) or approvcd assemblies for purposes or standardization and
conformity to system condi'.ions. Approvcd assemblies shall have the following features.
I. Shah be testable in line.
2. Shall be repairable in line.
3. Shall have approved shut-off valves located at each end of the backflow
4. Shall be supplied with ammonia resistant siLicone disc's or other material
having the same ammonia resistant properties and approved by the Department.
5. Shall have:
(a) Resilient seated (wedge), full-Ilow shut-off valves (or resilient
seated, full-flow ball valves on sizes two (2) inches or smaller lhat shall be marked wilh:
( I ) the manufacturer's name or symbol;
(2) Nominal size ofvalve;
(3) Model number:
(4) Working pressure.
(b) Resilient seated testcocks with:
(1) An operating stern, which must inclicate if the testcock is
open or closed;
(2) The operating stem on a ball valve type oftestcock must be
blow-out proof;
(3) The materials specified as bronze or approved equal.
6. The assembly (itsel0 shall contain the following minimum markings:
(a) The manufacturer's name or symbol;
(b) The type of assembly;
(c) Assembly size;
(d) Assembly model number;
(e) Assembly serial number:
(f) Rated working water pressure;
(g) Direction of flow.
7. No backllow prevention assembly shall be installed under this Ordinance
unless spare parts are represented by the manufacturer to be available for a minimum
period of seven (7) years from date of installation.
8. Whenever a backflow prevention assembly is tested, repaired or overhauled
by a certified backflow prevention assembly techrdcian, the assembly shall be "resealed"
following such service to identify the lechnician.
B. Hazed Classi~catlons.
Unless otherwise specified by this Ordinance, the Department shall use Ihe American
Water Works Association (AW',,VA) standards and guidelines in determining all classifications of
hazards (whether actual or potential). Single family facilities shall be evaluated on a ease-by-ease
basis. To the extent such residential facilities do not have auxiliary water sources or other t)~es
of systems or operations on-site which would classify the system as hazardous. a backflow
prevention assembly shall not be required. Multifamily facilities with a single service connection
or individual service connections having an auxiJiary water or other types of systems or operations
on-site that would classif}, the system as hazardous shah have an RPZ assembly installed as
required by this Ordinance.
A. At! Faci!'t~j~.s_.
I. The design shall be consistent with the standards and specifications found
in the Collier County Utility btandards and Procedures Ordinance. Ordinance No. 97-17.
any amendments or successors thereto, and the Deparlment's operational and
administrative procedures.
2. The design shall utilize AWWA standards and guidelines and FCCC
approved backflow prevention assemblies (latest edition) unless otherwise specified by this
Ordirtance or the Department's administrative and operational procedures.
3. Backflow prevention assemblies shall be designed a$ part ofthe County's
service connection. unless other wise approved by the Departmeht:
4. The facility owner shall be responsible for determining if the facility's
system requires an uninterrupted supply of water that would be adversely affected by
routine maintenance or other activities invo/ving the backflow prevention assembly. The
facility owner shall be responsible for instalIing or requesting a parallel back flow
prevention assembly. In such instances, two (2) approved backflow prevention assemblies
of the same manufacturer, size and model numbers shall be installed.
B. Existing Facilities Only.
I. Residential (Single Family}, If an actual hazard as defined in this
Ordinance poses a threat to the County Public Water System an approved hackflow
prevention assembly shall be installed.
2. Other .Facilities. These facilities include. but are nol limited to
commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential facilities. Where actual or potential
hazards are identified, an approved backflow prevention assembly shall be installed. In
some instances. it may be difficult or impossible to accurately determine such a facility's
cross-connection status because plumbing plans of the facility's potable water system are
nonexistent, unreliable or unobtainable. In instances where a cross-connection survey is
not feasible, an air gap separation or reduced pressure device shall be installed based upon
the degree orhazard.
C. Installation Requirements,
1. All installations shall be consistent with the Department's administrative and
operational procedures.
a. All approved backflow prevention assemblies for
commercial, industrial and multi-family facilities shall be installed above Final
finished Fade, unless otherwise approved by the Department.
b. Residential double check Backflow assemblies may
be installed below grade in a enclosure specified or acceptable to the
c. Residential Reduced Pressure assemblies shall be
installed above fmaI finished grade.
3. Backflow prevention assemblies shall not be installed above f'mal finished
grade in any type of vault, unless such vault is constructed to allow at least thirty percent
(30%) of its sidewalls to be open or vcntila/ed at the Fade level. These openings or vents
shall be unobstructed and of such size to permit any vented water to frccly pass through
the openings to the outside.
4. Backflow prevention assemblics shall not be installed in any position other
than horizontal, unless the assembly has rcceivcd approval for such installation by the
assembly's manufacturer and the FCCC.
5. Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in outside locations as
part of the Department's service connection and shall be protected from possible damage
caused by normal trafl3c.
6, All backflow prevention assemblies shall be a minimum of twelve (12)
inches above final finished grade (or pad) to a maximum of thirty (30) inches. as measurcd
from the lowest point of the assembly;, and a minimum side distance of three (3) feet from
any wall, fixed aperture or landscaping.
7. All backflow prevention assembly installations shall be preceded by a wye
strainer (5/8" to 2") or top access strainer (2tA'' to 10") and appropriate shut-off valve to
facilitate cleaning and inspection of the strainer. All assemblies and strainers serving fire
protection systems shall be approved for such service. In addition, all assemblies shall be
supplied with ammonia resistant sillcone discs or a Department approved equal.
8. Installers of backflow prevention asscmblics may test and certify the
backflow prevention assembly they have installed. However, all such tests and
certification reports shall be completed only by a technician with the appropriate
certification from the County's approved list.
A. Testing Frequency Schedules,
1. All backflow prevention assemblies shall:
(a) Bc tested at least once every year, unless other wise spcciricd by
the Florida Department of Environmcnta] Protection;
(b) Bc tested (and rescaled) only by a certified backflow prevention
device technician;
(c) Be tested utilizing procedures approvcd by the AWWA or its
(d) Be tested with test equipment approved by the A~VWA or its
2. The Department may requh'e a more frequent test schedule for assemblies
serving facilities classified in accordance with this Ordinance as high hazard or that
frequently fail regularly scheduled tests, as necessary to protect the public health
and safety.
B. OverhaUl
I. All back flow prevention assemblies shall:
(a) Be overhauled as necessary or as recommended by the
manufacturer, unless other wise ~eci~ed by the Department of Environmental Protection;
(b) Overhauled only by a certified backflow prevention assembly
(c) Be overhauled using acceptable procedures as recommended by the
asscmbly's manufacturer.
C. Repairs and Replacements.
1. BackflOw Prevention Assemblies,
(a) Backflow prcvcntion assemblies that rcpeatcdly fail a rcquired test
shah be reported to the Department immediately and before any ~'epairs arc undertaken.
Required repairs shall be performed by a certified technician as outlined by this Ordinance.
(b) Any assembly that is unable to be repaired or overhauled (scheduled
or nonscheduled) shall bc replaced immediately. At the completion or the repairs or
replacement, the assembly shall be tested by a certified technician as outlined by this
2. Until such repairs or replacements are completed, the service connection
shall bc deactivated, if deemed necessary by the Department, to protect the public health.
safety and welfare.
D. TeSting Equipment and MethOd. S,
I. Zest Equipment.
Certified backflow prevention assembly technicians shall test such
assemblies using that equipment as recommentted by the assembly's manufacturer and
approved by the Department.
2. Test. MCtho.d.s,
Only A~,VWA and FCCC methods shall be used when testing backflow
prevention assemblies.
3. Certified backflow prevention assembly technicians shall have their testing
instruments certified at least once every year for accuracy, or as often as the equipment
manufacturer recommends, whichever is more frequent. The techrdcian shah forward a
copy of the instrumcnt's calibration report to the Dcpartmcnt. The Department shall not
accepted testing reports prepared by technicians if such annual calibration reports arc not
rccc/vcd by the Department. Calibrstion rcports shall ordy bc accepted from sources
approved by the Dcpanment. The Department shah develop procedures to approve tcstLng
sources based on rn,~ufacturing and industry standards.
E. Reporling.
Facility owners are directly responsible for all reports and reporting procedures
regarding privately owned backflow assemblies protecting the County's water system.
The faciL/ty owner may designate an agent to act on his behalf, but in no way does such
action alleviate the facility owner's responsibility.
1. Reporting Scheduled Tests And Overhauls (Pdvatclv_Owned A~mblies).
Reports for initial certification tests, regular annual tests and overhauls of a racility's
privately owned backflow assembly must be completed by a certified technician as
required by this Ordinance. Such rcporls shall be forwarded to Ihc Department by the
facility owner on the Department's approved forms. It shall be the responsibility of lhc
Facility owner to mail or deliv:.- the completed reports to the Deparlment as outlined in
this Ordinance and the Departmcnt's administrative and operational procedures.
2. Reporting Of Nonscheduled Repairs or Replacements {Privately Owned
Any backflow prevention assembly which has been aged, is discharging
abnormally or fails any test, shall be reported immediately by the facility owner as follows:
Step !: Notify the Depar[mcnt. If the Dcparlment's o0ices arc closed. notify
the after-hours on-call personnel '
Step 2: Contact a certified backflow prevention assembly technician from the
Depar~ment's approved list for immediatc repairs.
3. Any time a replacement is required for a priva[ely owned assembly, such new
assembly shall comply with al] sections of this Ordinance.
F. Cross-Connection Survey Reports.
I. New FacilitieS,
The owner or a new fac/iity shall subrail a cross-connect/on survey report
for the facility [o the Department prior to occupancy and service connection activation.
The report shall be submitted for the facility ushng the Departmcnt's approved forms.
Survey reports shall include the survey inspector's or engineer's recommended backflow
prevention assembly for the degree of hazard created by the facility. Survey reports for
other than single family residences shall be completed by a certified cross-connection
control survey inspector or engineer and shall contain that inspector's name and
certification number on each page or the engineer's seal and number. Any such reports
submitted to the Department without this infornmtion shall be deemed unacceptable and
shall not be rcvicwed. For single family residences, the survey report may be filled out by
the facility owner using the Depanment's approved self-evaluation forms.
2. Existin~ FaCilities,
The Department shall send notification to the owners of existing facilities
where cross-connections are suspected. Facility owners shaH, upon notification and within
90 days submit a cro~-connecfion survey report for the facility to the Department. The
cross-connection survey report shall have been completed by a certified cross-connection
control survey inspector from the Depanment's approved list or an engineer and shah
contain the inspector's nmne and certification number or engineer's seal on each page. Any
survey report submitted Io the Department for review without this informalion shall be
deerned unacceptable and shall not be reviewed. For single family residences, the survey
report my be filled out by the owner using Ihe Department's approved self-evaluation
3. g¢~l~i. rrx;d Wat..er Connections
All properties served by reclaimed water shall be surveyed at intervals.
acceptable to the Department of Environmental Protection, but no less then every Ihree years as
to changes, additions or deletions in |he customer plumbing system. All property surveys found
to have the potential to create a cross-connection shall undergo further review up to and including
site visits by the County to investigate potential hazards.
4. Survey Report Review and Approval.
After the Department has received and reviewed the cross-connection
survey report for a proposed facility or use, the Department may take the following
action: ,
(a) The Department may accept the cross-connection survey report as
(b) The Department may reject the cross-connection survey report as
(c) The Deparlment may request additional information before
accepting or rejecting the report.
(d) The Department may require a meeting with lhe facility owner's
designated agent, certified cross-connection control survey inspector, engineer or all such
entities or individuals involved before acting upon the Report as submitted.
4. Department Accept.av..ce of Cross-Connection Survey Report..
Upon acceptance and approval of the cross-connect/on survey report, the
Department shall issue a notice of acceptance. Once a backflow prevention assembly has
been approved by the Department, no changes or alterations shall be made without the
approval of the Department.
5. F/Pal Approval of Back~Qw PreventiOn Assemblies {Privalely Owned),
Aller a facility's backflow prevention assembly has been initially tested,
certified and approved, the facility owner shall notify the Department that the new facility
is ready for final inspection. The Department or its agent shall make a site inspection of
thc new facility. Until the facility's backflow prevention assembly passes this final
inspection, the scrvicc connection shall not be activated.
6. Testing and Overhaul Schedule (PHvatelv Owned Assembties}.
Within thirty (30) days after f'mal approval has been issued for a r~w
facility's backflow prevention assembly, the Department shall send a letter Io lhe owner
outlining the testing and overhaul schedule. This letter shaft list each component of the
facLlity's cross-connection control system and how frequently each mechanism including
the backflow prevention assembly shall be tested and overhauled (where applicable) and
testing results and completion of overhauls shah he reported to the Department.
In order to provide protection to the County's Public Water System from contamination
and a h/gh level of customer service and program quality at a reasonable and economical cost to
the customers or consumers of the Collier County Water-Sewer District and Goodland Water
District, all backflow prevention assemblies installed for the purposes of complying with this
Ordinance shall he owned by the County. All facility owners that also own existing backflow
prevention assemblies, that are subject to this Ordinance. may dedicate and convey those
assemblies to the County for owners~'~p and maintenance within 120 days from adoption of this
Ordinance. Any assemblies not dedicated and conveyed to the County within that 120 day period
shall remain in private ownership unless approved by the County. In cases where ownership of a
backflow prevention assembly remains with the facility owner, the facility owner shall be
responsible for complying with all maintenance and other requirements of this Ordinance. The
technical and administrative requirements of this Ordinance shall be implemented as follows.
A. Program Administration.
It shall be the responsibility of the Deparlment to administer, coordinate. monitor
and track the technical implementation and ongoing requirements of this Ordinance for
B. New install~tions,
1. BackRow prevention assemblies for 5/8" lhrough 2" meters shall, if
identified as necessary at the time of service application, be installed by the Department or Ihe
County's contract agent as part of and at the thn¢ of the installation of Ihe County's service
2. BackRow prevention assemblies for meters greater than 2" size shall he
installed as part of the service connection for new construction by a plumbing or underground
contractor retained by the facility owner. All such backflow prevention assemblies shall be
conveyed to the County for ownership in accordance with Ihe Collier County Utility Standards
and Procedures Ordinance, Ordinance No. 9'7-17, any amendments or successors thereto, and the
Department's administrative and operational procedures.
C. Retrofits.
I. Backflow prevention assemblies where the meter is between 5/8" through
2" shall be owned by the County and installed by the Department or the County's contract agent
as a part of the Department's meter change out program or when the degree of hazard so
warnrots, the Depanment's maintenance staff'or County's contract agent.
2. Backflow prcvention assemblies where the meter is greater than 2" shall be owned
by the County and installed by the Department or the County's contract agent.
D. Rcp.ah'$,
1. Repairs ofbackflow prevention assemblies where the meter is 5/8" through
2' shall be performed by the Department or the County's contract agent.
2. Repairs ofbackflow prevention assemblies where the meter is greater than
2" shal/b~ performed by the Department or the County's contract agent.
E. Rct~laccments.
Replacements of backflow prevention assemblies shall be performed by the
Department or the County's contract agent.
F. Testing~
I. County Owned ASsemblies.
The Department or the County's contract agent shall perform all annual
and rnjsceHaneous testing on all County owned backflow assemblies. This
subsection of this Ordinance does not apply to the assembly's initial certification
when installed by a private sector contractor for a facility owner.
2. Privately Owned Assemblies,
All testing of privately owned assemblies shall 'be performed by an
independent certified backflow assembly technician as outlined within this
Ordinance and meeting all legal, regulatory and code requirements for the service
A. .New InStallations.
Within 120 days from the adoption of this Ordinance, the County shall adopt by
ordinance a fee, charge or rate to cover the Cotmty's anticipated cost to provide for Department
services under this Ordinance. New customers of the Collier County Water-Sewer District and
Goodland Water District, i.e., facility owners, shall be responsible for payment of this fee, charge
or rate, if applicable, at the time and in conjunction with the payment of applicable impact and
meter tapping fees or within 30 days after service is rendered.
B. Retro~t.s (Existing).
All active service connections that have existing hazards as of 120 days from the
adoption of this Ordinance shall be considered existing retrofits for purposes of program funding
under this Ordinance. The County's retrofit program for existing service connections shaft be
funded through existing and future water user fees.
C. Retrofits {'New}.
County service cormcctions requiring a backflow prevention assembly Ihat
b~corn~s active or create a new hazard more than 120 days after the adoption of this
Ordinance shall be considered new retrofits for purposes of program funding under this
Ordinance. The County shall establish on an annual basis a charge to cover the cost of this
category of retrofits based on a competitive bid process or the County's cost. Customers, i.e.,
facility owners, in this category shall be assessed this charge to cover the County's instalhtion
D. Repah'~
The County's repair and maintenance program on all County owned backflow
prevention assemblies shall be funded through existing and future water user fees.
E. Replacement.
The County's backflow prevention assembly replacement pmgrarn for assemblies
owned by the County shah be funded through existing and future water user fees.
F. Testing~
The County's annual and miscellaneous testing program on County owned
backflow prevention assemblies shall be funded through existing and future water user fees.
A. Any facility with a privately owned heRflow prevention assembly receiving water
service from the County's Public Water system that fails to perform the required testing or make
required repairs to the backflow assemblies as directed by this Ordinance, the Department or a
certified backflow assembly technician, shall be subject to termination of service. Such
termination may continue until all violations of this Ordinance are corrected.
B. Any facility with a County owned and maintained back~o~v prevention assembly
shall not be subject to this provision as the Department shall be responsible for the testing and
maintenance of the assembly.
Any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance, or amendmenu thereto, shall
be subject to the penalties provided in Section 125.69, Florida Statutes. In addition, the County
may bring suit for damages for any violation of this Ordinance and amendments thereto, and to
restrain, enjoin or otherwise prevent a violation of or mandate compliance with this Ordinance
and amendments thereto.
The County or its agent shall be responsible for collecting any f~es, charges or rates
established by the Board of County Commissioners connected with the establishxnent and
ongoing maintenance of the cross-connection control program authorized by this Ordinance.
The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liberally construcd to effectively carry out its
purposes in the interest of public health, safety, welfare, and convenience. If any section,
phrase, sentence or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by
any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and
independent provision, and such holt~ng shall not affcct the validity of the remaining portions of
this Ordinance.
The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws
and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbcred or
rc-lcttcrcd to accomplish such, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article",
or any other appropriate word. ,
This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State and
adoption of an ordinance setting forth the rate, fee or charge for Department services in
connection with new installations and the filing of that ordinance with the Department of State.
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier
\.~ '~ f-... ~.. ~..'. ~ '
le ..... :' .:~ .~.. ~ oral;nonce filc~ with the
end ockmowledgement of that
David C. Weigel "' /-) fnl,g received this ~//doy
County Attorney By_f~ .,/~[ . ~ · -"~" r/ ~.'' ',/.'
I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth
Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the
foregoing is a true copy of:
Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 29th day
of July, 1997, during Regular Session.
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County
Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 30th day of July,
Clerk of Courts andcCler. k
Ex-officio to Board ~f.
County Commissioners
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