Ordinance 97-19· 12B
DATE: May 15, 1997
TO: Manteen Kenyon, Minutes & Records
FROM: David C. Weigel, County Attomey//. ~
RE: Collier County Ordinance No. 97-19, Itcrn 12(B)(2), BCC Agcnda of May
13, 1997, Petition PUD-90-1 (2), Richland PUD
Pursuant to our telephone conversation of May 14, 1997, I am requesting that Ordinance
No. 97-19 not be sent to the Secretary orStare since it was advertised and the title of this
ordinance repeals Collier County Ordinance No. 96-63. A r~view of the records indicate
that Ordinance No. 96-63 is a rezoning of property to RSF-I in Section 2, Township 49
South, Range 25 East; not the Rlchls. r~d PUD property. Ordinance No. 97-19 should be
the repeal of Ordinance No. 96-3.
Based on the above and by copy of this Memorandum to Ron Nino, I am requesting that
Petition PUD-90-1 (2) be readvertised with a correct Ordinance and resch~uled for a public
hearing before the Board of County Commissioners at the earliest possible time. Mr. Nino
should also notify the petitioner of this action.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office.
DCW/esc ~ ~Z/
Ron Nino, Senior Project Planner ~
Bob Mulhere, Current Planning Manager ~ f~/
Vince Cautero, Community Development Administrator