CAC Minutes 11/12/2009 R
November 12, 2009
Naples, Florida, November 12,2009
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory
Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
Herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at the Naples
City Hall, 735, 8th Street South, Naples, Florida with the following members
VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires
Murray Hendel (Excused)
Larry Magel
Joseph A. Moreland
Ted Forcht (Excused)
Victor Rios
Jim Burke
Robert Raymond
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Accountant
Collier County: November 12, 2009
November 12, 2009
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2009 - 1:00 P.M.
City of Naples City Hall, 73S 8th Street South, Naples
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. October 8. 1009
VII. Staff Reports
1. EXDanded Revenue ReDort - Garv MeAIDin
2. Proiect Cost ReDort - Garv McAIDin
3. Clam Bay Status - Update
- Navigational Markers
- 10 Year Permit
- Update Report/Board Actions
4. CAe Funds Reallocation to Tourism Advertising
VIII. New Business
1. Clam Bav Data Analysis and Fundina ReDort ~ Discussion
- PBS&.J Reoort
2. NaDles Outfall Pi Des - Discussion
3. FEMA Funds - Update
4. Marco Island Renourishment - Discussion/Timing
IX. Old Business
1. Biological Monitoring - Update
2. Gordon River Dredging - Update
3. Hideaway Beach Funding - Update
4. Marco Island Funding - Update
X. Announcements
-CAC 2010 Scheduled Meetinas
XI. Committee Member Discussion
-December CAC Meeting
XII. Next Meeting Date/Location
December 10, 2009 - City of Naples Chambers ..
XIII. Adjournment
Collier County: November 12, 2009
All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if
any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable.
For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966.
If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this
proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the
Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112,
(239) 252-8380.
Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time.
Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying
activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the
Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the
Board Minutes and Records Department. .
November 12,2009
I. Call to Order
Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1 :00 PM
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with a quorum established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. Pires move to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Magel. Carried
unanimously 7-0.
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. October 8, 2009
Mr. Moreland moved to approve the minutes of the October 8, 2009 meeting.
Second by Mr. Pires. Carried unanimously 7 - O.
VII. Staff Reports
1. Expanded Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
The Council reviewed the "Tourist Tax Revenue Report" updated through the
September 2009 Collection period.
2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin
The Council reviewed the document "FY 2009/2010 TDC Category "A" Beach
Maintenance Projects" updated through November 6, 2009.
3. Clam Bay Status - Update
Gary McAlpin provided the following updates:
- Navigational Markers
· The Pelican Bay Foundation has appealed the State of Florida,
Department of Environmental Protection's (FDEP) denial of their request
for an Administrative Hearing on the "Aids to Navigation" permit.
· The US Coast Guard permit is in place to install the navigational markers.
· The County will not be installing the markers until all legal issues are
resolved with FDEP.
· The US Coast Guard and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission have granted permission for installation of the
"informational signs."
· The County intends to install the informational signs in January of201O.
November 12, 2009
- 10 -Year Permit
Gary McAlpin submitted a memo from Jeffery Tabar ofPBS&J "Clam Pass
Joint Coastal Permit (JCP) Application Status Memo," dated November 6,2009
and minutes from a meeting held between Collier County Staff, Consultants and
the FDEP. He noted:
. The application for the permit was submitted in June of2009.
· The application is for tidal flushing and dredging of Clam Pass as needed
to ensure the health of the Estuary.
· A Request for Additionallnformation (RAI) was provided to the County
by the FDEP.
· The County held a meeting with the FDEP regarding the application and
continues to address the RAI.
- Update Report/Board Actions
· The Board of County Commissioners (BCe) will hear the Clam Bay
Advisory Committee Update Report, Water Quality Study and proposed
budget on December 15, 2009.
· The CBAC will further review the Water Quality Report prepared by
PBS&J at their November 19, 2009 meeting.
· The CAC will further review the Water Quality Report at their December
10,2009 meeting.
4. CAC Funds Reallocation to Tourism Advertising
· The BCC approved a re-direction of the annual allocations for the Beach
Re-nourishment Reserve and the Beach Emergency Reserve funds to the
Tourist Development Council's Promotions and Marketing program.
· The re-direction is in the amount of $500,000 each, for a period of one
year ($IM total).
· The TDC had requested a re-direction for a period of2 years; however
the BCC authorized the re-direction for I year.
· The BCC required Staff submit a Report on the success of the Program
after a year to determine if additional funds should be redirected.
Item VII.3
Ted Raia, Pelican Bay Resident read the contents of a letter he plans to deliver to
John Arceri, Chairman of the Clam Bay Advisory Committee, which outlines his
disappointment with the CBAC, as the goals of the Committee promote identification
of problems in Clam Bay, which do not exist. In addition, the water quality data
collected and analyzed promotes the misconception that Clam Bay is polluted. The
mangroves were dying, and have been preserved via the efforts of the Pelican Bay
Services District.
Rick Dykman, Seagate Resident addressed the Committee noting he has lived on
the Seagate canals since 1983, and the water quality has deteriorated over the course
of time as indicated by the Water Quality Report prepared by PBS&J. He
November 12, 2009
understands Pelican Bay Services District past commitment to the System, but based
on the Report, a new commitment is needed.
Item VII.3 - 10 vear permit
Ken Humiston, Humiston & Moore provided a memo dated November 11, 2009
"Collier County, CAC, for meeting record, from Humiston & Moore Engineers - Re:
Clam Bay, CAC November 12, 2009 Agenda Item VII-3 PBS&J Memo". The memo
outlined his concern over statements contained in the PBS&J memo, which are
misleading or incorrect.
Chairman Sorey requested clarification if Humiston & Moore is in the opinion the
water quality is better in the system today than 10 years ago.
Mr. Humiston noted his work related to the Study Area is/was for flushing and
circulation and could not comment on the Water Quality of the Estuary.
Under Committee discussion, the following was noted:
Item VII.3 - 10 - Year Permit
· The minutes from Collier County/FDEP meeting regarding the 10-year
permit are dated August 12, 2009 and the PBS&J memo provided to the
CAC today indicates the meeting was held on August 18,2009. This
should be corrected as necessary.
· The author of the minutes was Jeff Tabar ofPBS&J and should be
· The minutes ofthe meeting may want to be submitted to FDEP for
Item VIlA
· Convention and Visitors Bureau Staff will be preparing a Report for the
BCC on the Return On Investment for the re-directed Beach funds
utilized for their advertising and promotion.
VIII. New Business
1. Clam Bay Data Analysis and Funding Report - Discussion
- PBS&J Report
Gary McAlpin provided the Executive Summary "Review and discuss the
PBS&J Data Analysis Report and Findings for the Clam Bay Estuarial System"
dated November 12,2009 and related "Clam Bay System Data Collection and
Analysis, Prepared for: Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department by
PBS&J, dated "Final October 2009" (The Report).
The Clam Bay Advisory Committee has not approved The Report and will be
reviewing it at their November 19,2009 meeting.
The item is for informational purposes, but in the future, Staff will be looking for
the approval of 3 recommendations:
1. Accept the recommendations of the water-monitoring program.
2. Accept the recommendations to perform age and toxicology tests on the
sediment throughout Clam Bay
3. Peiform the water flushing and circulations study.
November 12, 2009
He noted it would be inappropriate for the Committee to recommend changes to
the findings in a Consultants Report, however sought input from the Committee
on any concerns or errors over the technical data provided.
Under Committee discussion, the following was noted:
· Funds within the CBAC budget have been re-allocated to provide for
toxicology tests of the sediment.
· The original Best Value Offer (BVO) did not include a scope of work for
Moorings Bay.
· The Moorings Bay data collection was outlined in the PBS&J proposal
and added to the scope of work to ensure the Study analyzed all the
components affecting the Estuary.
· The BVO required the use of DELFT 3D modeling software so the
County may begin to standardize the modeling programs it utilizes for
Coastal Zone studies.
· A 1981 Report "Diagnostics Feasibility Study for Moorings Bay"
prepared by a division ofFDEP, (formerly DER) should be reviewed by
the Consultants for any historical data which may be utilized in
preparation of their Report.
· The Report is entitled "Final 2009," should it be entitled "Draft Report"
since it is still in the discussion phase?
· Consider revising Page iv - #2 - line 1 of the Report from "In response to
water quality concerns, culverts..." to "In response to water quality
concerns ill Moorillgs Bay, culverts..."
· Consider revising Page iv - #3 -line 4 of the Report from "activities as
early as the 1970's." to "activities as early as the 1960's."
· The aerial photo date 1958 on page 2 of the Report may be inaccurate.
· Consider clarifying the definition ofthe "Clam Bay System" in the
· Consider revising Page 13 - 3.2 of the Report - "Task 2 - Status and
Trends of Water Quality within Clam and Moorillgs Bays" to "Task 2-
Status and Trends of Water Quality within Clam Bay" (based on the text
of the Section, which makes no references to "Moorings Bay.")
Chairman Sorey noted The Report is for discussion, and requested members
submit any comments to Staff so they may be addressed. Staff to provide an
email to Committee members outlining any changes made to the Report.
Ken Humiston, Humiston & Moore a copy of a memo submitted to Gary
McAlpin, Director, Collier County Coastal Zone Management dated October 27,
2009 - Re: PBS&J, Clam Bay System Data & Collectioll & Analysis, October
2009 Report. He noted Mr. McAlpin had requested he review the Report
prepared by PBS&J and provide comments. The memo provided a variety of
comments including concerns that the Report is overly critical of the work
November 12, 2009
completed by Humiston & Moore. He expressed concern the scope of work
outlined in the BVO required utilization of the DELFT3D software limiting the
Consultants who may respond. There are a variety of comparable models, which
may be utilized to complete the objectives of the BVO.
2. Naples Outfall Pipes - Discussion
Gary McAlpin provided the Executive Summary "Review and discuss Naples
storm water drainage pipes and status relative to our next re-nourishment" dated
November 12,2009 noting:
· The current FDEP permit requires them to approve a Plan to remove the
10 storm water discharge pipes from the beach before the next re-
nourishment is undertaken.
· The Plan may be approved for an extended time frame based on the
resources available.
· Collier County has provided $50,000 of Tourist Development Council
funds to develop the Plan with the City of Naples to address the issue.
· The Plan is in the final stages of being developed and will be submitted
by Collier County and City of Naples to the FDEP.
Ron Wallace, City of Naples provided a Slideshow on the concept of the Plan
and status of the project:
· The adverse effects of the discharges have been identified, but not
quantified creating an "undefined mandate." In attempt to define the
mandate, the adverse effects are being quantified.
· The developing of a storm water treatment area is unpractical given the
area is already developed.
· Consultations with the FDEP Staff confirm the State's intent to have the
discharge pipes removed, however the State would not require any action
"non-beneficial" to the solution.
· In developing the solution, an economically practical and
environmentally sound Plan will need to be developed to the "best extent
possible" to address the permit condition.
Discussion occurred on any existing permits that may be affected by the solution,
and if any Federal funding may be available for implementing the Plan.
3. FEMA Funds - Update
Gary McAlpin provided the Executive Summary "Share information on the
additionalfunding request that the County is pursuing with FEMAfor recovery of
additional Gabrielle, Katrina and Wilma funds " dated November 12, 2009. He
noted Staff continues to pursue additional FEMA funding which will have an
impact on the direction the County takes on beach re-nourishment projects. It is
anticipated the decisions for the funding will be made in approximately 4 months.
4. Marco Island Re-nourishment - Discussion/Timing
Gary McAlpin provided an update noting:
November 12, 2009
· The existing breakwater at South Beach is in need of some additional
rock, which will be completed during the next beach re-nourishment.
· South Beach is eroded and FEMA funds have been awarded for the
· No additional work on the existing T-groins is proposed.
· At least one additional breakwater is under consideration for South
· Any proposed activities are being planned in conjunction with FEMA
funding and will be completed in approximately 2 years.
Discussion occurred on the impacts of delaying beach re-nourishment and related
projects based on projected funding sources.
The Committee requested Staff prepare economic modeling on the cost impacts of
delaying beach re-nourishment projects (future erosion impacts, costs of
mobilization, etc.)
IX. Old Business
Gary McAlpin provided the following updates:
1. Biological Monitoring - Update
The Biological Monitoring was completed at a cost of $75,000, which saved the
County $130,000.
2. Gordon River Dredging - Update
The Gordon River Dredging should occur within the next 10 - 14 days and be
completed in 6 weeks.
3. Hideaway Beach Funding - Update
The funding portion for the Hideaway Beaches T-groin project attributed to
Collier County will be $1.l4M.
4. Marco Island Fnnding - Update
Exact figures delineating the expenditures for the Marco Island Beaches will be
provided in the future, however the County has spent more on the beaches than
revenue generated within the jurisdiction.
X. Announcements
-CAC 2010 Scheduled Meetings
Staff provided a memo "2010 CAC Scheduled Meetings" to the Committee.
XI. Committee Member Discussion
-December CAC Meeting
It was noted, there will be a CAC meeting in December.
The Committee requested Staffprovide the Sea Turtle Nesting Report at afuture
XIII. Next Meeting Date
November 12, 2009
December 10, 2009 - City of Naples Chambers
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the chair at 3:00 P.M.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
John Sorey, III Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
as presented or as amended