Resolution 1990-335 .~ i-' '~l' Ji' ;1 .J JUNE 19, 1990 RESOLUTION NO. ~5 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, EXERCISING ITS ABILITY TO SUCCEED TO THE POWERS, RIGHTS, DUTIES, FUNCTIONS, AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PELICAN BAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Pelican Bay Improvement District, in Collier County, Florida, was created by Chapter 74-462, Laws of Floridal and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has found that it is in the public interest of all the citizens of Collier County to move forward with succession to the powers, right., duties, functions and obligations of the Pelican Bay Improvement District I and WHEREAS, Chapter 74-462, Laws of Florida, expressly contemplates and provides for such succession by the County Commission of Collier County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD or COUNTy COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Having reviewed and considered, among other things, the reports ot Hole, Montes, , Associates, Inc. and ot the County'. staff, the County Commission hereby finds that the utility improvement and development facilities, works, or systems authorized by Chapter 74-462, Laws of Florida, have been constructed and established as functional, viable and p~aductive. 2. Having reviewed and considered, among other thing., . t_timony offered at prior public meetings, the reports of Hole, Montes, , Associates, Inc. and of the County's staff, the County Commission finds that the County, either through a county-wide district or through its Board of Commissioners, can provide water, aewer, irrigation water, right-ot-way maintenance and water management services to Pelican Bay as efflciently as the Pelican Bay Improvement District Board of Supervisors, at a level of quality equal to that delivered by the Pelican Bay Improvement District Board of Supervisors, and at a cost equal to the actual cost for which the Pelican Bay Improvement District Board of Supervisors will have to charge Pelican Bay Improvement District Users for the provision of similar services. 0005G BP-cp-/~"'A.I ,." JUNE 19, 1990 3. The Board of County Commissioners has caused a mutual agreement to be executed between the County and any guarantor, if any, of the bonded indebtedness incurred pursuant to ths provisions ot Cha~ter 74-462, Laws or Florida. Further, Collier County Resolution No. 90-328 and all mutual agreements identified or authorized therein are hereby re-adopted, ratified and confirmed. 4. The County declares and agrees, in any and all evente, to maintain inviolate so long as they exist in law or equity the legal and equitable rights, powers, and interests Of each and every bondholder and any and all bond financing procedures authorized specifically by Chapter 74-462, so long as they exist in law or equity and pursuant to the terms and provisions of those certain bond sale agreements applicable thereto. The County hereby declares its intention to agree and does so agree to abide by all the covenants and conditions in the Pelican Bay Improvement District bond resolutions, and finds, based upon a study of the Pelican Bay Improvement District's system, that succession as contemplated by Chapter 74-462, Laws of Florida, and this Resolution will have no adverse effect on the Pelican Bay Improvement District bondholders. 5. Section 4(1)-(3) of Chapter 74-462, Laws of Florida, having been fully satisfied and addressed, the (Jounty deolarss, in its sole discretion and pursuant to Chapter 74-462(4) (b), Laws of . Florida, and applicable legal authority, its election, effective immediately, to suoceed to the povers, rights, duties, functions and obligations of the Pelican Bay Improvemant District, and directs the Board of Supervisors of the Pelican Bay Improvement District to abide with this declaration. 6. The County hereby declares and directn that Pelican Bay Improvement District Board of Supervisors are hf!reby dismissed, without further compensation, since no actual or practical authority or usefulness remains with that body. ...e tt.., (.. /1.. /1-. ~ (J0057 2 JUNE 19, 1990 7. The County hereby declares that all contracts of the Pelican Bay Improvement District for supplies, services, and other things of value shall remain in force until such time as the Board of County Commissioners shall determine otherwise appropriate; that all public Pelican Bay Improvement District employees shall remain in the employ of the Pelican Bay Improvement District until such time as the Board of County Commissioners shall determine otherwise appropriate; that all fees, charges, as~essmentB, taxes and other rates of revenues shall remain unchanged until the Board of County Commissioners shall otherwise determine appropriate; and that any and all activities related to the issuance of long term obligation notes and bonds be suspended until such time as the Board of County Commissioners shall otherwise determine appropriate. 8. The County hereby declares, appoints, and authorizes its County Manager, or his designee, as the County administrator having the final and ultimate staff authority and responsibility for the day to day administration, direction, and supervision of all employees, whether exempt, non-exempt, contract, or otherwise, and all other affairs of the Pelican Bay Improvement District until such time as the Board of County Commissie,ners shall otherwise determine appropriate. 9. The County hereby declares, appoints and authorizes its County Attorney, or his designee, as lead, counsel having the final and ultimate authority and responsibility for the day to day administration, direction, and supervision of the Pelican Bay Improvement District's legal counsel, whether general or special, and all other legal affairs of the Pelican Bay Improvement District until'such time as the Board of County Commissioners shall otherwise determine appropriate. Further, the County Attorney, or his designee, is authorized to initiate, defend or respond to or direct the Pelican Bay Improvement District's counsel to initiate, defend or respond to any legal or administrative action necessary to carry out the objectives Of this Resolution. {9a-~/"'A. .3 O{)05S 3 JUNE 19, 1990 10. The County hereby declares, appoints, and authorizes the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County, Florida, or his designee, as the County clerk and accountant having the final and ultimate authority and responsibility for the day to day administration of the financial and record keeping affairs of the Pelican Bay Improvement District until such time as the Board of County Commissioners shall otherwise determine appropriate. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. DATED: June 19, 1990 ATTEST: JAMES C. GILES, Clerk ~'r""~;~ ~~C. ,'J'''''''', ~ :\'~I trl~', l "'....... . -. ", r?.} . > COMMISSIONERS F OF BY: Approved as to form and ~al SUfficienpy: o/44_b_L~.<-vr_.t: -I f - '7" ASB stant County Attorney ,./ RBS/""/1111 , .....,... '.-',,:..'., ,~ l~ '~.To( ,-.":": ...t9 (I.~/tf..A-. ~ (J0059 JUNE 19, 1990 FORM 8B MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT FOR COUNTY, MUNICIPAL AND OTHER LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS MIDt:l~."'AME NAME OF 104.0. COUNClL. COMMISSION. AUlltOlITY. 0.. COMMmu Collier County Board of County Commissioners' THE IA().t.lo. COUNCIL. COMMISSION. AUTHORITY. 0& COMMlrrEl ON WHll"H I stav.. IS A UNIT OF: : 01 y XJt."OUNTT I I O'IliU I.o<:At AGENCY . "''''''1:: 0." POLITICAL SUIUIYlSlOtl: l'OUN'rr ColI ler DlU'I ON "'HICH mnt on.1JUED 'Jun. 19 1990 MY t'OSITIONIS: xx EllE.CTlYt ,; APPOIHT1YE. WHO MUST FILE FOIlM II This (onn is for use by an)' person servinc ,J.t the county, city, or other local1c'I"cl of 100000mc:nt on l.Ilappointed or eJected board. council. commission. authority, or commiutc. 1, applies equally to members of advisory and non.advisory bQdia wboare presa'llcd with I volinc conflict of inteml ulld~r Sccliun.I12.3I,u. Florida Statutes. The rcquiremel\ts or this law are lDIDdatory; aJtboqh the use ot this pa,icular form is nOI rtquictd by law"rou are encouriilacd to use it in makinc the disclosure requirtd by law. Your responsibiliries under the law when faced wirh I measure in which you have a connia of intetnt will vary pndy dcpmdlna' on wh~her you hold an elective orappoinlive pashion. For this reason, please pay close auention to the innruaions on this rorm .~ before completin& the rC'Vtrse side and filinlthe (orm. :.,.;...; .;. , , INSTRUCTIONS FOil COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 112~143, FlOIlIDA STATUTlS ' f' ELECTED OFFICERS: . , ," A penon holdinl c1CC1h. cou~ry, munidpIl, or oth.r local public orne. MUST ABSTAIN rro"; votinl on I meosure which inu...' I to his sp<<:ial prh'Zte ,ain. mh local orru::u also is prohibited from knowinaly \'odn, on a measure which inures to the spccfal ',I lain of . principaJ (other than a .ovemtnent alcncy) by whom he is retained.:: {n tilhtr case, )'OU should disclose the conflict: PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly Slalinlro rh. ass.mbly rh. nlrure or your ;nr....11D ,h. measure' OIl which you are abstaininc from volin&: and WITHIN Il DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filinlrhi. form with 'h. penon ...ponsibl. for recordl.., the minwcs of the merlin., who should incorporate the form in the minutes.. . APPOI:'iTED OFFICERS: . A person holdina appointive county, municipal. or other local f'lublic offil:e MUST ABSTAIN from valin. on I melSure which mum 10 his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited (rom knowinlty varina on a measure which InuRS to the..... special ,ain of a principal (other than a 1000rnment leenc)') by whom he is retained. . A person holding an appointive 1000al office otherwise may panidp:m: in a matter in which he has. conOla of intern I. but must disclose the nature of the connh,1. before makin. an>' atlemp1to inOuence Ihe decision by oral or wriuen communication, whetber made by the officer or at his direction. . IF YOU INTEND TO \IAKE ANY AITEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION PRIOR TO THE MEETING AT WHICH' THE VorE Will BE TAKEN: . You should complete and file Ihis form (berore making any anempt 10 innuence the dtcisionJ with the penon responsible ror recordinl the minUltS of Ihe meelinl. who will incorporat~ the rorm in the minutes. . A copy o( Ihe (orm should be prO\'ided immedi:ucl). 10 lhe olher m!=,mbers of the aaeney. ;J . . The (orm should be read publicly af Ihe medina prior to consideration of lhe mailer In which you have. conflict of InlcrnL t" 1~" '''It..\I_II I'I.U. O~/~A. S- -. (J(JOGO I, Michael J. Volpe , haeby disclose that on June 19 90 .19_: -. JUNE 19, 1990 IF YOU MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE DECISION EXCEPT BY DISCUSSION AT THE MEETINO: . You should disclose orally Ih~ nalure of your conniet in the measure before panlcipltlnl. . You should complctotho ronn and filo it within 15 days ar.orlho VO'O <XCurs with 'ho person responsiblo rorrO<O>dinB 'ho minutes or the meetin.. who should incorporale Ihe form in Ihe minutes. DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL OFFICER'S INTEREST (a) A masure came or will come be'rore my I.mcy which (check one) - inured 10 my special prince pin: or , ..!... IDurnltO the special sain or Quarles and.Brady , by whom I am r.:alned. (b) The measure before my a.col.')' and the nalure of my inleresl in lhe measure is as (allows: Requisite resolution for the Board' of COunty Commi'8io~r8 of COlli~r COunty. Florida ~o exerciae its ability to succeed to the powers. rights, duties, functiona, and obligationa . of the Pelican Bay Improvement District pursuant to Chapter 74-462~'L8wa of Florida. -. r '. . . . ... / Silnllure "L',; '''::'. . i;:~'" June 20. 1990 -~;. ,""'plle Filed '. .,,' ~ , t,NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES 1112.317 (1985), A FAIWRE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MA Y BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLO\\'INO: IMPEACH~IENT. REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT. DEMOTION. REDUCTION IN SALARY. REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED SS,OOO. ..p~/f'-~.~ T (JtJ()GI