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Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court Receipt# 007013242 8/17/2009 1 :38:24 PM Customer WILLIAM M. ST. CLAIRE 1100 5TH AVE S NAPLES, FL 34102-6405 ~DvVD@o~S)[i []~l~@@D~1] Deputy Clerk BMR CASHIER Minutesand Records@CollierClerk.com 239-252-2646 Clerk Office Location Collier County Govt. Center Building F, 4th Floor 3301 Tamiami Trail East P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY 1 DESCRIPTION BMR lobbyist Registration UNIT COST $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Cash Tendered: BALANCE DUE: AMOUNT $25.00 $25.00 ($25.00) $0.00 ~@() () O@rr~() @rrffto ~~@07liJ Page 1 of 1 Bon MillUtes lit Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Bui1c:Iias lIt 4th Floor Naples, PL 34112 S-11tJOO ExPires~ Name~'r 1'.....ri~1S S7 G/re Date 0(1//)1'2001 Bumne.Addreaa :j:~ 1: ~PUd ~~# ~~I',L~ #-zq ~ ~~ 3~/Ot:~ BusiIIns TeIepbone -;~.1 .;; B-MlliUD"':> eb J,,~/v~;;"'V..VA...Q' j) NAME AND ADDRISS OF EACRPlRION OR ENTITY REPltUENTED: 1).~V"+ t. ST(,:j';lhe.,-)u~ 7l''0, IJ()O HI-fi A:t:tJ2.~'^i5> s.;~ #20/ 'tf&)- 8..; _ 3t!~? 2).. _~-(':J ,~},('~"C:; ~~/ $Q .Nff~. ~~ ~~-f5. ~',~ :42?>L 1'!fk!y R. 3~/6? P ATTACH ADDI110NAL SDETS JlI' NECESSARV ~~~ L....ylst __re State er fterida C..aty or C'aIIer The fOl'9iJtJ reaistration was swom to and subscn'bed before me on this I ,1~' ' , '.' ... ' " ""'" day of~;c \ '2&<>, · by , who i. pIIIIlIIIII~fmDtm 10. ' . . . . . . meor~uCed~ asidentification~, ", wbodkl take an oath. . -- ,: ... .'. >' ., BY: Deputy ClerklNotary,Pub c: .,......, Tile au... r.....1I&tw tee Is S25.88 per 1..fJWJyfst. aecenUq te eellv em , OnllD._ N.. 2113-53, .. ....11.. Jty Ora_ Hit . 88cI Orilla... 2 .24. ...... ...... la, L ...... .....: C"u c..ty Clerk elC..rts er ~t E. BI'8Ck, Clerk ef CnrtI (at die ....ruslillell at eke ... ef tile r....). Bon Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail Bast Bui1c:Iias F't 4th Floor Naples, PI. 34112 S - 71tl)0 Ex~~ Name~ .1~~/C-~ Business Address 00 "" BusiIIns r. '2:JII) 2' J - fTfS'/ B-Mail..4H.s (t>Ad'6l;"'+Y.":i. tl.<.. ..;i: NAME AND ADDRUS OF EACRPERION OR ENTITY RBPU.I.ENrED: 1)..& l..:s,V= @J:~<; <.o;k'/;V€ . cJ)j; t:. r..c. //cn hjl ~4/'-l.. '5~", /3; ~; l-e iT 20/ ~k~ ;:-4,.&--- ~L;/OC 2).~Q~ 5T{,lq'r~ {!.J?1f & ~~~~ ~J~ ~:~~=~n~l~ ~ 49v.L4/~ #Zo/ - State ef Ji1iDrida C..aty or CeIIer L8IaIJylst Sipaeure in,: relistration was swom to and subscnDed before me on this I.~' '~'.. ~ ' '..""" ""'" by , who is persoaaUy ~to . ". '; "_ h. ~ as idetiti1ic8tioh"aitd ,', '>J .~ /:~'I .. ~:-- BY: n-......CJ.e.....J1U......:.;..~ b'n'""" ", ,; . ",' 1e.I"~7 oI&'W.&.~..J'i.,f\! ", '_.j.' , } \ ... . ' ~ \ \ TIle -- ~ tee .. $25.88 per LefalJyf&t~ 8ft"" te C.... C " '" " """" OnllB_ce N.. 2113-53, .. ........ .., 0rdIa... 2.. . .... 0r6I... 2 , -24. ...... JUlIe "'A__t ... ... to: C..II Ceuty Clerk elCevts 81' DwJpt Eo.reek, Clerk erc...... (at die........ IIReIl at dJe... of tile lena). Bon Minutes lit Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Bui14irJJ F t 4th Floor Naples. PI.. 34112 cs 00/ "7 Cj OO[) 1/;D I Expires Namelt4~ / /;~ flt... t/t'~J: -S 7: C 1.;., ~Date e>aj/7 ~4Q 9 Busin_Address v,Alt.e.. ~ - ~ #20/ tJ k &V"i 39/02- BusiIIns Te Il-Mail.i>~/~/;'e~d t....;); NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH 'PlRION OR ENTITY UPUSENTED: l).~ /Ion 2)'~. //00 State er .FIeriIIa C_ty ore.... .t ACH ADDmONAL SllBETS JlI' NECESSARY ~ ~5t-(l.Ke_ LHltylst Sip_re /1",." 4~'''','" The fore&tliJt.reailtration was swam to and subscnDed before m~ on this ~"7' ,:. " ", >. dayofAv~()~f\2co9.by .whoJs~~~' .,. '. me or has produced F'- 1:> r-- as ldentifi.catifJl1,aoo' . who did take m oath. ' :" ~ BY: Deputy ClerkJNotary , bl Tile _iIaI ~... tee II 525.88 per LeltlJyfstt aeeenu.c te C...... C 0......11 N.. 2113-53. as -'1'*1......, 0. ~ .,. 2. t . .... ONIII... 201'7-24. ...... .. )ta",.Lat .... ....: C... c.., Clerk elCevts er Ow_I E. BrOck, ClerIc et C...... (at ... ........ ...... at die .. .t tile t.....).