2006/2007 Dwight E. Brock Clerk BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 4971622 NAME: REED JARVI PAYOR: REED K. JARVI REFNC: APJ T 0550[1 Exp. q/01- County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- LOBBYIST 25.00 DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: 25.00 Page 01 of 01 Vanasse Daylor - ... ~f;! TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM Urban Planning Landscape Architecture Civil Engineering Traffic Engineering FL Lic LCOOO0366 To: Board of Minutes & Records Collier County 330 I Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 From: Terri Melna Executive Assistant tmelna@vanday.com Date: April 02, 2007 Cc: Re: Lobbyists Statements for 1 st Quarter 2007 We are sending you via US Mail the following: Copies Date Description 1 Lobbyist Statement for the below listed employees 1 $225 check Remarks: Robert M. Mitchell Reed K. Jarvi John R. Musser Jay Westendorf ~ges Ernest R. Spradling Robin D. Meyer Ronald F. Nino ~J ~ IlIJUIII[.,e 12730 New Brittany Boulevard, Suite 600, Fort Hyers. Florida 33907 T 239.437.460 I F 239.437.4636 w vanday.com Document65 Job Number: N! A ". Collier County 330 I Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 8=- O~roo Expires 9 [-rsi---- /'~~A~ /" L ~ l/{I;;;t~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name ~~El) /L..J11f\vl Date~ Business Address VANA,,~~E ... 1JAj lllP.. Up ~~() riEl....) {:;A"1'1t1N~ 8L1lt:J ~1E {LDO I f'1'. /'f\y~A..':l ~ fL ~'i{)1 Business Telephone ~ ~-tj.j 1- 41,{)/ E-Mail NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). --5e~ R11 AC' J.JE)) 2). PLEASE A IT ACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECES RY State of Florida JJ Countyof~r dlV The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed bef~ ~;' ,~(v ~ of .'::/J(c..t u- JDo1 , by ~E.lJ K. .JA~V' .' onan known to ~or has produced as identification and who did take an oath. ~ L"~ TBRRI A. MBLNA w--.- ~ ~ ~ IlXPlRlIIUII'-_" . " '\;=' fL. 1IlIIIIir.. V ... ~ . 1U Lt ------- I~ ... Deputy Clerk/Notary Public The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 Company Ralph Abercia ADP Agnoli, Barber, Brundage, Inc. Allen Concrete & Masonry Antaramian Architectural Network Barron Collier Company Basik Devel()pment, LLC Beazer Homes Bonita Bay Group Teryl Brzeski Cadenhead Construction CEMEX Centex Homes CIP Naples, LLC C;lyde C. Quinby}~eCllty Coastal Engineering Consultants Collier BIA Collier Enterprises Collier's Reserve Country Club Michael Corradi Elias Bros. 11999 Kelty Freeway Suite 590 149 Coconut Ave. 7400 Tamiami Trail North - Suite 200 63il1_~hi-,"-l~y St. 365 5th Avenue South, #201 837 5th Ave South - Suite 202 t2666-Golden Gate Park'vVay '720 Goodlette Road, Suite 305 11934 Fairway Lakes Drive 9990 Coconut Road - Suite 200 5147 Seahorse Ave. 3994 Mercantile Ave. 1425 Wiggins Pass Road 5801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - Suite 600 8603 South Dixie Highway 3775 Air[.)<:>rt Pulling Rd. N. 3106 S. Horseshoe Drive 4479 Enterprise Ave. 3003 Tamimai Trail North, Suite 400 11711 Collier's Reserve Drive 380 10th St. South #103 27599 Riverview Center Blvd, #205 12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite Engle Homes (TO USA) 101 Erica Enterprises .10463 Harrier Street Ferguson Law Group LLC 4265 Bonita Beach Road Forbes Company 3101 PGA Blvd. Gregg Development 1345 Fifth Avenue South Gulf Coast Development Group .515 Terracina Way Habitat for Humanity 11145 Tamiami Trail East Henderlong & Associates, Inc. 542 Cypress Way East Hoover Planning Shoppe 3775 Airport Road North,- Suite B J.E.p. of Southwest Florida, Inc. 9130 Corsea del Fontana Way Jenkins & CharlandlTRC WorldwideE:ng.12381 South Cleveland Avenue, #204 Kite Development 30 South Meriden Street - Suite 1100 Knight Industrial 3701 Airfield Drive W. Klausen Company 6704 Lone Oak Blvd Lodge Abbott & Associates, ~LC 3400 E. Lafayette St. MCKK Property Acquisition, L~C 975 6th Ave. South, Ste 200 Meritag~l-l()m~s 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 Myers Ente!prises 6381 Airport Rd. Myrtle Woods, LLC 10271 SW 72 St., Ste 102 Freeland & Schuh dba Naples Nissan 1229 Airport Pulling Road North NRG Devel<>PrTlent 13621 Park Crest Blvd. Pelican Bay Development 126381 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste 300 PMS, Inc.!2335 Tamiami Trail North, #408 Power Corp. : 3050 Horseshoe Dr N Prime Home Builders 121218 St. Andrews Blvd. #510 Pulte Homes '9240 Estero Park Commons Blvd. Q. Grady Minor & Associates .3800 Via Del Rey R&P Property Management 265 Airport Road South RWA 6610 Willow Park Dr, Suite 200 San Marino Joint Venture 15122SlJmmit Place Circle Saundry Associates, Inc 9220 Bonita Beach Road - Suite 215 Sembler 5858 Central Avenue Si nature Communites, Inc. 800 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 Conflict of Intarest Spread-lstOfr07 .xls Address Houston Sarasota t-JClpl ~s_ . ~cpl~~n Naples Nap!El~ t-JapIEl~ nt-JClpl El~ . J=ortntli!y~rs Bonita SP!ings t-Japles t-JClple~ t-JClples t-Japles Miami Naples . Naples Naples Napl~s Naples Bonita Springs TX Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Fort ~y~rs Florida Plantation Florida Bonita Spring~ Florida Palm Beach Garden Florida Naples Naples Naples Naples Naples Naples Ft. Myers Indianapolis Lakeland Naples Detroit Naples Fort Myers Naples Miami Naples Fort_~y~rs Bonita Springs Naples t-Japles Boca Raton Estero Bonita Springs Naples Naples Naples Bonita ~prings St. Petersburg Naples Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida IN Florida Florida Michigan Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida 77079 34236 34108 34109 34102 34102 34102 34102 33913 34135 34103 34014 34110 34108 33143 34104 34104 34103 34110 34102 34134 33907 33324 34134 33410 34102 34119 34113 34110 34105 34109 33907 46204 33811 34109 48207 34102 33913 34109 33173 34104 33912 34134 34103 34104 33433 33928 34134 34104 34109 34119 34135 33707 34108 Southern Centers Drevelopment T ayl()r Woodrow Toll Brothers Joseph Townsend 1500 Cordova Road 2950 Immokalee Road - Suite 2 23956 S~-"~ctuary Lakes Court 4130 N Tamiami Trail __.._ _______n_.._n_____ 10481 Ben C. Pratt - Six Mile Cypress . PCi~~I/\IC:1Y 1927_? Capit()ID!ive 144 Tower Drive 12701 Commonwealth Drive #5 15122 Summit Place Circle "2400 9th St. N ._____ , __...._ _....... _____00__--___--- 840 S. Collier Blvd. 9130 Galleria Court US Home VK Devel()Rment Van-Dev., Inc. WCI WaterwCiY Homes Welsh Company Windstar Club, Inc. Woolbri ht Conflict of Interest Spread-lstQtrlJ7 .xls Ft. Lauderdale NCipl~s Bonita Springs Naples Fort Myers Brookfield Burr Ridge . F()r!n~yers . t-JCipl~s Naples Marco Island Naples Florida WI IL Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida 33316 34110 34134 34103 33912 53045 60521 33913 34119 34103 34145 34109 Hll~ 03 20 OS: 4S~, BOllrd Hinute~ ~ Recorc~ 774-8408 F. 1 :I CSSCO COLLIER CCIUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMM~SSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAMB_RE:tJ)~A~V/ DATE 9~Jg.{)~ BUSINESS ADDRESS V(l(\o.,-,~f} -..r::]jAyLoR. LL-P JdI3()J~el-'J (jAt11ANY f!vJJJ .....jf~ Ion/') (-1 MYEA~ I fL ~-3Cfo1 NAMBS AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) '- ~f.t, Rf'1Ae I-JC'J) LJ01 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL STATE OF FLORIDA D.. COUNTY OF GOLDIER~ The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this the ~. of , by At f-U to{. ....IA~ , _~ is personally known who has produced ification and who did take an oath. BY:-{U~ ~l~ . Deputy Clerk/Notary Pub11c please NoteJ 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of October 1.t wi11 result in the p~acem~nt of this registrant on a "status unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a -Lobbyist Withdrawal- form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual ~egistration Fee is $25.00 p~r Lobbyiet according to Ordinance 99-22 Compal!~_~___ _ __ Address Ralph Ab~rciC!__.. 11999 Katy Freevyay Suite 590___ I Houston ADP ----- ----- 149 Coconut Ave. I Sarasota --- -~.._--_.._._---_.,._.-------- - --- Agnoli,-Barbe!,_~rundage, Inc;. ____ 7400 Tamiami Trail North - Suite 200 1 Naples Antara_"!lian _____ _ ____ __4365 5th Avenue South, #201 _ .. Naples Architectural Network 837 5th Ave South - Suite 202 Naples ______ ____ n___~ _ ____n______ Barron Collier CC?mpany_____ 2600 Golden Gate Parkway .__ Naples _Basik Developmellhl-LC ____ 720 Goodlette Road, Suite 305 Naples Beazer Homes~___n ____ 11934 Fairway Lakes Drive Fort Myers Bonita Bay Group___ _ _ __ 9990 Coconut Road - Suite~90_ Bonita Springs Teryl Brzeski n___ u___ ~47 Seahor~e Ave. ___ __ Naples Cadenhead Construction 3994 Mercantile Ave. Naples ~--_.__._._------_...'------"-- -----"~- Cent~x Hom~s_ ______ ___ 5801 Pelican Bay Boul~~ard - Suite 600_ f\japles Clyde C._9uinby R~~J~_ _ _ __ ~U5 Airport Pulling Rd. N. _ _ _ J CoastC3JEngineeril1g_fon_~LJltants~_____. i~106 S. Hors_~shoe Drive _ _ _ Naples Collier Enterprises :3003 Tamimai Trail North, Sui!~400 _ __ ,Naples Continental Realty ------ ------ 604 Fifth Avenue South I Naples MiChael Corradi-=--==~~==_- 380 10th St. South #1 03 ---~1 Naples DiVosta Homes______ ____ 3459 Pine Ridge Rd. _ ,Naples Elias Bros. 15100 Collier Blvd I Naples ~___. ------- -------- --f---- 12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite Engle HC?l1lesJIOlJ_~A)_______ 1101_ _ ____ Fergu~C?1l Law Group L_L~_____ 14265 Bonita Beach Road_ ___ _ Forbe~CompanL____~_ \3101 F>GA Blvd. _ Gulf Coast Development Group 515 Terracina Way --- ---f----- Habitat for Humani!L~_~__ 11145 Tamiami Trail East Hoover Planning Shoppe 3775 Airport Road North, Suite B - - ---------f-- - J.E.D. of Southwest F~C?ri~~,I~__n9130 Corsea del Fontana Way KiteJ::>~'yelopme~___ ____ 30 South Meriden Street_-?_ui!e.1100 ~night Industrial ~______ 3701 Airfield Drive W. KrehlingJl'l.dustri~_ ____ 1425 Wiggins Pass Road L_o.9JLe..t.bbot~ ~s~~ciates, LLC 3400 E. Lafayette ~t.____ _ n____ Meritage Home~____________ 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 NRG Develop_ment __ 13621 Park Crest Blvd. Pelica_Il_~ay Develo.e..m~l1t _ __ ~~~1 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste 300 PMS, Inc. 2335 Tamiami Trail North, #408 -.------ Prime Home Builders 21218 St. Andrews Blvd. #510 ---_._~------_.--_..__.- "---..-------" ---,--- Pulte Homes 9148 Bonita Beach Road, Suite 102 -~---_._------------- -~_._-------_..._._------ ----- Q. Grady Minor & Associates ,3800 Via Del Rey RW A------ .-.'---------------------- ---- -- - ----- ! 1542 Carson 81:-""- ------------.- ------- ---------- .---- San Marino Joint Venture 15122 Summit Place Circle ~----_._.~.------- -- --.--------------------- Sau!!dry Associates, Irl~_ _ 9220 Bonita Beach Road - Suite 215 Sembler______ 1585~ Central Avenue Signature Communites, Inc. 15551 Ridgewood Drive, Suite 203 Southern Centers Drevelopment 11500 Cordova Ro~---_n--- Taylor Woodrow __~~-=~J.r!1_mo~.C3lee Roa~~0te[_ _ J~~~ph_Iown~er~EL__u__14130 N Tamiami Trail 110481 Ben C. Pratt - Six Mile Cypress 1 Parkway 19275 Capitol Drive 144 Tower Drive 12701 Commonwealth Drive #5 15122 Summit Place Circle .2400 9th St. N ------~------- ----------- --- -- -.>-------.-.-.-------.--. -- 9130 Galleria Court ... -~~ida-1=~~~~~~ Florida 34108 Florida , 34102 Florida 34102 Florida 34102 --- Florida 34102 Florida 33913 Florida 34135 Florida -+- 34103 Florida ' 34014 : Florida 34108 ~------- "---. Florida 34104 Florida 34103 - --- Florida 34102 , ....-- .... , Florida 34102 ----- Florida 34109 -- Florida 34119 -_..._~-- Fort Myers Florida 33907 . Bonita Springs Florida . 34134 Palm Beach Garden Florida~J._.. _ 33410 Naples Florida 34119 - - -.-------,- Naples Florida 34113 Naples Florida Naples Florida !ndianapolis IN Lakeland Florida' ! Naples Florida - --Hi DetroTt-- --- - Michigan i Fort Myers Florida"- Fort Myers Florida Bonita Springs Florida. Naples ' Florida ! ---------- I Boca Raton - Florida .~------- Bonita Springs : Florida Bonita Springs Florida Fort Myers Florida uu. . Naple~_____ _ .~~()rid~_ Bonita Springs Florida : St. Petersburg Florida __~~:~:~derdaTe m i ~:~~:~: j~aPles Florida lNaples-- --- i Florida I---r----- I Fort Myers 1 Florida ,______.~u.________ f--- Brookfield WI Burr Ridge IL . fort Myers Florida ___ Naple~_ __ Florida Naples __un Florida : Naoles Florida 34105 34109 46204 33811 34110 48207 33913 33912 34134 34103 33433 34135 34134 33901 34119 ------~ 34135 ------ 33707 34108 33316 34110 34103 1 US Home -------------------- \/-'5 Dev~~p_I1ll:}r1t Van-Dev., Inc. WCI Waterway Homes Welsh Company Woolbright 33912 53045 60521 33913 34119 34103 34109 Connict of Int.rest Spread-09-06_xls 01/18/2007 17: 32 S414374535 'jA~1ASSE g DAVLOR n.~ U~ ~v V~;~~. ~o.rd M1MU~.S . M.co~dS 'l74-U40a PAGE 01 JO . 1 COLLIBR. COUNTY 3301 Tamiami Trail s..t Napl.., Florida 34112 BOAaD OP CO~y OOXNISSIO..as ~Oa.YIST R.OISTRATXON PORK NAMB A~e:JL K. ",-JR&VI PATE 1-;8,01 SUSI>>E!S ).Deuss V A,J~6E .... ::0 RjLvL j I jJ E 7,""(' ,.lE: U J3A r1-111^' t AL v JJ ~..j -r ~ '~f1{) - F-( fr11EA~, FL ,,1,3'101 NANI8 AND I!USINIISS ADDUSS or BACH PERSON OR DtTITY RiiliUSDl'1'Btl: 1) ,-SEW..-r-f/iQNEJ) L~-r Jl~ uP'J;JfJ-(Gb 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEBTS AS MAY SE NECiSS STATE OF F~~~ ~~~_ .p _ . COUNTY or ~ gn the 131/18/2807 17:32 g41437453E. VANASSE & DAVLOR PAGE 02 C~mpaDY' Add..... ~P - _ ' __"1h~u~~Y~"'590~~ '-'1= ~"~d.=:~_~~: noll,~. Brundage, Inc. . __ 17400 TlWTllami Trail North :..~uite ~.Q_._~PI85 ._. IF1orid8 '.. 34108 An_iOn _._ ~6 5th A.......SOUIh'-.#201 , _ ,NopIM fOrlda -+- 34.102 Ar~.itectur81 N.~~__...~~ 5th. A.ve South - Suite_ 202 "'__'" i Naples "_ Flor~da ..: 34102 Barron Collier Company . .... I 2600. Golden Gate ~~rkwe:t '_'_'. I Naples ...._._._Flond.!. i 34102 Baslk Dev!!2pment. LLC.___---!1:~Q Goodlett. R~,~It. 3Q?_._ :Naple6 ."'__ !Flori~.!.1 34102 8e8zef' Ho"!.~ .._.__ i 11_934 Fairway La~~~rlv!__.__ .__~~yers .._' Florida : 33913 Bonita Bay Group .,______.__ 19990 C~~.ut Road_- S~!te 200 ._._.~ita SprlnQ'>...--ttlorlda ..t: . 34135 Teryl Brzea~______.___==1~141 Seahorse ~ve.__..____ Na les _....' Florid~___ 34103 Cadenhead Construction i 3994 Mercantila Ave. N8 I.. 1 Florida . 34014 Ceirtex Homes .--- ._~~._.._..~01 Pelican ~y aol.llavar~L~ Su.it~.~OO Naples I Florida+_ 341 08 CI .. C. OuInbv ~__. i3776 Airpon PUll.... R~_.___. I '--1 ._ Coastal Eng!.~eering Co~_,!ltan~s ~.~106 S. Horae8~ Drive ...__JNapl.!!__._ .Florlda ....!4104 Collier BIA_. __._____..j4479 Enterpri~ Ave. _..._.._-:. N~p~___ .. FIOf~~__, 34104 Collier E~terprl$8$.___~._ 3003 Tamims,i,Trall ~5'rth, .~~j!! 40o.....-J~!eIOS _. i Florida .,..L__!4103 Continental Raa~__.____.... '804 F~ Avenue Sout~.___ _ INaPle. IFlor~a I 34102 Michael Com~.di._, 1380 10th st. SO':lth #103 _ _.__.____._ Na.e'es __. IFlorida,_+ 34102 DIVosts Homes. .__._~f?9 Pine Ridge ~~---...-i Naples .~ I Florida ..+.-14109 EIIII.~ros. _."____________~-COllierBIVd ".____.. _ : Naplu,_..____ .,.Florida i-- 34119 112560 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite : i: E~IeHom88(,!,OUSA) ". j101 '.. 'U_'___' [Fort.Myers___... :Florl~ ;.__ 33907 Ferguson l~w Group LlC ____4285 Bonita B!,aCh Road._.__._--L~~nite Sp(iI1g~__Jlorida _...]: 34134 Forbes Company :3101 PGA Blvd. I Palm Beach GerdEl~'orlda . 33410 Gulf Coast Oevel2emenf Group ~- 515 !~acina Way ~=~'--..-" I ~apl8S ..- . /iOI1d8 ~--~ 119 ~itet for HuEnanity ,111~5 T amiami !raii East _ ______~~~ples 'Florida "1=~~!..13 Hoover ~anning Sh<?ppe .__.~ '3775 .AJrport Road ~orth, Suite B ___. : Naples . _ j Florid. ". --1-- 34105 J...E.D, of Southwest F:~~lda. lnc ~130 Corsea del Fon.~!1a ~ ~88__=TFlorida __34109 ~. Development ,____ __ :30 South M!!..!:ideo Street ,.Suite ~100. 'Indian8Pon~__---=u~_.~. ~6204 Kn htlndu stria I ,3701 Air1ield Drive W. rLakeland: Florida , 33811 Krehlingindustries _:._----=~:.. 1'1425 ~lgglnS Pass .R~8d--:="'~JNapleS~=-==--=JFlorlda I =.~-34110 Lodge~bbott & ~soclates, LL~~ :34oo~. LafaY*lte S!:..__..__. .. iOewit _" jMlctligan L 48207 Mer' e Homes ....--.__--L:!!?go Towne Lak~ Drive # 15. _____FortM~rs _'. iFlorida ..1~__33913 ,NRG Dev.lopme,!lt, .--+13621 Park Cr~s1 Blvd...____..__.Eort Myers ____Ji!~!~b3912 Nee" Bay DeVelOpment_~~1 S. TBmlami Trail. Ste 39~_ ._l~ita Sprin~ iFIOrld!! 34134 ipMS, Inc. ____,. 12335 Tamiami Trall}.Jorth, #40~.._..~!!!-._..-..Elorlda.~ _ 3410~ !rime Hom~ Builders . _________.. 121218 St Andrews Blv~. #510_._ ._. rBoca Raton '_'.. I Florida ~ 33433 Pult. Homes ""__'___ 9148 Bonite BeaC?h R08d,~u!.t~.!Q.2___i~nit8 Spr~_.. IFIOrid~_+~j35 Q. Grady Minor ~ Associate~__ --raeOO Via Del Rey. ....__ .~_nlta S.E!'!':'~ IFI~rida _.j...__~134 RW,A ~.. "._ -"1J542 Carson S! _ .' _. _. ..itort Myer&."_J'.<?rid!l_--i-_~3901 San Marino Joi,:,t Venture___.1115122 SU":,!"it Place Cjr~I~.____. INaples _~_..._jFlorld. :,_ 3411(~ Saundry ~SOQiat.., !nc '._ 19220 Bonita Beach RO~d. f?~J~?1?__j~onita Sprl~gs__~nOrida .+; _ 34135 ~bler.. .. ,~Central Ave.!2ue..__.__.!.~t. Peter8~~j!:!~a. '__ _~707 ~ign8ture CommlJnites, Inc...__.,,--+55S1.~idgewood ~(ive. ~uite ?~~__2_~Ejes _..__~l!Lda ----j 34108 Southern Centers DrEl\lelopment .. i 1600 Cordova Road . 1Ft. Lauderd.e ' Florida 33318 T.y10r~oodrOw __ __-J2950 Immokal~ Roed:Suit!2 . .=:.!!'IaPlet ". -'IFI~~~~____..~110 JOseph TOwn88!:1~_______.___.;4130 N Tam~~j Trail ...____. INaPI.a ",__~F.!orlda--+-.. 34103 /10481 Ben C. Pre" - Six Mile Cypress . I I ~~ ~~OPmt!it-'-===== J {:~~6.~!~oIbrive-=--=---=----- .-~~:~;:: .. .. .1~fid~~ '., =~ ~8n-De\l., Inc. ~_.__.."_! 14~ Tower Drive__~.. iBurr RIdg!_'~h+IL~. .. I.. 60621 INCI_._______.__.,-rn701 Commonweelth Drive #5 .___.__IFort Myer'..__,F.!Orida~_33913 NaterwayHomes il~15122 Summit Place. C... !rcle. _.... '_"jl~aPI". tF~ida -l__34119 Nelsh Company__ 2400 9th St. N "'_'_'_ h Naples _ lFIt?~d~__...l '34103 Noolbright "130 Galleria Court I Naples I Florida 34109 ~Ql/_~2(101tHW=r.~. '.'C1.::1 \J~ ....... --. --..... COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tarniami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD or COUNTY COMK~SSIONERS LOBBYIST RBGISTRATION FORM NAME AI{f.1) tt .....ltlA.J I DATE q",tl-:Jl>O'1 EUSINESS ADDRESS VAHA~c" J'lAYI pit L1..P Jd1jb r-!E 1..) ~A.1'11A"'y ~1J, ~..(E: VOl) 11'. fOtEA~. p L ..j.:Jti{J1 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) ~eE. ft-11A(lUCD 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE NECESSARY STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ~OL'LI~ L~ signature - The foregoin registration was to and subscribed before me on this L. da of I by Af.E.1 K' JA~/J personally known to me r who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. By:d.tJl~' ~ Deputy Clerk/Notary Public o mRlu A MELNA )1i.JJ.. MY COMMISSIO''l # DD297623 >'~ EXPlRPB: MaId1 08,2008 I ~HlO1:AIlY FL -" [)IsooaIII Asooo. Co. P~.a.. Notel 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of October 1.t will result in the p1acem~nt of this registrant on a -status unknown~ list. 2) ~f one wishes to revoke this registration, a -Lobbyist Withdrawal- form must be fi1ed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual ~egistration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 9'-22 Company Address ABC F~_e Wines..~_ Spirits,__ln~,------__ 9001 &Orange Ave~~:--==-- u_ Orlando i Florida - 32824 Ralpb ~bercia_ _______ _____ 11999 Katy Freeway Suite5_~0_____ I-i~uston -~=1 TX .. ___ __!1919 ADP . 149 Coconut Ave. Sarasota -*Iorida ___ 34236 ~gnOIT, Barbel', Brun.9ige~jl"l~=-- i r~Q.~ Tam~anii-Trail !'Jorth - S_LJite 2()0_n N_aFles _==_~_- I Florida -:-:__.141 O~ Allen Concr~t~~ Mc:i~orlry ______---6301 Shirley St. Naples ~Florida 34109 Antaramian 3655th Avenue-South, #201- -~s-------!Florida 34102 Architectural Network------- 837 5th Ave South-~Suite262-- .--. - - j ~~~~s =~--T Florida-- -- ---34To2 ---.-.--------..-- --....-----------........-.--.---- ~_..._.._-------_.__.- --...- .-+ -...-. -' --- ~~rron Collierq_~mpanL . .2600 Golden Gate Parkway.. ___ Naples _u Florida ,____~41 02 Bas!k Developmen.t!_hLC___= --==--=__'720 Goodlette-Road, Suite 305 -Naples ~!o!ida__ 34102 Beazer Homes 11934 Fairway-Lakes- Drive--- 1 Fort Myers Florida r- 33913 Bonita BaYE~~9uP-=--_":"==- 9990 Coconut Road- Suite 200-----~Bonita Springs Florlda--- 34135 ~righam, Moc>r~-,- LLP__ __ ___ 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Ste !!.~25 _ ,Coral Gables Florida 33134 TeryLBrzeski ____ _ __ 5147 Seahorse Ave. __ _' Napl~~ _ Florida 34103 Cadenhea_d Co.n_stn.J~tis>n___ 3994 Merc~ntile ~~___ Naples _Florida 34014 CE~.I=~_ _______ 14-.215 Wiggins Pass Ro~~_ Naples Florida 34110 Centex Homes _____ _.__ 580!J=>~li~?.I'l_Bat Boulevar.c:J_=-S_uite 600 _l'Japle~________ ~lo_ri~Cl ...__~,!_108 Cheffy_,~~ssidomi>-'Wil~_n_~~ohn~~n_ 821iift~ Av~_nlJ~~outt1_ _ ____u____jl'J.?pl~~ Florida_~___3j102 CIP Naples, LLC __ _ __-18603 SOLJtn_ Q.i~e Highway MiamL_____IFlori~J--~1~3 Claussen COl1]P~~ _ _n __ _ __ 16704 Lone 9ak Blvd Naples (EJorida____' ______~~_1 og Clyde~. Quinby Realty 3775 Airp_c>r:t_Eulling Rd. N. Naples !Florida 34103 Coastal_.I=!1gineering Consultants_ 13106 S. Horseshoe I?Ei\ie ~ClI~!~~~_ I FI~l.c:J~ ~41 O~ .9ollier BI~__ 4479 Enterprise A.ve~ _ _r-.lCl.p!~~__ Florida ___~41 04 Collier County School Board 5775 Osceol_Cl!~ai!..____ __ __ _1 Naples Florida 34109 CoWer- Enterprises - - 3003 Tamimai Trail North, Suite 400 ! Naples Florida 34103 -- .-------------------------------- ---"...--.,.-"-----'---~--~----------------------__t follier~ Resery~g9untry ~Iu~_____ t' 11711 Collier's Reserve Drive _ --J Naples Florid~________~!1 0 Michael Corradi 380 10th St. South #103 I Naples Florida 34102 5avids~rl.~rlg_ir1~eri.'lg____ _-=-~- .2154 ]'rade Center Way, Suite 3 1 Naples --- Florida-- --p--m--341 09 Elias Bros. 27599 Riverview Center Blvd, #205 .I~onita Springs Florida 34134 ---~-------------- -t - !=ngl~_ t!c>~_~~JTOUSA) -----b~~5~N::_~r~~tan~~:~I:var~~~~ite; Fort Myers ~~~___~390r .1=. r1~rp.-~.~e.-~~nt-A.~.Q~-.----. _..-~-~50 Fowler Street #~~____~ .... __1.Fort Myers .'.-.--.--- . _..--..-. f!o..r:ida __ _~901 E!l~~ ~I'!~~rprl.f>es___n____ _ 10463 Harrier Street . ----l Plantatiorl._. __u _ .... Florida 33324 Ferguson Law Group ~LC _______ 4265 Bon ita_ BeC3E.b....~o.?c:l______J Bonita Springs Florida _____ 34134 Forbes Company 3101 PGA Blvd. IPalm Beach Garden Florida 33410 _____~_n______ _ .------------- _ _______1 - - -----..- Ginn Development 124870 Burnt Pine Drive 1 Bonita Springs Florida 34134 ..--.--- --~---t-- nn____________m ,n____ Golden Gate Congregation of Jehovah , I Witnesses 12500 44th Street SW I Naples I Florida g~:~gA~:~~~c;~:~er &ASSociates~'nc'-~i~9F~~~~X&~i~~t~ Blvd, ~~~~e~fJ~_;~:~~~:in_gS- . ~~~:~: _ Greenbrier Development, LLC 13232 McKinney Ave. I Dallas ~ Gulf Coast Development Group--1515 TerracTna Viay--------- 1 Naples -- ! Florida - - GulfVie~ Townhomes, LLC l6810 Pelican Bay Blvd~.. ----~ Naples -.. I Florida -------------- j_._._____.n______________________ 1__ ___n__ _ 1 _'iCl.~!~~!!C?~HJ:JI!1..C3_r1lty_ ..____ ____---0-11'!5 T.Cl.rT!!Cl..'!1.iI@i~_~.?_~! n________.J Naple_~_ n Florida Henderlong & Associates, Inc. 1542 Cypress Way East : Naples I Florida Hoover Planning Shoppe=====~ 3775 Airport Road North;-.S-uTfe~_ n~ Naples _ i!c:>rida ~&C ~uto __________________12390 ...!.&C Blvd.__nn______J!'Japl~~_ Florida J.E.D. of Southwest Florida, Inc. 9130 Corsea del Fontana,!!c:iY. Naples Florida Jen~!Il_~ &_g_t1.ar~a.'l.c:l'I~.Q \lVc:>rlc:lvvic:le_En_9. !2n3.!31 Sou!l1 Cle"eland Av~nue~?O~__ Ft. Myers_ florida__ Kite EaJll~_ CreeklL LL~___nn______ 30 ~outh Meridian ~tree.!_-_~_lJite.J.JQQ....._ Indianapolis !f'!.___ Kite Eagle Creek IV, LLC 30 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 Indianapolis IIN Kite Developmen[__~=_~p... _ . ___ .j~I~()~~h_M~ridian Stree!...-~y~~-110()- ...I!I"Idianapolis___ ll~~~== ~~~h~~~d~s~~ial 'n +~60~o~~i~~r~;i~~ ~~eeL' Suite})O-<f I t~~:~;t()lfs.-n. i~ori~a_~=t-- Landon Com anies 21 E. Lon Lake, Suite 100 I Bloomfield Hills Michi an Conflict of Interest Spread-3RDQtr07 .xls 34116 34134 34102 75204 34119 34108 .._~--- 34113 34110 34105 34109 34109 33907 ------- 46204 46204 46204 33811 46204 48304 Lennar ~~~~1~en C. pr~~~X_~ile Cypress Fort Myers Florida I 33912 Lodge Abbott & Associates,~LC. -=-- 3400 E. La~ayette St _ Detroit ___~_ Michigan I 48207 Dennis Lynch__~I~miarT1.i Trail N~Eth, Sui!~(~-20J..-_~ NClples____!:lorida ... _ 34103 Abouza~omehr Mazdai-:-. -j1880 N_ County Rd.- E150 . ___ Connervm~----1IN _ 47331 MCKK P~operty Acquisitioh~~LC ....== 975 6th ~ve. SOl!!h, Ste 209_____.____ Naples ___ IFlorid~____ 31~ ~;:~:g:n~~;::s ...--.----. .--- -. ~~~~~~~~~eR~~-ke D!i~~_#~___ ...__ ...__ j ~~~I~:er~----~:~~:~: ... -.- ;~~~~ _________ ____n_____ ..-----. --------------.-..---.--- -.-.----r-;-;-;-------------..-t=- -- Myrtle Woods, LLC 10271 SW 72 St., Ste 102 'Miami ,Florida 33173 _____.__________________________ ________________ _ -- ---------- , -...--- I ----------- Freeland & Schuh db~J'!a2.le.s Nis~~an_ ~~~_~irport P-':llli~g Road N_orth______ J ~_aples__ ! Florida ~_ 34104 NRG Development __________~~€)?!. Park fr~~.slv<!-.__ _______~ !:~rt Myers Florida__ 33912 Naples Daily News______tl075 CentralAvenue __________ jNaples Florida 34102 North Naples Methodist Church ... .16000 Goodlette Rd. North . I Naples_ _ Florida 34109 ~.~~~Pn~.aYD~lo.p.m.en.t-... ~.. ...i~:~:.~..~:~ii~~~i~~a.o.L.~.:h.S....~~ _.-. ---.-..-.I~~~:~sspringS ~:~~~: ~~~~ pine A_.ir.!:ake~ CDD____.-..-... __. ____ _ 21 E. ....~ong Lake, Suite_10Q___.-----.-.-- _ I?loomfield Hills Michigan _1. _ 48304 Power Corp. ______ ____ 3059 Horseshoe_Dr N __ Naples Florida i 34J.Q~ Prime!:l~~~.!3uil.9_ers ______ ___J?~?Ja S!-..~n~!:.~\f\I_~__'?lvd. #5!Q__ ._4Bo~a Raton florid a : 33433 ~:~f:~~~o~:~s:~:fs~-ifo!i~~[:l ::~:~~ns B1Vlt _--iE~:Sp~n9s ~ I~:~~~~-I_ _ E!E .Nadesha Ranasinghe___ _ ___ _ _ _ ~enleypri'v'~______ _ _____ Naples_. j Florida-j: _ 34104 RWA 6610 Willow Park Dr, Suite 200 ,Naples Florida. 34109 ._----_.__..._-----_._---~ --- ,.-..---- ----+--,.._-~ Realtynet 30 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 · Indianapolis IN 46204 _________ _. _~________u______ _____ Sabel Palm Investment Group 5329 Granada Blvd. 'Coral Gables Florida 34146 _._ . .____ ___ ____u___ San Marino Joint Venture 15122 Summit Place Circle . Naples Florida 34119 ----------- _ . -~- ---- ---- --- -- Saundry Associates, Inc 407 West Street, Bldg. B Naples Florida 34108 ---------------- - -- -~----- -- Sembler '5858 Central Avenue St. Petersburg Florida I 33707 ~___~__..~__.________ __________ ---;-------____.___.._,.____~_ ___ I----------- ~-_. Signature Communites, Inc. i800 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 ,Naples Florida 34108 Southern-Centers Drevel~~rn_ent-=-j 1500 cordova ~~ad___~-==____~~Jtt._!::~_':!~erdale .- Florida : _u__~~~~ Taylor Woo~~(Jw ______ ....____12950 Immokalee_~()ad-~.uite 2_ Eapl~S_. Florida I __~41_!Q Toll Brothers_____.-. . __nun. __....-~?956 sanctuary...La...k.e.-S. (;().LJ.r-t.__.u.... I. 'Bonita s.p...ring.s-- ...IFlorida 34134 Joseph Townsend __ _ 4130 J'!_!amJ~.!1'1i_ Tr~il_ i Naples ___ ,Florida 34103 Unitecl.f.il!!~_.f\J1issionary Baptis~~C;!lurch I P.O:-':3~)( 990639 __ n_ ,!,!aples Florida 34116 VK Development 19275 Capitol Drive iBrookfield iWI 53045 ~;Dev..lnc. - - -=== ~~~~~~~~~~w:aIIhDrive#5-- !~~~~~eg~~*~rida~ Waterway Homes 15122 Summit Place Circle 'Naples Florida 34119 Welsh Comp_ClIlL~_~ - ==-- - - ___==- ~)th ~~""___ ------=== _____ Na~~~ _ -}Fiorida -- 34103 Windstar Club, Inc. 840 S. Collier Blvd. Marco Island ,Florida 34145 ._~____.____~. _______._~__~__~_~~.___ - f--------------..-----..,... -- -.----.---....- -------+~------ --..-- Woolbright 9130 Galleria Court Naples! Florida 34109 Conflict of Interest Spread-3RDQtrlJ7 .xls Collier County 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 Expires Date 0. '2.52627<19 ~?J ~~ I'}; 4C ~o ,e ..., ~ \~<t ~J& OJ" '~b 'Oy , ~lGtU.O\6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name AeEJJ K....l AR..~ J Business Address "AtJA~E ~ ::VAjLDB. LLP m.sO rJf'J.') (jRI'1'1P,uY 8l..V,'D .'~1e ~{)f}. rf'. jl1 yeAs , rL ..jjtM7 Business Telephone J.3 q - i31. 41 Q C I E- Mai 1 NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). ~e E A1-1'A \' ~e"!) 2). PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY State of Florida () County of Cellierd)...u. The fore oing registration was sworn to and suhscribed before me : this ~J ,bL day of , by -Rft~ K. J AR.v , , vdlOi:<; rsonall kno~ @P'or has produced as identification and who did take an oath. ~~... B~.;~ "'-'~__Cb . Deputy ClerkINotary Public The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 Company __ !_________~_.__~_____ __~~ress ______ _.. ______~__- ABC Fine Wines .!...5pirits, Inc'___ ___. _~_ i 9001 S. Orange Av~_______ _ _ __ IOrlando --------1 Flori~_~ 32824 Ralph Aberc~___. _____________ ! 11999 Katy Freeway Suite 5~Q_ ______-----+f:louston_________~---+----.---?7079 ~~;oIi, Barber, Brundage, ~. -=I ~ :~oC=:~~~~':;.i1 North -sUite 200 ~1~:~~~1a -I ~:~~~: ~ u~~~: AUen Concrete~_~asonry________16301 Shirley St.__~__n___~___r Naples __ __~nda ___ 34109 Antaramian . . i 365 5th Avenue South, #201 . . i Naples I Florida I 34102 Architectural !'Jetwork ~=____--=--=- _ ==~ 1837 5th Ave South - Suite 202 - - ~ Naples 1 Florida ' 34102 Barron Collier Company i 2600 Golden Gate Parkway ! Naples 1 Florida 34102 Basik Development, LLC ________ !720 Goodlette Road, Suite 30~ - iNaples Florida 34102 Beazer Homes 111934 Fairway Lakes Drive ! Fort Myers 1 Florida 33913 Bonita Bay Group~_~~_===-=- \ 9990 Coconut Road - Suite 200__ _n Bonita Springs ! Florida 34135 Teryl Brzeski-------. . _ !5147 Seahorse Ave. Naples [Florida' 34103 ----------- ---- . - ------, -- 1 Cadenhe~<LCon~truc;tig~ __________13994 Mercantile Ave. __ _ __ . Naples_______ _ ~.E~()rida-~- 34014 CEME~___ ____ ..______ 11425 Wiggins Pass Road _. Naples __~___ .. Florida___,~~ 10 Centex Homes . 5801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - Suite 600 Naples ' Florida . 34108 ---- .--- -------------..--------------------------T- -- ---- -.-----:-.---~--. ------~.-.,~~-.-._-,-._-.-~- CIP Naples, LLC \8603 South Dixie Highway 'Miami 1 Florida ! 33143 Clyde C. QuinbYReai~---.-----n --- i 3775 Airport Pulling Rd. N. .- - Naples ---- I Florida ! 34103 Coastal EngTneerfngConsLJltants--- 1 31 06-S: Horseshoe DriVe .--- Naples - . --'Florida-----,--341 04 Collier BIA----=-=-==-~- - -- _~__L~~y9 Ent~p~iseAv~'--- - --!'l~plei~=-____~= _~ -, Flori9.~_~~~~=--341 04 CollierCounty~School Board 15775 Osceola Trail . Naples ! Florida 34109 Collier Enterp. rises-------n---~-".3003 Tamimai TrailNorth:Suite 400-- Naples ------ iFlorida : 34103 _ __~.________..______________.._..._ ____ _________~_.__._____~"__________.__..~___.__________ ________ ________~_~____ -- - --l----~~~~--------._--~~ Collier's Reserve Country Club 11711 Collier's Reserve Drive Naples ' Florida 34110 MichaefCorradf----- ---- - 380 1 Oth-St. South #103------ uNaples----~lorid~i--~-u-34102 _____ _u __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ , - ---------- d__I_~.____~____ .----+--~-~----. Elias Bros. 127599 Riverview Center Blvd, #205 I Bonita Springs ,Florida 34134 --------~-----ui 12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite -----t- 1 Engle Homes (TOUSA) ___~_1 01 ~____u____m _ ,Fort Myers I Florida 33907 Erica Enterprises _____________ ; 10463 Harrier Street , Plantation ' Florida 33324 Ferguson Law Group LLC 14265 Bonita Beach Road I Bonita Springs i Florida 34134 Forb~s Co'!'pa~L~_-==~_-~-~=~nL~!Q1 PGA ~Ivd.___u--=_-~---. -=-_IPalm Beach GardenlFlorida 33410 GinnJ:>evel~p_rT1en.t._ __ __ _____... .___ 24870 Burnt Pir:!..e Dr!,,~___________, Bonita Springs _! Florida 34134 Graef Anhalt Schloemer & AssociatE!s, Inc. .27200 Riverview Center Blvd, Suite 101 i Bonita Springs i Florida : 34134 ~~___._~__________"_______________--;--___.________________.--..-.------------ ------. ---- --------,--~~T------~- Gregg Development : 1345 Fifth Avenue South i Naples 1 Florida . 34102 Greenbrier Development, L[(:-------~32 McKinney Ave. ...--------iDallas ... ..-JTX -___T--75204 Gulf Coast Development Group---- -- -- ]~15 -ferracina vVay-- -- . .-- - - ~ Naples- ----~ Florida---r -34119 Habitat for HurT1anitx______~=__~- ~_____ Jfu~~~"!:amiamIfra"~cisf-- U. u u - ~-fJaples --=-~----: Florida .~.. 34113 Henderlong & Associates, Inc. 1542 Cypress Way East U -- Naples- u -- -- ,Florida u_ 34 {1 0 -----I - Hoover Planning Shoppe. .... .... .3775 Airport Road North, Suite B . i Naples .. .. . . I Florida , . 34105 J&C Auto-----.-~- _____u___ u ----12390 J&C Blvd.-------- ---INapfes---- --lRorida -i --34109 _~__~__~___~_______~_~___~___________.___+~~ ___._.__________________ _____________~----- _._.._._..___.__-----l-________j--________ J.E.D:of Southwest Flori9.~ Inc. ___ ,9130 Corsea del Fontana Way _______.Nael~__lE!orida--.ln- 34109 Jenkins & Charland/TR~ Worldwide Eng.! 12381 South Cleveland Avenue, ~204 i Ft. Myers · Flor!~a 33907 Kite D_evelopment ___ ____ .1 30 South Meriden Street.:_ Sui!~1QO___ ,lndianapolis_~-.-_~~6204 Knight Industrial__n_~__l~701 Airfield Drive W. _____ _______JLakeland____! Florida '___ 33811 Klau~~n C()mpany. _______~ 16704 Lone Oak Blvd ._~~<!e!~m---_jFlor!da ___L_~~1q~ 110481 Ben C. Pratt - Six Mile Cypress ; ! I Lennar .. .... I Parkway.. . .. .. 1 Fort Myers410rida 33912 LOdge-A?boit-&ASSoci~tes~~L(;-==-1l400 E:Lafayette st~--- -- =~~ _JQ~~oit__-=-:'~ I Michigan! 48207 AbouzarJomehr Mazdai__~ __ ,1880 N. County Rd - E150 .____ i Connervill~___ i IN '. 47331 MCKK Property Acquisition, LLC ~ 975 6th Ave. South, Ste 200____ : Naples i Florida ! 34102 Meritage Homes _ _ -t! 2220 Towne Lake Olive # 75 _ . -1 Fort Mye..r:.s_____1 Florida i .33913 Myers Enterprises __________ _ 6381 Airport Rd. __ u _ _ 1 Naples_____ __. Florida __~ 341 09 Myrtle Woods, LLC ,10271 SW 72 St., Ste 102 ! Miami !Rorida! 33173 Freeland & S.ChUh dba .N~p..les N.i.ssa.n. -ji 1229 Airport Pulling Road North .... i.NaPles ------:-Rorida -I 34104 NRG Development 13621 Park Crest Blvd.-- : Fort Myers I, Florida I 33912 - .------- _u_ ----- --.~-.- . ... 1 -t--- Pelican ~~:t.Q.~~~lopm_e_n!__m. _ u 126381 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste 300 ._-=- __~Bonita SJJ~ng~_=~rid~_l - 34134 PMS, Inc. ____._ 12335 Tamiami Trail North, #408_____ Naples_____~~orid~.......u.+ 34103 Power Cor . ! 3050 Horseshoe Dr N Na les 1 Florida [ 34104 Conflict of Inl/llBsI Spread-2NOQtr07 .xls Prime Home Builders ! 21218 St. Andrews Blvd. #510 i Boca Raton Florida 33433 PulteHomes ~~-==~= ___ _ ____u_u~=_~-=~ 9240-Es~E:}ro - Park ~rrlrrl()i1~_-'?I~d,---~-~~_-~~==_=~l Florida 33928 a. Grady Minor & Associates __ _ _!3800 Via Del ReYlBonita Springs iFlorida 34134 R&P Property Management ------- --j265 Airport Road South --------- I Naples - Florida -- -34104 ----.-..-~- -,-----~--- I .--."------------ ______---+--___u.________.._____--j"-- RWA i 661 0 Willow Park Dr, Suite 200 i Naples ~rida 34109 ~ab~IJ:>_alm Inve~ment ~.r:ouJ> ___~ 5329 Granada Blvd. __~____ _____~ Coral Ga~~~~___u_lFlori9.~~ ~__ 34146 San Marino Join~erl!ure_ --nut 15122 Summit Place Circle___ _ ____~__ itiaples ___ _______lB.orida___i 34119 Saundry Associates, Illg___~u __________1407 West Street, Bldg. B __J Naples__' Floridan->- 34108 Sembler 15858 Central Avenue ! St. Petersburg I Florida 33707 Signature Communites, Inc. ---~--- 1800 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 'Naples i Florida 34108 u___~____~______ ________ _ ___~_~~_____ __~___ Southern Centers Drevelopment i 1500 Cordova Road ! Ft. Lauderdale 'Florida , 33316 Taylor Woodrow -----------r29SO-Tmmokalee Ro.iKr"--suIte-2 --j Naples -------:Florida -r---- 34110 Toll Brothers--- --- - ------j 23956 Sanctuary Lakes-Court---=':__ I Bonita Springs - ---TRorida -T- 34134 Joseph Townsend 14130 N Tamiami Trail : Naples ,Florida! 34103 ~~n~5~~~in~~nL== ------- --- ---*~r{o~:~i~~i~:i"e--~=-~ ------ - - :~- : ~~~~~~Igd:--=---=-~~C=~-=--~=- -- _u ~~~~~ __."_________ ______u__________ ...________ __n..__..______,.__ .___ _._ _.~____~___ .j.._____________. __ __'--____.________.__...~___..,__ WCt ! 12701 Commonwealth Drive #5 I Fort Myers ,Florida 33913 WaterWayHomes--- --15122Summit Place-Circle-- - ----nul Naples Florida 34119 WelstlCompany --- ----- _n_~ -----2400 9th-Si.N--------- - - tNaPles--- -----F1orlda-----3f103 --.------.',---..----.--.-.-----...- - ----- ------- -.,----~---_.------- _n_________________ L _____________~___________ Windsta'"-Clu~~_lnc.u .. __:~_"!.~_~_'-Co~i~t Blvd. _. .___ Ma~o~<3_l'l~_ ~r~~__ _ }4145 Woolbri - ht ! 9130 Galleria Court Naples Florida . - 34109 Conflict of Interest Spraad-2NOQtr07 .x/s