Minutes 04/17/2009 R \. COLLIER COUNTY EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES POLICY ADVISORY BOARD Friday April 17 , 2009 3:00 P.M. Collier County EMS Headquarters 8075 Lely Cultural Parkway, Suite 267 Naples, FL 34113 Conference Room B Members: Physician Representative - Dr. James Talano; Present Pharmacist Representative - Steve Shafor; Present Nurse Representative - Linda Mitchell; Present EMS Representative - Walter Kopka; Present Fire Representative - Robert Metzger; Present Staff Present: Dr. Robert Tober Dr. Douglas Lee Jennifer Florin Jeff Page Les Williams Tabatha Butcher Audience Present: Diana Watson, ENFD The regular meeting was called to order by Jennifer Florin. A quorum was present at this time. As this is the first meeting of this board, each person was asked to introduce themselves and give their background. Agenda Motion to adopt today's agenda; passed unanimously Housekeeping Bylaws & Mission Statement It was discussed if the board should have a mission statement. Dr. Tober had one prepared prior to the meeting as a sample that read: "The mission of the EMS Policy Advisory Board is to serve as a review and advisory council to the medical directors of Collier County EMS reference the application and privileging of medical protocols for EMS and Fire." Bylaws written up by the County Attorney were passed out as a sample. It was expressed that the Board has the authority to vote to have or not have bylaws. Bylaws are not mandatory. Chief Metzger stated concern that the mission statement represents what the BCC tasked this board to accomplish. Walter added that the ordinance that created the board has specific objectives listed. Dr. Tober read the objectives from the ordinance for the group. Chief Metzger suggested that the mission statement be altered to reflect this board as being an advisory council to the BCe. The group all agreed and the final mission CC EMS Policy Advisory Board 04/17/2009 Page 2 statement will read: "The mission of the EMS Policy Advisory Board is to serve as a review and advisory council to the Board of County Commissioners reference the application and privileging of medical protocols for EMS and Fire." Steve moved to accept the by-Iaws...hearing no second the motion failed. The question was raised whether we had to have by-laws, and Walter stated that the ordinance states we do. It was decided that the group wanted a little more time to review the bylaws and would vote on them at the next meeting. Motion to accept the mission statement as modified; seconded; passed unanimously Election of Chairman & Vice Chairman There were no volunteers for chairman or vice-chairman. Chief Page stated that he thought we should work on the bylaws and decide who can be chairman, and how long the terms are before we elect someone. With the group agreeing, we will vote on the positions at the next meeting. Establish Term Expirations The idea of staggering the term expirations was discussed, and all members said that they didn't mind being a two year term or a four year term. They would allow the staff to decide for them. Establish Frequency of Meetings In the bylaws it is designated that the board meet on a quarterly basis. The members were asked what they thought of quarterly meeting. Linda stated that she felt it depended on the amount of work that needed to be done. Walter asked if we decide on quarterly meetings if we could meet more often than that ifthere was a need. It was explained that the Chairman can call meetings more often than quarterly if need be. Dr. Talano joined the group at this point and he was introduced to all members, and was briefly caught up to speed. He was asked his opinion on term expirations, and he stated that he feels you can do more and be more effective the longer you are on a board. He also agreed that quarterly meetings are appropriate. New Business Review of Last Quarter Stats Dr. Tober asked Les Williams from EMS' training department to put together information from the first quarter of 2009 on call types run by the different fire departments; medications carried and administered by both EMS and Fire, and ALS procedures done by both EMS and Fire. Before going through the charts some members had general questions regarding the difference between EMS and the fire departments, the types of calls each responds to, who decides which vehicles respond, and if there is a paramedic on board each apparatus. After the general discussion, Dr. Tober went through the charts and explained all the data to the group. The group had several questions along the way, where Dr. Tober and Les were able to answer. The group also had several suggestions on how to present the data differently next time, and those suggestions were noted by Les and Tabatha for use next quarter. Medications & Protocols Any new medications brought into the pre-hospital medical protocols along with supporting literature will be reviewed by the board. Board Member Discussion Location of meetings discussed, and it was decided to try and hold meetings at the Neighborhood Health Clinic. It is much closer for all the members. CC EMS Policy Advisory Board 04/17/2009 Page 3 Additionally, the sunshine law was discussed and if there is an email sent out by a staff member, the board members are welcome to reply back, but do not hit "reply all." There is no communicating allowed between the five members, but communication between board members and staffliaison's are ok. Establish Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be held on July 10, 2009 at 2:30 p.m. Staff will check with the Neighborhood Health Clinic to see if their meeting room will be available. Adjournment Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer Florin Date Adopted: Chairman / Board Member Signature