Resolution 1995-659 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IHPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA RESOLUTION 95-659 WHEREA), Sections 161.141 through 161.211, Florida Statutes, authorize the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trus.: Fund of the State of Florida to locate and fix an erosion control line in the tidal waters of the State of Florida where beach eros Lon is a serious menace to the econc,my and general welfare of the r:;eople of the stc: :e; and, WHEREP S, the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Tru::t Fund of the State of Florida leld a public hearing on the 14th day of July, 1995, at Naples, Florida, on the proposed Vanderbilt Beach, Collier County Erosion Control Line as surveyed by Pich;)rd J. Ewing, f'rofessional Land Surveyor, being more particularly described in E hibit A, attached r 2reto and made a part hereof; and, WHEREA~, the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund has examined the evidence or the merits of the proposed beach erosion project and finds that tIle restoration of the beach is in the interest )f the public; and, WHEREAS. all owners c lands riparian t the proposed erosion control line and within thousand feet the.:eof by radial measurement have been notified by certified mail of the proceedings to establish the ~rosion control line; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida has determined that all requi rernen ts 0 f the s ta tu te,) hereunto appl ica:lle have been complied within prop~r manner. aOOK (Jf]() r'~',: 251 -"'I NOV 2 8 1995 Based on the foregoing, the erosion control line, more particularly described in Exhibit A, is hereby approved, adopted, and certified :or the purposes prescribed by Sections 161.141 through 161.211, Florida Statutes, and shall remain in effect until inva 1 ida ted in i.ccordance vii th the law. Signed this the lOthday of Or.toher A.D., 1995. ( SEA~~"L Bo'a'l;.Ci..o~:(T.rustet:s of the ,<~trrte~n.a..l"l~provr:men t Trust .:~'lu~,9i: S~ [spe..:t?,~a te 0 f Flor ida ~ . . .. l I I'. . ~.... , :: ,1,\ II :;,\::'! ri,::'- , ..., . - I . . II I \1.'." 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~) .; " .' -I ,," "'l >)"', _",_0 ,,1,~\ , '" ..' r ;" )" .. I . .. . ,," ,.. ,',\ J . ( , J .. BOARD OF TRUSTE :.S OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVP-1ENT TRUST FUND ~ STATE OF ;T-r: 1 i son, Chief Burea of Survey aDd Mapping, Department of Environmental Protection, as agent for and on behalf of the BClrd of Trustees of the Intern. 1 Improvement Trust Fund y APPROVED AS TO FORH & LEGALITY L .MJ. ~ DEP ;;~;lrney EXlIIBIT A VANDEf{8ILT 8EACH COLLIER COUnTY EROSION CONTROL LINE HOV 2 8 1995 THE EROSION CONTROL LINE LIES ALONG THE GULF OF HEXICO, IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDT..., IN SECTIONS 29 AND 32, TOI^IHSHIP i18 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, BEING MOlE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCInG AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 6, BLOCK "A" OF BAKER- CARROLL POINT, JtIIT NO.2, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 62 OF TlIE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN N890 51' 17"vl ALOnG TilE nORTHERLY LINE OF' SAID LOT 6 r-OR 217.29 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONU1~EtIT vII TH 5/ (1" I RON P HJ; TIIENCE CONT INUE ALONG TIIF. 80Ut-IDARY (':' SAID LOT 6 1'14048'17"vl 41.40 r.EE',T; THF,NCE N 89051' U"vl ]f]4 .)1 FEET TO THE: H:AN HIGH W\TER LINE' OF THE GULF OF HE:XICO AND THE: POItlT OF BEGIN1'ING;. ':f'HENCE ALONG SAID BEAN HIGH vlATER LItlE (E:LLVATIOtl 1.49 FEF." N.G.V.D. 1929) SJ3011'29"E 64.62 FEET; THENCS S15007'40"E 57.4~ FEET; THENCE S14 49'48"E 101.36 FEET; THENCE 2'"l4027'25"E 142.:9 FEET; THENCE S1 028'30"E 70.58 FEET; TH!:~NCE S~3021'37"E 150.37 FEET; THENCE SJ6 03'24"E 142.05 FEET; THENCE S:,S024'24"E ]25.1, FEET; THENCE S1S '25'23"S 144.15 FEET; THENCE S14047'55"E 135.2~ FEET; THENCE 513 '16'02"E 109.60 FEET; THENCE: Sll021'OC"E 136.2'3 FEET; THEtlCE S16005'35"E 144.85 FEET; THENCE SLl024'52"E 136.55 FEET; THI::t,)CE S13010'35"E 105.52 FEET; THENCE S12022'16"E 98.42 FEET; Tm:NCE S13053'55"E 136.99 FEST; THENCE S12010'35"E 197.31 FEET; THENCE Sl:::n44'52"S 149.46 FEET; THENCE S1:1042'2]"E li10.4~ FEET; THENCE: SlJ '38'26"E 138.13 FEET; THENCE SLj009'S6"E 129.:' FEST; THENCE S12'08'13"E 144.11 FEET; THENCE S11012'U"E 149.~ FEET; THENCE S12'04'42"E 125.51 FEET; THENCE S10046'42"E 135.~) FEET; THENCE SlC'02'57"E 146.22 FEET; THENCE S12001'52"E 143.~; FEET; THENCE Sl:;'19'36"E 147.38 FEET; THSNCE SO)058'36"S 147.1, I FEET; THStlCE S09052'32"E 146.47 FEET; THEIKE S1~012'46"E 145.SJ FEET; THEl'ICE S11034'50"E 145.58 FEET; THENCE S09045'36"S 148.93 FEET; THENCS S09029'18"E 171.24 FEET; THENCE SlOo52'43"E 131.34 FEET; THENCE S08010'55"E 147.87 FEST; THENce S070:-:2'3]"S 155.27 FEET; THENCE SOl '34'28"E 127.66 FEST; TI!ENO~ S08015'36"E 142.91 FEET; THENCE SO-I '56'57"E 141.54 FEET; THENCE S07017'SS"S 148.29 FEET; THENCE SOi'39'48"E 155.06 FEET; THENCE S09023'11"E 191.87 FEET; TIlH1CS S10'53'16"E 146.92 FEET; THENCE soro08'2~"E 214..) FEST; THENCE sor'14'11"S 149.92 FEET; THENCE SOi05'1'40"S 164.t ) fEET; THSNCE, SO~ '08'10"E 201.16 FEET; THENCE S0::3029'46"E 200.~) FEET; THENCE SlC,'07'09"E 205.54 FEET; THENCE S09007'27"E 208.( I FEET; THENCE S09'37'OO"E 201.15 FEET; THENCE S09017'58"E 214.3) FEET; THENCE S09vll'52"E 200.72 FE E T; THE N Cf; S 0 8 0 1 9 ' 3 4 " E 1 97 . 4 7 FE E T; THE N C E S 07 " 51 ' 5 8 " E 2 0 0 . 8 7 FEET; THENCE S070S7'49"E 195.15 FEET TO AN INTERS,~CTION WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF TFACT "0" OF PSLICAN BAY, UNIT NO. t, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED HI PLAT BOOK 15, PAGES 27 THROUGH 29 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUN 'Y f FLORIDA, AN,) THE POINT OF TERllINATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBSL LINE SAID POJ::T LYING Nllo27'54"W A DISTANCE OF 1947.53 FEET FROM PERMANENT REF. ,RENCE MONUMENT 64-78-A-7, SHOWN ON THE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTR.OL LINE PLAT OF ('OLLIER COUNTY f FLOR I DA, RECORDED ON JULY 29, 1 ':,80 IN COASTAL SET8/ CK LINE BOOK 1, PAGES 13 THROUGH 25 OF SAID PUBl,IC RECORDS.