Resolution 1995-670 N 0 V 2 8 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 670 RELATIHG TO PETITIOH HUMBER V-95-23, FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the state of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such b'Jsiness regulations as are necessary fJr the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the :ounty pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance Ho. 91-102) which establi;hes regulations for the zoning of Jarticular geogr,phic divisions of the County, among w~lich is the granting of var ianceE and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning \ppeals, being the luly elected constituted Board 0f the area here.JY affected, has hE ld a public hearing after not: ce as in said rEqulations made and )rovided, and has considered the advisability of a v~riance to allow construction of two interior walls from the required one; and to allow Cl nstruction of a utility/storage ana not to exceec 225 square teet fl:.Jm the 120 square ~eet allowed in Section; of the Land Develr)ment Code for a park model travel trailer as show; on the attached p:)t plan, Exhibit "A", in a TTHVC ZOI e for the propl,~ty hereinafter descr ibed, and has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory provisior and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters reql ired by said regulations and in accordance witt Section 2.7.5 of t ~e Zoning Regulations of sail' Land Developm lt Code for the un ncorporated area of Collier County; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be ~eard by this Boarc' in public meeting assembled, and the Board having considered all mat ers presented; NOW THEREfORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of Collier County, Florida, that: The Petition V-95-23 filed by Ransom C. Reed, r0?resenting Alfred P. and Jane K. Quilici, with respect to the property hereinafter jescribed as: EXrlBIT "B" .'~r~r,. , ,.....-, -... ~~ N 0 V 2 8 1995 be and the same hereby is approved for a varlance to allow construction of two interior walls from the required one; and to allow construction of a utility/storage area not to exceed 225 square feet from the 120 square feet allowed in section of the Land Development Code for a park model ,ravel trailer as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", of the TTRVC zoning district wherein said property is located, subject .0 the following condition: 1. The Communi t, Deve lopment and Environmenta 1 Services Administrator may approve linor changes to the attached plot :)lan (Exhibit "A"). BE IT RESOLVED +:hat this Res Ilution relating to Petition Number V-95-23 be recordl~d in the minute.; of this Boord. commissioner offered the oregoing constantine Resolution and moved for its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Mac'Kie and upon roll Coli the v(~e was: AYES: Commissioner Constantine, ommissionec i1ac'Ki I Commissioner Norcis, and Commissionec ~ tthews NAYS: ABSENT AND KOT V01IHG: Commission..r Hancock ABSTENTION: Done this 28 t t-. day of ;ovembec 199 'j. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF ZONING A ~ALS COLL ER C NTY, h~ ~. . ./ ~r~'~' 0/. AN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUF ~ICIENCY: - .'1\6.- ~ In f]CuJJAJ./:" MARJO~IE M. STUDENf ---- ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY VARIANCE RES0LUTION/15765 r -f---- 1 1 - " - (r 1_-5"" ' 1 '0 J "/ <--1- -- \ -/ L -7 /f'l.(-,xJ"as II' co" , -;) 'i ' ,..- ~ '" " 0_- -- '.::,. 1--- I~ u l EX:1IBIT"i\" -~ ~-I ''; \) ") I I~ I~ ~ - . ,,-J CC\ -- DllrvE' i. )~Y N 0 V 2 8 1995 ----j , -s -- Lv;~ ()(10 : ~fl f, '". ~I ',' ! .1 ~ .' \ ; ~ ,: 1. f~. ~ ,~u . . .' I.', ; , '. . ";:...;. . :;: :'. : . . .'. . ~~~r - ~J: -t- - 1 I __ l i -: J 1- 1 -11 ..---"'-."1 LvT5't...3 _ 1"-1 PeS iLl,q L '.A.J II.. ()fil,.,c: ~j t1 L qvlL/( , ......--_."'..~