Resolution 1995-666/CWS 95-10 RESOLUTION NO. 95-666 RESOLUTION NO. CWS-95-10 A RESOLUTION AMENDING AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 95-583/RESOLUTION NO. CWS-95-7 INITIATING A PROGRAM FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING A SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM WITHIN ROYAL COVE UNIT 2; DESIGNATING THE NAME OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT; DESCRIBING THE AREA TO BE IMPROVED AND PR(. VIDING THAT THE COST OF SUCH IMPRO\"EMENTS SHJLL BE PAID FROM ASSESSMENTS AGAINST BENEFITED PROPERTIES; INSTRUCTING THE ENGINEERS FOR THE PRC..JECT TO PREPARE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, ES~':IKATE OF THE COSTS OF THE PROJECT AND A TENTATIVE ASSESSMENT ROLL. WHEREAS, the Board of Ccunty Commissioners as the governing body of Collier County and aI' Ex-Officio the Go, erning Board ot the Collier County Water-Sewe r District, on November 28, 1995 determined that the creation of a special aSSeSI,lIent district and the levy and collection of a sewer special assel,sment is the best appropriate means to provide a central sewer system to those properties within Royal Cove Unit 2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R' SOLVED BY THE BOAR.".' OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COU: "rY, FLORIDA, AS THe GOVERNING BODY OP COLLIER COUNTY. AND AS EX-OFF C~O THE GOVERNING BOARD OP THE COLLIER COUNT:! WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, that: Section one. This Resolution is adopted vrsuant to the provisions of Chapter 153, Part II, Florida Sta\:utes, Chapter 88-499, Laws of Florida, Sec. ion 125.01, Florid;' Statutes, and other applicahle provisions flaw. Section Two. It is her by tound and dete~ined as tollows: A. The special as.essment di.trict created .hall be official'~ known as "Royal Cove Sewer Sp.c~al As.e....nt District. . B. The special as.eslment district shall compris. all those lands within Royal Cove Unit 2 as re~orded in Plat Book 11, Pages 3 and 4 of the Public Records ot Collier county, Florida. C. It is necessary frr the continued preservation of the health,ilelfare, converienee and safety of' the citiz.n. and -1- inhabitants of Royal Cove unit 2 to provide tor the construction and reconstruction of the sanitary sewer facilities to serve the properties within Royal Cove Unit 2. The description of the proposed sanitary sewer improvements is the construction of new pump station, installation ot a sewage 1~rce main from the new pump station to connect to the District's existing sewer facilities at U.s. 41/Wiggins Pass Road intersection or U.S. 41/Imperial intersection, restoration of Royal Cove Drive and various driveways along Royal Cc.ve Drive and alJ other related app\.:.rtenances (the "Project"). D. The cost of the Plojeet shall be paYl,ble by the levy and collection of specil 1 assessments agaiJ,st the properties benefiting from the Project. Such cost, in addition to the specific items contained in such plans and specitications may be deemed to include, but not limited to, ::egal services, engineering costs, acqu. sition costs, admii)istrative expenses, and financing costs. ~9tion ~~. Construl tion of' such assessable improvements constituting the Project is hereby ordered pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 153, Part II, Florida sta~utes, Chapter 88-499, Laws of Florida, and other applicable provisions ot law. section r~. The Boar does hereby direc~ the Enqineer tor the Project to prepare in du ,licate the prelimilary plans, specifications and cost estiJ.ates for the improv4ments constituting the Project. The Board also herebr directs the Engineer for .ne Project to prepare in duplicatt the Tentative Apportionment of Cost Roll, ttihich roll shall contain: A. The description or the lots and parc.ls of' real property within the Unit. which will benet'it trOll .uch assessable improvements and the e.timated hllOunt ot benefit. to each such lot or parcel ot property, provided such lot. and pare lis shall inclul' e the property of' the County, and any -2- ~."- ""'1 school district, special district, or political subdivision. B. The name and address of the owner ot record ot each lot and parcel as shown on the current County Tax Rolls. C. The total estimated cost ot the project to each benefited lot or parcel. D. Tte method of assessment utilized in determinin9 the cost of the Project to be assessed to property owners, includir.g any formulas for dealing with specially benetited lots or parcels of property. One set of the duplicatt:s of each of the pl'eliminary plans, speciflcatlor,s, cost estimatl. of the project an(' Tentative Apportionment of Cost Roll sl all be filed with ~. he Clerk and b. open to the~,nspection of thr public. .s..-ection Five. After cOD,pletion of the Project and within sixty (60) days after confirmation of the assessments, any assessment may be paid at the office of the Cle'ck, without interest. Thereatter all as >,essments shall be "r,ayable in equal annual installments, with an interest rate and installment period to be estab1i!Jhed upon compl tion of the construction ot the improveme~ts, on the unpaid balances from the expiration of said sixty (60) days; provided, however, any asseSSl1',mt may be paid at any time before due, together with interest acc,~ed thereon to the date of pay:nent. Such asset ments shall be levJ.ed based on the front footage of each lot or parcel of' property within the Royal Cove Unit 2 Sewer special As essment District, ur lots or parcels of' property otherwise specially benet'ited therehy and designated on the assess lent roll. Section 'Llx. After the sixty (60) day period referenced in Section 5, the assessments a, I finally determined and contirmecS shall be payable at the otfice of the Tax Colle,':1:or of Collier County at the sam. time as the ad valorem taxes ot such county are collected, and all assessments shall constitute a lien upon the properties s( assessed, of t'le same nature and to the sam. extent -3- "1 : ..: N OV 2 8"1995 as the: ] i r;1 1:hereon for County ad valorem taxes falling due in the same y r or years in which such assessments or installments thereo~' fall due. As an alternative to the foregoinq, the County may COr;~li'1ct with the Property Appraiser and Ta:< Collector to inclu:~ :,h0 ~,pecial assessments on the ad valorem tax bills pursuar~~: to ;;ection 197.3632, Florida statutes. _~:r'~tj(')JLSeven. This Resolution amends and supersede. Resolution ?I". 95-583/Resoludon No. CWS-95-7 171 its entirety. B:ctJQJl.. Eight. The Cleek is hereby orderel and directed to spread th is Ilesolution in fu '.l among' the minute', of' this meeting for pcr~ancn~ record in hislttice. scc:t.l.9.....":Lll..i.M. This Resolution shall becomo effective immedioccly ~~on its passage. This Resolution adopted this ~day of ~:~~ 1995, after motion, second a"d majority vote. , ATTEST: . DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK . .. .... ." ....... ""1/ BOARD OF COUNTY CO)QU:'SSIONERS ',...... COLLIER COUNTY, ~lDA, AND' ;', -::;; AS EX-OFFICIO THE~VERHING .~. \: ~ BOARD OF THE COLLliER COUNTY...' :'r..l.". WATER-SEWER DISTRICT . ,: :.: :: BYIB~~~~~' ,::;:Y , .0, . ." , ~::. #'f<.~'^,~'fQ)~. ". .. , Pj- '. Approved ,'as to form and legal suffici~ncy: 0/l/1~~-~J ~! KichaelW, Pett t . Assistant County Attorney _-.-..- .....- I -. n',_,''''''1