Resolution 1995-663 .. ... I '" U "'~.J RBBOLOTIOH HO. 95-663 --- A RBSOLtr.rIO. OJ' 'rlIJI BOUD OJ' COtnrn' COIDlISSIODas OJ' COLLIn COUftY, J'I.ORIDA DISIGDTIKCJ 'rlIJI AGRICULTUJUI UD LABOR PROGRAM, 1lfCORPODHD AS A colOltJltIn ACTIOlf AGBlfCY J'OR '1'D PURPOSBS 01' PARTICIPATI.CJ 1M TBB COHHmtIn SBRVIClI BLOCK GRAH'l' PROGRAM :\DKIJlISHRlD BY '!JIll J'I.OaIDA DBPARTKUI'l' OJ' COHHUHIT~ AFJ'AIRBI PROVIDIlfG J'OR 8BVBRABILIn, UD PROVIDUca U BRBCTIVII DATI. nEREAB, the United states Congress has enac":ed the community services Block Grant Program Act, P.L. 97-35, which Is administered in Florida by the Florida Oepartmant of community Affairs, for the purpose of allev,iating the cause~ of poverty at the": community level; and WBERBAB, the Board of County Commissioners }f Collier County wishes to improve the availabiliTY of services to the poor in Collier County by accessing this federal funding for the citizens of Collier County; and WBERBAS, the I!oard of County commissioners of Collier County does not desire to be designated as a Community Action Agency for Collier County; and 1fHBREAB, the Board of County commissioners of '::olller County has determined it to ~r;,e in the best interest of the Cl tizens of Collier County to designate a community ';ervice agency as a Community Action Agency for the purposes of administering a Community services Block Grant Program; and WBBRBAS, the Agricultural and Labor Progl:am, Incorporated currently provides direct servic'es, which include Energy Assistance and Emergency Assistance as well as indirect servit:es, which include Health/Medical, Rousing, Employment/Training, Legal services, Education and Nutrition to the citizens of Collier C')unty. ~ 'I' -, I NOV 2 8 1995 HOW '1'1IERErORB BB IT USOLVBD BY '1'HB BOARD or comrn COlDlI88IOJIBRS OJ' COLLIBR COOltTY, J'I.ORIDA t:hat, 1. The Agricultural and Labor Program, Incorporated (ALPI) is hereby designated as a Community Action Agency for the purposes of receiving Community Services Block Grant Funds and administering said funds in the exp;lnsion of services to the poor and low income of Collier County. 2. The Chair.llan of the Boare' of County Commissioners of Collier County is hereby authorized to ('lCecute any instrun,!nts, agreements, contracts, or other documents lecessary for the above referenced designation of ALl:'I as a Communit~ Action Agency. 3. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution Is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any ~ourt of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affel;t the validity of the remaining portions of this ReI ~lution. 4. This Resolution shall bec, 'De effective upon adoption. ADOP'rID this dY day of ~ , 1995. ,....."..... ATTEST~' " " C'" , Dwight 'Brock,' 'Clerk , . . ( ~ . ':. ' 4) }~.tJJ_- .-~-Q.~ A~;::ed' as to. ~orm :nd legal, sufticien~:,. . '.~. . . J" . I,. . II'" I BOARD OF COUNT;~ COLLIER COUNT I .~