Resolution 1995-662 NOV 2 8 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95-662 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A JOINT PROJECT ACREEMEN'l' WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OF DESIGN PLANS, CONSTRUCTION PLANS, DESIGN CRITERIA AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE OARS BOULEVARD TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES PROJECT 1 PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, as a resul t ot neqotiations between the parties, the County and the Florida Department Transportation desire to enter into an aqreement provi Unq tor desiqn plans, construction plans, desiqn criteria and specifications tor Project #03000-3626, WPI #1123694; a copy of which aqre('ment is attache~ hereto as Exhibit "A" and entitled "state ot Florida Department ,)t Transportation Joint Project .l~qreement. " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CCUNTY COMMISSION- ;RS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. The Board ot County Commiasioners ot Collier County, Florida "as determined to enter into the attached Joint Proj"ct Aqreement and llereby authorizes nnd directs thf' Chairman ot the Board ot County ;ommissioners to execute and deli' ar to the State of Florida Depart- .IIent ot Transportation the Join'l Project Aqreemen'c, providing tor desiqn plans, const.ruction plans, desiqn criteria and specitications for Project #03000-3626, WPI #1123694. 2. A certitied copy of this Resolution be torwa':ded to the State !'It Florida, Department. of Transpor:ation at Tallahassge, Florida. J,1T,tST: ~ ;'. :, y : .-:\ This. ~esolutioii adopted thif. I':" I". ~ * I.. . I .IotiQn~. ~econd:'nd majority vote. ,,' " .......... ',I' '''", . . .. .. '.. ," ....... ~ .." ";. '.'. / .... ~' ~ '~<. ": ('7: :~ . - . :"":=:~ .- , 1 ?(.k E. . .BROCK er ". . "f )-'/!"II ..... ...... . " . -,- .'....t..,". ~ day ot ~...~ 1995, atter : .. r ., ilY: Approved as to torm and le~~~ iIIk . ~I ,\Jichael W. Pettit ' ;~sBistant County A1..torney OOC. '.f. . 11M/ell --."'.,