Resolution 1995-651 Retn: mil TO TII lOUD nTUomCI 5TI nool lIT 1240 1997624 OR: 2122 PG: 0166 OCOlolD II the OPlIClAL mOlD I of COLLIlI conn, n 1I/22/U at OI:UPI DWIGHT I. BlOCI, mil IIC III COrIll NOV 2 11995 RESOLUTION NO. 95 - ~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNTS THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 1991 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Collier county Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Bc.ard of County Commissioners on January 26, 1993 adopted Resolution No. 93-29 authorizing the recording of notices of liens for tie delinquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessments for 1991; and WHEREAS, R...aolution No. 93'-29, was recorded or;. February 1, 1993. in Official Record Book l' 93, pa.ges 459 throlgh 598 ot the Official Recorus of Collier Co' nty, Florida, which placed a lien on certain pro!,erties for the I 'elinquent solid wa..te collection and disposal services special ~lssessments for 1991; and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, requires the Board to approve by Resolution and xocord in the Official Records a Satisfactio' of Lien on all aClounts that have been paid in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESO ~ED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, t,le Board recognizes full payment and receipt of the 1991 Snrvice Year Solid Waste Collection and Dif '09al special Asses:Jment tor the following accou~lts numbered bfow, subsequent to ':he adoption ot Resolution No. 93-29, whereupc I a lien had been r~corded on real property pertaining to the accounts identified he~ein. The Satisfactions cf Lien attached hereto referencing the accounts identified here in are hereby 8j,lproved and the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Board of county Commissioners, nnd the Clerk i:; directed to record this Resolution and these Satisfactions of Lien indivJdually in the official records of Collier county: Account No Account No. Account No. Account No. 8853 16609 36304 65401 f'nn "...,.,., 11.50 Z.OI *** OR: 2122 PG: 0767 ttt Account No. 83056 Account No. 86901 Account No. 91608 This Resolution adopted this ~ day ot ;;(.,nu_k / , 1995 \after motion, second and majority vote. !'?~.. .: ..... ,...AT1EST: . ., "mfIGHT' E. "I .~ 'r' t"~. . B~?q.~, CLERX ..:<~jj)(I- :.~ /' BY: , ,- .r, ~'" .; . .:,. " ", Approved. as to form : 'l~gal suft~~iency: " and