Resolution 1995-650 letn: eLm TO THI Bom mlROmCI 5TllLOOl lIT 724 0 1 97634 OR: 2122 PG: 0777 RICORDID the om CIAL mOlDS of COLLIII COUlTT, PL 1l/221!5 01:5JPK DWIGHT I. BIOCI, CLUI mPII cams 10.50 z.oo NOV 2 11995 650 A RESOLUTION APPR VING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCO THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 1993 SOLID WASTE OLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSME S WHEREAS, p1.1rsuant county Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Board of commissioners on September 20, 1994 adopted Resolu~ion 4 authorizing the recording of notices of liens for the waste collection and disposal servi~es special for 1993, a~d WHEREAS, No. 90-30,lS amended, requires the Board e ')y Resolution and r'!cord in the Official Recor1s a tic I of Lien on all ac ':ounts that have been paid in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that p~"suant to Collier county Ordinance No. 5/!-30, as amended, tIle Board recognizes full payment and re :eipt of the 1993 Service Year Solid Waste Collection and Dis losal Special Assessment for the following accounts numbered below, subsequent to the adoption of Resolution No. 94-694, whereupon a lien had been J7ecorded on real property pertaining to the accounts identified he~ein. The satisfactions of Lien attachec hereto referencing the accounts identified hereln are hereby ~ ,proved and the Cha.rman is hereby authorized to sign on behalf c . the Board of Councy Commissioners, and the Clerk is directed to record this Resolution and :hese Satisfactions of Lien indivi'lually in the official record'. of Collier Co' .nty: Account No. 6240 Account No. 9425 Account No. 9823 Account No. 15749 Account No. 15778 Account No. 19444 Account No. 21681 Account No. 21775 Account No. 24918 Account No. 25098 Account No. 25250 Account No. 28804 Account No. 29515 HOV 2 11995 tt* OR: 2122 PG: 0778 ttt This Resolution adopted this L.L day of ;?1""~ ~ , 1995 ~fter motion, second and majority vote. ", , ATTEST: : 0 .: , DWIGHT E. BR~K-t' CLERK ('~f'''.~.'~~~ 0C , .. ' ,',' ., .~ ',.. .' . '. . ',',', . ,'" . '. .,' . . .' . ,. ,,' Approved '~s.."to form and legal' au'lUcie.ICY: Ivi 6=: 1/ ~ -~ , Dav d C. we~_ Assistant County A orney BOARD OF COUNTY COMM!5IS HERS COLLIER UNTY, LORIO BY: THEWS, CHAIRMAN