Resolution 1995-649 NU~ I. ) ~ RESOLUTION NO. 95 -649 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN QUAIL WEST UNIT ONE, REPLAT BLOCKS G AND H, RELEASE OF THE MAINTENANCE SECURITY, AND ACCEPTING THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAIN~D BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. WHEREAS, the ~oard of County commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on Novemb',r 16, 1993, approved the plat of Quail West Unit One, Replat Blocks G and H for recording; and WHEREAS, the .leveloper has co lstructed and maint::\ined the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvem !nts in accordance '4ith the approved ~9lans and specifications and as re{uired by the Land Jevelopment Code (Collier County Ordinance No. 91-112, as amended); an'l the Utilities standards and Procadures Ordinance (Collier County Orlinance No. 88-76, as amended), and WHEREAS, the developer has no~ requested final a~ceptance of the :oadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements and release of his naintenance security; and WHEREAS, the Compliance Services Section of Development Services Jepartment has inspected the road" lY, drainage, water and sewer lmprovements and is recommending a :ceptance of said facilities. NOW,' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVJ ) BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, 1,~RIDA, that final acceptance be granted for those roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in Quail West Unit One, Replat Blocks G & H, and authorize the Clerk to ~elease the maintenance security. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND OROERED that the County accept the ;;uture maintenance and other atter lant costs for the l~oadway, drainage, later and sewer imp~ovements that Ire not required tc be maintained by the homeowners.association. This Resolution adopted afte} motion, second and majority vote favor~".g sa~e.;' , '." .' ., I", PATE':~~/?'~ .r:~:-'.. ATTEST: : . ~ ;. :'DWIGHT E'~. BROC~ r::(:~ERK ~~.u;.-~~,,~ g~ ...." . . ..:. ,. .- . " ~. .. BOARD OF COUNT CO:x[SSIO S COLLIER COUNT ,. FLORI By: TTHEWS .'. ,.' I. 'I .,..' Approv~d"as to form and legal sufficiency: H1b~.t~ ~ Assistant Collier County Attorne' -;".....-"' '''I