Resolution 1995-655 aor: eGO PH:~ ~f) RBSOLUTION NO. '5-~ RBSOLUTIOB O~ THE BOARD O~ COUITY COXKISSIOBBRS OJ' COLLIER COUNTY, J'LORIDA COBSBJlTIBCJ TO THE TRANsrER AHD A8SICJHXEBT OJ' CABLlI TBL1IVISIOB nAIlCBISlI nOli rLORIDA CABL1IVISIOB KABACJEHDT CORP. D/B/A CABLBVISIOB IHDUSTRIES TO 1'1118 WAlUID, INC. WHEREAS, Florida Cablevision Kanagement Corp., d/b/a Cable- vision Industries ("CVI") owns, operates and maintains cable television systems in Collier County, Florida pursuant to the Franchise Aqr.lment between Warner Amex Cable Communications Company and Collier County dated November 13, 1981, as assigned, the Franchise Aqreement betwel1n Florida Cablevision Management Corp. and Collier County datec March 27, 1987 ani the Aqreement between Florida Cablevision Mlnagement Corp. and Collier County dated March 31, 1987 (collec:ively the "CVI F.,"anchise Aqree- ments"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 17.13 of Collier County Ordi- nance No. 88-90 and 47 U.S.C. 537, CVI has requel.ted the consent ot the Board ot County Commiss i.oners to the tranlOter and assign- ment of its cable television franchise and tho CVI Franchise Agreements to Time Warner, Inc , a Delaware corporation; and WHEREAS, cablevision Inc.i,lstries Corporation, a Delaware corporation, Alan Gerry, Time Warner, Inc., and TW CVI Acquisition Corp. have entered into an Aqreeme':,.t and Plan ot Merger dated as of February 6. 1995 (the "Aqreenent"), subject to, among othe;: consideratio~ I, any required l">proval ot the Franchise Authority with respe( : thereto; and WHEREAS, CVI and Time Warner, Inc., hav. submitted a transfer applica.tion and required fee to the Of tic' I of the County :#.: Manager; and I WHEREAS, the Board i. sathtied of the legal, technoloqical, tinancial and ownership t.ata concerning the qunlitications ot Time Warner, Inc.; and WHEREAS, Time warne,' Inc., has aqreed to comply with all provisions of CC'llier county Orlinance No. 88-90, as amended; and WHEREAS, t''le Board of Ct"unty commissioners has considered the proposed transfer and as&ignment request and has found no .. ..... - I I\I~ reasonable cause to deny consent to the transter and assignment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board hereby consents to the transfer and assignment of the CVI Franchise Agreements to Time Warner, Inc., or its subsidiary. 2. The Buard acknowledges Time Warner, Inc.'. aqreement to comply with alJ provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 88-90. 3. The Board acknowledges that CVI has aqreed to pay for outstanding franchise fees, if any, which are certified a. still owing when the County completel. its current interual audit by the Clerk of Courts, Internal Aud:; t Division, for tl1a year. 1990 to 1994; however, CVI is not wab ing the right to rlwiew said audit report and tel object to mil calculations or I ~ors contained therein. If the County cannot complete the audit becaUse CVI i. unable to produce financial documentation for the years of 1990 and 1991, County staff and CVI must aqree nn a negotiated settlement by December 20, 19! 5 or this Resoluti,m shall be null and void. 4. By consenting to anc aqreeing to accept this transfer and assignment, neither the County nor Time Warner, Inc., waives any rights either may have under federal, state, local law or the CVI Franchise Aqreements. 5. This Resolution sl'll take effect ~ lIIJIlediately upon adoption. This . Resolution adopted this day of 7?~".~~, ..:!ll . , 1995, af~er motion, second and majority vote tav(.ring the sam.. . t , ,\".......:t......,... .,' ': ,L' '.-,,)~ A~EST::.....' " " .j .:DWIGHT E. BROCl.:"'~ CLERK (f~-~~~'4~~f. . . , ~'. ,. . ~ ..,', - .' "......... Approved,.ali tc{torm and leg~l,S\l(ticl.ncy: .6Itw/14779 ~ ..... , nrn,. r.., -,~-_.'.~~----~--_...";......_,..", .."