Resolution 1995-597 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 597 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the C'lst thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such . \ssessment shall be a legal, valid .?nd binding obligation upon the property against which made until I,aid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall :'"ecome due and payalle thirty (30) 'days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after wl.ich interest Hhall accrue at a rate of twelve pe:'cent (12.0%) per aI,num on any unpaid portion ther8of. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CotNTY CjMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described ,; s follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and I roper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME: LEGAL DESC-'IPTION: COST: Jverly Steigerwald EST I /0 David Steigerwald : 04 Derby St Newton, MA 02165 Lot 13, Bl.ck 90, MARCO BEACH $245.00 UNIT THREE. a subdivision accl"\rding to the pla: thereof, as recorded in Plat Book ,Page 17 through 24, Public Recurds of Collier County, Florida. REFERENCE: 50609-031 #56863280008 The Clerk of the Board shall midl a notice of ass(~ssment of lien .,~ the owner or owners of the abovE described property. and if such (WIler fails to pay sllch assessment 'ithin thirty (30) ,lays hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution e all be filed in th~ Office of the C'lerk of Courts, in and for Collier County, Florida, t(. constitute a lien against such property accordin to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. - '_.>--_.,""',.._'''''',.,...,--------, This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: 0 CT .~ ., ~t19.. . . ,....:1 ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK ~~~. AP?ROVED AS TO FORM ~:LEGAL ~UFFICIENCY: ~. r . .. '1 .1, 1 I f;U.l L-tl ,''''';'1) l-ll 'l., --,- hit-KENNETH.B. CUX~ER I\v COUNTY ATTORNEY CSce 11 - 1/94 ',. ~..";",.a.__...._'_..__....,W".!