Resolution 1995-601 RESOLUTION NO. 95-601 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PARTIAL-YEAR AD VALOREN ASSESSMENTS OCT 1 7 1995 WHEREAS, property taxes are the primary source of revenue for public education (K-12) and public safety, including fire protection, law enforcement and corrections; counties, cities, school districts and applicablE! special districts would benefit from an increase in such revenues; and WHEREAS, local government:s effectively lose millions of dollars each year because structures are taxed from January 1, not from date of ~ompletion or date of occupancy; in some cases ad valorem taxes are not paid on a structure for up to 28 months, while at the same time the property owner is receiving municipal and/or county serViCE!S; and WHEREAS, this means that otl'er taxpayers in tho-! community are SUbsidizing services for new development. Estimates indicate property owners annually provide many n 111ions ot dollars of such property tax "s.'.bsidies" to new d'welopment; and WHEREAS, equitable partial-year assessments wl')uld assure the link between changes in the value of property and the levy of the tax during each year; rave lues received may, In fact, be offset by properties that would 'e removed from the tax rolls, and an accurate accounting of pr'perty values may be achieved; and WHEREAS, collection of information importa.,t in the administration of partial-year Clssessments would ~.mprove the efficiency of the administratio of other types .f revenue, reducing the need for separate ir j'ormation. This is consistent with efforts to move toward a u1\iform procedure for noticing and collecting taxes and fees. NOW, THEREFOI '.E , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUN'rY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board of County commissioners of Colljer County, Florida, hereby strongly support:s the concept of equitable ''l r" '"' ... .. __--"...---...'..~"".-1 OCT 1 71995 partial-year assessments of ad valorem taxes on real property for the portion of a year in which new construction is completed. 2. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be sent to the Collier County Legislative Delegation. This Resolution adopted this ~ day of ~~). 1995 after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. ATTEST: .. DW~HT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA (;~~@~ By: / Approved 'as,t:.o form and lega'1..sufficiency: -4fi!,~~~.) Dav d C. We el County Attorney dcwllw/l4442 ....0>1