Resolution 1995-545 RESOLUTION NO. 95-~5 :~ { , ~ ... " A RESOLUTION REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 91-382 AND DISSOLVING AND ELIMINATING THE ARCHITECTURAL OVERLAY DISTRICT CITIZENS AD HOC ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY PROFESSIONAL OFFICE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. "; 'j;" ~ ~~ ,t . ~ I', WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on May 14, 1991 adopted Resolution No. 91-382 which created the Architectural Overlay Distrlct Citizens Ad Hoc Advisory Committee to assist in ":~ A >, oi , . " ~ 'I' the deve1opme'lt of an architectural review overlay district for the Golden Ga:e Parkway profelsional office comm"1rcial district; and , f .,.l~' " 'i,r 1._ ~ 'r .,~: : s~ '1':," , ~ ..t.- 4Jl I' WHEREAS, the Architectur 11 Overlay District citizens Ad Hoc Advisory Comm1ttee was create':! for a period of o'le (1) year or final adopticn by the Board o~ County Commission..,rs of the Land >, Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Board of County commissioners:tdopted the Land Development Co<ie on October 3", 1991; and WHEREAS, the ad hoc advi.ory committee has :ompleted the .duties as contained in Resolu'ion No. 91-382. 'A ~ -j l -;! ~ !:! ;j NOW, THER?:FORE, BE IT RE.,jOLVEO BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1) Resolution No. 91-382 is hereby repealed in its entirety. 2) The Architectural Ovel'lay District Citizens Ad Hoc Advisory Comm!'..tee is hereby 'i!:solved and elimi ,ated. This Resolution adopted fter motion, secont and majority ,J '~ ~l ;.I vote. DATED: ff;z/,/f s- I......., .A't'TEST: ..... ',DWIGHT E': . BROC;, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By:~.>1- /BETTY J MATTH~S, CHAI~ ^' '-, .~ f- '. , . proved a~ to form and gal suff~ciency: :f ..~ '~ ~ ....... . ~--~.~ Kenneth B. cuy~ County Attornev .1lOK 000 PAr.~ 259