Resolution 1995-544 RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ A RE80LUTION ENACTED PUR80ART TO '!'BE PROVX8IOB8 OF COLLIER COtJHTY ORDINANCB NO. 83-1, DIeD ESTABLISHED A SYSTEM O"lPERSONNBL ADKIJI%8TRATIO. "lOR DB GOVDDJDI'l' 0"1 COLLIER COOJlTY, I'LORIDA. WHEREAS, collier county Ordinance No. 83-7 states that the Board of county commissioners shall adopt rules and regulations which provide classification of all positions based on duties, authority, an6 responsibilities of each position; and WHEREAS, Collier county Resolution No. 93-416 which adopted the current Cc,llier County Pellonne1 Rules and Re;ulations, provides in s~ction 0210(C) (1) that amendments tc the Pay Plan shall be considered by the HUJsn Resources DirectJr when changes of responsibiJities of work or classes, living cc :Its, availability of labor supply, prevailing rates of pay, the county's financial condition and policies, or other pertinent economic considerations warrant such action. said section further provic)as that amendments must be recommendec, to the Board of Cc mty commissioners by resolution; I ld WHEREAS, the Board of COt lty commissioners adopted Resolution No. 94-720 approving the 1994-1995 County pay Plan and Class Specifications; and WHEREAS, the Human Resources Oirector rec01ll1l'I!nds that thirteen (13) new pay titles ~9 established in tta 1995-96 Pay Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE: )LVED BY THE BOARD JF COUNTY COMMISSION~:RS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1) The pl'esent County Pay Plan as set forth in and adopted by Resolution ,0. 94-720 is h(.C'eby amended to add to the County Pay Plan and approve the follcwing new pay titles: PAY TITLE PAY GRADE SALARY RANGE Public Works Administrator 144 153,609-$80,413 community and Environmental services Administrator 144 ~53,609-$80,413 Support servic IS Administratol' 144 $53,609-$80,413 1 SEP 2 6 1995 Solid Waste Coordinator communications System Manager Client System Support Manager 129 $37,015-$55,523 $35,231-$52,847 $34,372-$51,558 $34,372-$51,558 $29,639-$44,458 $28,916-$43,314 $27,523-$41,284 $20,976-$31,464 $20,696-$30,721 $17,409-$25,833 'J .~', (~ ','t. ~tl .\ 127 ;i II'" ~.~ ,j ~ .4 .'1..........' .\; , ~~ "'- '~ ...~~......'. ,. .. .~l ~~ 1:. 126 Office Inform~tion Technology Manager 126 Network Technology Professional 120 principal Inf',rmation Technology Prof .119 Fire captain 117 Information T Ichnology Profesnional 106 Information Technology Specia!ist 22 Public Inform~tion Coordinato ' 15 :f ,-':0 2) The ~lassification Snecifications for tl' e above listed thirteen (13) new positions shall be approved by subsequent Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners within two (2) weeks of the date of this Resolution. "t' i~ .r, 6 ... .~ ~' . This Resolution adopted "'his ~ ., day of ~,y'7 , 1995, af~r'~o~ion, second and majoity vote. ... ~ . \", ", "... "1..:' , ,.' ',ArTEST:. ': ' "", .... ' DWIGHT E;".BROC;(, CLERK ;' , \. '. '" . . . . " Co BOARD OF COUN'l'Y COMMISSIONERS COLLIER ;r FLORIDA BY'~ ~ BE'l"l'YB . " ~ 'l'THEWS, CHAIRMAN and legal :':~ ' . ".,........", " I '~ . - t! I , ~~ 'In ~ Dav C. wel~l ~. Assistant County Attorney ,j ~...j.'..)iI..' '1 ,n.t. Jl I