Resolution 1995-553 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 553 RESOLUTION RENAMING A PORTION OF THE FORMER ALIGNMENT OF LOGAN BOULEVARD TO "LOGAN COURT", WHICH STREET IS LOCATED IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES, UNIT 34, LOCATED OFF GREEN BOULEVARD, EAST OF SANTA BARBARA BOULEVARD AND IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Hoard of County commissioners is authorized pursuant to authority of Ch~pter 336.05, Florida statutes, to name or rename streets and roads, except for certain state roads; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has been requested to confirm the renami.'lg of the south : 100:t feet of the fllrmer alignment of Logan Boulevard to Logan Court. T;lis street is locat.:d in Section 16, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, :ollier County, Flo'ida, Golden Gate Estates Subdivisic.n, located off C'een Boulevard, eas', of Santa Barbara ;; Boulevard, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 23, of the Official Records of Collier County, Florida; WHEREAS, there appears to be no street in Collif.'~ County with this name or any similar sounding name; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for ~dentification purJ: :Ises to confirm the name of this street, NOW THEF.EF~RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: The name of the south 1100 :t feet of the former .llignment of Logan Boulevard is hereby confirmed as logan Court. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that liB Resolution be J~orded in the Public Records of Collier County, ?lorida, and noted 'lpon the maps of the street and zoning atlases of Collier County, and ~otations made on the referenced PIal',. l'>; 1 .1\ ,Ii .11- ,; ~t 'J , ,;~ ~ , ,~ commissioner Mac'Kie offered the foregoing resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by C('mmissioner Hancock and , J.l 'f~ -\0 '" upon roll call the vote was: 1979695 OR: 2104 PG: 0050 DCORDID 1n OllIC) ,\L mORDS of COLLIn coom, FL 09/29m at oa: 29; ( DtlIGBT !. BlOCI, cun KlC FII 10.50 COPIBS 2.00 ), '.~ j. f. ~ J ;,1' ...f L~ ~~, .. ,-1' ~Otly; nuo rAr,~ j ~8 Retn: CLIRl TO THI BOARD IrrnOllICI 5'11 FLOOR !IT 1240 SEP 2 6 SI5 *** OR: 2104 ?G: 0051 ~~* _.~ ( .....;.1 ."':: Done this 26 1995. day of September AYES: Commissionel Mac'Kie, Commissioner Hancock, Commissioner Norris, Commissioner Matthews NAYS: ABSENT AND NOT V01CNG: Commissioner constantine ABSTENTION: ATTEST: ........." .' ...<~., " BOARD OF COUNTY COLLIER COUNTY ... SNR-95-2 RESOLUTIO~/15073 1 , .j Ii ,.