Resolution 1995-547 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 547 RESOLUTION GRANTING A WAIVER OF THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLB NOISB LEVEL AND TIMB-OF-DAY RESTRICTIONS SPECIFIED IN SUBSECTION 54-92(e) OF THB COLLIER COUNTY CODE. WHEREAS, the nature of the construction and critical time requirements to complete the Collier County Beach Restoration Project will roake it necessary for noise generating construction equipment to cperate 24 hours each day, 7 days each week, in the vicinity of residentially zoned property; and WHEREAS, the beach restoration project is in unincorporated Collier county; and WHEREAS, Subsection 54-9: (e) of the county (ode provides that tI construction equipment t1.at must be operatec near a residentially zoned area on a 24 hour basis (i.e" pumps, welltips, generators, etc,) shall be shielded by a barrier to reduce t:he noise during the hours of 6:00 p.m. t'1 7:00 a.m. unless the unshielded noise level is less than 55 dBA, i',easured at the closest adjacent residential oned ~roperty line"; and WHEREAS, the operation c: some such equipmelt may from time-to-time e'.cceed the maxim..m allowable noise levels during the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., when measured at the closest residentially zoned property; and WK'.E:REAS, pursuant to sub',ection 54-87 of th\ Collier County Code, tne limi~ations of subf !ction 54-92(e) apr.y to the subject beach restoration project; at WHEREAS, section 54-89 c;: the County Code pr.ovides that applications for a waiver for relief from the macimum allowable noise level L.mits and time-of-day restrictions lesignated in Article IV of Chapter 54 of \)le Code, shall be made in writing to the Board of County commissioners if the activit', creating such noise is within the unincorporated area of the c)unty; and WHEREAS, the County, by means of its Execut ive Summary submitted to the Board of County commissioners, pursuant to subsection 54 '89 of of the c~unty Code, is applying for such a 30 day wai.ver; and nn,., -1 - --,..-,,,,,,..~~",",,,,...,..<-,,...,....",~ WHI!:REAS, Waivers may be issued for no longer than 30 days, which waivers are renewable by further application to the Board of County Commissioners; and WHJ~REAS, if it is determined during the first 30 day waiver that th(! noise conditions actually being experienced by applying the applicable noise restrictions require an additional waiver, staff will sulmit a further application to extend the noise waiver. NOH, THEr.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: l. The ;oard of County r ommissioners, pur~ant to subsection 54-89 of the r.ollier County Cede of Ordinances, Iccepts staff's application fur a noise waive: and hereby grants a waiver of the maximum noise level during th/. hours of 6:00 p.m to 7:00 a.m. for construction activities relatt.,d to the Collier Cc;unty Beach Restorat.ion Project from November 1, 1995 until November 30, 1995. 2. If it is determined that the noise gene :."ated from these construction activities durin, the first 30 day \ 'aiver period require an extension of this: oise waiver, staff shall apply to the Board of Cnunty Commissio ers to extend this waiver and any such applicatLm for an extension shall be considered by the Board under the then existing circumstances. 3. Nothing herein shall imply that the Boaj':! will not impose conditions upon this waiver 0' any extensions of this waiver if valid noise conplaints justif such conditions. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED fTER MOTION, SECON[ V~7.;,.r.~~~,.,~t DAY OF ...-h;4". , 1995. ,..,..... .",., ... ;'.', ,i "..,....., " .', ATTEST , '.' " ;', DWIGHT E/ BROC':, CLERK ~ 'l:' .' . ~__ ~2d/ 07(1 ~~r~ AND MAJORITY / ' , ' '.. ,.Ap rov~d as to and .~9~1 COMMISSIONERS FLORIDA . ~"TTH~z~LRMAN ...... Attorney HEH/lgk/10511/Rev-TCP -2- " .'