Resolution 1995-630 , I I I f ! j I i r [ f ~ I , i t L I t 1 I ~ I, i f r , 1 t I r I I eLIRI TO m IOAlD I1mOmCI 5TH mal 11T1240 RlCOIDID In the OmCIAL mOlDs of COLLIn eoulTY, fL 1I/17,9S at 12:sifK DVIGBT I. IROCI, eLm RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ NOV 1 ~ Wj A RESOLUTION APP10VINO AND CE1TIFYINO THE SOLID VASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL B!IVIC!S SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 1996 SERVICE YEAll AND DIRECTING DELIVERY or CIllTIFIED lOLL TO COLLID. COUNTY TAX COLLECTOI. WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners adopted Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30 on April 10, 1990. such Ordinance referred to as the "Collier County Handatory Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Ordinance"; and WHEREAS, the Doard of County Commissioners has adopted Collier County Ordinances No. 91-3(, No. 93-47, No. 93-60, and No. 94-36, amending Ordinance No. 90-30: and WHEREAS, Sect10n Eight of Ordinance 90-30, as amended, imposes an annual special assessment on all residential, lits within the benefi ' units described therein for the collection and disposa' of so11d waste, and p"ovid.. that the Board or its designee shall cause to bL prepared a file or roll (the annual 80lid waste collection and disposal special d3sessment roll) which 'dentifies tho.. properties as provided by the Property Appraiser which are subject to the special assessment created and imposed pursuant to Ordinance 90-30, '3 amended; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Cow"issioners and the Collier County Tax Collector entered into an Agreement fo Collection of Handatc'Y Solid Waste Collection Special Assessments on Hay 9, 1990, which Agreement was renewed and then amended by the ,'Ioard and Tax Collector on October 15, 1991, thereby providing for the Board to certify and furnish to the Tax Collector a r~ll of the properties subject to the special assessment under Ordinance No. 90-30, ilS amended, on or before November 15, 1991; and WHEREAS, there is attached herel ~nd incorporated her! ~n by reference the solid waste collection and disposal Sf vices special assessme.lt roll for Service Year 1996 provided for Board approval and certification and s'1bsequent delivery to the Tax Collector, Flid roll identified as "Exhibit A". NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED B" THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that: 1. The Board of County CommissionerJ hereby approves and cArtifies the solid waste collection and d~~posal services special assessment roll identified aa .~r Exhibit "A" for Service Year 1996 as provided in Collier Cour.t;y Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, and directs that a r.ertified copy of this ~esolution wIth saId certified special a aessment roll be t':ndered to the Collier County Tax Collector NOV f 4 f995 pur.uant to the Amendment to Agreement for Collection of Handatory Solid i..te Collection Special A..e..ments referenced herein. 2. The Clerk i. hereby ordered and directed to .pread this Re.olution in full among the minutes of this meeting for permanent record in hi. office and to record this Re.olution without it. Exhibit "A" in the Official Record. of Collier Coun~, Florida. Exhibit "A" .hall be retained in the office of the Finance Director. 3. This Re.o1ution .hall become effective immediately upon it. adoption. Thi. Resolution adopted this ~~ day of ~~~~ 1995, after I motion. ~econd and r~jority favoring same, ....t.....,.... . ,tl'; ,":. . . 't'I'I,. :'.D~TE:.')~l1l"dr, "\ : , ' ATTEST: ". ;' ;, DWIcm: E. B~OCK:, :-c~ \t1h;'J7-i~..,fJ.(l BOARD OF COUNTY COHHISSIO~~ OOLLIER COUNTY RIDA .~ BY -yc- EWS Appro:'o!~~ ~.. ,to' form and ,..., .utfi.i.n~ ' '-~,a I/~~. David C. Weigel County Attorney T'l~r.~ ? " " "