Resolution 1995-629 IIVl' I~ RESOLUTION NO. 95- 629 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COLLIER COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FACILITIES AND OUTDOOR AREAS LICENSE AND FEE POLICY WHEREAS, The Director of Parks and Recreation recommends that the followinq chanqes be made to the County's Parks and Recreation Fee policy as amended by Resolution No. 95-548 on September 26, 1995: (a) Additional local not-for-profit qroups should be exempt from the County's license fee for use of park facilities. (b) Ann~al boat launch permits should be available to all applicants, rot just residents of Collier County. (c) A three week summer camp session should be offered at a cost of $85.(0 for residents of Immokaleei and WHEREAS, the Board of COl1ty Commissioners a~cepts the recommendations of the Direc1 ~r of Parks and Recreation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE.e.OLVED THAT THB COm:l'Y'S PAlUCS .um RBCREATION J'ZB POLICY IS KERl:ilY AMENDED AS J'OLLO"S: 1. ARTICLE III, SECTION B, reqardinq user cateqories, is amended to read as specified in Exhibit 'IA" l:ttached hereto. 2. The first senter'::e of paraqraph 3 in section IV, Subsection C (paqe 5) is amerled to read as fol:.ows: "Anyone may obti In an annual permit for $60.00." 3. Paraqraph 3 of ~action IV. subsection 1 (paqe 8) is amended to read: "3~ proqrams in Immokalee will ~ave the followinq reduced fee: summer camp $200.00 per J' .lne week session; $85.00 for each three week s~ssioni after school camp $42.00 per session, not :.ncludinq transj )ri.:ation." THIS RESOLUTION adopted this L4th day of Novembe~, 1995 after ...f........ .m~tioJ'l:, .,ec.!?nd and majority vote in favor of pas'Jaqe. "" ,.. . .. .. '. . '" .... . . ."ATTEST: ;/.:' ." .:. DWIGHTE~ B.R(WK, CLERK ."r/~-~~- B : ~.. .',. I' '.' '" .~':.: / /. '. ... EXHIBIT "A" NOV 1 " 1995 B. OSER CATEGORIBS - APPLICABLE TO ALL INDOOR AND OOTDOOR ~. Each Cateqory II individual, qroup, orqanization or entity must pay full fees at all times. Unless totally fee exempt, each Category I individual, group, organization or entity must pay a $5.00 per hour license fee. The followinq private groups, organizations or entities are exempt from all fees provided no activity is fund raising and the activities are conducted during the facility's normal operating hours: (1) Specified sale tax exempt entities: The group 3s exempt from Florida sales taxes pursuant to Subsection 212.08(7), F.S. as a home for the aqed, nursinq home, or hospice, or as an organization whose primary purpose is to provide special educational, cultural, recreation~l, or social benefits to minors, or is a religious, charitable, scie,tific, educational, or veterans' institution; (2) Gocal not-for-profit civic associatiol"J[: Irrespectivf of any tax exemptJon, each not-for-profit corporation, association, or other not-for-profit group that is of Collier County origin, has its principal location in toIlier county, at least fifty percent (50%) of the group's: membership are rE'sidents of Collier county and the ent::y's primary purpol''i is to provide social services to others or to protect interests outside of the qroup, such as the environment, endangered animals, disadvantaged persons, or similar external interests. The primary focus of these qroups is outward lookinq and away from the personal interests (1f the qroup's members. Each private individual, gl )UP, organization n: entity involved in any fund raisir} activity must par full fees. Governmental entities are lways totally fee (Jxempt. The two categories are: 1. ~GORY I - Other Federal Income Tax Exempt Entities. Reaistered Charities. Not-For-Profit Groups that are not totallv fee Exempt. A. Federal income tax exempt entities. Ar,y individual, group, organization, or entity that has a Certificate of Fed' ':'al Income Tax Exell..~tion under any subsection of ' ~ct.ion 501 (c) of tl ! Internal Rev~~nue Code, incll ling each charitab:.! entity that is reqistered with :he state of Florid~. B. Other local not-for"profit qroups. Irrespective of any tax exemption, each not-for-profit group that is of Collier County origin, has its pcincipal locztion in Collier county, at least fifty percent (50~j) of the membership are residents ')f ~ollier COU1.ty, but the gro,lp's primary purpose is not to pro\'ide social ser.... lces to individuals who are not -1- ,j t Nav f ~ 1995 bona fide members of the group or is not to protect interests outside of the qroup. This cateqory includes property owners' associations, political qroups, and all other special interest oriented clubs such as hobbyists' clubs, chess clubs, radio clubs, hunters and fishermen clubs; stamp, coin, and other collectors' clubs; qarden clubs, car clubs, and all other similar clubs, groups, or or~anizations. The primary focus of these qroups is inward toward the qroup's members. c. Fund raising activities include: 1. 'Charqing in adv,mce for an admission ticket or requiring any t lngibl4 thing of value for admission to, c':' to participate in, any activity at an) County parks facilLty, or, 2. Requiring any donation of money or' any other tangible thing ,f monetary value, .,r, 3. Selling or bartering any tangible thinq of monetary value. Exceptions: Fund raising activities do nc:t include: 1. Season sign up ~ees for persons tc join leaque as a team membe ~ or team participant. 2. Sale of educat: 'mal materials for use as study materials for I ~udents attendinq class conducted at tl t park facility. Such sale. must be at or bolow the seller'. actual cost.. 2. CATEGORY II - All Others. A. Each individual, group, orqanization C~ entity that is not~ithin Cateqory I. -2-