Resolution 1995-627 NO' t. 81 I~II 1=1 -...,j'-l .; USOWTIOIf NO. 95 - 627 REBOW'l'IOJf AtJ'1'JfORIZIJfG THE CHAIRJWf or Tn BOARD or COOIfTY COIOIISSIOIfERS TO EXECUTE A REVOCABLE TEMPORARY LICEHSB '1'0 L2B COOJIlh' ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, IHC. TRA'!' wru, BmEn'!' S1'ATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMBH'l' or JtJVEJfIL2 JUSTICE LEASEJfOLD. WHEREAS, COllier County i. de.irou. of providing Lee Coun'ty Electric Coopera~iYe with a Revocable Taaporary Licen.e for ~he con.~ruction, opera~ion and uintenance of u~ility facilitie., inCluding but not liaited to, di.tribution line. and other related equiPMn~, over ancS through the property, and IIOre particularly d~~ibecS in Exhibit -A- attached hereto. WHEREAS, upon co.pletion of the con.truction of the u~ili~y facilities on ~fe property, a permanen~ Utility Ba....nt viii be qrantecS for tJl. 16 foot .~rip of land vberei" the utility facili~ie. are located. NOW, THBJtEI'tJRB, n 1'1' REf )LVED BY Tn BOARD or COOI1'r COJIMISSIOIfBRS OF cou.tBR COOlI'I'Y FLORIDA, tha~s 1. The BoareS (,t COWley Coaah lionera doe. hereb~' approve the at~aehed Revocable T8IIpOra~' Licen.. ~o Le. O,un~y Electric Cooperative, Inc., and 2. The Chairaan of the Board of coun~y eo.ai..ioner. of Collier County, Florida, i. hereby authorized to execute the a~tacbed Revocabl. 'l'aporary License to Lee Coc?l~y JUectrio Cooperativ., IDOl and 3. Th. BoareS of County ccaai. i oner. do.. hereb / approve and authorize ita Cbairun tc execute a pe~nen~ Utility Ea....n~ to Lee County Elect 'Ie Cooperative, 1110. for the 16 foo~ strip of land where n the utility fJcilitie. are located. Thi. Re.olution adopted this # day of ~",.~ , 1995, after action, second and maj~vote. " " . , 'ATTESTs' .. , " . DWIGHT B. BROCJC, Clerk :;, .c ~ \',' By~,';~_n~q'. " ~ . y ler ~ . . . .' /' " ,. .... .'.. .,. ! .' .."...."f.. Approved a. to legal form and .utflciencys He d. n As.i.tant County Attomey II- I' .. '" si~ .. ~ ig~oIi!~ ~I;: Ja.5i II~ I~ ... .... :s PI i1 - - . zmIBI'!' "A Page 1 ot 1 "-U :> f OR: 2121 PG: OaRS ~ 10Y t ~ IROI eo..ence at the.or.1:JJvest comer ot Section 15, Township 47 South, Range 2g EastJ thence. 85.00'1, a distance of 2,707.30 teet to the Polntof Beginning ot the parcel of land hereinafter deaoribecS, thence continuing N 85.00'1, a distance of 676.83 teet, thence S 0...09'26-E, a distance of 2,651.27 feetJ thence S 85-26'40.W, a distance of 2,030.60 feet, thence N 04.0g'04.., . distance of 1,320.73 fe.t, thence Jf 85-13'20.1, a distance of 1,353.6g feetJ tbence . 04.09'20.W, a distance of 1,325.'8 teet to the Point 0: leg1nninq.