Resolution 1995-626 -.w RESOLUTION NO. 95-626 RESOWTIOII Atn'HORIZING FINAL ACCEPl'ANCE OF THOSE ROADWAY, DRAJJfAGE, WATER AJID SEWER IXP'ROVEJlIERTS IN THB caova ROAD, RELEASE OF THB KAIJttlftMCB 8E(;UK,11"t, AJfD ACC.EP1'IttG THE IfAIHTERAJfCB RESPOffSIBILITr FOR THB ROADWAY, DRAI.AGE, WATER AJID SEWER IXP'ROVEJlIERTS T'HA'1' ARE WOl' R1!QOIREO TO BE KAIRTAIJIED BY THE HOKEOWJIERS ASSOCIMIOIf . WHEREAS, the Board of County C~i.sioner. of Collier County, Florida, on o.caber 21, 1993, approved the plat of -The Grove. Road- for recording; and WIIEREAS, the developer has constructed and ..intained the roadway, drair.aqe, vater and sewer blprov...nts i.' accordance with the approved plans and specifications and as required by the Land Developaent Cede (Collier County Ordinanc. No. 91-102, a. aaended); and the Util1t i.. Standards ar 1 Procedure. Ordina'1c. (Collier County Ordinance Wo. 88-76, af alNnded), and WIIEREAS, the developitr hi J now reque.ted fin !II acceptance of the roadway, c;rainaqe, vater l ,d S4tVer 1IIprov...Jl:. and rele... of hi. ..intenaJk:e security; and WIIEREAS, the CoIIplianc. f !rvic.. section of ;>ev.10p1M1nt services Depa.rbMnt bas inap4tcced the roadway, dr.dnaq., vater and sever blprov...nta aJ'ld 1. rec01lmlendincjJ acceptance ot nicS facilities. NOW, THEREFOItE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD ,)F COtunr COMMISSIONERS OP COLLIER COUNT"{, I'tORIDA, that fJ.mal .cceptance be qranted for tboM roadway, dr. inaq., w.ter and "fler illprov...nts in -The Grov.. Road-, and autl >r ize the Clerk to '::el.... the aaintenance security. BE 1'1' fUkl 'K.D. RESOLVED AI ) ORDERED that the County acce~ the future "3int.nr:.nce and other c ':. tendaM costs tor the roadway, drainaqe, ".tc- and sever illprov...nts that are not required to be aaintained by the ~O\Iner. association. This Resolution adopted atter lIOtion, seconel and _jority vote fa,yorinq. ~. ",I I.,,,, : ,DATE: /~Y#J- : AT'l'EST: , i DWIGHT B. 8~rlc :...... u ~:~--1 - --- -- -< ,!/)G '",. " , . .,/ .. .. ,: ... . '. . . By: E . Cbairaan :. . 'I, Approved a. to t~ and 1eq41 sufficiency: n 1. JJhL~ ~. n Assistant Collier County Attorney doc. 2065 , ~ +