Resolution 1995-607 ............~ RESOLUTION NO. 95--221 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND COLLIER COUNTY REGARDING EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ENHANCEMENTS WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs has grant funds available for Collier County to spend to improve Emergency Manage~ent Preparedness and, subject to execution of a Grant Aqreement ~etween the State and the County, is authorized to disburse GRANT flmds to Collier County; and WHEREAS, the state, by means of proposed Grant Agreement No. 96CP-05-09-21-01-011 is agree ing to provide, by means of reimbursement for costs incurred ~y the County in the satisfactory performance of that Aqreement, u~ to $67,438.00 for the items of performance agreed to in said Ag1 ~ement; and WHEREAS, The Board of County commissioners of Collier County agree that performance of the subject Agreement is in the best interests of Collier County. ROlf '1'HEREFORB BB IT RESOLVEl BY 'lB. BOARD OF C(linrTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COtTHTy, i'LORIDA that the Bc'ard approves Grant Agreement Ne;.. 96CP-05-09-2: -01-011 between the state of Florida Department of Community Affairs and Collier County as presented to the Board for review, and hereby authol lzes the Board's Chairman to execute the Agreement on behalf of Collj <!r County. This Resolution adopted aft, ; motion, second a1"1 majority VOtA in favor of adoption this ~~ lay of ~r..-.-' _, 1995. .AT'l'EST: :'DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTt COMMISSIONERS COLLIER C011llT::..:5f- MATTHEWS, ''f!-~----~ 0('1. . y: .' Approved as.to forA and le 1 suffic ttorney