Resolution 1995-606 u", , .. ~";J RESOLUTIOII 110. 95-606 RESoLuTlor, AtrrlJORIZIIIG F;XPEUDITURE lIerr 'fO EXCEED OUE HUNDRED DOLLARS TO l'UnCIfASE A PLAQUE '1'0 RECOGlIIZE OUTSTANDItIG VOLU!lTEER ;3 ERVICES OF 'I'IIE CALUSA GARDEU CIVIC GROUP WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 87-5 provides that public lunda may be exprnded to purchase plaques to honor and identify the donors of servic~s and property donated to Collier County; and .. . WHEREAS, expAnditures of Co 11 ier Co.unty funds authorized by Ordinance No. 87-5 must first be authorized by the Hoard of County Commissioners on a case-by-case asis; and WJt~REAS, the Parks and Recre. ,tion Department wi:.hes to recognize the Calusa Garden Club for their outstanding commun ',ty service, especially regarding beautification of Collier County parks and recreation facilities; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recrention Department ha,; requested that the Board of County Commissioner authorize the exp~nditure of a sum of County funds not to exceed or hundred dollars t~ purchase a plaque to recognize the Calusa Garden C ub for their outstanding service to Collier County Government, inclUding the donation of property to Collier County; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners wish'"!s to join with the Parks and Recreation Department n recognizing the >~luable contributions to ~ollier County nd its citizens by many volunteer efforts of the Calusa Garden Clu I Civic Group. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF r:OUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF :OLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: The Parks and Recreation Dep.,rtment is hereby authorized to expend a sum of County funds not to eXc~ed one hundred dollars ($100.00) to purchase a plaque to recognize tl Ie services to CollJer County of the Calusa garden Club Civic Group. OCT 2 ~ 1995 'fhis Resolution adopted after motion, seconu anu majority vote favoring same. 'DATE: /~,?~S-- ATTEST:. ' DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COllHISSIOUERS COLLIER COUUTY, FLORIDA ..'. ~Ap roved as to form and ;~~gal sufficiency: . . Attorney