Resolution 1995-605 ..... ~ ~ (X) t ~ <l.. o ~ .J ~ ~ ~ t ~ Retn: RIAl. PRO PlITt 11' 1m IITII orlICl 1988667 OR: 2113 PG: 0599 RiCORDID ID the OFFICIAL RICORDS of COLLIII eQUIlT, rL 10/26/95 at i2:\5PK DWIGHt I. BlOCI, CLIII RESOLUTION NO. 95- 605 i!C m lUO :oms 2. 00 OCT 2 It 1995 A RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR ACCOUNT NO. 5322 FOR THE SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. WHEREAS, ~:rsuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as aaended, the Board ot County Co..issioners on August 22, 1995 adopted Resolution No. 95-475 authorizing the '.ecording of notir:es of liens for the delinquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessaents tor 1994; and WHEREAS, Co...lier County Ordinan 'e No. 90-30, as uended, requires the Board to approve by Re,..olution and record in the Official Record: a Satisfaction of Lien on all accounts that have been laid in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as uended, the 1994 Service Year Sol id Waste Collection ar.i Disposal Special Assessaent is hereb7 waived for ACCOl It No. 5322, subsequent to the adoption ot Resolution No. 95-475, whereupon a lien had been recorde.i on real property pertaining to the "~count identified .erein. The Satisfaction of Lien attached hereto referencing Account No. 5322 is hereby approved, and the Chainan is hereby authorized to execute sue on behalt ot the Board ot C< 'JOty Co..issioners, and the Clerk is directed to record this Resolution and Sati ';faction of Lien in the official records of Collier Coun f. Florida. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPI'ED this ~ d, f of ~~ , 1995 after aotion, second and .ajority vote. ATTEST: 'DWIGHT E. ~OCK,CLERK .?~..~<~(1. Approved as to for. and legal sufticien