Resolution 1995-496 RESOLUTION NO. c)5-~0__ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, F1,O](1 DA, AUTHO:UZING WAIVER OF LIBRARY SYSTE11 H1PACT FEES, PARKS A::O RECREATIOtl,\L [,ACILITT1~;; 1::,,,,,\ FEES, ROAD IMPACT FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Ir1PACT FEES AND EDUCATIOlll\L FACILITIES SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR ONE I:Ol;SE TD BE COISTRUCTED BY IMMOKALEE lIADIT,\T FOR HUMAN"CTY, INC. ON LOT 2, HIGHLANDS 1!1\IHTi\'r SUBDIVISION, IMMOKALEE. WHEREAS, Collier County has recognized ilrj i1t.tC'j'T)~ d to address the la.o;k of adequate and affordable hO\lsinr:; [or f;',O';:--ite, low, and very- low income hOlls lholds in 'the Coun:y n nd tl,o need for creative f nd innovative p ograms to assi~-;t i:"l tho Ii' 'J i ~;ion of such hous1:lg by including several provisions lrl the ('(,I] i er County Growth Mar.agement Plan, including: ob~j ect '. 'Ie 1. ,1 , olicy 1.4.1; objective loS, policy 1.5.2, policy 1.5.3, polic'l 1.5.4, policy 1. 5 .5, policy objective 1.6, 1.5.6; policy l.G.3; objective 2.1, policy 2.1. 1, r.:'olicy 2.1. 2, polic! 2.1. J, ;)0 licy 2.1.5, and policy 2.1.6 of the Housing Element; ard WHEREAS, Collier County h s received funding p\lrSlli1nt ~o the state Housing Initiatives P rtnership Program set fortll in Section 420.907 et. seq., Florida statutes and Chilptcr 'H - J 7, Florida Administrative Code; and WHEREAS, in accordance \d th CoIl ier Count) OrdiniHlc '[-, jlo. 93-19, the Courty is authori' !d to use funding Crom the Stilte Housing Initiatives Partnersh p [SHIP) Program Eor wilivcrs of Collier County irnpnct fees; an, WHEREAS, Immokalee Habitat for Humanity, In,. is seekineJ a waiver of impac, fees; and WHEREAS, Iilrnokalee Habita>: for Humanity, Inc. will c(jn~3tr\Jct one (1) three-bedroom unit (the "Dwelling Uni':") on Lot 2, Highlands Habi tilt Subdivision, Immokalee which .s proposed to sell for Forty-six Thousand Five Hundred Dollar ($46,500.00) ; and WHEREAS, t Ie Dwelling Uni': will be purchaseC: by a very low income household which is re~uired to invest a rinirnum of five onn . '')'~, ~ !1d. , ::r:1~ t -ii'. i.i: i~.( ril, ,~'..jA..~~.~.t,.; . '~.lr . 1,',~ ti.~ ~:,'~i{~ , '" ~ ."'.",. ;r'~ .~'t ~" '~~;'" f\' 5:'; , ~>". j.~ " j,;.. t", f.: '~'" ... .:If.~" ?: " ',' .~ ~'y '.~ r .or vt . ~i ' ~. ~,': '.' r'," ~ (500) hours of "Sweat Equity" lK:[r.r' ; I. 0: to WHEREAS, l1r. Charles C. Smith, vice ri'(':: iclcl,~ ;ca Habitat for Hurilanity, Inc., submit.ted to ',:1" (J[[ . i ng and Urban Imp::ovement an Affordable !lOll: \ tl(] ;,[', 'cd August 23, 199''; for a waiver of impact U~(':; I )- t' ion of a house on 'Lot 2, Highlands lIi:lbitat S'llJ.:ivi::io,\, a copy of said '!pplication is on file ir~ ~~;I' i'.}')"', "'l)an Improvement Denartmenti and WHEREAS, in accordance i t h S ~ c t i () 1'; , ) . ': r:y System Impact Fee Ordinance I Ordinance 110, ) , !cdi Section 4.05 c f the Parks and Hecreatiorn] F';c i 1, t;, ['ea Ordinance, Ore inance No. 88-91., as amended; :-;cct ',on the Road Impact Fee Ordinance, Ordinan:::c lIo. q '1 _.., '") .. f. .~~ , I: (~d ; Section 3.05 of the Emergency Medica 1 Sc::vi ':,,,; .; '::' , ;'ce Ordinance, Ordinance No. 91-7:'.., i:\S amended; ~lnd 5(: \ , ,'-. q ') of the Educational Facilities Sys em Impact Fcc OL'e] i' ,"1 t-( , lica No. 92-33, as amended; an appJ 'cant may obt~in ~ "r l..._... . '~~:'.)ct ti 1 ".: ,\ ~ . fees by qualify i,ng for a \olaive ; and WHEREAS, Immokalee Habitat for Humallit,;., ,nc. , '.J: ied for an impact fee waiver based upon the foll::'..;inc; :c'" ns made by Immokalce Habitat for Humanity, Inc.: A. The Dwelling Unit s all be sold to a Cir':-'-t _". t:ome buyer. B. The Dwelling Unit s; 'ill be sold to ~ r,,)u~-.chn1d 'j '~h a very low income level as that term is de [i T'CC: tha Apper. !ices to the respective Impact re( On]; !1," nc .:1 nd the In)nthly payment La purchase tllG: unit mus::. be '.,:i.thin the affordable hous...ng guideLncs cst.:' blic;;,Ccl 1 n the Appenr.Uces to the ref.pective Impact Fee Ordirj.,ncc;;. c. The D'N'elling Unit shall be the HomcstCtFI of the Q'.';wt". D. The Dwelling Unit shall remain Clfforda,)le [Cll- Ci: teen (15) years from the date the certi.ficClte of OCCt::'ilncy is is.sued. nnn 0' '. .y~? ~ .. ~, ~ .' ~'.. , ~. '; '!;~" . '~:" .. ',1~ " .i'~ < ".f. A/ r~';' " , NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL\'T:: COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLOHID:\, t:l,ll 1. The Board of County Commis~~i ::rJ' t ';' County Mani:1<]cr to issue il n i': t \ , impact fees to Immokalce ILlbit';'t one (l) house whic11 shn 11 ~'i' (' :'!" I' . Highlands Habit<lt Subdi 'J i :',[C j'i I COUl":y, Florido. 2. Upon receipt by the llotlsi:VI'''] ,',- Dire;tor of an agr ~cmcnt ['j' ',';1]',"" signed by Immokalee H<lbitilt fuc ]:::C~,1:. the 9urchaser, or ot ler doctlPcriLl t i 0:, ,-, County Attorney, the BOi1rc1 o[ CU:l:ll hereby authorizes t~~ payment by CoIl it: follcTN'ing impact fee:, from the ,\[[on]':b: Fund, Fund (191), in the [01 lc,n:I'! ,'::",') (1) :,1ouse to be hilt on Lot 2, 17- SUbdivision, Immok 'lee by I;~,r:ioku 10 Humanity, Inc.: A. Library Impact .'ee " ~, B. Road Impact Fee C. Parks and Recreational Filci1itic~ Impi1ct Fee: i1) Community 'ai:}:S (2) Regional Irks D. EMS Impact Fee E. Educational Facilities Sy~tcm Cmpact Fee <" , ..-L- _ rotal Impact Fe :;5 $ 3. The payment of impact fees by C~llier C' u, to tLe execution and record:l tion of Housing Agreement for payment ()f ColliE~- Fees between the pr >perty own.::r and/or the (:lUnty. (}r() , 1"':', ~CO( I j r~,~~ d, ),j :. l''{ 'he uf 'or -, " , ~ cr 'nt '.os lor :',he ,era the ::'.lst ,,' one itat for .1 :,',:~, j ',,::: c t ::c:,lble 1 :', :lct " ," and 2 1995 '; This Resolution adopted aftcl- same. 5EP ,'21995 BROC'{, Clerk ",,". '" " , '~?0i';;r':;A~4:;~LlU~;f(~AfJ, e ~:'l"i'ii~ " , . 4<~ ,,'I;'~t1:,J ~ 'l ,\" ., l~ J, ;.' ,,"4'~~ '-~,~ .. . .:',.....,;,Approved as to form and """""ilegal sutficie.,cy: ~.- '" '_.~.'." " . ~ -- "j 'j ~*~"'~-k .~\ t: ,. t, ~ ~ doc:213 ,- .-, . . t - -i'~:~ '~l""^"'i ~~,;;w::( ~iil "',' ,: l:~"l \; ,,~'l;.," t'l~ ? ,~ljl ';\{~ ,1....~, :t~ :~{~ ~~k " ~.yf~~11.. .' ;h,:..ilfft:'N_rtt.~ . )"::~ ~ . " ~";~. . "~t, ~~ t"'..:.' ., I': '~ :t~:~" .' . ~ f., ;' i. ty BOARD 01' COLLI EI\ 1_ By'. I;... / . .~,. . J""T'"'''' -,.t...I. 1 .J. .;..:..,....... I