Resolution 1995-533 RESOLUTION NO. 95-~3 RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V-95-12, FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. :,.. WHEREAS, tho Leqislature of the State of Florlda in Chapter 125, Florida Statute~, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coorcinate and enforce zoninq and such business requlations as are necessar) for the protection of the publiCi and WHEREAS, ttle County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Cod( (Ordinance No. 91-102) which estarlishes requlations for the zoninq of partiCUlar qecJraphic divisions c~ the County, among ~ which is the qrt 1tJnq of varianc !Si and WHEREAS, tl,e Board of Zonin~ Appeals, beinq th ! duly elected constituted Board of the area hel'eby affected, has leld a public hearing after notice as in said regulations made and provided, and has considered the advisability of a 5-foot variance fr'm the required front setback of 25 feet to 20 f~et and a 5-foot variance from the .'.~ required rear setback of 25 feet to 20 feet as show', on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", in an RS -4 zone for the pr..:..perty hereinafter described, and ha' found as a ma ter of fact that satisfactory provision and arranqement have been made concerninq all applicable matters required by said requlations and in accordal :e with Section 2.7.5 of the Zoning Requlations ct said Land DeveloI,nent Code for the unincorporated are~ of Collier C, lntYi and WHEREAS, all interested pari '.es have been qiver, opportunity to be heard by this Board in public mef :inq assembled, and the Board having considered all matters presented; NOW THEREFORf BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZOI fING APPEALS of Collier County, FIJrida, that: The Petition V-95-12 filed bi.' Mr. James M. BOSW'fll, II, with respect to the property her~inafter described ~s: EXHIBIT liB" be and the same her.eby is approvec. for a 5-foot variance from the required front set lack ot 25 feet to 20 teet an~ a 5-toot variance trom -1- the required rear setback of 25 feet to 20 feet as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", of the RSF-4 zoning district wherein said property is located. I BE IT RESO.~VED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number V-95-12 be reco:ded in the minutes of this Board. Commission'lr constantine offered! th~ foregoing I Re.olution and 10ved for its ad"ption, seconded: by Commissioner Norris and lpon roll call the 'ote was: ~~ . "r>i. ,~: loll' .:~; "' ' $~~ i:l~:' NAYS: AYES: Commissi~ner constantine.. Commissioner Norrs~ Commissioner Mac'Kie~ Commissi"ner: Hancock" an" Commissioner Matt: ews ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Done this 12 day of eptember , 1'95. ,\' 1\" . ...... I, t." . A~E.~:' '. ' '.. """ ...'...:. . . . . . . . . . . ;'. (". "~ DWiGHT E. BROCK; CLERK ~., .' ~. '. (" J.t~c;j~~,,~ ~ t. ~ ' '" .. ,. . . - ' \...:<.:.... .... ,~,,,,~.....' APPRQ'VED'. AS' TO,''FORM AND LEGAL ~FFtCIENCY: '. I, .,...",..t..I.... /1'\~~'7n'l2t~~ MARJ IE M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COYJNTY ATTORNEY VARIANCE RESOLUT10N/14798 8~ ~,~ .,~ ';r; '';~~' ',:),~" .i (,,'f ~~ , ...~ -"""1 SEP 1 2 195 "'"l!' 'f '..-"" I ' , ... i ~ I;; ;' >- ~ ~ f! "c_, ':1.. 0:: i h~ ::> CIl >- ~ I ~ I c z ~ :l i 5' 8 co CIl CIl l~ e. < ~ 'I~ ~ 0 z ftl z '" ~I -- ", . -:y ~ ~ t.f\ ~ ~ -1 P,c9 -1 <Yo ~a;,y ..Y~ I') " I/( " 7- - ('- :~ f-4 M lI) M :c >< C&1 ,l ~ '\' :*' '0 cS) '" I ~ ./: f ~ 1 ,~. , . t ,-. 1~1 .-\. .., -, ~ 4~. l' 'l> ..". ~ " ~=,,1- ,'or... ~~ a ~('> ~. ~i> '~ 't~ 1:1 ~. &OOK noo PAl;( 263 I . f. -it. -~, ---- -- DESCRIPTION OF LOT -B" A r ortion of Lot 16, Block 'F', and Lot 11, Block 'H', Replat of UnIt No.3, Little Hlc~ ,)ry Shores as recorded In Plat Book 6, Page 2 of the PubUc Records of CO"I'~r County, Flonda, being more partlcular1y descnbcd as fonows: C )mmenclng at the Sout'lWest comer of Lol1at Blork 'F', Replat of Unl No.3 L1lth~ HIckory Shores as ree ,)(ded hl Plat Book 6, Page 2 of the PubUc Records or Collier County, Flonda;t~el :e along the West line of s lid Lot 16, Block 'F', NOr'l 50,00 feet to the polr. of curvature "Of a curve CO! caved to the East; thence alor J Ihe arc of saId curve, having a radius of 49,61 fe' t, a central angle of 37'\1'300 for 32.22 feet to 3 point on said curve, saId J:olnt beIng the POINT OF BEGINNING of the propert, hereIn described; thence cmllnue along the arc of' salel curve, having a radius r..,f 49.61 feet, a central angh of 31'02'30' for 26.88 feet; thence North 68'15'00' East 127.30 feet to the Northeast comer of Lot ii, Block oW; thence South 43'16'40' East 31.24 feet to the Southeast comer of saId Lot 11, Block 'H', said point beIng on a curve, concaved to the Southeut; thence along the arc of saId curve, having a radius of 1 JO.OO feet, a central angle of 31'44'13' for 72,00 feel: thence South 82'18'17' VI Jst 29.G9 feet; thence West 80.00 feet; thence N ; 1h 31'18'32' West 28.68 f~et to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Subject 10 easements l:lnd !slrlcUons of record, EXH:.'"BIT "8" &00. nOD PAr;E 264