Resolution 1995-530 RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V-95~9, FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER: DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature ot the State ot Florida in Chapter 125, Florida statute,., has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coorcinate and entorce zoning and such business regulations as are necessarl tor the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, tto county pursuart thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. ~1-102) which estallishes regulations tor the zoning (r particular ge< ~raphic divisions (f the County, among which is the gr~nting ot varianLes; and WHEREAS, tt:e Board of Zonir"J Appeals, being tl:! duly elected constituted Board of the area hereby affected, has held a public hearing after notice as in said regulations made ar1 provided, and has considered the advisability of a 8.S-foot variance trom the 20 foot requirement for outdoor clear pa 'king as required j'l the Sterling Oaks POD (ORD. 92-79 As Amended) to 1.S feet as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A" in a PUD zone for the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of tact that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by sa id regu lat ;.ons and in accorda. ',ce with Section 2.7.5 ot the Zoning Regulations f said Land Develo ment Code for the unincorporated arua of Collier C unty; and WHEREAS, all interested par ies have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in public meeting assembled, an~ the Board having considered all ma'ters presented; . h' ~ NOW THEREFORJ, BE IT RESOLVEr. BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ot ~, Collier County, Florida, that: The Petition V-9S-9 filed by Mark W. Minor of Q" Grady Minor & Associates, representing Sterling Oaks Joint Venture, with respect to the property hereinafter described as: Lot 15, Bloc' E, Sterling Oa~s, as recorded in Plat Book 23, Pages S to 2 , of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. < I .I' ,;{I 7~ t, / A :@"., ." ; ~f.# '7.,;; .,> C ,}.' ;~"~ ..~t .~ ..a . ~~-... ~..~ 1t '-..; . " x{ :1 't :A j f i' ;if '$ ;t f ,,' ,jIr,.. ~ t.~ ,.;j. -"" '~ "Y s .;- if .. of');.- 1":'[ ''!: '-~ > :1f,': ~ ':.. ~ \.if: .~ ~,.,'. <~ .:~ .~ ;t ~.- '., ., <~ii :~~ !: .,,1 SEP 1 2195 be and the same hereby is approved for a 8.5 foot variance tram the 20 foot require'Tlent for outdoor clear parking to 11. 5 teet as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", of the PUD! zoning district wherein said property i I located, subject to the fOllowing conditions: EXHIBIT "Bit BE IT RESO ,VED that this R. 'solution relating ';0 Petition Number V-95-9 be recorded in the minut, s of this Board. Commission r HAn~n~k oftered, th' foregoing Resolution and r.,oved tor its adC"\ption, seconded: by Commissioner Norris and l'pon roll call the \ote was: .,1':,' -':i!:~ "I"': ~'~, " eft..' .,,~~ . .'" ~-',.. i'\j j.~ ~ "", l ,1 'l NAYS: AYES: Commissioner Hancock~ Commissioner Norris~ '.ommisisoner Constantin.~ Commiesioner Mac'Kie, and Commissioner MattI ews ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: ABSTENTION: Done this,' 12 day of ,I...,.t"t'""" \. ,..,\ ... ,. l' ~ ~J, .. ('. ~ - " '.. A'1.+i;S-T:' ........" i: " ,: . ..' .( (". , D~iGHT E." BROCK ;'. 'r,::L'ERK {j1~_~:.' ,:): @~~ ?~~ '7 -.# -';I'. ".. . I"" -," ...... " . J .~ t. ".\ . ...... , I, · I.. 1 . .. "'I. I"" APPROVEtf 'AS"1'~ . FORM AND LEGAL September , 19q5. BOARD OF ZONING COLLIER CO TY, \PPEALS ~ SUFFICIENCY: ~ 171. 111: :dIAd IE M. STUDE1T ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY " VARIANCE RESOLUTION/14461 ~ .:,f .;J : { "'!f~ 'I: ,~ , ' )t;.. .;~~- . ., ~ ''',..: . ,~'~" SEP 1 2 195 10 ,1;, 1 .3 ,<,Z. - - - ..,.a: , "~:;;; '~ d~ ;i ,~, :J:.r /", A BELOW /' ," 4' WIDE CONCRETE SIDEWAU< " .. ~- i ~ ),:7 n, l~ .,~, I > !cor fjCO r!'"J 229 ! -'- . f' .slIE....EJ.AM 1" a 30' EXHIBIT itA" .. . . r r - ~-,""'" -:"'1'