Resolution 1995-519 : , .. ~. .,.', \! , " RESOLUTION NO. 95- 519 RESOLO'1'IOH OF '1'HB BOARD OF COOHTY COMHISSIOJlERS, COLLIER COOHTY, FLORIDA AO'1'HORIZIHQ CHARLES SCHWAB , CO., IHC. TO ACT AS AGENT FOR '1'HB SALB OF STOCK CERTIFICATBS WnB TKE PROCEEDS WILL BB USED FOR '1'HB LAKB AVALOH REGIOKAL PARK PROJBCT Dr,RoEAS, the Board ot County Commissioners on June 6, 1995 approved the purchase of Lake Avalon property contingent upon the donation by Herbert and Margaret Sugden in the amount of Five Hunjred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) ot cash or cash equivalE~ts towards the ,urchase and develo)ment ot the Lake Avalon Regional Park Prcject; and DIADS, the Board )f County Commissiclers and Herbert and Margaret Sugden have ent~red into a contrac: concerning this contribution; and DEREAS, Herbert and Margaret Sugden have agreed to transfer stock certificates to the County ,~lued at Five Hundred 1'housand Dollart ($500,000.00) to t~ sold by the County and the proceeds to be t'led for the Lake A\ :don Regional Park Project; and XOW: TJlnEFORB, BB IT RBSOLVED BY '1'HB BOARD OF COUIITY COMMISSIOHERS, COLLIn COUNTY, FLORIDA, th.~: .~ ., " '.~ 1 j i;...;, Charles Schwab' co., Inc. is authoriztld to act as agent for the sale ot the stoe ~ certificates tran,lferred to the I 'If.lo "...'J "'j I'~.'. ~ " County b} Herbert and Me. 'garet Sugden. : '~: '9A'TEO : 'ATTEST: DWIGHT E. _BROCK, Clerk . Q,0 4.JT~ , (': /#~~ =- ~ ApproVe~.~s to torm and ,1:~~m,l.. wt f iciency: iJLL ;} ;h:1t, i H I 1 F. Ashton Assistant County Attorney HF AIbI9940 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNT , FLORIDA By: .," ~:'