Resolution 1995-489 .....,.... RESOLUTION NO. 95- 489 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATES FOR FY 1995-96 1 .,.~ :~l ~'! ~ t .'tJ ..#;~ :1'! .. ", WHEREAS, section 200.065, Florida Statutes, provides the procedure for fixing the millage rates; and WHEREAS Section 129.03, Florida Statutes, sets forth the procedure for preparation and adoption of the budget; and WHEREAS.- the Board of County Commissioners has received and examined the tentative budgets for each ,)f the County;. funds; and , '.....;:... ~ > :~I .""j 1 :J '.~ 1, 'jf .5 II WHEREAS, on July 2!, the Bo Ird of County 1995, commissionet3 adopted Reso~ution No. 95-434 approving the County'. proposed millage rates and setting the public hearings for adoptio~ of the tentativ, and final millage rates; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, a public hearing was held on September 6, 19! 5 to adopt the tentative millage rates. i.'~ ~ '. i'~ ~!":' NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1'1 RESOLVED BY THE 'JOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER C('~TY, FLORIDA, thaL the FY 1995-96 ;~: .~, '11 "~,' t ,I ;;I j "f~'" ;.~ >,;;1;:_ tJ .~ 1:. .~ '~'.,. Tentative Mi Uage Rates as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, are hereby adopted as the Tentative Millage Rates for FY 1995-96, purl; lant to Section 129.03 and 200.065, Florida Statutes. This Re'.olution adopt€ after motion, set md and majority vote favoring same. DATED: SepteMber 6, 1995 ATTEST:'" .. DWIGHT E.' BRI lCK, Clerk -".' . ,. .' .- BOARD OF COUNTY (')MMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNT r LORIDA {~~~#'~/IfT'~V1~ , : :' L---/' ....- Approved as .toform and reqal sufficiency: , . , , , I . ~ . . , . . t . . , . ~& . Oav d C. We:..,el Assistant CCiJnt 41,.. Collier CQunty. florida Property Tax Rates FY 1995/96 Tentative Prior Veer RoUed Deck MilLlge Mill.rJge Fund Title Fund No. RaCe Race General Fund 001 3.5999 3.5287 Water Pollution Control 114 0.0553 0.0542 Total County" 'ide Millage Rate 3.6552 3.5829 Road Oisbict 1 102 0.0324 0.o.n8 !load District 2 103 0.0550 0.0534 .l~d District 3 1<X 0.0532 0.0 i19 Ibid District 4 lOt' 0.2//0 0.2 '67 'Infnc:orporafed Area Genel aJ Fund 111 0.6341 0.698 Golden Gafe Community C nfe!" 13C 0.4024 0.3 69 ;..,farco Island BeaufificatiOf1 131 0.1450 O.l36 Pine Ridge IndustriaJ Park 140 0.2184 0.2',']7 Vidcria Park Drainage 134 1.0049 1.0 Z5 , c .:oJdmGafe Parkway Beautification 136 0..5000 0.4~ 14 . '.ples Production Park 141 0.2078 0.2026 ). .Ie of Capri Fire 144 0.2323 0.2581 (. chopee Fire Conb'ol 146 26372 27'54 ,.if, ( ~llier County Fire 148 2.??oo 2:t l7 >- : ' \ba1 Palm Road MSTU 151 5.7107 5.6<.i33 t, . ~r J :1y Gol! .Estates Beautification 152 1..5000 1.4C,''3 :~:;, ) '\wlcsridge Stormwafer Pumping MSTU 154 0.5585 0.51 :'9 1 IrestLa..kes Roadway & Drainage MSTU 155 0.4703 0.4( '.'6 .' " J nmokalee BeAutification MSTU 156 0.8747 0.8725 Pal'ks GOB Debt Service 206 0.0744 0.0728 Marco Island Coastal Berch R. 'OOurislunent 2fJ7 0.8052 0.7909 Isles of Capri Municipal Rescue 244 0.2';77 0.23.34 ~ '1lliet County Lighting 760 0.1256 0.2( 6 ).. treo Island 775 0.??oo O.OC' 0 p.,tican Bay MSTBU 778 0.0961 0.09 ~ Aggregate Millage Rate 4.3350 4 ~:" 2 SEP - 8 81 '1 .,~ .J";,, 'f )0. , ; , .~., Proposed MilJage Ra~ 3.488~ oJ)S()(/ 3.5395 / S a,.n~~ ./ -t.tS.; -0.6" -l.2S/ 1 ,~. to. .. !, 0.1458 358.5" .'-t, 0.0500 -6.4 " ;~ 0.1006 93.8~ y,? 0.0523 -81.1 ~ ,.~ I' 0.6101 -1.6~ i'i. 0.3912 -1.4~ 0.1712 19.2~ fl 0.2746 24.4~ ,-,"'* ~;~ 0.8545 -14.8~ i 0.5000 o.s~ , 0.3827 88.9~ ;1 " 0.6949 169.2~ .~ 3.2390 18.0~ '1{ ,;tf' -2??oo -6.4~ " " 5.6570 -O.l~ ~ 1.5000 0.7~ ."~ 0.2321 -57 .8~ .J 0.3946 -16.0~ .1 .~i 0.9272 6.3" ~1@ 0.0688 -5.5~ '. ~t 0.7533 -4.8~ "" ..-J o.22B8 -9.7" '" ; 0.1982 -26.2" 1:. 0.0765 NN/A ~ 0.2920 209.3%. ':61- 4.2486/ -O.OS % / i tf ~, " . ..." : &OOK non PAr,~ 31 AGENDA JTf;M No. -'3 (/11 SEP 0 6 1995 Pg. I Collier CuunCY. florid.') Property Tall Dollars FY 1995/9G TenCluivo SEP - 6 1995 Prior Yeor Rolled Dock Pro~d Fund 'rex T4JC Tax ~ ~rict Fund Tille No, ~ Do I.lars Dollars Chan~e " l' General Fund 001 57..534.299 59.880,256 59.204..300 -1.1%. i;: Water PoUution Control 114 883.815 919.747 859.400 -6.61:- ,;~98 ~. ^ 'I. ;"!;~r'i. " Total County Wide Taxes Levied 58.418,115 60.800.003 60,063.700 -L21:- ~' ';'; ,.,.,' . :..~t .~ Road District 1 102 109,166 111.995 513.600 3S8.6~ ":19 l' ;,,20 Road District 2 103 2S9.Z30 279.036 26t,200 -6.4% 1~1 Road District 3 104- 143,366 147.610 286.000 93.8% ~38' Road District 4 106 309,983 318.607 60,200 -81.1~ /f~ 'V Unincorporated Area Gt!neral Fund 1,544.!17 7,898,866 1;T/4,9OO -L6~ '85 111 ~18 Golden Gate Coaununit) Center 130 236,542 240.760 231,300 -1.4% ~:'0 Marco Island aeaut:ificat m 131 3S5:n5 363,5SS 433.soo 19.2% j:19 Pine Ridge IndustrlaJ Pa k 140 35.804 36.170 45,000 24.4% "..23 Victoria Park Drainage 134 11.774 11,849 10.100 -14.8% '.f~.. ~92 Golden Gate Parkway & auti.fi.cation 136 171.446 173.831 174,100 0.5% '~'O1 Naples Production Park 141 29.661 3O.U4 56,900 88.9% '*39 Isle of Capri Fire 144 32.608 33.393 89.900 169.2% '1,8 Ochopee Fire Control 146 285.889 290.644 342,900 18.01:. . .~97 Collier County Fire 148 318.963 319,366 298.soo -6.4% '\111 Saba! Palm Road MSTTJ 151 32.236 32.236 32.200 -0.1 ~ "110 Lely GolIEstlltes Beauti..6cltion 152 94,761 94.856 95,500 0.7% .\. ,153 Hawbridge Storrnwater Pumping MS 154 3.699 4..501 1.900 -57.81:. -:~54 Forest Lakes Roach"ay & Drainage MS 155 39,593 4o.1o.t 34,200 -16.01:- 155 Immokalee Beautification MSTU 156 187,177 188,568 200,4.00 6.3 ,;. 'M' (~80 Parks GOB Debt Service 206 947,793 994,985 94.0,500 -5.51:- 1~ MArco Island CoAStal &4(.''' Renourish 2(]7 711,4.95 741,559 706,300 -4.8~ '158 Isles of Capri MwUc:ipal Rescue 244 32.013 32.785 29,600 -9.7r. ~:;,"7 CoWer County Lighting 760 581,251 598.0.;9 4.4.1,300 -26.2% *37 Marco Island 775 0 0 193.600 tfN/A , 1$0 Peliosn Bay MSTBU 778 128.730 144.985 448.400 209.3% Total Taxes levied 71.027,538 73.929.038 73,772.600 -0.21 ,;. Aggregate Taxes 69.330.237 72.159.709 72.096.200 ~.09% '~'l!f< ; "'I.'" .. ~~ ~ "" .t"" :f' .' ~" j; ,~ ''6. .:I,;e; '1 ,~ \,~ ,. Jt..~ ';:~ ""~ .~.. ~ 1:1 << >.. ;;;+ '. ~ ;;. "~ ,41~_~ .... ,;Jt~ .~ }' '}!, ;!! "it! ". -.., ",~..~,",.,'..,",.., ~ - /:If, :l <; I &OOK noo PAGt 32 N~~EN~A?J~ SEP 0 6 1995 Pg. ..2..